Source code for mtpy.modeling.occam1d

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    * Wrapper class to interact with Occam1D written by Kerry Keys at Scripps 
      adapted from the method of Constable et al., [1987].

    * This class only deals with the MT functionality of the Fortran code, so
      it can make the input files for computing the 1D MT response of an input
      model and or data.  It can also read the output and plot them in a
      useful way.

    * Note that when you run the inversion code, the convergence is quite
      quick, within the first few iterations, so have a look at the L2 cure
      to decide which iteration to plot, otherwise if you look at iterations
      long after convergence the models will be unreliable.

    * Key, K., 2009, 1D inversion of multicomponent, multi-frequency marine
      CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin
      resistive layers: Geophysics, 74, F9–F20.

    * The original paper describing the Occam's inversion approach is:

    * Constable, S. C., R. L. Parker, and C. G. Constable, 1987,
      Occam’s inversion –– A practical algorithm for generating smooth
      models from electromagnetic sounding data, Geophysics, 52 (03), 289–300.

    :Intended Use: ::

        >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as occam1d
        >>> #--> make a data file
        >>> d1 = occam1d.Data()
        >>> d1.write_data_file(edi_file=r'/home/MT/mt01.edi', res_err=10, phase_err=2.5,
        >>> ...                save_path=r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE", mode='TE')
        >>> #--> make a model file
        >>> m1 = occam1d.Model()
        >>> m1.write_model_file(save_path=d1.save_path, target_depth=15000)
        >>> #--> make a startup file
        >>> s1 = occam1d.Startup()
        >>> s1.data_fn = d1.data_fn
        >>> s1.model_fn = m1.model_fn
        >>> s1.save_path = m1.save_path
        >>> s1.write_startup_file()
        >>> #--> run occam1d from python
        >>> occam_path = r"/home/occam1d/Occam1D_executable"
        >>> occam1d.Run(s1.startup_fn, occam_path, mode='TE')
        >>> #--plot the L2 curve
        >>> l2 = occam1d.PlotL2(d1.save_path, m1.model_fn)
        >>> #--> see that iteration 7 is the optimum model to plot
        >>> p1 = occam1d.Plot1DResponse()
        >>> p1.data_te_fn = d1.data_fn
        >>> p1.model_fn = m1.model_fn
        >>> p1.iter_te_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/TE_7.iter"
        >>> p1.resp_te_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/TE_7.resp"
        >>> p1.plot()

@author: J. Peacock (Oct. 2013)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import os
import os.path as op
import time
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import as mt
import mtpy.utils.calculator as mtcc
import mtpy.analysis.geometry as mtg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess
import string

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Data(object): """ reads and writes occam 1D data files ===================== ===================================================== Attributes Description ===================== ===================================================== _data_fn basename of data file *default* is Occam1DDataFile _header_line header line for description of data columns _ss string spacing *default* is 6*' ' _string_fmt format of data *default* is '+.6e' data array of data data_fn full path to data file freq frequency array of data mode mode to invert for [ 'TE' | 'TM' | 'det' ] phase_te array of TE phase phase_tm array of TM phase res_te array of TE apparent resistivity res_tm array of TM apparent resistivity resp_fn full path to response file save_path path to save files to ===================== ===================================================== ===================== ===================================================== Methods Description ===================== ===================================================== write_data_file write an Occam1D data file read_data_file read an Occam1D data file read_resp_file read a .resp file output by Occam1D ===================== ===================================================== :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as occam1d >>> #--> make a data file for TE mode >>> d1 = occam1d.Data() >>> d1.write_data_file(edi_file=r'/home/MT/mt01.edi', res_err=10, phase_err=2.5, >>> ... save_path=r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE", mode='TE') """ def __init__(self, data_fn=None, **kwargs): self.data_fn = data_fn if self.data_fn is not None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.data_fn) else: self.save_path = os.getcwd() self._string_fmt = '+.6e' self._ss = 6 * ' ' self._data_fn = 'Occam1d_DataFile' self._header_line = '!{0}\n'.format(' '.join(['Type', 'Freq#', 'TX#', 'Rx#', 'Data', 'Std_Error'])) self.mode = 'det' = None self.freq = None self.res_te = None self.res_tm = None self.phase_te = None self.phase_tm = None self.resp_fn = None for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def write_data_file(self, rp_tuple=None, edi_file=None, save_path=None, mode='det', res_err='data', phase_err='data', thetar=0, res_errorfloor=0., phase_errorfloor=0., z_errorfloor=0., remove_outofquadrant=False): """ make1Ddatafile will write a data file for Occam1D Arguments: --------- **rp_tuple** : np.ndarray (freq, res, res_err, phase, phase_err) with res, phase having shape (num_freq, 2, 2). **edi_file** : string full path to edi file to be modeled. **save_path** : string path to save the file, if None set to dirname of station if edipath = None. Otherwise set to dirname of edipath. **thetar** : float rotation angle to rotate Z. Clockwise positive and N=0 *default* = 0 **mode** : [ 'te' | 'tm' | 'det'] mode to model can be (*default*='both'): - 'te' for just TE mode (res/phase) - 'tm' for just TM mode (res/phase) - 'det' for the determinant of Z (converted to res/phase) add 'z' to any of these options to model impedance tensor values instead of res/phase **res_err** : float errorbar for resistivity values. Can be set to ( *default* = 'data'): - 'data' for errorbars from the data - percent number ex. 10 for ten percent **phase_err** : float errorbar for phase values. Can be set to ( *default* = 'data'): - 'data' for errorbars from the data - percent number ex. 10 for ten percent **res_errorfloor**: float error floor for resistivity values in percent **phase_errorfloor**: float error floor for phase in degrees **remove_outofquadrant**: True/False; option to remove the resistivity and phase values for points with phases out of the 1st/3rd quadrant (occam requires 0 < phase < 90 degrees; phases in the 3rd quadrant are shifted to the first by adding 180 degrees) :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as occam1d >>> #--> make a data file >>> d1 = occam1d.Data() >>> d1.write_data_file(edi_file=r'/home/MT/mt01.edi', res_err=10, >>> ... phase_err=2.5, mode='TE', >>> ... save_path=r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE") """ # be sure that the input mode is not case sensitive self.mode = mode.lower() if self.mode == 'te': d1_str = 'RhoZxy' d2_str = 'PhsZxy' elif self.mode == 'tm': d1_str = 'RhoZyx' d2_str = 'PhsZyx' elif self.mode == 'det': d1_str = 'RhoZxy' d2_str = 'PhsZxy' elif self.mode == 'detz': d1_str = 'RealZxy' d2_str = 'ImagZxy' elif self.mode == 'tez': d1_str = 'RealZxy' d2_str = 'ImagZxy' elif self.mode == 'tmz': d1_str = 'RealZyx' d2_str = 'ImagZyx' # read in data as a tuple or .edi file if edi_file is None and rp_tuple is None: raise IOError('Need to input either an edi file or rp_array') if edi_file is not None: # read in edifile mt_obj = mt.MT(edi_file) z_obj = mt_obj.Z z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() # get frequencies to invert freq = z_obj.freq nf = len(freq) # rotate if necessary if thetar != 0: z_obj.rotate(thetar) # get the data requested by the given mode if self.mode == 'te': data_1 = z_obj.resistivity[:, 0, 1] data_1_err = z_obj.resistivity_err[:, 0, 1] data_2 = z_obj.phase[:, 0, 1] data_2_err = z_obj.phase_err[:, 0, 1] elif self.mode == 'tm': data_1 = z_obj.resistivity[:, 1, 0] data_1_err = z_obj.resistivity_err[:, 1, 0] # need to put the angle in the right quadrant data_2 = z_obj.phase[:, 1, 0] % 180 data_2_err = z_obj.phase_err[:, 1, 0] elif self.mode.startswith('det'): # take square root as determinant is similar to z squared zdetreal = (z_obj.det ** 0.5).real zdetimag = (z_obj.det ** 0.5).imag # error propagation - new error is 0.5 * relative error in zdet # then convert back to absolute error zereal = np.abs(zdetreal) * 0.5 * z_obj.det_err / np.abs(z_obj.det) zeimag = np.abs(zdetimag) * 0.5 * z_obj.det_err / np.abs(z_obj.det) if self.mode.endswith('z'): # convert to si units if we are modelling impedance tensor data_1 = zdetreal * np.pi * 4e-4 data_1_err = zereal * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2 = zdetimag * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2_err = zeimag * np.pi * 4e-4 else: # convert to res/phase data_1 = .2 / freq * np.abs(z_obj.det) data_2 = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(zdetimag, zdetreal)) # initialise error arrays data_1_err = np.zeros_like(data_1, dtype=np.float) data_2_err = np.zeros_like(data_2, dtype=np.float) # assign errors for zdr, zdi, zer, zei, ii in zip(zdetreal, zdetimag, zereal, zeimag, list(range(len(z_obj.det)))): # now we can convert errors to polar coordinates de1, de2 = mtcc.z_error2r_phi_error(zdr, zdi, (zei+zer)/2.) de1 *= data_1[ii] data_1_err[ii] = de1 data_2_err[ii] = de2 elif self.mode == 'tez': # convert to si units data_1 = z_obj.z[:, 0, 1].real * np.pi * 4e-4 data_1_err = z_obj.z_err[:, 0, 1] * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2 = z_obj.z[:, 0, 1].imag * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2_err = z_obj.z_err[:, 0, 1] * np.pi * 4e-4 elif self.mode == 'tmz': # convert to si units data_1 = z_obj.z[:, 1, 0].real * np.pi * 4e-4 data_1_err = z_obj.z_err[:, 1, 0] * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2 = z_obj.z[:, 1, 0].imag * np.pi * 4e-4 data_2_err = z_obj.z_err[:, 1, 0] * np.pi * 4e-4 else: raise IOError('Mode {0} is not supported.'.format(self.mode)) if rp_tuple is not None: if len(rp_tuple) != 5: raise IOError('Be sure rp_array is correctly formated\n' 'should be freq, res, res_err, phase, phase_err') freq, rho, rho_err, phi, phi_err = rp_tuple nf = len(freq) if self.mode in 'te': data_1 = rho[:, 0, 1] data_1_err = rho_err[:, 0, 1] data_2 = phi[:, 0, 1] data_2_err = phi_err[:, 0, 1] elif self.mode in 'tm': data_1 = rho[:, 1, 0] data_1_err = rho_err[:, 1, 0] data_2 = phi[:, 1, 0] % 180 data_2_err = phi_err[:, 1, 0] if 'det' in mode.lower(): data_1 = rho[:, 0, 1] data_1_err = rho_err[:, 0, 1] data_2 = phi[:, 0, 1] data_2_err = phi_err[:, 0, 1] if remove_outofquadrant: freq, data_1, data_1_err, data_2, data_2_err = self._remove_outofquadrant_phase( freq, data_1, data_1_err, data_2, data_2_err) nf = len(freq) # ---> get errors-------------------------------------- # set error floors if 'z' in self.mode: if z_errorfloor > 0: data_1_err = np.abs(data_1_err) test = data_1_err / np.abs(data_1 + 1j * data_2) < z_errorfloor / 100. data_1_err[test] = np.abs(data_1 + 1j * data_2)[test] * z_errorfloor / 100. data_2_err = data_1_err.copy() else: if res_errorfloor > 0: test = data_1_err / data_1 < res_errorfloor / 100. data_1_err[test] = data_1[test] * res_errorfloor / 100. if phase_errorfloor > 0: data_2_err[data_2_err < phase_errorfloor] = phase_errorfloor if res_err != 'data': data_1_err = data_1 * res_err / 100. if phase_err != 'data': data_2_err = np.repeat(phase_err / 100. * (180 / np.pi), nf) # --> write file # make sure the savepath exists, if not create it if save_path is not None: self.save_path = save_path if self.save_path == None: try: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(edi_file) except TypeError: pass elif os.path.basename(self.save_path).find('.') > 0: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.save_path) self._data_fn = os.path.basename(self.save_path) if not os.path.exists(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) if self.data_fn is None: self.data_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, '{0}_{1}.dat'.format(self._data_fn, mode.upper())) # --> write file as a list of lines dlines = [] dlines.append('Format: EMData_1.1 \n') dlines.append('!mode: {0}\n'.format(mode.upper())) dlines.append('!rotation_angle = {0:.2f}\n'.format(thetar)) # needs a transmitter to work so put in a dummy one dlines.append('# Transmitters: 1\n') dlines.append('0 0 0 0 0 \n') # write frequencies dlines.append('# Frequencies: {0}\n'.format(nf)) if freq[0] < freq[1]: freq = freq[::-1] data_1 = data_1[::-1] data_2 = data_2[::-1] data_1_err = data_1_err[::-1] data_2_err = data_2_err[::-1] for ff in freq: dlines.append(' {0:{1}}\n'.format(ff, self._string_fmt)) # needs a receiver to work so put in a dummy one dlines.append('# Receivers: 1 \n') dlines.append('0 0 0 0 0 0 \n') # write data dlines.append('# Data:{0}{1}\n'.format(self._ss, 2 * nf)) num_data_line = len(dlines) dlines.append(self._header_line) data_count = 0 # data1 = np.abs(data1) # data2 = np.abs(data2) for ii in range(nf): # write lines if data_1[ii] != 0.0: dlines.append(self._ss.join([d1_str, str(ii + 1), '0', '1', '{0:{1}}'.format(data_1[ii], self._string_fmt), '{0:{1}}\n'.format(data_1_err[ii], self._string_fmt)])) data_count += 1 if data_2[ii] != 0.0: dlines.append(self._ss.join([d2_str, str(ii + 1), '0', '1', '{0:{1}}'.format(data_2[ii], self._string_fmt), '{0:{1}}\n'.format(data_2_err[ii], self._string_fmt)])) data_count += 1 # --> write file dlines[num_data_line - 1] = '# Data:{0}{1}\n'.format(self._ss, data_count) with open(self.data_fn, 'w') as dfid: dfid.writelines(dlines) print('Wrote Data File to : {0}'.format(self.data_fn)) # --> set attributes if 'z' in mode.lower(): self.z = data_1 + 1j * data_2 self.z_err = data_1_err else: if 'det' in mode.lower(): self.res_det = data_1 self.phase_det = data_2 elif self.mode == 'te': self.res_te = data_1 self.phase_te = data_2 elif self.mode == 'tm': self.res_tm = data_1 self.phase_tm = data_2 self.res_err = data_1_err self.phase_err = data_2_err self.freq = freq
def _remove_outofquadrant_phase(self, freq, d1, d1_err, d2, d2_err): """ remove out of quadrant phase from data """ # remove data points with phase out of quadrant if 'z' in self.mode: include = (d1 / d2 > 0) & (d1 / d2 > 0) elif self.mode in ['det', 'te', 'tm']: include = (d2 % 180 <= 90) & (d2 % 180 >= 0) & (d2 % 180 <= 90) & (d2 % 180 >= 0) newfreq, nd1, nd1_err, nd2, nd2_err = [arr[include] for arr in [freq, d1, d1_err, d2, d2_err]] # fix any zero errors to 100% of the res value or 90 degrees for phase nd1_err[nd1_err == 0] = nd1[nd1_err == 0] if 'z' in self.mode: nd2_err[nd2_err == 0] = nd2[nd2_err == 0] else: nd2_err[nd2_err == 0] = 90 return newfreq, nd1, nd1_err, nd2, nd2_err
[docs] def read_data_file(self, data_fn=None): """ reads a 1D data file Arguments: ---------- **data_fn** : full path to data file Returns: -------- **Occam1D.rpdict** : dictionary with keys: *'freq'* : an array of frequencies with length nf *'resxy'* : TE resistivity array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *'resyx'* : TM resistivity array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *'phasexy'* : TE phase array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *'phaseyx'* : TM phase array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr :Example: :: >>> old = occam1d.Data() >>> old.data_fn = r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE/MT01TE.dat" >>> old.read_data_file() """ if data_fn is not None: self.data_fn = data_fn if self.data_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input a data file') elif os.path.isfile(self.data_fn) == False: raise IOError('Could not find {0}, check path'.format(self.data_fn)) self._data_fn = os.path.basename(self.data_fn) self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.data_fn) dfid = open(self.data_fn, 'r') # read in lines dlines = dfid.readlines() dfid.close() # make a dictionary of all the fields found so can put them into arrays finddict = {} for ii, dline in enumerate(dlines): if dline.find('#') <= 3: fkey = dline[2:].strip().split(':')[0] fvalue = ii finddict[fkey] = fvalue # get number of frequencies nfreq = int(dlines[finddict['Frequencies']][2:].strip().split(':')[1].strip()) # frequency list freq = np.array([float(ff) for ff in dlines[finddict['Frequencies'] + 1: finddict['Receivers']]]) # data dictionary to put things into # check to see if there is alread one, if not make a new one if is None: = {'freq': freq, 'zxy': np.zeros((4, nfreq), dtype=complex), 'zyx': np.zeros((4, nfreq), dtype=complex), 'resxy': np.zeros((4, nfreq)), 'resyx': np.zeros((4, nfreq)), 'phasexy': np.zeros((4, nfreq)), 'phaseyx': np.zeros((4, nfreq))} # get data for dline in dlines[finddict['Data'] + 1:]: if dline.find('!') == 0: pass else: dlst = dline.strip().split() dlst = [dd.strip() for dd in dlst] if len(dlst) > 4: jj = int(dlst[1]) - 1 dvalue = float(dlst[4]) derr = float(dlst[5]) if dlst[0] == 'RhoZxy' or dlst[0] == '103': self.mode = 'TE'['resxy'][0, jj] = dvalue['resxy'][1, jj] = derr if dlst[0] == 'PhsZxy' or dlst[0] == '104': self.mode = 'TE'['phasexy'][0, jj] = dvalue['phasexy'][1, jj] = derr if dlst[0] == 'RhoZyx' or dlst[0] == '105': self.mode = 'TM'['resyx'][0, jj] = dvalue['resyx'][1, jj] = derr if dlst[0] == 'PhsZyx' or dlst[0] == '106': self.mode = 'TM'['phaseyx'][0, jj] = dvalue['phaseyx'][1, jj] = derr if dlst[0] == 'RealZxy' or dlst[0] == '113': self.mode = 'TEz'['zxy'][0, jj] = dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4) if dlst[0] == 'ImagZxy' or dlst[0] == '114': self.mode = 'TEz'['zxy'][0, jj] += 1j * dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4) if dlst[0] == 'RealZyx' or dlst[0] == '115': self.mode = 'TMz'['zyx'][0, jj] = dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4) if dlst[0] == 'ImagZyx' or dlst[0] == '116': self.mode = 'TMz'['zyx'][0, jj] += 1j * dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4) if 'z' in self.mode: if 'TE' in self.mode: pol = 'xy' elif 'TM' in self.mode: pol = 'yx'['res' + pol][0] = 0.2 * np.abs(['z' + pol][0]) ** 2. / freq['phase' + pol][0] = np.rad2deg( np.arctan(['res' + pol][0].imag /['res' + pol][0].real)) for jjj in range(len(freq)): res_rel_err, phase_err = \ mtcc.z_error2r_phi_error(['z' + pol][0, jjj].real,['z' + pol][0, jjj].imag,['z' + pol][1, jjj])['res' + pol][1, jjj],['phase' + pol][1, jjj] = \ res_rel_err*['res' + pol][0, jjj], phase_err['resyx'][0] = 0.2 * np.abs(['zxy'][0]) ** 2. / freq self.freq = freq self.res_te =['resxy'] self.res_tm =['resyx'] self.phase_te =['phasexy'] self.phase_tm =['phaseyx']
[docs] def read_resp_file(self, resp_fn=None, data_fn=None): """ read response file Arguments: --------- **resp_fn** : full path to response file **data_fn** : full path to data file Fills: -------- *freq* : an array of frequencies with length nf *res_te* : TE resistivity array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *res_tm* : TM resistivity array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *phase_te* : TE phase array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr *phase_tm* : TM phase array with shape (nf,4) for (0) data, (1) dataerr, (2) model, (3) modelerr :Example: :: >>> o1d = occam1d.Data() >>> o1d.data_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/Occam1D_DataFile_TE.dat" >>> o1d.read_resp_file(r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/TE_7.resp") """ if resp_fn is not None: self.resp_fn = resp_fn if self.resp_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input response file') if data_fn is not None: self.data_fn = data_fn if self.data_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input data file') # --> read in data file self.read_data_file() # --> read response file dfid = open(self.resp_fn, 'r') dlines = dfid.readlines() dfid.close() finddict = {} for ii, dline in enumerate(dlines): if dline.find('#') <= 3: fkey = dline[2:].strip().split(':')[0] fvalue = ii finddict[fkey] = fvalue for dline in dlines[finddict['Data'] + 1:]: if dline.find('!') == 0: pass else: dlst = dline.strip().split() if len(dlst) > 4: jj = int(dlst[1]) - 1 dvalue = float(dlst[4]) derr = float(dlst[5]) rvalue = float(dlst[6]) try: rerr = float(dlst[7]) except ValueError: rerr = 1000. if dlst[0] == 'RhoZxy' or dlst[0] == '103': self.res_te[0, jj] = dvalue self.res_te[1, jj] = derr self.res_te[2, jj] = rvalue self.res_te[3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'PhsZxy' or dlst[0] == '104': self.phase_te[0, jj] = dvalue self.phase_te[1, jj] = derr self.phase_te[2, jj] = rvalue self.phase_te[3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'RhoZyx' or dlst[0] == '105': self.res_tm[0, jj] = dvalue self.res_tm[1, jj] = derr self.res_tm[2, jj] = rvalue self.res_tm[3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'PhsZyx' or dlst[0] == '106': self.phase_tm[0, jj] = dvalue self.phase_tm[1, jj] = derr self.phase_tm[2, jj] = rvalue self.phase_tm[3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'RealZxy' or dlst[0] == '113': self.mode = 'TEz'['zxy'][0, jj] = dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][2, jj] = rvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'ImagZxy' or dlst[0] == '114': self.mode = 'TEz'['zxy'][0, jj] += 1j * dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][2, jj] += 1j * rvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zxy'][3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'RealZyx' or dlst[0] == '115': self.mode = 'TMz'['zyx'][0, jj] = dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][2, jj] = rvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][3, jj] = rerr if dlst[0] == 'ImagZyx' or dlst[0] == '116': self.mode = 'TMz'['zyx'][0, jj] += 1j * dvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][1, jj] = derr / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][2, jj] += 1j * rvalue / (np.pi * 4e-4)['zyx'][3, jj] = rerr if 'z' in self.mode: if 'TE' in self.mode: pol = 'xy' elif 'TM' in self.mode: pol = 'yx' for ii in [0, 2]:['res' + pol][0 + ii] = 0.2 * np.abs(['z' + pol][0 + ii]) ** 2. / self.freq['phase' + pol][0 + ii] = np.rad2deg( np.arctan(['z' + pol][0 + ii].imag /['z' + pol][0 + ii].real))['res' + pol][1 + ii] =['res' + pol][0 + ii] *['z' + pol][ 1 + ii].real / np.abs(['z' + pol][0 + ii]) for jjj in range(len(self.freq)):['phase' + pol][1 + ii, jjj] = \ mtcc.z_error2r_phi_error(['z' + pol][0 + ii, jjj].real,['z' + pol][0 + ii, jjj].imag,['z' + pol][1 + ii, jjj].real)[1] if pol == 'xy': self.res_te =['resxy'] self.phase_te =['phasexy'] elif pol == 'yx': self.res_tm =['resyx'] self.phase_tm =['phaseyx']
[docs]class Model(object): """ read and write the model file fo Occam1D All depth measurements are in meters. ======================== ================================================== Attributes Description ======================== ================================================== _model_fn basename for model file *default* is Model1D _ss string spacing in model file *default* is 3*' ' _string_fmt format of model layers *default* is '.0f' air_layer_height height of air layer *default* is 10000 bottom_layer bottom of the model *default* is 50000 itdict dictionary of values from iteration file iter_fn full path to iteration file model_depth array of model depths model_fn full path to model file model_penalty array of penalties for each model layer model_preference_penalty array of model preference penalties for each layer model_prefernce array of preferences for each layer model_res array of resistivities for each layer n_layers number of layers in the model num_params number of parameters to invert for (n_layers+2) pad_z padding of model at depth *default* is 5 blocks save_path path to save files target_depth depth of target to investigate z1_layer depth of first layer *default* is 10 ======================== ================================================== ======================== ================================================== Methods Description ======================== ================================================== write_model_file write an Occam1D model file, where depth increases on a logarithmic scale read_model_file read an Occam1D model file read_iter_file read an .iter file output by Occam1D ======================== ================================================== :Example: :: >>> #--> make a model file >>> m1 = occam1d.Model() >>> m1.write_model_file(save_path=r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE") """ def __init__(self, model_fn=None, **kwargs): self.model_fn = model_fn self.iter_fn = None self.n_layers = kwargs.pop('n_layers', 100) self.bottom_layer = kwargs.pop('bottom_layer', None) self.target_depth = kwargs.pop('target_depth', None) self.pad_z = kwargs.pop('pad_z', 5) self.z1_layer = kwargs.pop('z1_layer', 10) self.air_layer_height = kwargs.pop('zir_layer_height', 10000) self._set_layerdepth_defaults() self.save_path = kwargs.pop('save_path', None) if self.model_fn is not None and self.save_path is None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) self._ss = ' ' * 3 self._string_fmt = '.0f' self._model_fn = 'Model1D' self.model_res = None self.model_depth = None self.model_penalty = None self.model_prefernce = None self.model_preference_penalty = None self.num_params = None def _set_layerdepth_defaults(self, z1_threshold=3., bottomlayer_threshold=2.): """ set target depth, bottom layer and z1 layer, making sure all the layers are consistent with each other and will work in the inversion (e.g. check target depth is not deeper than bottom layer) """ if self.target_depth is None: if self.bottom_layer is None: # if neither target_depth nor bottom_layer are set, set defaults self.target_depth = 10000. else: self.target_depth = mtcc.roundsf(self.bottom_layer / 5., 1.) if self.bottom_layer is None: self.bottom_layer = 5. * self.target_depth # if bottom layer less than a factor of 2 greater than target depth then adjust deeper elif float(self.bottom_layer) / self.target_depth < bottomlayer_threshold: self.bottom_layer = bottomlayer_threshold * self.target_depth print("bottom layer not deep enough for target depth, set to {} m".format(self.bottom_layer)) if self.z1_layer is None: self.z1_layer = mtcc.roundsf(self.target_depth / 1000., 0) elif self.target_depth / self.z1_layer < z1_threshold: self.z1_layer = self.target_depth / z1_threshold print("z1 layer not deep enough for target depth, set to {} m".format(self.z1_layer))
[docs] def write_model_file(self, save_path=None, **kwargs): """ Makes a 1D model file for Occam1D. Arguments: ---------- **save_path** :path to save file to, if just path saved as savepath\model.mod, if None defaults to dirpath **n_layers** : number of layers **bottom_layer** : depth of bottom layer in meters **target_depth** : depth to target under investigation **pad_z** : padding on bottom of model past target_depth **z1_layer** : depth of first layer in meters **air_layer_height** : height of air layers in meters Returns: -------- **Occam1D.modelfn** = full path to model file ..Note: This needs to be redone. :Example: :: >>> old = occam.Occam1D() >>> old.make1DModelFile(savepath=r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE", >>> nlayers=50,bottomlayer=10000,z1layer=50) >>> Wrote Model file: /home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE/Model1D """ if save_path is not None: self.save_path = save_path if os.path.isdir == False: os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.model_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, self._model_fn) for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) if self.model_depth is None: # ---------create depth layers-------------------- log_z = np.logspace(np.log10(self.z1_layer), np.log10(self.target_depth - np.logspace(np.log10(self.z1_layer), np.log10(self.target_depth), num=self.n_layers)[-2]), num=self.n_layers - self.pad_z) ztarget = np.array([zz - zz % 10 ** np.floor(np.log10(zz)) for zz in log_z]) log_zpad = np.logspace(np.log10(self.target_depth), np.log10(self.bottom_layer - np.logspace(np.log10(self.target_depth), np.log10(self.bottom_layer), num=self.pad_z)[-2]), num=self.pad_z) zpadding = np.array([zz - zz % 10 ** np.floor(np.log10(zz)) for zz in log_zpad]) z_nodes = np.append(ztarget, zpadding) self.model_depth = np.array([z_nodes[:ii + 1].sum() for ii in range(z_nodes.shape[0])]) else: self.n_layers = len(self.model_depth) self.num_params = self.n_layers + 2 # make the model file modfid = open(self.model_fn, 'w') modfid.write('Format: Resistivity1DMod_1.0' + '\n') modfid.write('#LAYERS: {0}\n'.format(self.num_params)) modfid.write('!Set free values to -1 or ? \n') modfid.write('!penalize between 1 and 0,' + '0 allowing jump between layers and 1 smooth. \n') modfid.write('!preference is the assumed resistivity on linear scale. \n') modfid.write('!pref_penalty needs to be put if preference is not 0 [0,1]. \n') modfid.write('! {0}\n'.format(self._ss.join(['top_depth', 'resistivity', 'penalty', 'preference', 'pref_penalty']))) modfid.write(self._ss.join([str(-self.air_layer_height), '1d12', '0', '0', '0', '!air layer', '\n'])) modfid.write(self._ss.join(['0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '!first ground layer', '\n'])) for ll in self.model_depth: modfid.write(self._ss.join(['{0:{1}}'.format(np.ceil(ll), self._string_fmt), '-1', '1', '0', '0', '\n'])) modfid.close() print('Wrote Model file: {0}'.format(self.model_fn))
[docs] def read_model_file(self, model_fn=None): """ will read in model 1D file Arguments: ---------- **modelfn** : full path to model file Fills attributes: -------- * model_depth' : depth of model in meters * model_res : value of resisitivity * model_penalty : penalty * model_preference : preference * model_penalty_preference : preference penalty :Example: :: >>> m1 = occam1d.Model() >>> m1.savepath = r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE" >>> m1.read_model_file() """ if model_fn is not None: self.model_fn = model_fn if self.model_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input a model file') elif os.path.isfile(self.model_fn) == False: raise IOError('Could not find{0}, check path'.format(self.model_fn)) self._model_fn = os.path.basename(self.model_fn) self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) mfid = open(self.model_fn, 'r') mlines = mfid.readlines() mfid.close() mdict = {} mdict['nparam'] = 0 for key in ['depth', 'res', 'pen', 'pref', 'prefpen']: mdict[key] = [] for mm, mline in enumerate(mlines): if mline.find('!') == 0: pass elif mline.find(':') >= 0: mlst = mline.strip().split(':') mdict[mlst[0]] = mlst[1] else: mlst = mline.strip().split() mdict['depth'].append(float(mlst[0])) if mlst[1] == '?': mdict['res'].append(-1) elif mlst[1] == '1d12': mdict['res'].append(1.0E12) else: try: mdict['res'].append(float(mlst[1])) except ValueError: mdict['res'].append(-1) mdict['pen'].append(float(mlst[2])) mdict['pref'].append(float(mlst[3])) mdict['prefpen'].append(float(mlst[4])) if mlst[1] == '-1' or mlst[1] == '?': mdict['nparam'] += 1 # make everything an array for key in ['depth', 'res', 'pen', 'pref', 'prefpen']: mdict[key] = np.array(mdict[key]) # create an array with empty columns to put the TE and TM models into mres = np.zeros((len(mdict['res']), 2)) mres[:, 0] = mdict['res'] mdict['res'] = mres # make attributes self.model_res = mdict['res'] self.model_depth = mdict['depth'] self.model_penalty = mdict['pen'] self.model_prefernce = mdict['pref'] self.model_preference_penalty = mdict['prefpen'] self.num_params = mdict['nparam']
[docs] def read_iter_file(self, iter_fn=None, model_fn=None): """ read an 1D iteration file Arguments: ---------- **imode** : mode to read from Returns: -------- **Occam1D.itdict** : dictionary with keys of the header: **model_res** : fills this array with the appropriate values (0) for data, (1) for model :Example: :: >>> m1 = occam1d.Model() >>> m1.model_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/Model1D" >>> m1.read_iter_file(r"/home/Occam1D/Inv1_TE/M01TE_15.iter") """ if iter_fn is not None: self.iter_fn = iter_fn if self.iter_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input iteration file') if model_fn is not None: self.model_fn = model_fn if self.model_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input a model file') else: self.read_model_file() freeparams = np.where(self.model_res == -1)[0] with open(self.iter_fn, 'r') as ifid: ilines = ifid.readlines() self.itdict = {} model = [] for ii, iline in enumerate(ilines): if iline.find(':') >= 0: ikey = iline[0:20].strip() ivalue = iline[20:].split('!')[0].strip() self.itdict[ikey[:-1]] = ivalue else: try: ilst = iline.strip().split() for kk in ilst: model.append(float(kk)) except ValueError: pass # put the model values into the model dictionary into the res array # for easy manipulation and access. model = np.array(model) self.model_res[freeparams, 1] = model
[docs]class Startup(object): """ read and write input files for Occam1D ====================== ==================================================== Attributes Description ====================== ==================================================== _ss string spacing _startup_fn basename of startup file *default* is OccamStartup1D data_fn full path to data file debug_level debug level *default* is 1 description description of inversion for your self *default* is 1D_Occam_Inv max_iter maximum number of iterations *default* is 20 model_fn full path to model file rough_type roughness type *default* is 1 save_path full path to save files to start_iter first iteration number *default* is 0 start_lagrange starting lagrange number on log scale *default* is 5 start_misfit starting misfit value *default* is 100 start_rho starting resistivity value (halfspace) in log scale *default* is 100 start_rough starting roughness (ignored by Occam1D) *default* is 1E7 startup_fn full path to startup file target_rms target rms *default* is 1.0 ====================== ==================================================== """ def __init__(self, data_fn=None, model_fn=None, **kwargs): self.data_fn = data_fn self.model_fn = model_fn if self.data_fn is not None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.data_fn) elif self.model_fn is not None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) self.startup_fn = None self.rough_type = kwargs.pop('rough_type', 1) self.max_iter = kwargs.pop('max_iter', 20) self.target_rms = kwargs.pop('target_rms', 1) self.start_rho = kwargs.pop('start_rho', 100) self.description = kwargs.pop('description', '1D_Occam_Inv') self.start_lagrange = kwargs.pop('start_lagrange', 5.0) self.start_rough = kwargs.pop('start_rough', 1.0E7) self.debug_level = kwargs.pop('debug_level', 1) self.start_iter = kwargs.pop('start_iter', 0) self.start_misfit = kwargs.pop('start_misfit', 100) self.min_max_bounds = kwargs.pop('min_max_bounds', None) self.model_step = kwargs.pop('model_step', None) self._startup_fn = 'OccamStartup1D' self._ss = ' ' * 3
[docs] def write_startup_file(self, save_path=None, **kwargs): """ Make a 1D input file for Occam 1D Arguments: --------- **savepath** : full path to save input file to, if just path then saved as savepath/input **model_fn** : full path to model file, if None then assumed to be in savepath/model.mod **data_fn** : full path to data file, if None then assumed to be in savepath/TE.dat or TM.dat **rough_type** : roughness type. *default* = 0 **max_iter** : maximum number of iterations. *default* = 20 **target_rms** : target rms value. *default* = 1.0 **start_rho** : starting resistivity value on linear scale. *default* = 100 **description** : description of the inversion. **start_lagrange** : starting Lagrange multiplier for smoothness. *default* = 5 **start_rough** : starting roughness value. *default* = 1E7 **debuglevel** : something to do with how Fortran debuggs the code Almost always leave at *default* = 1 **start_iter** : the starting iteration number, handy if the starting model is from a previous run. *default* = 0 **start_misfit** : starting misfit value. *default* = 100 Returns: -------- **Occam1D.inputfn** : full path to input file. :Example: :: >>> old = occam.Occam1D() >>> old.make1DdataFile('MT01',edipath=r"/home/Line1", >>> savepath=r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE", >>> mode='TE') >>> Wrote Data File: /home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE/MT01TE.dat >>> >>> old.make1DModelFile(savepath=r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE", >>> nlayers=50,bottomlayer=10000,z1layer=50) >>> Wrote Model file: /home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE/Model1D >>> >>> old.make1DInputFile(rhostart=10,targetrms=1.5,maxiter=15) >>> Wrote Input File: /home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE/Input1D """ if save_path is not None: self.save_path = save_path if os.path.isdir(self.save_path) == False: os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.startup_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, self._startup_fn) # --> read data file if self.data_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input data file name.') else: data = Data() data.read_data_file(self.data_fn) # --> read model file if self.model_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input model file name.') else: model = Model() model.read_model_file(self.model_fn) # --> get any keywords for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) # --> write input file infid = open(self.startup_fn, 'w') infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Format:', 'OCCAMITER_FLEX')) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Description:', self.description)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Model File:', os.path.basename(self.model_fn))) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Data File:', os.path.basename(self.data_fn))) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Date/Time:', time.ctime())) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Max Iter:', self.max_iter)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Target Misfit:', self.target_rms)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Roughness Type:', self.rough_type)) if self.min_max_bounds == None: infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('!Model Bounds:', 'min,max')) else: infid.write('{0:<21}{1},{2}\n'.format('Model Bounds:', self.min_max_bounds[0], self.min_max_bounds[1])) if self.model_step == None: infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('!Model Value Steps:', 'stepsize')) else: infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Model Value Steps:', self.model_step)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Debug Level:', self.debug_level)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Iteration:', self.start_iter)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Lagrange Value:', self.start_lagrange)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Roughness Value:', self.start_rough)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Misfit Value:', self.start_misfit)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Misfit Reached:', 0)) infid.write('{0:<21}{1}\n'.format('Param Count:', model.num_params)) for ii in range(model.num_params): infid.write('{0}{1:.2f}\n'.format(self._ss, np.log10(self.start_rho))) infid.close() print('Wrote Input File: {0}'.format(self.startup_fn))
[docs] def read_startup_file(self, startup_fn): """ reads in a 1D input file Arguments: --------- **inputfn** : full path to input file Returns: -------- **Occam1D.indict** : dictionary with keys following the header and *'res'* : an array of resistivity values :Example: :: >>> old = occam.Occam1d() >>> old.savepath = r"/home/Occam1D/Line1/Inv1_TE" >>> old.read1DInputFile() """ if startup_fn is not None: self.startup_fn = startup_fn if self.startup_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input a startup file.') self._startup_fn = os.path.basename(self.startup_fn) self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.startup_fn) infid = open(self.startup_fn, 'r') ilines = infid.readlines() infid.close() self.indict = {} res = [] # split the keys and values from the header information for iline in ilines: if iline.find(':') >= 0: ikey = iline[0:20].strip()[:-1] ivalue = iline[20:].split('!')[0].strip() if ikey.find('!') == 0: pass else: setattr(self, ikey.lower().replace(' ', '_'), ivalue) self.indict[ikey[:-1]] = ivalue else: try: res.append(float(iline.strip())) except ValueError: pass # make the resistivity array ready for models to be input self.indict['res'] = np.zeros((len(res), 3)) self.indict['res'][:, 0] = res
[docs]class Plot1DResponse(object): """ plot the 1D response and model. Plots apparent resisitivity and phase in different subplots with the model on the far right. You can plot both TE and TM modes together along with different iterations of the model. These will be plotted in different colors or shades of gray depneng on color_scale. :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as occam1d >>> p1 = occam1d.Plot1DResponse(plot_yn='n') >>> p1.data_te_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/Occam_DataFile_TE.dat" >>> p1.data_tm_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TM/Occam_DataFile_TM.dat" >>> p1.model_fn = r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/Model1D" >>> p1.iter_te_fn = [r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/TE_{0}.iter".format(ii) >>> ... for ii in range(5,10)] >>> p1.iter_tm_fn = [r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TM/TM_{0}.iter".format(ii) >>> ... for ii in range(5,10)] >>> p1.resp_te_fn = [r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TE/TE_{0}.resp".format(ii) >>> ... for ii in range(5,10)] >>> p1.resp_tm_fn = [r"/home/occam1d/mt01/TM/TM_{0}.resp".format(ii) >>> ... for ii in range(5,10)] >>> p1.plot() ==================== ====================================================== Attributes Description ==================== ====================================================== axm matplotlib.axes instance for model subplot axp matplotlib.axes instance for phase subplot axr matplotlib.axes instance for app. res subplot color_mode [ 'color' | 'bw' ] cted color of TE data markers ctem color of TM data markers ctmd color of TE model markers ctmm color of TM model markers data_te_fn full path to data file for TE mode data_tm_fn full path to data file for TM mode depth_limits (min, max) limits for depth plot in depth_units depth_scale [ 'log' | 'linear' ] *default* is linear depth_units [ 'm' | 'km' ] *default is 'km' e_capsize capsize of error bars e_capthick cap thickness of error bars fig matplotlib.figure instance for plot fig_dpi resolution in dots-per-inch for figure fig_num number of figure instance fig_size size of figure in inches [width, height] font_size size of axes tick labels, axes labels are +2 grid_alpha transparency of grid grid_color color of grid iter_te_fn full path or list of .iter files for TE mode iter_tm_fn full path or list of .iter files for TM mode lw width of lines for model model_fn full path to model file ms marker size mted marker for TE data mtem marker for TM data mtmd marker for TE model mtmm marker for TM model phase_limits (min, max) limits on phase in degrees phase_major_ticks spacing for major ticks in phase phase_minor_ticks spacing for minor ticks in phase plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n' ] plot on instantiation res_limits limits of resistivity in linear scale resp_te_fn full path or list of .resp files for TE mode resp_tm_fn full path or list of .iter files for TM mode subplot_bottom spacing of subplots from bottom of figure subplot_hspace height spacing between subplots subplot_left spacing of subplots from left of figure subplot_right spacing of subplots from right of figure subplot_top spacing of subplots from top of figure subplot_wspace width spacing between subplots title_str title of plot ==================== ====================================================== """ def __init__(self, data_te_fn=None, data_tm_fn=None, model_fn=None, resp_te_fn=None, resp_tm_fn=None, iter_te_fn=None, iter_tm_fn=None, **kwargs): self.data_te_fn = data_te_fn self.data_tm_fn = data_tm_fn self.model_fn = model_fn self.resp_te_fn = resp_te_fn if type(self.resp_te_fn) is not list: self.resp_te_fn = [self.resp_te_fn] self.resp_tm_fn = resp_tm_fn if type(self.resp_tm_fn) is not list: self.resp_tm_fn = [self.resp_tm_fn] self.iter_te_fn = iter_te_fn if type(self.iter_te_fn) is not list: self.iter_te_fn = [self.iter_te_fn] self.iter_tm_fn = iter_tm_fn if type(self.iter_tm_fn) is not list: self.iter_tm_fn = [self.iter_tm_fn] self.color_mode = kwargs.pop('color_mode', 'color') = kwargs.pop('ms', 1.5) self.lw = kwargs.pop('lw', .5) = kwargs.pop('ls', ':') self.e_capthick = kwargs.pop('e_capthick', .5) self.e_capsize = kwargs.pop('e_capsize', 2) self.phase_major_ticks = kwargs.pop('phase_major_ticks', 10) self.phase_minor_ticks = kwargs.pop('phase_minor_ticks', 5) self.grid_color = kwargs.pop('grid_color', (.25, .25, .25)) self.grid_alpha = kwargs.pop('grid_alpha', .3) # color mode if self.color_mode == 'color': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 1)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (1, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', 's') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'o') # color for occam2d model self.ctem = kwargs.pop('ctem', (0, .6, .3)) self.ctmm = kwargs.pop('ctmm', (.9, 0, .8)) self.mtem = kwargs.pop('mtem', '+') self.mtmm = kwargs.pop('mtmm', '+') # black and white mode elif self.color_mode == 'bw': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 0)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (0, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', '*') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'v') # color for occam2d model self.ctem = kwargs.pop('ctem', (0.6, 0.6, 0.6)) self.ctmm = kwargs.pop('ctmm', (0.6, 0.6, 0.6)) self.mtem = kwargs.pop('mtem', '+') self.mtmm = kwargs.pop('mtmm', 'x') self.phase_limits = kwargs.pop('phase_limits', (-5, 95)) self.res_limits = kwargs.pop('res_limits', None) self.depth_limits = kwargs.pop('depth_limits', None) self.depth_scale = kwargs.pop('depth_scale', 'linear') self.depth_units = kwargs.pop('depth_units', 'km') self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.fig = None self.axr = None self.axp = None self.axm = None self.subplot_wspace = .25 self.subplot_hspace = .15 self.subplot_right = .92 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .93 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) self.title_str = kwargs.pop('title_str', '') self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot()
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot data, response and model """ if type(self.resp_te_fn) is not list: self.resp_te_fn = [self.resp_te_fn] if type(self.resp_tm_fn) is not list: self.resp_tm_fn = [self.resp_tm_fn] if type(self.iter_te_fn) is not list: self.iter_te_fn = [self.iter_te_fn] if type(self.iter_tm_fn) is not list: self.iter_tm_fn = [self.iter_tm_fn] # make a grid of subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(6, 5, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) # make a figure self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() # set some plot parameters plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top # subplot resistivity self.axr = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[:4, :4]) # subplot for phase self.axp = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[4:, :4], sharex=self.axr) # subplot for model self.axm = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 4]) legend_marker_list_te = [] legend_label_list_te = [] legend_marker_list_tm = [] legend_label_list_tm = [] # --> plot data apparent resistivity and phase------------------------- if self.data_te_fn is not None: d1 = Data() d1.read_data_file(self.data_te_fn) # --> cut out missing data rxy = np.where(d1.res_te[0] != 0)[0] # --> TE mode Data if len(rxy) > 0: rte = self.axr.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[rxy], d1.res_te[0][rxy],, marker=self.mted,, mfc=self.cted, mec=self.cted, color=self.cted, yerr=d1.res_te[1][rxy], ecolor=self.cted, picker=2, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) legend_marker_list_te.append(rte[0]) legend_label_list_te.append('$Obs_{TE}$') else: pass # --------------------plot phase-------------------------------- # cut out missing data points first pxy = np.where(d1.phase_te[0] != 0)[0] # --> TE mode data if len(pxy) > 0: self.axp.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[pxy], d1.phase_te[0][pxy],, marker=self.mted,, mfc=self.cted, mec=self.cted, color=self.cted, yerr=d1.phase_te[1][pxy], ecolor=self.cted, picker=1, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) else: pass # --> plot tm data------------------------------------------------------ if self.data_tm_fn is not None: d1 = Data() d1.read_data_file(self.data_tm_fn) ryx = np.where(d1.res_tm[0] != 0)[0] # --> TM mode data if len(ryx) > 0: rtm = self.axr.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[ryx], d1.res_tm[0][ryx],, marker=self.mtmd,, mfc=self.ctmd, mec=self.ctmd, color=self.ctmd, yerr=d1.res_tm[1][ryx], ecolor=self.ctmd, picker=2, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) legend_marker_list_tm.append(rtm[0]) legend_label_list_tm.append('$Obs_{TM}$') else: pass # --------------------plot phase-------------------------------- # cut out missing data points first pyx = np.where(d1.phase_tm[0] != 0)[0] # --> TM mode data if len(pyx) > 0: self.axp.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[pyx], d1.phase_tm[0][pyx],, marker=self.mtmd,, mfc=self.ctmd, mec=self.ctmd, color=self.ctmd, yerr=d1.phase_tm[1][pyx], ecolor=self.ctmd, picker=1, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) else: pass # --> plot model apparent resistivity and phase------------------------- nr = len(self.resp_te_fn) for rr, rfn in enumerate(self.resp_te_fn): if rfn is None: break itnum = rfn[-7:-5] if self.color_mode == 'color': cxy = (0, .4 + float(rr) / (3 * nr), 0) elif self.color_mode == 'bw': cxy = (1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.)) d1 = Data() d1.read_resp_file(rfn, data_fn=self.data_te_fn) # get non zero data rxy = np.where(d1.res_te[2] != 0)[0] # --> TE mode Data if len(rxy) > 0: rte = self.axr.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[rxy], d1.res_te[2][rxy],, marker=self.mtem,, mfc=cxy, mec=cxy, color=cxy, yerr=None, ecolor=cxy, picker=2, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) legend_marker_list_te.append(rte[0]) legend_label_list_te.append('$Mod_{TE}$' + itnum) else: pass # --------------------plot phase-------------------------------- # cut out missing data points first # --> data pxy = np.where(d1.phase_te[2] != 0)[0] # --> TE mode phase if len(pxy) > 0: self.axp.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[pxy], d1.phase_te[2][pxy],, marker=self.mtem,, mfc=cxy, mec=cxy, color=cxy, yerr=None, ecolor=cxy, picker=1, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) else: pass # ---------------plot TM model response--------------------------------- nr = len(self.resp_tm_fn) for rr, rfn in enumerate(self.resp_tm_fn): if rfn is None: break itnum = rfn[-7:-5] if self.color_mode == 'color': cyx = (.7 + float(rr) / (4 * nr), .13, .63 - float(rr) / (4 * nr)) elif self.color_mode == 'bw': cyx = (1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (rr + 2.)) d1 = Data() d1.read_resp_file(rfn, data_fn=self.data_tm_fn) ryx = np.where(d1.res_tm[2] != 0)[0] # --> TM mode model if len(ryx) > 0: rtm = self.axr.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[ryx], d1.res_tm[2][ryx],, marker=self.mtmm,, mfc=cyx, mec=cyx, color=cyx, yerr=None, ecolor=cyx, picker=2, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) legend_marker_list_tm.append(rtm[0]) legend_label_list_tm.append('$Mod_{TM}$' + itnum) else: pass pyx = np.where(d1.phase_tm[2] != 0)[0] # --> TM mode model if len(pyx) > 0: self.axp.errorbar(1. / d1.freq[pyx], d1.phase_tm[0][pyx],, marker=self.mtmm,, mfc=cyx, mec=cyx, color=cyx, yerr=None, ecolor=cyx, picker=1, lw=self.lw, elinewidth=self.lw, capsize=self.e_capsize, capthick=self.e_capthick) else: pass # --> set axis properties----------------------------------------------- self.axr.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axp.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axr.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axr.grid(True, alpha=self.grid_alpha, which='both', color=self.grid_color) plt.setp(self.axr.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axp.grid(True, alpha=self.grid_alpha, which='both', color=self.grid_color) self.axp.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(self.phase_major_ticks)) self.axp.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(self.phase_minor_ticks)) if self.res_limits is not None: self.axr.set_ylim(self.res_limits) self.axp.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) self.axr.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\Omega \cdot m$)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.axp.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.axp.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) plt.suptitle(self.title_str, fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') if legend_marker_list_te == [] or legend_marker_list_tm == []: num_col = 1 else: num_col = 2 self.axr.legend(legend_marker_list_te + legend_marker_list_tm, legend_label_list_te + legend_label_list_tm, loc=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.08, handletextpad=.15, borderpad=.05, ncol=num_col, prop={'size': self.font_size + 1}) # --> plot depth model-------------------------------------------------- if self.model_fn is not None: # put axis labels on the right side for clarity self.axm.yaxis.set_label_position('right') self.axm.yaxis.set_tick_params(left='off', right='on', labelright='on') self.axm.yaxis.tick_right() if self.depth_units == 'km': dscale = 1000. else: dscale = 1. # --> plot te models nr = len(self.iter_te_fn) for ii, ifn in enumerate(self.iter_te_fn): if ifn is None: break if self.color_mode == 'color': cxy = (0, .4 + float(ii) / (3 * nr), 0) elif self.color_mode == 'bw': cxy = (1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.)) m1 = Model() m1.read_iter_file(ifn, self.model_fn) plot_depth = m1.model_depth[1:] / dscale plot_model = abs(10 ** m1.model_res[1:, 1]) self.axm.semilogx(plot_model[::-1], plot_depth[::-1], ls='steps-', color=cxy, lw=self.lw) # --> plot TM models nr = len(self.iter_tm_fn) for ii, ifn in enumerate(self.iter_tm_fn): if ifn is None: break if self.color_mode == 'color': cyx = (.7 + float(ii) / (4 * nr), .13, .63 - float(ii) / (4 * nr)) elif self.color_mode == 'bw': cyx = (1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.), 1 - 1.25 / (ii + 2.)) m1 = Model() m1.read_iter_file(ifn, self.model_fn) plot_depth = m1.model_depth[1:] / dscale plot_model = abs(10 ** m1.model_res[1:, 1]) self.axm.semilogx(plot_model[::-1], plot_depth[::-1], ls='steps-', color=cyx, lw=self.lw) m1 = Model() m1.read_model_file(self.model_fn) if self.depth_limits is None: dmin = min(plot_depth) if dmin == 0: dmin = 1 dmax = max(plot_depth) self.depth_limits = (dmin, dmax) self.axm.set_ylim(ymin=max(self.depth_limits), ymax=min(self.depth_limits)) if self.depth_scale == 'log': self.axm.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axm.set_ylabel('Depth ({0})'.format(self.depth_units), fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.axm.set_xlabel('Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot m$)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.axm.grid(True, which='both', alpha=.25)
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> #change line width >>> p1.lw = 2 >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def update_plot(self, fig): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to only be on the major ticks >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> [ax.grid(True, which='major') for ax in [ps1.axrte,ps1.axtep]] >>> ps1.update_plot() """ fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> ps1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi is None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if not os.path.isdir(save_fn): file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, 'Occam1d.' + file_format) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return "Plots model responses and model for 1D occam inversion"
[docs]class Run(object): """ run occam 1d from python given the correct files and location of occam1d executable """ def __init__(self, startup_fn=None, occam_path=None, **kwargs): self.startup_fn = startup_fn self.occam_path = occam_path self.mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'TE') self.run_occam1d() def run_occam1d(self): if self.startup_fn is None: raise IOError('Need to input startup file') if self.occam_path is None: raise IOError('Need to input path to occam1d executable') os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.startup_fn)) test =[self.occam_path, os.path.basename(self.startup_fn), self.mode]) if test == 0: print('=========== Ran Inversion ==========') print(' check {0} for files'.format(os.path.dirname(self.startup_fn)))
[docs]class PlotL2(object): """ plot L2 curve of iteration vs rms and roughness Arguments: ---------- **rms_arr** : structured array with keys: * 'iteration' --> for iteration number (int) * 'rms' --> for rms (float) * 'roughness' --> for roughness (float) ======================= =================================================== Keywords/attributes Description ======================= =================================================== ax1 matplotlib.axes instance for rms vs iteration ax2 matplotlib.axes instance for roughness vs rms fig matplotlib.figure instance fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots-per-inch fig_num number of figure instance fig_size size of figure in inches (width, height) font_size size of axes tick labels, axes labels is +2 plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n'] 'y' --> to plot on instantiation 'n' --> to not plot on instantiation rms_arr structure np.array as described above rms_color color of rms marker and line rms_lw line width of rms line rms_marker marker for rms values rms_marker_size size of marker for rms values rms_mean_color color of mean line rms_median_color color of median line rough_color color of roughness line and marker rough_font_size font size for iteration number inside roughness marker rough_lw line width for roughness line rough_marker marker for roughness rough_marker_size size of marker for roughness subplot_bottom subplot spacing from bottom subplot_left subplot spacing from left subplot_right subplot spacing from right subplot_top subplot spacing from top ======================= =================================================== =================== ======================================================= Methods Description =================== ======================================================= plot plots L2 curve. redraw_plot call redraw_plot to redraw the figures, if one of the attributes has been changed save_figure saves the matplotlib.figure instance to desired location and format =================== ====================================================== """ def __init__(self, dir_path, model_fn, **kwargs): self.dir_path = dir_path self.model_fn = model_fn self._get_iter_list() self.subplot_right = .98 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .91 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 8) self.rms_lw = kwargs.pop('rms_lw', 1) self.rms_marker = kwargs.pop('rms_marker', 'd') self.rms_color = kwargs.pop('rms_color', 'k') self.rms_marker_size = kwargs.pop('rms_marker_size', 5) self.rms_median_color = kwargs.pop('rms_median_color', 'red') self.rms_mean_color = kwargs.pop('rms_mean_color', 'orange') self.rough_lw = kwargs.pop('rough_lw', .75) self.rough_marker = kwargs.pop('rough_marker', 'o') self.rough_color = kwargs.pop('rough_color', 'b') self.rough_marker_size = kwargs.pop('rough_marker_size', 7) self.rough_font_size = kwargs.pop('rough_font_size', 6) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot() def _get_iter_list(self): """ get all iteration files in dir_path """ if os.path.isdir(self.dir_path) == False: raise IOError('Could not find {0}'.format(self.dir_path)) iter_list = [os.path.join(self.dir_path, fn) for fn in os.listdir(self.dir_path) if fn.find('.iter') > 0] self.rms_arr = np.zeros(len(iter_list), dtype=np.dtype([('iteration',, ('rms', np.float), ('roughness', np.float)])) for ii, fn in enumerate(iter_list): m1 = Model() m1.read_iter_file(fn, self.model_fn) self.rms_arr[ii]['iteration'] = int(m1.itdict['Iteration']) self.rms_arr[ii]['rms'] = float(m1.itdict['Misfit Value']) self.rms_arr[ii]['roughness'] = float(m1.itdict['Roughness Value']) self.rms_arr.sort(order='iteration')
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot L2 curve """ nr = self.rms_arr.shape[0] med_rms = np.median(self.rms_arr['rms']) mean_rms = np.mean(self.rms_arr['rms']) # set the dimesions of the figure plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top # make figure instance self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() # make a subplot for RMS vs Iteration self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # plot the rms vs iteration l1, = self.ax1.plot(self.rms_arr['iteration'], self.rms_arr['rms'], '-k', lw=1, marker='d', ms=5) # plot the median of the RMS m1, = self.ax1.plot(self.rms_arr['iteration'], np.repeat(med_rms, nr), ls='--', color=self.rms_median_color, lw=self.rms_lw * .75) # plot the mean of the RMS m2, = self.ax1.plot(self.rms_arr['iteration'], np.repeat(mean_rms, nr), ls='--', color=self.rms_mean_color, lw=self.rms_lw * .75) # make subplot for RMS vs Roughness Plot self.ax2 = self.ax1.twiny() self.ax2.set_xlim(self.rms_arr['roughness'][1:].min(), self.rms_arr['roughness'][1:].max()) self.ax1.set_ylim(0, self.rms_arr['rms'][1]) # plot the rms vs roughness l2, = self.ax2.plot(self.rms_arr['roughness'], self.rms_arr['rms'], ls='--', color=self.rough_color, lw=self.rough_lw, marker=self.rough_marker, ms=self.rough_marker_size, mfc='white') # plot the iteration number inside the roughness marker for rms, ii, rough in zip(self.rms_arr['rms'], self.rms_arr['iteration'], self.rms_arr['roughness']): # need this because if the roughness is larger than this number # matplotlib puts the text out of bounds and a draw_text_image # error is raised and file cannot be saved, also the other # numbers are not put in. if rough > 1e8: pass else: self.ax2.text(rough, rms, '{0}'.format(ii), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': self.rough_font_size, 'weight': 'bold', 'color': self.rough_color}) # make a legend self.ax1.legend([l1, l2, m1, m2], ['RMS', 'Roughness', 'Median_RMS={0:.2f}'.format(med_rms), 'Mean_RMS={0:.2f}'.format(mean_rms)], ncol=1, loc='upper right', columnspacing=.25, markerscale=.75, handletextpad=.15) # set the axis properties for RMS vs iteration self.ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(.1)) self.ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) self.ax1.set_ylabel('RMS', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.ax1.set_xlabel('Iteration', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.ax1.grid(alpha=.25, which='both', lw=self.rough_lw) self.ax2.set_xlabel('Roughness', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold', 'color': self.rough_color}) for t2 in self.ax2.get_xticklabels(): t2.set_color(self.rough_color)
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> #change line width >>> p1.lw = 2 >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_fig='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> ps1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi == None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) == False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, '_L2.' + file_format) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_fig == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to only be on the major ticks >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> [ax.grid(True, which='major') for ax in [ps1.axrte,ps1.axtep]] >>> ps1.update_plot() """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return "Plots RMS vs Iteration computed by Occam2D"
[docs]def parse_arguments(arguments): """ takes list of command line arguments obtained by passing in sys.argv reads these and returns a parser object author: Alison Kirkby (2016) """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set up and run a set of isotropic occam1d model runs') parser.add_argument('edipath', help='folder containing edi files to use, full path or relative to working directory', type=str) parser.add_argument('-l', '--program_location', help='path to the inversion program', type=str, default=r'/home/547/alk547/occam1d/OCCAM1DCSEM') parser.add_argument('-efr', '--resistivity_errorfloor', help='error floor in resistivity, percent', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('-efp', '--phase_errorfloor', help='error floor in phase, degrees', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('-efz', '--z_errorfloor', help='error floor in z, percent', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('-wd', '--working_directory', help='working directory', type=str, default='.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--modes', nargs='*', help='modes to run, any or all of TE, TM, det (determinant)', type=str, default=['TE']) parser.add_argument('-r', '--rotation_angle', help='angle to rotate the data by, in degrees or can define option "strike" to rotate to strike, or "file" to get rotation angle from file', type=str, default='0') parser.add_argument('-rfile', '--rotation_angle_file', help='file containing rotation angles, first column is station name (must match edis) second column is rotation angle', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('-spr', '--strike_period_range', nargs=2, help='period range to use for calculation of strike if rotating to strike, two floats', type=float, default=[1e-3, 1e3]) parser.add_argument('-sapp', '--strike_approx', help='approximate strike angle, the strike closest to this value is chosen', type=float, default=0.) parser.add_argument('-q', '--remove_outofquadrant', help='whether or not to remove points outside of the first or third quadrant, True or False', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('-itermax', '--iteration_max', help='maximum number of iterations', type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument('-rf', '--rms_factor', help='factor to multiply the minimum possible rms by to get the target rms for the second run', type=float, default=1.05) parser.add_argument('-rmsmin','--rms_min', help='minimum target rms to assign, e.g. set a value of 1.0 to prevent overfitting data', type=float, default=1.0) parser.add_argument('-nl', '--n_layers', help='number of layers in the inversion', type=int, default=80) parser.add_argument('-z1', '--z1_layer', help='thickness of z1 layer', type=float, default=10) parser.add_argument('-td', '--target_depth', help='target depth for the inversion in metres', type=int, default=10000) parser.add_argument('-rho0', '--start_rho', help='starting resistivity value for the inversion', type=float, default=100) parser.add_argument('-s', '--master_savepath', help='master directory to save suite of runs into', default='inversion_suite') args = parser.parse_args(arguments) args.working_directory = os.path.abspath(args.working_directory) if args.rotation_angle not in ['file', 'strike']: try: args.rotation_angle = float(args.rotation_angle) except: args.rotation_angle = 0. return args
[docs]def update_inputs(): """ update input parameters from command line author: Alison Kirkby (2016) """ from sys import argv args = parse_arguments(argv[1:]) cline_inputs = {} cline_keys = [i for i in dir(args) if i[0] != '_'] for key in cline_keys: cline_inputs[key] = getattr(args, key) return cline_inputs
[docs]def get_strike(mt_object, fmin, fmax, strike_approx=0): """ get the strike from the z array, choosing the strike angle that is closest to the azimuth of the PT ellipse (PT strike). if there is not strike available from the z array use the PT strike. """ fselect = (mt_object.Z.freq > fmin) & (mt_object.Z.freq < fmax) # get median strike angles for frequencies needed (two strike angles due to 90 degree ambiguity) zstrike = mtg.strike_angle(z_object=mt_object.Z)[fselect] # put both strikes in the same quadrant for averaging zstrike = zstrike % 90 zstrike = np.median(zstrike[np.isfinite(zstrike[:, 0])], axis=0) # add 90 to put one back in the other quadrant zstrike[1] += 90 # choose closest value to approx_strike zstrike = zstrike[np.abs(zstrike - strike_approx) - np.amin(np.abs(zstrike - strike_approx)) < 1e-3] if len(zstrike) > 0: strike = zstrike[0] else: # if the data are 1d set strike to 90 degrees (i.e. no rotation) strike = 90. return strike
[docs]def generate_inputfiles(**input_parameters): """ generate all the input files to run occam1d, return the path and the startup files to run. author: Alison Kirkby (2016) """ edipath = op.join(input_parameters['working_directory'], input_parameters['edipath']) edilist = [ff for ff in os.listdir(edipath) if ff.endswith('.edi')] wkdir_master = op.join(input_parameters['working_directory'], input_parameters['master_savepath']) if not os.path.exists(wkdir_master): os.mkdir(wkdir_master) rundirs = {} for edifile in edilist: # read the edi file to get the station name eo = mt.MT(op.join(edipath, edifile)) print(input_parameters['rotation_angle'], input_parameters['working_directory'], input_parameters[ 'rotation_angle_file']) if input_parameters['rotation_angle'] == 'strike': spr = input_parameters['strike_period_range'] fmax, fmin = [1. / np.amin(spr), 1. / np.amax(spr)] rotangle = (get_strike(eo, fmin, fmax, strike_approx=input_parameters['strike_approx']) - 90.) % 180 elif input_parameters['rotation_angle'] == 'file': with open(op.join(input_parameters['working_directory'], input_parameters['rotation_angle_file'])) as f: line = f.readline().strip().split() while string.upper(line[0]) != string.upper(eo.station): line = f.readline().strip().split() if len(line) == 0: line = ['', '0.0'] break rotangle = float(line[1]) else: rotangle = input_parameters['rotation_angle'] # create a working directory to store the inversion files in svpath = 'station' + eo.station wd = op.join(wkdir_master, svpath) if not os.path.exists(wd): os.mkdir(wd) rundirs[svpath] = [] # create the model file ocm = Model(n_layers=input_parameters['n_layers'], save_path=wd, target_depth=input_parameters['target_depth'], z1_layer=input_parameters['z1_layer']) ocm.write_model_file() for mode in input_parameters['modes']: # create a data file for each mode ocd = Data() ocd._data_fn = 'Occam1d_DataFile_rot%03i' % rotangle ocd.write_data_file( res_errorfloor=input_parameters['resistivity_errorfloor'], phase_errorfloor=input_parameters['phase_errorfloor'], z_errorfloor=input_parameters['z_errorfloor'], remove_outofquadrant=input_parameters['remove_outofquadrant'], mode=mode, edi_file=op.join(edipath, edifile), thetar=rotangle, save_path=wd) ocs = Startup(data_fn=ocd.data_fn, model_fn=ocm.model_fn, start_rho=input_parameters['start_rho']) startup_fn = 'OccamStartup1D' + mode ocs.write_startup_file(save_path=wd, startup_fn=op.join(wd, startup_fn), max_iter=input_parameters['iteration_max'], target_rms=input_parameters['rms_min']/input_parameters['rms_factor']) rundirs[svpath].append(startup_fn) return wkdir_master, rundirs
[docs]def divide_inputs(work_to_do, size): """ divide list of inputs into chunks to send to each processor """ chunks = [[] for _ in range(size)] for i, d in enumerate(work_to_do): chunks[i % size].append(d) return chunks
[docs]def build_run(): """ build input files and run a suite of models in series (pretty quick so won't bother parallelise) run Occam1d on each set of inputs. Occam is run twice. First to get the lowest possible misfit. we then set the target rms to a factor (default 1.05) times the minimum rms achieved and run to get the smoothest model. author: Alison Kirkby (2016) """ # from mpi4py import MPI # get command line arguments as a dictionary input_parameters = update_inputs() # create the inputs and get the run directories master_wkdir, run_directories = generate_inputfiles(**input_parameters) # run Occam1d on each set of inputs. # Occam is run twice. First to get the lowest possible misfit. # we then set the target rms to a factor (default 1.05) times the minimum rms achieved # and run to get the smoothest model. for rundir in list(run_directories.keys()): wd = op.join(master_wkdir, rundir) os.chdir(wd) for startupfile in run_directories[rundir]: # define some parameters mode = startupfile[14:] iterstring = 'RMSmin' + mode # run for minimum rms[input_parameters['program_location'], startupfile, iterstring]) # read the iter file to get minimum rms iterfile = max([ff for ff in os.listdir(wd) if (ff.startswith(iterstring) and ff.endswith('.iter'))]) startup = Startup() startup.read_startup_file(op.join(wd, iterfile)) # create a new startup file the same as the previous one but target rms is factor*minimum_rms target_rms = float(startup.misfit_value) * input_parameters['rms_factor'] if target_rms < input_parameters['rms_min']: target_rms = input_parameters['rms_min'] startupnew = Startup(data_fn=op.join(wd, startup.data_file), model_fn=op.join(wd, startup.model_file), max_iter=input_parameters['iteration_max'], start_rho=input_parameters['start_rho'], target_rms=target_rms) startupnew.write_startup_file(startup_fn=op.join(wd, startupfile), save_path=wd) # run occam again[input_parameters['program_location'], startupfile, 'Smooth' + mode])
if __name__ == '__main__': build_run()