Source code for mtpy.modeling.modem.plot_slices


# Generate files for ModEM

# revised by JP 2017
# revised by AK 2017 to bring across functionality from ak branch

import os

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, gridspec as gridspec, colorbar as mcb
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.widgets import Button, RadioButtons, SpanSelector

from import Data
from import Model
from mtpy.utils import exceptions as mtex
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, UnivariateSpline
from matplotlib import colors

__all__ = ['PlotSlices']

[docs]class PlotSlices(object): """ * Plot all cartesian axis-aligned slices and be able to scroll through the model * Extract arbitrary profiles (e.g. along a seismic line) from a model :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> mfn = r"/home/modem/Inv1/Modular_NLCG_100.rho" >>> dfn = r"/home/modem/Inv1/ModEM_data.dat" >>> pds = ws.PlotSlices(model_fn=mfn, data_fn=dfn) ======================= =================================================== Buttons Description ======================= =================================================== 'e' moves n-s slice east by one model block 'w' moves n-s slice west by one model block 'n' moves e-w slice north by one model block 'm' moves e-w slice south by one model block 'd' moves depth slice down by one model block 'u' moves depth slice up by one model block ======================= =================================================== ======================= =================================================== Attributes Description ======================= =================================================== ax_en matplotlib.axes instance for depth slice map view ax_ez matplotlib.axes instance for e-w slice ax_map matplotlib.axes instance for location map ax_nz matplotlib.axes instance for n-s slice climits (min , max) color limits on resistivity in log scale. *default* is (0, 4) cmap name of color map for resisitiviy. *default* is 'jet_r' data_fn full path to data file name draw_colorbar show colorbar on exported plot; default True dscale scaling parameter depending on map_scale east_line_xlist list of line nodes of east grid for faster plotting east_line_ylist list of line nodes of east grid for faster plotting ew_limits (min, max) limits of e-w in map_scale units *default* is None and scales to station area fig matplotlib.figure instance for figure fig_aspect aspect ratio of plots. *default* is 1 fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots-per-inch *default* is 300 fig_num figure instance number fig_size [width, height] of figure window. *default* is [6,6] font_dict dictionary of font keywords, internally created font_size size of ticklables in points, axes labes are font_size+2. *default* is 4 grid_east relative location of grid nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units grid_north relative location of grid nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units grid_z relative location of grid nodes in z direction in map_scale units index_east index value of grid_east being plotted index_north index value of grid_north being plotted index_vertical index value of grid_z being plotted initial_fn full path to initial file key_press matplotlib.canvas.connect instance map_scale [ 'm' | 'km' ] scale of map. *default* is km mesh_east np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north)[0] mesh_en_east np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north)[0] mesh_en_north np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north)[1] mesh_ez_east np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_z)[0] mesh_ez_vertical np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_z)[1] mesh_north np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north)[1] mesh_nz_north np.meshgrid(grid_north, grid_z)[0] mesh_nz_vertical np.meshgrid(grid_north, grid_z)[1] model_fn full path to model file ms size of station markers in points. *default* is 2 nodes_east relative distance betwen nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units nodes_north relative distance betwen nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units nodes_z relative distance betwen nodes in z direction in map_scale units north_line_xlist list of line nodes north grid for faster plotting north_line_ylist list of line nodes north grid for faster plotting ns_limits (min, max) limits of plots in n-s direction *default* is None, set veiwing area to station area plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot on instantiation *default* is 'y' plot_stations default False plot_grid show grid on exported plot; default False res_model np.ndarray(n_north, n_east, n_vertical) of model resistivity values in linear scale save_format exported format; default png save_path path to save exported plots to; default current working folder station_color color of station marker. *default* is black station_dict_east location of stations for each east grid row station_dict_north location of stations for each north grid row station_east location of stations in east direction station_fn full path to station file station_font_color color of station label station_font_pad padding between station marker and label station_font_rotation angle of station label station_font_size font size of station label station_font_weight weight of font for station label station_id [min, max] index values for station labels station_marker station marker station_names name of stations station_north location of stations in north direction subplot_bottom distance between axes and bottom of figure window subplot_hspace distance between subplots in vertical direction subplot_left distance between axes and left of figure window subplot_right distance between axes and right of figure window subplot_top distance between axes and top of figure window subplot_wspace distance between subplots in horizontal direction title title of plot xminorticks location of xminorticks yminorticks location of yminorticks z_limits (min, max) limits in vertical direction, ======================= =================================================== """ def __init__(self, model_fn, data_fn=None, **kwargs): self.model_fn = model_fn self.data_fn = data_fn self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('fig_dpi', 300) self.fig_aspect = kwargs.pop('fig_aspect', 1) self.title = kwargs.pop('title', 'on') self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 4) self.subplot_wspace = .20 self.subplot_hspace = .30 self.subplot_right = .98 self.subplot_left = .08 self.subplot_top = .97 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.index_vertical = kwargs.pop('index_vertical', 0) self.index_east = kwargs.pop('index_east', 0) self.index_north = kwargs.pop('index_north', 0) self.cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'jet_r') self.climits = kwargs.pop('climits', (0, 4)) self.map_scale = kwargs.pop('map_scale', 'km') # make map scale if self.map_scale == 'km': self.dscale = 1000. elif self.map_scale == 'm': self.dscale = 1. self.ew_limits = kwargs.pop('ew_limits', None) self.ns_limits = kwargs.pop('ns_limits', None) self.z_limits = kwargs.pop('z_limits', None) self.res_model = None self.grid_east = None self.grid_north = None self.grid_z = None self.nodes_east = None self.nodes_north = None self.nodes_z = None self.mesh_east = None self.mesh_north = None self.station_east = None self.station_north = None self.station_names = None self.station_id = kwargs.pop('station_id', None) self.station_font_size = kwargs.pop('station_font_size', 4) self.station_font_pad = kwargs.pop('station_font_pad', 1.0) self.station_font_weight = kwargs.pop('station_font_weight', 'bold') self.station_font_rotation = kwargs.pop('station_font_rotation', 60) self.station_font_color = kwargs.pop('station_font_color', 'k') self.station_marker = kwargs.pop('station_marker', r"$\blacktriangledown$") self.station_color = kwargs.pop('station_color', 'k') = kwargs.pop('ms', 10) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'n') self.plot_stations = kwargs.pop('plot_stations', False) self.xminorticks = kwargs.pop('xminorticks', 1000) self.yminorticks = kwargs.pop('yminorticks', 1000) self.plot_grid = kwargs.pop('plot_grid', False) self.draw_colorbar = kwargs.pop('draw_colorbar', True) self.save_path = kwargs.pop('save_path', os.getcwd()) self.save_format = kwargs.pop('save_format', 'png') # read data self.read_files() self.get_station_grid_locations() # set up kd-tree for interpolation on to arbitrary surfaces # intersecting the model self._initialize_interpolation() self.plot() def _initialize_interpolation(self): self._mx = np.array(self.grid_east) self._my = np.array(self.grid_north) self._mz = np.array(self.grid_z) # Compute cell-centre coordinates self._mcx = (self._mx[1:] + self._mx[:-1]) / 2. self._mcy = (self._my[1:] + self._my[:-1]) / 2. self._mcz = (self._mz[1:] + self._mz[:-1]) / 2. # Create mesh-grid based on cell-centre coordinates self._mgx, self._mgy, self._mgz = np.meshgrid(self._mcx, self._mcy, self._mcz) # List of xyz coodinates of mesh-grid self._mgxyz = np.vstack([self._mgx.flatten(), self._mgy.flatten(), self._mgz.flatten()]).T # Create Kd-Tree based on mesh-grid coordinates self._tree = cKDTree(self._mgxyz) # end func
[docs] def get_slice(self, option='STA', coords=[], nsteps=-1, nn=1, p=4, absolute_query_locations = False, extrapolate=True): """ :param option: can be either of 'STA', 'XY' or 'XYZ'. For 'STA' or 'XY', a vertical profile is returned based on station coordinates or arbitrary XY coordinates, respectively. For 'XYZ', interpolated values at those coordinates are returned :param coords: Numpy array of shape (np, 2) for option='XY' or of shape (np, 3) for option='XYZ', where np is the number of coordinates. Not used for option='STA', in which case a vertical profile is created based on station locations. :param nsteps: When option is set to 'STA' or 'XY', nsteps can be used to create a regular grid along the profile in the horizontal direction. By default, when nsteps=-1, the horizontal grid points are defined by station locations or values in the XY array. This parameter is ignored for option='XYZ' :param nn: Number of neighbours to use for interpolation. Nearest neighbour interpolation is returned when nn=1 (default). When nn>1, inverse distance weighted interpolation is returned. See link below for more details: :param p: Power parameter, which determines the relative influence of near and far neighbours during interpolation. For p<=3, causes interpolated values to be dominated by points far away. Larger values of p assign greater influence to values near the interpolated point. :param absolute_query_locations: if True, query locations are shifted to be centered on the center of station locations; default False, in which case the function treats query locations as relative coordinates. For option='STA', this parameter is ignored, since station locations are internally treated as relative coordinates :param extrapolate: Extrapolates values (default), which can be particularly useful for extracting values at nodes, since the field values are given for cell-centres. :return: 1: when option is 'STA' or 'XY' gd, gz, gv : where gd, gz and gv are 2D grids of distance (along profile), depth and interpolated values, respectively. The shape of the 2D grids depend on the number of stations or the number of xy coordinates provided, for options 'STA' or 'XY', respectively, the number of vertical model grid points and whether regular gridding in the horizontal direction was enabled with nsteps>-1. 2: when option is 'XYZ' gv : list of interpolated values of shape (np) """ def get_order(x, y): """ :param x: array of x coordinates :param y: array of y coordinates :return: optimal order of points that form a connected path This is a tricky problem to solve and is based on a minimum spanning tree. The implementation below has been adopted verbatim from the following link: """ try: import networkx as nx from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors except: print("Failed to import either 'networkx' or 'scikit' python packages; " \ "station/nodal ordering may be incorrect..s") return np.arange(len(x)) # end try points = np.c_[x, y] clf = NearestNeighbors(2).fit(points) G = clf.kneighbors_graph() T = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(G) paths = [list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(T, i)) for i in range(len(points))] mindist = np.inf minidx = 0 for i in range(len(points)): p = paths[i] # order of nodes ordered = points[p] # ordered nodes # find cost of that order by the sum of euclidean distances between points (i) and (i+1) cost = (((ordered[:-1] - ordered[1:]) ** 2).sum(1)).sum() if cost < mindist: mindist = cost minidx = i # end if # end for opt_order = paths[minidx] return opt_order # end func assert option in ['STA', 'XY', 'XYZ'], 'Invalid option; Aborting..' if(option == 'STA'): if(self.md_data is None): print('Station coordinates not available. Aborting..') exit(-1) elif(option == 'XY'): assert type(coords)==np.ndarray and coords.ndim==2 and coords.shape[1]==2, \ 'Shape of coords should be (np, 2); Aborting..' elif(option == 'XYZ'): assert type(coords)==np.ndarray and coords.ndim==2 and coords.shape[1]==3, \ 'Shape of coords should be (np, 3); Aborting..' xyz_list = [] d = None x = None y = None xmin = 0 ymin = 0 if(option == 'STA' or option == 'XY'): if(nsteps > -1): assert nsteps > 2, 'Must have more than 2 grid points in the ' \ 'horizontal direction. Aborting..' x = None y = None d = None if(option == 'STA'): x = np.array(self.station_east) y = np.array(self.station_north) elif(option == 'XY'): x = np.array(coords[:,0]) y = np.array(coords[:,1]) # end if order = get_order(x, y) xx = x[order] yy = y[order] dx = xx[:-1] - xx[1:] dy = yy[:-1] - yy[1:] dst = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)) dst = np.insert(dst, 0, 0) xio = interp1d(dst, xx) yio = interp1d(dst, yy) # ==== if(nsteps>-1): d = np.linspace(dst.min(), dst.max(), nsteps) # create regular grid for zi in self.grid_z: for xi,yi in zip(xio(d), yio(d)): xyz_list.append([xi+xmin, yi+ymin, zi]) xyz_list = np.array(xyz_list) elif(option == 'XYZ'): xyz_list = coords # end if gv = self._get_slice_helper(xyz_list, nn, p, absolute_query_locations, extrapolate) if(option=='STA' or option=='XY'): gz, gd = np.meshgrid(self.grid_z, d, indexing='ij') gv = gv.reshape(gd.shape) return gd, gz, gv elif(option=='XYZ'): return gv return None
# end func def _get_slice_helper(self, _xyz_list, nn=1, p=4, absolute_query_locations=False, extrapolate=True): ''' Function to retrieve interpolated field values at arbitrary locations :param xyz_list: numpy array of shape (np,3), where np in the number of points :param nn: as above :param p: as above :param absolute_query_locations: as above :param extrapolate: as above :return: numpy array of interpolated values of shape (np) ''' xyz_list = np.array(_xyz_list) if(absolute_query_locations): if(self.md_data is None): print('Station coordinates not available. Aborting..') exit(-1) #end if xyz_list[:, 0] -= self.md_data.center_point['east'] xyz_list[:, 1] -= self.md_data.center_point['north'] # end if # query Kd-tree instance to retrieve distances and # indices of k nearest neighbours d, l = self._tree.query(xyz_list, k=nn) img = None if (nn == 1): # extract nearest neighbour values img = self.res_model.flatten()[l] else: vals = self.res_model.flatten() img = np.zeros((xyz_list.shape[0])) # field values are directly assigned for coincident locations coincidentValIndices = d[:, 0] == 0 img[coincidentValIndices] = vals[l[coincidentValIndices, 0]] # perform idw interpolation for non-coincident locations idwIndices = d[:, 0] != 0 w = np.zeros(d.shape) w[idwIndices, :] = 1. / np.power(d[idwIndices, :], p) img[idwIndices] = np.sum(w[idwIndices, :] * vals[l[idwIndices, :]], axis=1) / \ np.sum(w[idwIndices, :], axis=1) # end if if (extrapolate == False): # if extrapolate is false, set interpolation values to NaN for locations # outside the model domain minX = np.min(self._mgxyz[:, 0]) maxX = np.max(self._mgxyz[:, 0]) minY = np.min(self._mgxyz[:, 1]) maxY = np.max(self._mgxyz[:, 1]) minZ = np.min(self._mgxyz[:, 2]) maxZ = np.max(self._mgxyz[:, 2]) xFilter = np.array(xyz_list[:, 0] < minX) + \ np.array(xyz_list[:, 0] > maxX) yFilter = np.array(xyz_list[:, 1] < minY) + \ np.array(xyz_list[:, 1] > maxY) zFilter = np.array(xyz_list[:, 2] < minZ) + \ np.array(xyz_list[:, 2] > maxZ) img[xFilter] = np.nan img[yFilter] = np.nan img[zFilter] = np.nan # end if return img # end func
[docs] def read_files(self): """ read in the files to get appropriate information """ # --> read in model file if self.model_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.model_fn) == True: md_model = Model() md_model.read_model_file(self.model_fn) self.res_model = md_model.res_model self.grid_east = md_model.grid_east / self.dscale self.grid_north = md_model.grid_north / self.dscale self.grid_z = md_model.grid_z / self.dscale self.nodes_east = md_model.nodes_east / self.dscale self.nodes_north = md_model.nodes_north / self.dscale self.nodes_z = md_model.nodes_z / self.dscale self.md_model = md_model else: raise mtex.MTpyError_file_handling( '{0} does not exist, check path'.format(self.model_fn)) # --> read in data file to get station locations if self.data_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.data_fn) == True: md_data = Data() md_data.read_data_file(self.data_fn) self.station_east = md_data.station_locations.rel_east / self.dscale self.station_north = md_data.station_locations.rel_north / self.dscale self.station_names = md_data.station_locations.station self.station_elev = md_data.station_locations.elev / self.dscale self.md_data = md_data else: print('Could not find data file {0}'.format(self.data_fn))
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot: east vs. vertical, north vs. vertical, east vs. north """ print("=============== ===============================================") print(" Buttons Description ") print("=============== ===============================================") print(" 'e' moves n-s slice east by one model block") print(" 'w' moves n-s slice west by one model block") print(" 'n' moves e-w slice north by one model block") print(" 'm' moves e-w slice south by one model block") print(" 'd' moves depth slice down by one model block") print(" 'u' moves depth slice up by one model block") print("=============== ===============================================") self.font_dict = {'size': self.font_size*0.75, 'weight': 'bold'} # --> set default font size plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size*0.75 plt.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = '1' plt.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = '1' plt.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = '1' # set the limits of the plot if self.ew_limits == None: if self.station_east is not None: self.ew_limits = (np.floor(self.station_east.min()), np.ceil(self.station_east.max())) else: self.ew_limits = (self.grid_east[5], self.grid_east[-5]) if self.ns_limits == None: if self.station_north is not None: self.ns_limits = (np.floor(self.station_north.min()), np.ceil(self.station_north.max())) else: self.ns_limits = (self.grid_north[5], self.grid_north[-5]) if self.z_limits == None: depth_limit = max([(abs(self.ew_limits[0]) + abs(self.ew_limits[1])), (abs(self.ns_limits[0]) + abs(self.ns_limits[1]))]) self.z_limits = (-5000 / self.dscale, depth_limit) self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi,frameon=False) plt.clf() # annotations self.ax_border = plt.axes([0.01, 0.01, 0.98, 0.3]) self.ax_border.set_xticks([]) self.ax_border.set_yticks([]) self.ax_border.set_title('Select/Export Slices', y=-0.01, fontdict={'size': self.font_size*2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set up plot axes gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace) # make subplots self.ax_ez = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], aspect=self.fig_aspect) self.ax_nz = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], aspect=self.fig_aspect) self.ax_en = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], aspect=self.fig_aspect) self.ax_map = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) self.ax_radio = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2]) self.ax_span = plt.axes([0.3, 0.15, 0.6, 0.1]) self.ax_button = plt.axes([0.57, 0.075, 0.06, 0.03]) # set tick sizes axList = [self.ax_ez, self.ax_nz, self.ax_en, self.ax_map] for ax in axList: ax.tick_params(axis='both', length=2) # make grid meshes being sure the indexing is correct self.mesh_ez_east, self.mesh_ez_vertical = np.meshgrid(self.grid_east, self.grid_z, indexing='ij') self.mesh_nz_north, self.mesh_nz_vertical = np.meshgrid(self.grid_north, self.grid_z, indexing='ij') self.mesh_en_east, self.mesh_en_north = np.meshgrid(self.grid_east, self.grid_north, indexing='ij') # --> plot east vs vertical self._update_ax_ez() # --> plot north vs vertical self._update_ax_nz() # --> plot east vs north self._update_ax_en() # --> plot the grid as a map view self._update_map() # plot color bar cbx = mcb.make_axes(self.ax_map, fraction=.15, shrink=.75, pad=.15) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]))'right'), .5)'y', direction='in') cb.set_label('Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size}, x=2) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(np.ceil(self.climits[0]), np.floor(self.climits[1] + 1))) cblabeldict = {-2: '$10^{-3}$', -1: '$10^{-1}$', 0: '$10^{0}$', 1: '$10^{1}$', 2: '$10^{2}$', 3: '$10^{3}$', 4: '$10^{4}$', 5: '$10^{5}$', 6: '$10^{6}$', 7: '$10^{7}$', 8: '$10^{8}$'} cb.set_ticklabels([cblabeldict[cc] for cc in np.arange(np.ceil(self.climits[0]), np.floor(self.climits[1] + 1))]) self.key_press = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press) # Interactive widgets ========================================== def getCursorValue(): if(self.current_label == 'N-E'): return self.grid_z[self.index_vertical] elif(self.current_label == 'N-Z'): return self.grid_east[self.index_east] elif(self.current_label == 'E-Z'): return self.grid_north[self.index_north] # end func self.current_range = self.z_limits self.current_label = 'N-E' self.current_label_desc = {'N-E': 'Depth', 'N-Z': 'Easting', 'E-Z': 'Northing'} self.axis_values = {'N-E':self.grid_z, 'N-Z':self.grid_east, 'E-Z':self.grid_north} self.axis_cursor_colors = {'N-E':'r', 'N-Z':'b', 'E-Z':'g'} self.selected_indices = [] self.ax_span.scatter(self.axis_values[self.current_label], np.ones(self.axis_values[self.current_label].shape[0]) * (self.current_range[0] + self.current_range[1]) / 2., 0.5, zorder=100, marker='o', color='k') self.ax_span.fill_between(self.current_range, self.current_range[0] * np.ones(len(self.current_range)), self.current_range[1] * np.ones(len(self.current_range)), alpha=0.5, facecolor='b') self.ax_span.plot(np.ones(2)*getCursorValue(), np.array(self.current_range), c=self.axis_cursor_colors[self.current_label], lw=1) self.ax_span.set_xlim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_ylim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_yticks([]) self.ax_span.set_aspect(0.05) self.ax_span.set_title('Depth Extent: Click+Drag to Select Sub-range') def updateRange(label): self.current_label = label if(label == 'N-E'): self.current_range = self.z_limits elif(label == 'N-Z'): self.current_range = self.ew_limits else: self.current_range = self.ns_limits self.ax_span.cla() self.ax_span.scatter(self.axis_values[self.current_label], np.ones(self.axis_values[self.current_label].shape[0])* (self.current_range[0]+self.current_range[1])/2., 0.5, zorder=100, marker='o', color='k') self.ax_span.fill_between(self.current_range, self.current_range[0] * np.ones(len(self.current_range)), self.current_range[1] * np.ones(len(self.current_range)), alpha=0.5, facecolor='b') self.ax_span.plot(np.ones(2) * getCursorValue(), np.array(self.current_range), c=self.axis_cursor_colors[self.current_label], lw=1) self.ax_span.set_yticks([]) self.ax_span.set_title('%s Extent: Click+Drag to Select Sub-range'% (self.current_label_desc[label])) self.ax_span.set_xlim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_ylim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_aspect(0.05) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() self.selected_indices = [] # end func def onSelect(xmin, xmax): updateRange(self.current_label) indmin, indmax = np.searchsorted(self.axis_values[self.current_label], (xmin, xmax)) self.ax_span.fill_between(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100), self.current_range[0] * np.ones(100), self.current_range[1] * np.ones(100), facecolor='red', alpha=0.4, edgecolor='none') self.selected_indices = np.arange(indmin, indmax) print('Selected indices: ' + str(self.selected_indices)) self.ax_span.set_yticks([]) self.ax_span.set_title('%s Extent: Click+Drag to Select Sub-range'% (self.current_label_desc[self.current_label])) self.ax_span.set_xlim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_ylim(self.current_range) self.ax_span.set_aspect(0.05) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() #end func def buttonClicked(event): self.export_slices(self.current_label, self.selected_indices) # end func radio = RadioButtons(self.ax_radio, ('N-E', # (Depth Slice) 'N-Z', # (North-south-aligned vertical profile) 'E-Z'), #(East-west-aligned vertical profile) active=0) self.ax_radio.set_title('Plane') radio.on_clicked(updateRange) span = SpanSelector(self.ax_span, onSelect, 'horizontal', useblit=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='red', edgecolor='none')) button = Button(self.ax_button, 'Export', color='lightgoldenrodyellow', hovercolor='orange') button.on_clicked(buttonClicked) self.update_range_func = updateRange # Only show interactive popout if plot_yn is set to True; otherwise hide # popout if(self.plot_yn == 'y'): else: self.fig.set_visible(False) plt.close()
# plt.draw() # end func
[docs] def export_slices(self, plane='N-E', indexlist=[], station_buffer=200, save=True): """ Plot Slices :param plane: must be either 'N-E', 'N-Z' or 'E-Z' :param indexlist: must be a list or 1d numpy array of indices :param station_buffer: spatial buffer (in metres) used around grid locations for selecting stations to be projected and plotted on profiles. Ignored if .plot_stations is set to False. :return: [figlist, savepaths]. A list containing (1) lists of Figure objects, for further manipulation (2) corresponding paths for saving them to disk """ station_buffer /= self.dscale assert plane in ['N-E', 'N-Z', 'E-Z'], 'Invalid plane; Aborting..' assert type(indexlist) == list or type(indexlist) == np.ndarray, \ 'Index list must be of type list or a 1d numpy array. Aborting..' fdict = {'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'} cblabeldict = {-2: '$10^{-3}$', -1: '$10^{-1}$', 0: '$10^{0}$', 1: '$10^{1}$', 2: '$10^{2}$', 3: '$10^{3}$', 4: '$10^{4}$', 5: '$10^{5}$', 6: '$10^{6}$', 7: '$10^{7}$', 8: '$10^{8}$'} # make a mesh grid of nodes xg, yg = None, None if(plane == 'N-E'): xg, yg = self.mesh_en_east, self.mesh_en_north elif(plane == 'N-Z'): xg, yg = self.mesh_nz_north, self.mesh_nz_vertical elif(plane == 'E-Z'): xg, yg = self.mesh_ez_east, self.mesh_ez_vertical plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size figlist = [] fnlist = [] # --> plot slices into individual figures for ii in indexlist: #depth = '{0:.3f} ({1})'.format(self.grid_z[ii], # self.map_scale) fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=self.fig_aspect) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', length=2) if (plane == 'N-E'): plot_res = np.log10(self.res_model[:, :, ii].T) ax1.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) ax1.set_ylim(self.ns_limits) ax1.set_ylabel('Northing (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) ax1.set_xlabel('Easting (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) elif (plane == 'N-Z'): plot_res = np.log10(self.res_model[:, ii, :]) ax1.set_xlim(self.ns_limits) ax1.set_ylim(self.z_limits) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.set_ylabel('Depth (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) ax1.set_xlabel('Northing (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) elif (plane == 'E-Z'): plot_res = np.log10(self.res_model[ii, :, :]) ax1.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) ax1.set_ylim(self.z_limits) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.set_ylabel('Depth (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) ax1.set_xlabel('Easting (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) # end if mesh_plot = ax1.pcolormesh(xg, yg, plot_res, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]) # plot the stations if (self.station_east is not None \ and self.plot_stations): if(plane == 'N-E'): for ee, nn, slabel in zip(self.station_east, self.station_north, self.station_names): if self.station_id is not None: slabel = slabel[self.station_id[0]:self.station_id[1]] # plot marker # ax1.plot(ee, nn, 'k.') ax1.text(ee, nn, '*', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': 3, 'weight': 'bold'}) # plot label ax1.text(ee, nn, slabel, rotation=45, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', fontdict={'size': 3, 'weight': 'bold'}) elif(plane == 'N-Z'): sids = np.fabs(self.grid_east[ii] - self.station_east) < station_buffer nvals = self.station_north[sids] for x in nvals: ax1.text(x, 0, self.station_marker, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline', fontdict={'size':, 'color': self.station_color}) elif (plane == 'E-Z'): sids = np.fabs(self.grid_north[ii] - self.station_north) < station_buffer evals = self.station_east[sids] for x in evals: ax1.text(x, 0, self.station_marker, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline', fontdict={'size':, 'color': self.station_color}) # end if # plot the grid if desired if self.plot_grid == 'y': x_line_xlist = [] x_line_ylist = [] for xx in xg[:,0]: x_line_xlist.extend([xx, xx]) x_line_xlist.append(None) x_line_ylist.extend([yg[0,:].min(), yg[0,:].max()]) x_line_ylist.append(None) ax1.plot(x_line_xlist, x_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') y_line_xlist = [] y_line_ylist = [] for yy in yg[0,:]: y_line_xlist.extend([xg[:,0].min(), xg[:,0].max()]) y_line_xlist.append(None) y_line_ylist.extend([yy, yy]) y_line_ylist.append(None) ax1.plot(y_line_xlist, y_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') # plot the colorbar if self.draw_colorbar: cbx = mcb.make_axes(ax1, fraction=.15, shrink=.75, pad=.15) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]))'right'), .5)'y', direction='in') cb.set_label('Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size}, x=2) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(np.ceil(self.climits[0]), np.floor(self.climits[1] + 1))) cblabeldict = {-2: '$10^{-3}$', -1: '$10^{-1}$', 0: '$10^{0}$', 1: '$10^{1}$', 2: '$10^{2}$', 3: '$10^{3}$', 4: '$10^{4}$', 5: '$10^{5}$', 6: '$10^{6}$', 7: '$10^{7}$', 8: '$10^{8}$'} cb.set_ticklabels([cblabeldict[cc] for cc in np.arange(np.ceil(self.climits[0]), np.floor(self.climits[1] + 1))]) # end if figlist.append(fig) if self.title == 'on': fig.suptitle('%s Plane at %s: %0.4f %s'%(plane, self.current_label_desc[plane], self.axis_values[plane][ii], self.map_scale)) if save: # --> save plots to a common folder fn = '%s-plane-at-%s%03i.%0.3f.%s.%s'%(plane, self.current_label_desc[plane], ii, self.axis_values[plane][ii], self.map_scale, self.save_format) fpath = os.path.join(self.save_path, fn) print(('Exporting %s..'%(fpath))) fig.savefig(fpath, dpi=self.fig_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fnlist.append(fpath) #fig.clear() # plt.close() # end for return figlist, fnlist
#end func
[docs] def on_key_press(self, event): """ on a key press change the slices """ key_press = event.key if key_press == 'n': if self.index_north == self.grid_north.size: print('Already at northern most grid cell') else: self.index_north += 1 if self.index_north > self.grid_north.size: self.index_north = self.grid_north.size self._update_ax_ez() self._update_map() if key_press == 'm': if self.index_north == 0: print('Already at southern most grid cell') else: self.index_north -= 1 if self.index_north < 0: self.index_north = 0 self._update_ax_ez() self._update_map() if key_press == 'e': if self.index_east == self.grid_east.size: print('Already at eastern most grid cell') else: self.index_east += 1 if self.index_east > self.grid_east.size: self.index_east = self.grid_east.size self._update_ax_nz() self._update_map() if key_press == 'w': if self.index_east == 0: print('Already at western most grid cell') else: self.index_east -= 1 if self.index_east < 0: self.index_east = 0 self._update_ax_nz() self._update_map() if key_press == 'd': if self.index_vertical == self.grid_z.size: print('Already at deepest grid cell') else: self.index_vertical += 1 if self.index_vertical > self.grid_z.size: self.index_vertical = self.grid_z.size self._update_ax_en() self._update_ax_nz() print('Depth = {0:.5g} ({1})'.format(self.grid_z[self.index_vertical], self.map_scale)) if key_press == 'u': if self.index_vertical == 0: print('Already at surface grid cell') else: self.index_vertical -= 1 if self.index_vertical < 0: self.index_vertical = 0 self._update_ax_en() self._update_ax_nz() print('Depth = {0:.5gf} ({1})'.format(self.grid_z[self.index_vertical], self.map_scale)) self.update_range_func(self.current_label)
# end func def _update_ax_ez(self): """ update east vs vertical plot """ self.ax_ez.cla() plot_ez = np.log10(self.res_model[self.index_north, :, :]) self.ax_ez.pcolormesh(self.mesh_ez_east, self.mesh_ez_vertical, plot_ez, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]) # plot stations for sx in self.station_dict_north[self.grid_north[self.index_north]]: self.ax_ez.text(sx, 0, self.station_marker, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline', fontdict={'size':, 'color': self.station_color}) self.ax_ez.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) self.ax_ez.set_ylim(self.z_limits[1], self.z_limits[0]) self.ax_ez.set_ylabel('Depth ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.ax_ez.set_xlabel('Easting ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.fig.canvas.draw() self._update_map() def _update_ax_nz(self): """ update east vs vertical plot """ self.ax_nz.cla() plot_nz = np.log10(self.res_model[:, self.index_east, :]) self.ax_nz.pcolormesh(self.mesh_nz_north, self.mesh_nz_vertical, plot_nz, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]) # --> depth indication line self.ax_nz.plot([self.grid_north.min(), self.grid_north.max()], [self.grid_z[self.index_vertical], self.grid_z[self.index_vertical]], lw=1, color='r') # plot stations for sy in self.station_dict_east[self.grid_east[self.index_east]]: self.ax_nz.text(sy, 0, self.station_marker, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline', fontdict={'size':, 'color': self.station_color}) self.ax_nz.set_xlim(self.ns_limits) self.ax_nz.set_ylim(self.z_limits[1], self.z_limits[0]) self.ax_nz.set_xlabel('Northing ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.ax_nz.set_ylabel('Depth ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.fig.canvas.draw() self._update_map() def _update_ax_en(self): """ update east vs vertical plot """ self.ax_en.cla() plot_en = np.log10(self.res_model[:, :, self.index_vertical].T) self.ax_en.pcolormesh(self.mesh_en_east, self.mesh_en_north, plot_en, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]) self.ax_en.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) self.ax_en.set_ylim(self.ns_limits) self.ax_en.set_ylabel('Northing ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.ax_en.set_xlabel('Easting ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) # --> plot the stations if self.station_east is not None and self.plot_stations: for ee, nn, elev, name in zip(self.station_east, self.station_north, self.station_elev, self.station_names): if elev <= self.grid_z[self.index_vertical]: self.ax_en.text(ee, nn, '+', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': 1, 'weight': 'bold', 'color': (.75, 0, 0)}) self.ax_en.text(ee, nn, name[2:], verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': 1, 'weight': 'bold', 'color': (.75, 0, 0)}) self.fig.canvas.draw() self._update_map() def _update_map(self): self.ax_map.cla() self.east_line_xlist = [] self.east_line_ylist = [] for xx in self.grid_east: self.east_line_xlist.extend([xx, xx]) self.east_line_xlist.append(None) self.east_line_ylist.extend([self.grid_north.min(), self.grid_north.max()]) self.east_line_ylist.append(None) self.ax_map.plot(self.east_line_xlist, self.east_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') self.north_line_xlist = [] self.north_line_ylist = [] for yy in self.grid_north: self.north_line_xlist.extend([self.grid_east.min(), self.grid_east.max()]) self.north_line_xlist.append(None) self.north_line_ylist.extend([yy, yy]) self.north_line_ylist.append(None) self.ax_map.plot(self.north_line_xlist, self.north_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') # --> e-w indication line self.ax_map.plot([self.grid_east.min(), self.grid_east.max()], [self.grid_north[self.index_north], self.grid_north[self.index_north]], lw=1, color='g') # --> e-w indication line self.ax_map.plot([self.grid_east[self.index_east], self.grid_east[self.index_east]], [self.grid_north.min(), self.grid_north.max()], lw=1, color='b') # --> plot the stations if self.station_east is not None: for ee, nn in zip(self.station_east, self.station_north): self.ax_map.text(ee, nn, '*', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': 5, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.ax_map.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) self.ax_map.set_ylim(self.ns_limits) self.ax_map.set_ylabel('Northing ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) self.ax_map.set_xlabel('Easting ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=self.font_dict) # plot stations self.ax_map.text(self.ew_limits[0] * .95, self.ns_limits[1] * .95, '{0:.5g} ({1})'.format(self.grid_z[self.index_vertical], self.map_scale), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict=self.font_dict) self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def get_station_grid_locations(self): """ get the grid line on which a station resides for plotting """ self.station_dict_east = dict([(gx, []) for gx in self.grid_east]) self.station_dict_north = dict([(gy, []) for gy in self.grid_north]) if self.station_east is not None: for ss, sx in enumerate(self.station_east): gx = np.where(self.grid_east <= sx)[0][-1] self.station_dict_east[self.grid_east[gx]].append(self.station_north[ss]) for ss, sy in enumerate(self.station_north): gy = np.where(self.grid_north <= sy)[0][-1] self.station_dict_north[self.grid_north[gy]].append(self.station_east[ss]) else: return
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> #change line width >>> p1.lw = 2 >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn=None, fig_dpi=None, file_format='pdf', orientation='landscape', close_fig='y'): """ save_figure will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> ps1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi == None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) == False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, '_E{0}_N{1}_Z{2}.{3}'.format( self.index_east, self.index_north, self.index_vertical, file_format)) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_fig == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
if __name__=='__main__': modem = os.path.dirname(__file__) modeling = os.path.dirname(modem) mtpy = os.path.dirname(modeling) base = os.path.dirname(mtpy) examples = os.path.join(base, 'examples') data = os.path.join(examples, 'data') ModEM_files = os.path.join(data, 'ModEM_files') mfn = os.path.join(ModEM_files, 'Modular_MPI_NLCG_056_im2.rho') dfn = os.path.join(ModEM_files, 'ModEM_Data_im2.dat') ps = PlotSlices(model_fn=mfn, data_fn=dfn, save_path='/tmp', plot_stations=True, plot_yn='n') figs, fpaths = ps.export_slices('E-Z', [20], station_buffer=2000) # Updating cb-axis location. This first axis in each fig object is the # plot axis and the second being the colorbar axis. for f,fp in zip(figs, fpaths): cbax = f.axes[1] oldPos = cbax.get_position() # get the original position newPos = [oldPos.x0, oldPos.y0, oldPos.width / 2.0, oldPos.height / 2.0] cbax.set_position(newPos) f.savefig(fp, dpi=ps.fig_dpi) # Exporting slices without saving figs, fpaths = ps.export_slices('E-Z', [20], station_buffer=2000, save=False) figs[0].savefig('/tmp/f.png', dpi=600) # Fetch a profile along station locations gd, gz, gv = ps.get_slice("STA", nsteps=1000)