Source code for


# Generate files for ModEM

# revised by JP 2017
# revised by AK 2017 to bring across functionality from ak branch

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import csv
import numpy as np
from logging import INFO as My_Log_Level  # this module's log level

import as pt
from mtpy.core import mt as mt
from mtpy.core import z as mtz
from mtpy.modeling import ws3dinv as ws
from mtpy.utils import gis_tools as gis_tools
from mtpy.utils.decorator import deprecated
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog

from mtpy.modeling.modem.exception import ModEMError, DataError
from mtpy.modeling.modem.station import Stations
from mtpy.modeling.modem.model import Model

    from pyevtk.hl import pointsToVTK
except ImportError:
    print('If you want to write a vtk file for 3d viewing, you need download '
          'and install evtk from', file=sys.stderr)

    print('Note: if you are using Windows you should build evtk first with'
          'either MinGW or cygwin using the command: \n'
          '    python build -compiler=mingw32  or \n'
          '    python build -compiler=cygwin')

# =============================================================================
[docs]class Data(object): """ Data will read and write .dat files for ModEM and convert a WS data file to ModEM format. ..note: :: the data is interpolated onto the given periods such that all stations invert for the same periods. The interpolation is a linear interpolation of each of the real and imaginary parts of the impedance tensor and induction tensor. See for more details Arguments ------------ **edi_list** : list list of full paths to .edi files you want to invert for ====================== ==================================================== Attributes Description ====================== ==================================================== _dtype internal variable defining the data type of data_array _logger python logging object that put messages in logging format defined in logging configure file, see MtPyLog for more information _t_shape internal variable defining shape of tipper array in _dtype _z_shape internal variable defining shape of Z array in _dtype center_position (east, north, evel) for center point of station array. All stations are relative to this location for plotting purposes. comp_index_dict dictionary for index values of component of Z and T station_locations Stations object data_array numpy.ndarray (num_stations) structured to store data. keys are: * station --> station name * lat --> latitude in decimal degrees * lon --> longitude in decimal degrees * elev --> elevation (m) * rel_east -- > relative east location to center_position (m) * rel_north --> relative north location to center_position (m) * east --> UTM east (m) * north --> UTM north (m) * zone --> UTM zone * z --> impedance tensor array with shape (num_freq, 2, 2) * z_err --> impedance tensor error array with shape (num_freq, 2, 2) * tip --> Tipper array with shape (num_freq, 1, 2) * tipperr --> Tipper array with shape (num_freq, 1, 2) data_fn full path to data file data_period_list period list from all the data edi_list list of full paths to edi files error_type_tipper [ 'abs' | 'floor' ] *default* is 'abs' error_type_z [ 'egbert' | 'mean_od' | 'eigen' | 'median'] *default* is 'egbert_floor' * add '_floor' to any of the above to set the error as an error floor, otherwise all components are give weighted the same * 'egbert' sets error to error_value_z * sqrt(abs(zxy*zyx)) * 'mean_od' sets error to error_value_z * mean([Zxy, Zyx]) (non zeros) * 'eigen' sets error to error_value_z * eigenvalues(Z[ii]) * 'median' sets error to error_value_z * median([Zxx, Zxy, Zyx, Zyy]) (non zeros) error_value_z percentage to multiply Z by to set error *default* is 5 for 5% of Z as error error_value_tipper absolute error between 0 and 1. fn_basename basename of data file. *default* is 'ModEM_Data.dat' formatting ['1' | '2'], format of the output data file, *default* is '1' header_strings strings for header of data file following the format outlined in the ModEM documentation inv_comp_dict dictionary of inversion components inv_mode inversion mode, options are: *default* is '1' * '1' --> for 'Full_Impedance' and 'Full_Vertical_Components' * '2' --> 'Full_Impedance' * '3' --> 'Off_Diagonal_Impedance' and 'Full_Vertical_Components' * '4' --> 'Off_Diagonal_Impedance' * '5' --> 'Full_Vertical_Components' * '6' --> 'Full_Interstation_TF' * '7' --> 'Off_Diagonal_Rho_Phase' inv_mode_dict dictionary for inversion modes max_num_periods maximum number of periods model_epsg epsg code for model projection, provide this to project model to non-utm coordinates. Find the epsg code for your projection on or google search epsg "your projection" model_utm_zone alternative to model_epsg, choose a utm zone to project all sites to (e.g. '55S') mt_dict dictionary of objects with keys being station names period_buffer float or int if specified, apply a buffer so that interpolation doesn't stretch too far over periods period_dict dictionary of period index for period_list period_list list of periods to invert for period_max maximum value of period to invert for period_min minimum value of period to invert for period_buffer buffer so that interpolation doesn't stretch too far over periods. Provide a float or integer factor, greater than which interpolation will not stretch. e.g. 1.5 means only interpolate to a maximum of 1.5 times each side of each frequency value rotate_angle Angle to rotate data to assuming 0 is N and E is 90 save_path path to save data file to units [ [V/m]/[T] | [mV/km]/[nT] | Ohm ] units of Z *default* is [mV/km]/[nT] wave_sign_impedance [ + | - ] sign of time dependent wave. *default* is '+' as positive downwards. wave_sign_tipper [ + | - ] sign of time dependent wave. *default* is '+' as positive downwards. ====================== ==================================================== ========================== ================================================ Methods Description ========================== ================================================ center_stations Center station locations to the middle of cells, might be useful for topography. change_data_elevation At each station in the data file rewrite the elevation, so the station is on the surface, not floating in air. compute_inv_error compute the error from the given parameters convert_modem_to_ws convert a ModEM data file to WS format. convert_ws3dinv_data_file convert a ws3dinv file to ModEM fomrat, **Note** this doesn't include tipper data and you need a station location file like the one output by mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv fill_data_array fill the data array from mt_dict filter_periods Select the periods of the mt_obj that are in per_array. used to do original freq inversion. get_header_string reset the header sring for file get_mt_dict get mt_dict from edi file list get_parameters get important parameters for documentation get_period_list make a period list to invert for get_relative_station_locations get station locations from edi files project_stations_on_topography This method is used in add_topography(). It will Re-write the data file to change the elevation column. And update covariance mask according topo elevation model. read_data_file read in a ModEM data file and fill attributes data_array, station_locations, period_list, mt_dict write_data_file write a ModEM data file write_vtk_station_file write a vtk file for station locations. For now this in relative coordinates. ========================== ================================================ :Example 1 --> create inversion period list: :: >>> import os >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> edi_path = r"/home/mt/edi_files" >>> edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path, edi) \ for edi in os.listdir(edi_path)\ if edi.find('.edi') > 0] >>> md = modem.Data(edi_list, period_min=.1, period_max=300,\ max_num_periods=12) >>> md.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/inv1") :Example 2 --> set inverions period list from data: :: >>> import os >>> import >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> edi_path = r"/home/mt/edi_files" >>> edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path, edi) \ for edi in os.listdir(edi_path)\ if edi.find('.edi') > 0] >>> md = modem.Data(edi_list) >>> #get period list from an .edi file >>> mt_obj1 = mt.MT(edi_list[0]) >>> inv_period_list = 1./mt_obj1.Z.freq >>> #invert for every third period in inv_period_list >>> inv_period_list = inv_period_list[np.arange(0, len(inv_period_list, 3))] >>> md.period_list = inv_period_list >>> md.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/inv1") :Example 3 --> change error values: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> mdr = modem.Data() >>> mdr.read_data_file(r"/home/modem/inv1/ModEM_Data.dat") >>> mdr.error_type = 'floor' >>> mdr.error_floor = 10 >>> mdr.error_tipper = .03 >>> mdr.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/inv2") :Example 4 --> change inversion type: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> mdr = modem.Data() >>> mdr.read_data_file(r"/home/modem/inv1/ModEM_Data.dat") >>> mdr.inv_mode = '3' >>> mdr.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/inv2") :Example 5 --> rotate data: :: >>> md.rotation_angle = 60 >>> md.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/Inv1") >>> # or >>> md.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/Inv1", \ rotation_angle=60) """ def __init__(self, edi_list=None, **kwargs): self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self._logger.setLevel(My_Log_Level) self.edi_list = edi_list self.error_type_z = 'egbert_floor' self.error_value_z = 5.0 self.error_value_tipper = .05 self.error_type_tipper = 'abs' self.wave_sign_impedance = '+' self.wave_sign_tipper = '+' self.units = '[mV/km]/[nT]' self.inv_mode = '1' self.period_list = None # self.period_step = 1 self.period_min = None self.period_max = None self.period_buffer = None self.max_num_periods = None self.data_period_list = None self.data_fn = 'ModEM_Data.dat' self.save_path = os.getcwd() self.fn_basename = None self.formatting = '1' self._rotation_angle = 0.0 self.center_point = None self.data_array = None self.mt_dict = None self.model_utm_zone = None self.model_epsg = None self._z_shape = (1, 2, 2) self._t_shape = (1, 1, 2) self._dtype = [('station', '|S10'), ('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('elev', np.float), ('rel_east', np.float), ('rel_north', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('zone', '|S4'), ('z', (np.complex, self._z_shape)), ('z_err', (np.float, self._z_shape)), ('z_inv_err', (np.float, self._z_shape)), ('tip', (np.complex, self._t_shape)), ('tip_err', (np.float, self._t_shape)), ('tip_inv_err', (np.float, self._t_shape))] self.inv_mode_dict = {'1': ['Full_Impedance', 'Full_Vertical_Components'], '2': ['Full_Impedance'], '3': ['Off_Diagonal_Impedance', 'Full_Vertical_Components'], '4': ['Off_Diagonal_Impedance'], '5': ['Full_Vertical_Components'], '6': ['Full_Interstation_TF'], '7': ['Off_Diagonal_Rho_Phase']} self.inv_comp_dict = {'Full_Impedance': ['zxx', 'zxy', 'zyx', 'zyy'], 'Off_Diagonal_Impedance': ['zxy', 'zyx'], 'Full_Vertical_Components': ['tx', 'ty']} self.comp_index_dict = {'zxx': (0, 0), 'zxy': (0, 1), 'zyx': (1, 0), 'zyy': (1, 1), 'tx': (0, 0), 'ty': (0, 1)} self.header_string = ' '.join(['# Period(s)', 'Code', 'GG_Lat', 'GG_Lon', 'X(m)', 'Y(m)', 'Z(m)', 'Component', 'Real', 'Imag', 'Error\n']) for key in list(kwargs.keys()): # have to set rotation angle after period list has been set if key != 'rotation_angle': if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) else: self._logger.warn("Argument {}={} is not supported thus not been set.".format(key, kwargs[key])) # update period buffer to a default value if it is invalid if self.period_buffer is not None: try: self.period_buffer = float(self.period_buffer) if self.period_buffer < 0.: self._logger.warn("Period buffer must be > 0, setting to None") self.period_buffer = None # if provided value between 0 and 1, assume it was meant to be set to 1 + provided value elif self.period_buffer < 1.: self._logger.warn("Period buffer must be > 1, adding 1 to provided value") self.period_buffer += 1. except: self._logger.warn("Period buffer must be convertable to an integer or float, setting to None") if 'rotation_angle' in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, 'rotation_angle', kwargs['rotation_angle']) # self._set_rotation_angle(self.rotation_angle) def _set_dtype(self, z_shape, t_shape): """ reset dtype """ self._z_shape = z_shape self._t_shape = t_shape self._dtype = [('station', '|S10'), ('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('elev', np.float), ('rel_east', np.float), ('rel_north', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('zone', '|S4'), ('z', (np.complex, self._z_shape)), ('z_err', (np.float, self._z_shape)), ('z_inv_err', (np.float, self._z_shape)), ('tip', (np.complex, self._t_shape)), ('tip_err', (np.float, self._t_shape)), ('tip_inv_err', (np.float, self._t_shape))]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_header_string(error_type, error_value, rotation_angle): """ reset the header sring for file """ if 'separate' in error_type: h_str = ','.join(['# Created using MTpy calculated {}error floors of {1:.0f}%,{1:.0f}%,{1:.0f}%,{1:.0f}%', ' data rotated {2:.1f}_deg clockwise from N\n']) else: h_str = ','.join(['# Created using MTpy calculated {0} error of {1:.0f}%', ' data rotated {2:.1f}_deg clockwise from N\n']) return h_str.format(error_type, error_value, rotation_angle)
[docs] def get_mt_dict(self): """ get mt_dict from edi file list """ if self.edi_list is None: raise ModEMError('edi_list is None, please input a list of ' '.edi files containing the full path') if len(self.edi_list) == 0: raise ModEMError('edi_list is empty, please input a list of ' '.edi files containing the full path') self.mt_dict = {} for edi in self.edi_list: mt_obj = mt.MT(edi) self.mt_dict[mt_obj.station] = mt_obj
[docs] def get_relative_station_locations(self): """ get station locations from edi files """ stations_obj = Stations(model_epsg=self.model_epsg, model_utm_zone=self.model_utm_zone) mt_list = [self.mt_dict[s_key] for s_key in sorted(self.mt_dict.keys())] stations_obj.get_station_locations(mt_list) # rotate locations if needed if self._rotation_angle != 0: stations_obj.rotate_stations(self._rotation_angle) # fill data array self.data_array[:]['station'] = stations_obj.station self.data_array[:]['lat'] = self.data_array[:]['lon'] = stations_obj.lon self.data_array[:]['east'] = stations_obj.east self.data_array[:]['north'] = stations_obj.north self.data_array[:]['elev'] = stations_obj.elev self.data_array[:]['rel_east'] = stations_obj.rel_east self.data_array[:]['rel_north'] = stations_obj.rel_north self.data_array[:]['zone'] = stations_obj.utm_zone # get center point self.center_point = stations_obj.center_point
[docs] def get_period_list(self): """ make a period list to invert for """ if self.mt_dict is None: self.get_mt_dict() if self.period_list is not None: print('-' * 50) print('Inverting for periods:') for per in self.period_list: print(' {0:<12.6f}'.format(per)) print('-' * 50) return data_period_list = [] for s_key in sorted(self.mt_dict.keys()): mt_obj = self.mt_dict[s_key] data_period_list.extend(list(1. / mt_obj.Z.freq)) self.data_period_list = np.array(sorted(list(set(data_period_list)), reverse=False)) if self.period_min is not None and self.period_max is None: raise DataError('Need to input period_max') if self.period_max is not None and self.period_min is None: raise DataError('Need to input period_min') if self.period_min is not None and self.period_max is not None and self.max_num_periods is None: raise DataError('Need to input number of periods to use') min_index = np.where(self.data_period_list >= self.period_min)[0][0] max_index = np.where(self.data_period_list <= self.period_max)[0][-1] pmin = np.log10(self.data_period_list[min_index]) pmax = np.log10(self.data_period_list[max_index]) self.period_list = np.logspace(pmin, pmax, num=self.max_num_periods) print('-' * 50) print('Inverting for periods:') for per in self.period_list: print(' {0:<12.6f}'.format(per)) print('-' * 50) if self.period_list is None: # YG: is this possible? raise ModEMError('Need to input period_min, period_max, ' 'max_num_periods or a period_list')
def _set_rotation_angle(self, rotation_angle): """ on set rotation angle rotate mt_dict and data_array, """ if self._rotation_angle == rotation_angle: return'Changing rotation angle from {0:.1f} to {1:.1f}'.format( self._rotation_angle, rotation_angle)) self._rotation_angle = -self._rotation_angle + rotation_angle if self.rotation_angle == 0: return'Changing rotation angle from {0:.1f} to {1:.1f}'.format( self._rotation_angle, rotation_angle)) self._rotation_angle = rotation_angle if self.mt_dict is None: self.get_mt_dict() for mt_key in sorted(self.mt_dict.keys()): mt_obj = self.mt_dict[mt_key] # check if data already rotated angle_to_rotate = self._rotation_angle - mt_obj.Z.rotation_angle mt_obj.Z.rotate(angle_to_rotate) mt_obj.Tipper.rotate(angle_to_rotate)'Data rotated to align with {0:.1f} deg clockwise from N'.format( self._rotation_angle)) self.fill_data_array() def _get_rotation_angle(self): return self._rotation_angle rotation_angle = property(fget=_get_rotation_angle, fset=_set_rotation_angle, doc="""Rotate data assuming N=0, E=90""") def _initialise_empty_data_array(self, station_locations, period_list, location_type='LL', station_names=None, epsg = None, utm_zone=None): """ create an empty data array to create input files for forward modelling station locations is an array containing x,y coordinates of each station (shape = (number_of_stations,2)) period_list = list of periods to model location_type = 'LL' or 'EN' - longitude/latitude or easting/northing if 'EN' then utm_zone station_names = list or 1d array containing station names """ self.period_list = period_list.copy() nf = len(self.period_list) self._set_dtype((nf, 2, 2), (nf, 1, 2)) self.data_array = np.zeros(len(station_locations), dtype=self._dtype) if location_type == 'LL': self.data_array['lon'] = station_locations[:, 0] self.data_array['lat'] = station_locations[:, 1] for i in range(len(self.data_array['lon'])): lat,lon = self.data_array['lat'][i],self.data_array['lon'][i] east, north, zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(lat,lon,epsg=epsg,utm_zone=utm_zone) self.data_array['east'][i] = east self.data_array['north'][i] = north else: self.data_array['east'] = station_locations[:, 0] self.data_array['north'] = station_locations[:, 1] for i in range(len(self.data_array['east'])): east, north = self.data_array['east'][i],self.data_array['north'][i] lat,lon = gis_tools.project_point_utm2ll(east,north, utm_zone=utm_zone, epsg=epsg) self.data_array['lon'][i] = lon self.data_array['lat'][i] = lat # set non-zero values to array (as zeros will be deleted) # as we are setting up for forward modelling, actual values don't matter if self.inv_mode in '12': self.data_array['z'][:] = 10. + 10j self.data_array['z_err'][:] = 1e15 if self.inv_mode == '1': self.data_array['tip'][:] = 0.1 + 0.1j self.data_array['tip_err'][:] = 1e15 # set station names if station_names is not None: if len(station_names) != len(station_names): station_names = None if station_names is None: station_names = ['st%03i' % ss for ss in range(len(station_locations))] self.data_array['station'] = station_names # make an mt_dict self.mt_dict = {} for i,sname in enumerate(station_names): mtObj = mt.MT() = self.data_array['lat'][i] mtObj.lon = self.data_array['lon'][i] mtObj.east = self.data_array['east'][i] mtObj.north = self.data_array['north'][i] mtObj.Z = mtz.Z(z_array=self.data_array['z'][i], z_err_array=self.data_array['z_err'][i], freq=1./period_list) mtObj.Tipper = mtz.Tipper(tipper_array=self.data_array['tip'][i], tipper_err_array=self.data_array['tip_err'][i], freq=1./period_list) mtObj.station = sname self.mt_dict[sname] = mtObj self.get_relative_station_locations()
[docs] def fill_data_array(self, new_edi_dir=None, use_original_freq=False, longitude_format='LON'): """ fill the data array from mt_dict """ if self.period_list is None: self.get_period_list() ns = len(list(self.mt_dict.keys())) nf = len(self.period_list) d_array = False if self.data_array is not None: d_arr_copy = self.data_array.copy() d_array = True self._set_dtype((nf, 2, 2), (nf, 1, 2)) self.data_array = np.zeros(ns, dtype=self._dtype) rel_distance = True for ii, s_key in enumerate(sorted(self.mt_dict.keys())): mt_obj = self.mt_dict[s_key] if d_array: try: d_index = np.where(d_arr_copy['station'] == s_key)[0][0] self.data_array[ii]['station'] = s_key self.data_array[ii]['lat'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['lat'] self.data_array[ii]['lon'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['lon'] self.data_array[ii]['east'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['east'] self.data_array[ii]['north'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['north'] self.data_array[ii]['elev'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['elev'] self.data_array[ii]['rel_east'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['rel_east'] self.data_array[ii]['rel_north'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['rel_north'] self.data_array[:]['zone'] = d_arr_copy[d_index]['zone'] except IndexError: self._logger.warn('Could not find {0} in data_array'.format(s_key)) else: self.data_array[ii]['station'] = mt_obj.station self.data_array[ii]['lat'] = self.data_array[ii]['lon'] = mt_obj.lon self.data_array[ii]['east'] = mt_obj.east self.data_array[ii]['north'] = mt_obj.north self.data_array[ii]['elev'] = mt_obj.elev try: self.data_array[ii]['rel_east'] = mt_obj.grid_east self.data_array[ii]['rel_north'] = mt_obj.grid_north rel_distance = False # YG: should rel_distance = True here? except AttributeError: pass # interpolate each station onto the period list # check bounds of period list interp_periods = self.period_list[np.where( (self.period_list >= 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq.max()) & (self.period_list <= 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq.min()))] # if specified, apply a buffer so that interpolation doesn't # stretch too far over periods if type(self.period_buffer) in [float, int]: interp_periods_new = [] dperiods = 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq for iperiod in interp_periods: # find nearest data period difference = np.abs(iperiod - dperiods) nearestdperiod = dperiods[difference == np.amin(difference)][0] if max(nearestdperiod / iperiod, iperiod / nearestdperiod) < self.period_buffer: interp_periods_new.append(iperiod) interp_periods = np.array(interp_periods_new) # FZ: sort in order interp_periods = np.sort(interp_periods) self._logger.debug("station_name and its original period: %s %s %s", mt_obj.station, len(mt_obj.Z.freq), 1.0 / mt_obj.Z.freq) self._logger.debug("station_name and interpolation period: %s %s %s", mt_obj.station, len(interp_periods), interp_periods) # default: use_original_freq = True, each MT station edi file will use it's own frequency-filtered. # no new freq in the output modem.dat file. select those freq of mt_obj according to interp_periods if use_original_freq: interp_periods = self.filter_periods(mt_obj, interp_periods) self._logger.debug("station_name and selected/filtered periods: %s, %s, %s", mt_obj.station, len(interp_periods), interp_periods) # in this case the below interpolate_impedance_tensor function will degenerate into a same-freq set. if len(interp_periods) > 0: # not empty interp_z, interp_t = mt_obj.interpolate(1. / interp_periods, period_buffer=self.period_buffer) # ,bounds_error=False) # interp_z, interp_t = mt_obj.interpolate(1./interp_periods) for kk, ff in enumerate(interp_periods): jj = np.where(self.period_list == ff)[0][0] self.data_array[ii]['z'][jj] = interp_z.z[kk, :, :] self.data_array[ii]['z_err'][jj] = interp_z.z_err[kk, :, :] if mt_obj.Tipper.tipper is not None: self.data_array[ii]['tip'][jj] = interp_t.tipper[kk, :, :] self.data_array[ii]['tip_err'][jj] = \ interp_t.tipper_err[kk, :, :] # FZ: try to output a new edi files. Compare with original edi? if new_edi_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(new_edi_dir): # new_edifile = os.path.join(new_edi_dir, mt_obj.station + '.edi') mt_obj.write_mt_file( save_dir=new_edi_dir, fn_basename=mt_obj.station, file_type='edi', new_Z_obj=interp_z, new_Tipper_obj=interp_t, longitude_format=longitude_format) else: pass if rel_distance is False: self.get_relative_station_locations() return
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_periods(mt_obj, per_array): """Select the periods of the mt_obj that are in per_array. used to do original freq inversion. :param mt_obj: :param per_array: :return: array of selected periods (subset) of the mt_obj """ mt_per = 1.0 / mt_obj.Z.freq new_per = [p for p in mt_per if any([np.isclose(p, p2, 1.e-8) for p2 in per_array])] # for p in mt_per: # for p2 in per_array: # # if abs(p - p2) < 0.00000001: # Be aware of floating error if use == # if np.isclose(p, p2, 1.e-8): # new_per.append(p) return np.array(new_per)
def _set_station_locations(self, station_locations): """ take a station_locations array and populate data_array """ if self.data_array is None: self._set_dtype((len(self.period_list), 2, 2), (len(self.period_list), 1, 2)) self.data_array = np.zeros(station_locations.station_locations.size, dtype=self._dtype) for d_index, s_arr in enumerate(station_locations.station_locations): self.data_array[d_index]['lat'] = s_arr['lat'] self.data_array[d_index]['lon'] = s_arr['lon'] self.data_array[d_index]['east'] = s_arr['east'] self.data_array[d_index]['north'] = s_arr['north'] self.data_array[d_index]['elev'] = s_arr['elev'] self.data_array[d_index]['rel_east'] = s_arr['rel_east'] self.data_array[d_index]['rel_north'] = s_arr['rel_north'] else: for s_arr in station_locations.station_locations: try: d_index = np.where(self.data_array['station'] == s_arr['station'])[0][0] except IndexError: self._logger.warn('Could not find {0} in data_array'.format(s_arr['station'])) d_index = None if d_index is not None: self.data_array[d_index]['lat'] = s_arr['lat'] self.data_array[d_index]['lon'] = s_arr['lon'] self.data_array[d_index]['east'] = s_arr['east'] self.data_array[d_index]['north'] = s_arr['north'] self.data_array[d_index]['elev'] = s_arr['elev'] self.data_array[d_index]['rel_east'] = s_arr['rel_east'] self.data_array[d_index]['rel_north'] = s_arr['rel_north'] def _get_station_locations(self): """ extract station locations from data array """ if self.data_array is None: return None station_locations = self.data_array[['station', 'lat', 'lon', 'north', 'east', 'elev', 'rel_north', 'rel_east', 'zone']] stations_obj = Stations(model_epsg=self.model_epsg, model_utm_zone=self.model_utm_zone) stations_obj.station_locations = station_locations return stations_obj station_locations = property(_get_station_locations, _set_station_locations, doc="""location of stations""")
[docs] def compute_inv_error(self): """ compute the error from the given parameters """ # copy values over to inversion error self.data_array['z_inv_err'] = self.data_array['z_err'] self.data_array['tip_inv_err'] = self.data_array['tip_err'] # compute relative error for tipper if 'floor' in self.error_type_tipper: t_index = np.where(self.data_array['tip_err'] < self.error_value_tipper) self.data_array['tip_inv_err'][t_index] = self.error_value_tipper elif 'abs' in self.error_type_tipper: self.data_array['tip_inv_err'][:] = self.error_value_tipper else: raise DataError("Unsupported error type (tipper): {}".format(self.error_type_tipper)) # compute error for z err_value = self.error_value_z / 100. for ss in range(self.data_array.shape[0]): for ff in range(max([self._t_shape[0], self._z_shape[0]])): d_xx = abs(self.data_array['z'][ss, ff, 0, 0]) d_xy = abs(self.data_array['z'][ss, ff, 0, 1]) d_yx = abs(self.data_array['z'][ss, ff, 1, 0]) d_yy = abs(self.data_array['z'][ss, ff, 1, 1]) d = np.array([d_xx, d_xy, d_yx, d_yy]) nz = np.nonzero(d) if d.sum() == 0.0: # YG: only works if all d >= 0 continue if 'egbert' in self.error_type_z: # if both components masked, then take error floor from # max of z_xx or z_yy if (d_xy==0.0 and d_yx==0.0): err = err_value * np.max([d_xx,d_yy]) # else use the off diagonals depending on data availability else: if d_xy == 0.0: d_xy = d_yx if d_yx == 0.0: d_yx = d_xy err = err_value * np.sqrt(d_xy * d_yx) elif 'median' in self.error_type_z: err = err_value * np.median(d[nz]) elif 'mean_od' in self.error_type_z: d = np.array([d_xy, d_yx]) nz = np.nonzero(d) err = err_value * np.mean(d[nz]) elif 'eigen' in self.error_type_z: d = d.reshape((2, 2)) err = err_value * np.abs(np.linalg.eigvals(d)).mean() if err == 0: err = err_value * d.flatten()[nz].mean() elif 'off_diagonals' in self.error_type_z: # apply same error to xy and xx, and to yx and yy # value is a % of xy and yx respectively err = np.array([[d_xy, d_xy],[d_yx, d_yx]])*err_value elif 'separate' in self.error_type_z: # apply separate error floors to each component d = d.reshape((2, 2)) err = err_value * d else: raise DataError('error type (z) {0} not understood'.format(self.error_type_z)) self.data_array['z_inv_err'][ss, ff, :, :] = err # if there is an error floor if 'floor' in self.error_type_z: f_index = np.where(self.data_array['z_inv_err'] < self.data_array['z_err']) self.data_array['z_inv_err'][f_index] = self.data_array['z_err'][f_index]
[docs] def write_data_file(self, save_path=None, fn_basename=None, rotation_angle=None, compute_error=True, fill=True, elevation=False, use_original_freq=False, longitude_format='LON'): """ write data file for ModEM will save file as save_path/fn_basename Arguments: ------------ **save_path** : string directory path to save data file to. *default* is cwd **fn_basename** : string basename to save data file as *default* is 'ModEM_Data.dat' **rotation_angle** : float angle to rotate the data by assuming N = 0, E = 90. *default* is 0.0 Outputs: ---------- **data_fn** : string full path to created data file :Example: :: >>> import os >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> edi_path = r"/home/mt/edi_files" >>> edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path, edi) \ for edi in os.listdir(edi_path)\ if edi.find('.edi') > 0] >>> md = modem.Data(edi_list, period_min=.1, period_max=300,\ max_num_periods=12) >>> md.write_data_file(save_path=r"/home/modem/inv1") """ if save_path is not None: self.save_path = save_path if fn_basename is not None: self.data_fn = fn_basename self.data_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, self.data_fn) self.get_period_list() # rotate data if desired if rotation_angle is not None: self.rotation_angle = rotation_angle # be sure to fill in data array if fill: new_edi_dir = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'new_edis') # output edi files according to selected periods if not os.path.exists(new_edi_dir): os.mkdir(new_edi_dir) self.fill_data_array(new_edi_dir=new_edi_dir, use_original_freq=use_original_freq, longitude_format=longitude_format) # get relative station locations in grid coordinates self.get_relative_station_locations() if not elevation: self.data_array['elev'][:] = 0.0 d_lines = [] for inv_mode in self.inv_mode_dict[self.inv_mode]: if 'impedance' in inv_mode.lower(): d_lines.append(self.get_header_string(self.error_type_z, self.error_value_z, self.rotation_angle)) d_lines.append(self.header_string) d_lines.append('> {0}\n'.format(inv_mode)) d_lines.append('> exp({0}i\omega t)\n'.format(self.wave_sign_impedance)) d_lines.append('> {0}\n'.format(self.units)) n_sta = len(np.nonzero(np.abs(self.data_array['z']).sum(axis=(1, 2, 3)))[0]) n_per = len(np.nonzero(np.abs(self.data_array['z']).sum(axis=(0, 2, 3)))[0]) elif 'vertical' in inv_mode.lower(): d_lines.append(self.get_header_string(self.error_type_tipper, self.error_value_tipper, self.rotation_angle)) d_lines.append(self.header_string) d_lines.append('> {0}\n'.format(inv_mode)) d_lines.append('> exp({0}i\omega t)\n'.format(self.wave_sign_tipper)) d_lines.append('> []\n') n_sta = len(np.nonzero(np.abs(self.data_array['tip']).sum(axis=(1, 2, 3)))[0]) n_per = len(np.nonzero(np.abs(self.data_array['tip']).sum(axis=(0, 2, 3)))[0]) else: # maybe error here raise NotImplementedError("inv_mode {} is not supported yet".format(inv_mode)) d_lines.append('> 0\n') # orientation, need to add at some point d_lines.append('> {0:>10.6f} {1:>10.6f}\n'.format([0], self.center_point.lon[0])) d_lines.append('> {0} {1}\n'.format(n_per, n_sta)) if compute_error: self.compute_inv_error() for ss in range(self.data_array['z'].shape[0]): for ff in range(self.data_array['z'].shape[1]): for comp in self.inv_comp_dict[inv_mode]: # index values for component with in the matrix z_ii, z_jj = self.comp_index_dict[comp] # get the correct key for data array according to comp if comp.find('z') == 0: c_key = 'z' elif comp.find('t') == 0: c_key = 'tip' # get the value for that competent at that frequency zz = self.data_array[ss][c_key][ff, z_ii, z_jj] if zz.real != 0.0 and zz.imag != 0.0 and zz.real != 1e32 and zz.imag != 1e32: if self.formatting == '1': per = '{0:<12.5e}'.format(self.period_list[ff]) sta = '{0:>7}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['station'].decode('UTF-8')) lat = '{0:> 9.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['lat']) lon = '{0:> 9.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['lon']) eas = '{0:> 12.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['rel_east']) nor = '{0:> 12.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['rel_north']) ele = '{0:> 12.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['elev']) com = '{0:>4}'.format(comp.upper()) if self.units.lower() == 'ohm': rea = '{0:> 14.6e}'.format(zz.real / 796.) ima = '{0:> 14.6e}'.format(zz.imag / 796.) elif self.units.lower() not in ("[v/m]/[t]", "[mv/km]/[nt]"): raise DataError("Unsupported unit \"{}\"".format(self.units)) else: rea = '{0:> 14.6e}'.format(zz.real) ima = '{0:> 14.6e}'.format(zz.imag) elif self.formatting == '2': per = '{0:<14.6e}'.format(self.period_list[ff]) sta = '{0:<10}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['station']) lat = '{0:> 14.6f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['lat']) lon = '{0:> 14.6f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['lon']) eas = '{0:> 12.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['rel_east']) nor = '{0:> 15.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['rel_north']) ele = '{0:> 10.3f}'.format(self.data_array[ss]['elev']) com = '{0:>12}'.format(comp.upper()) if self.units.lower() == 'ohm': rea = '{0:> 17.6e}'.format(zz.real / 796.) ima = '{0:> 17.6e}'.format(zz.imag / 796.) elif self.units.lower() not in ("[v/m]/[t]", "[mv/km]/[nt]"): raise DataError("Unsupported unit \"{}\"".format(self.units)) else: rea = '{0:> 17.6e}'.format(zz.real) ima = '{0:> 17.6e}'.format(zz.imag) else: raise NotImplementedError( "format {}({}) is not supported".format(self.formatting, type(self.formatting))) # get error from inversion error abs_err = self.data_array['{0}_inv_err'.format(c_key)][ss, ff, z_ii, z_jj] if np.isinf(abs_err) or np.isnan(abs_err): abs_err = 10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(abs(max([float(rea), float(ima)]))))) abs_err = '{0:> 14.6e}'.format(abs(abs_err)) # make sure that x==north, y==east, z==+down dline = ''.join([per, sta, lat, lon, nor, eas, ele, com, rea, ima, abs_err, '\n']) d_lines.append(dline) with open(self.data_fn, 'w') as dfid: dfid.writelines(d_lines)'Wrote ModEM data file to {0}'.format(self.data_fn)) return self.data_fn
@deprecated("error type from GA implementation, not fully tested yet") def _impedance_components_error_meansqr(self, c_key, ss, z_ii, z_jj): """ calculate the mean square of errors of a given component over all frequencies for a given station :param c_key: :param ss: :param z_ii: :param z_jj: :return: """ abs_err = np.mean(np.square(self.data_array[ss][c_key + '_err'][:, z_ii, z_jj])) return abs_err @deprecated("error type from GA implementation, not fully tested yet") def _impedance_components_error_sqr(self, c_key, ff, ss, z_ii, z_jj): """ use the square of the error of a given frequency and a given component at the given station :param c_key: :param ff: :param ss: :param z_ii: :param z_jj: :return: """ return np.square(self.data_array[ss][c_key + '_err'][ff, z_ii, z_jj]) @deprecated("error type from GA implementation, not fully tested yet") def _impedance_components_error_stddev(self, c_key, ss, z_ii, z_jj): """ calculate the stddev across all frequencies on a given component :param c_key: :param ss: :param z_ii: :param z_jj: :return: """ # errors = [self.data_array[ss][c_key + '_err'][freq, z_ii, z_jj] for freq in range(self.data_array['z'].shape[1])] # print errors # abs_err = np.std(errors) # print abs_err errors = self.data_array[ss][c_key + '_err'][:, z_ii, z_jj] # print errors abs_err = np.std(errors) # print abs_err return abs_err
[docs] def convert_ws3dinv_data_file(self, ws_data_fn, station_fn=None, save_path=None, fn_basename=None): """ convert a ws3dinv data file into ModEM format Arguments: ------------ **ws_data_fn** : string full path to WS data file **station_fn** : string full path to station info file output by mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv. Or you can create one using mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv.WSStation **save_path** : string directory path to save data file to. *default* is cwd **fn_basename** : string basename to save data file as *default* is 'ModEM_Data.dat' Outputs: ----------- **data_fn** : string full path to created data file :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> mdr = modem.Data() >>> mdr.convert_ws3dinv_data_file(r"/home/ws3dinv/inv1/WSData.dat", station_fn=r"/home/ws3dinv/inv1/WS_Station_Locations.txt") """ if not os.path.isfile(ws_data_fn): raise ws.WSInputError('Did not find {0}, check path'.format(ws_data_fn)) if save_path is not None: self.save_path = save_path else: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(ws_data_fn) if fn_basename is not None: self.fn_basename = fn_basename # --> get data from data file wsd = ws.WSData() wsd.read_data_file(ws_data_fn, station_fn=station_fn) ns =['station'].shape[0] nf = wsd.period_list.shape[0] self.period_list = wsd.period_list.copy() self._set_dtype((nf, 2, 2), (nf, 1, 2)) self.data_array = np.zeros(ns, dtype=self._dtype) # --> fill data array for ii, d_arr in enumerate( self.data_array[ii]['station'] = d_arr['station'] self.data_array[ii]['rel_east'] = d_arr['east'] self.data_array[ii]['rel_north'] = d_arr['north'] self.data_array[ii]['z'][:] = d_arr['z_data'] self.data_array[ii]['z_err'][:] = d_arr['z_data_err'].real * \ d_arr['z_err_map'].real self.data_array[ii]['station'] = d_arr['station'] self.data_array[ii]['lat'] = 0.0 self.data_array[ii]['lon'] = 0.0 self.data_array[ii]['rel_east'] = d_arr['east'] self.data_array[ii]['rel_north'] = d_arr['north'] self.data_array[ii]['elev'] = 0.0 # need to change the inversion mode to be the same as the ws_data file if self.data_array['z'].all() == 0.0: if self.data_array['tip'].all() == 0.0: self.inv_mode = '4' else: self.inv_mode = '3' else: if self.data_array['tip'].all() == 0.0: self.inv_mode = '2' else: self.inv_mode = '1' # -->write file self.write_data_file()
[docs] def convert_modem_to_ws(self, data_fn=None, ws_data_fn=None, error_map=[1, 1, 1, 1]): """ convert a ModEM data file to WS format. Arguments ------------- **data_fn** : string full path to modem data file to convert **ws_data_fn** : string full path to write ws format data file **error_map** : [zxx, zxy, zyx, zyy] floats error map that ws uses, weights for each component *default* is [1, 1, 1, 1] for equal weighting Returns ------------ **ws_data_fn** : string full path of ws data file **ws_station_fn** : string full path to ws station file Example ----------- :Convert ModEM data file to WS: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> md = modem.Data() >>> md.convert_modem_to_ws(data_fn=r"/home/mt/modem/data.dat") """ if self.data_fn is not None: self.read_data_file(data_fn) if ws_data_fn is None: save_path = os.path.dirname(self.data_fn) ws_data_fn = os.path.join(save_path, 'WS_Data.dat') else: save_path = os.path.dirname(ws_data_fn) station_info = ws.WSStation() station_info.east = self.data_array['rel_east'] station_info.north = self.data_array['rel_north'] station_info.names = self.data_array['station'] station_info.elev = self.data_array['elev'] station_info.save_path = save_path station_info.write_station_file() ws_data = ws.WSData() ws_data.period_list = self.period_list.copy() ws_data.z_err_map = error_map ws_data.z_err = 'data' z_shape = (self.period_list.size, 2, 2) data_dtype = [('station', '|S10'), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('z_data', (np.complex, z_shape)), ('z_data_err', (np.complex, z_shape)), ('z_err_map', (np.complex, z_shape))] = np.zeros(self.data_array['station'].size, dtype=data_dtype)['station'][:] = self.data_array['station']['east'] = self.data_array['rel_east']['north'] = self.data_array['rel_north']['z_data'][:, :, :] = self.data_array['z']['z_data_err'][:, :, :] = self.data_array['z_err'] * (1 + 1j)['z_err_map'][:, :, :] = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]) ws_data.write_data_file(save_path=save_path, data_fn=ws_data_fn) return ws_data.data_fn, station_info.station_fn
[docs] def read_data_file(self, data_fn=None, center_utm=None): """ Read ModEM data file inputs: data_fn = full path to data file name center_utm = option to provide real world coordinates of the center of the grid for putting the data and model back into utm/grid coordinates, format [east_0, north_0, z_0] Fills attributes: * data_array * period_list * mt_dict """ if data_fn is not None: self.data_fn = data_fn self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.data_fn) self.fn_basename = os.path.basename(self.data_fn) if self.data_fn is None: raise DataError('data_fn is None, enter a data file to read.') elif os.path.isfile(self.data_fn) is False: raise DataError( 'Could not find {0}, check path'.format(self.data_fn)) with open (self.data_fn, 'r') as dfid: dlines = dfid.readlines() # dfid.close() header_list = [] metadata_list = [] data_list = [] period_list = [] station_list = [] read_impedance = False read_tipper = False inv_list = [] for dline in dlines: if dline.find('#') == 0: header_list.append(dline.strip()) elif dline.find('>') == 0: metadata_list.append(dline[1:].strip()) if dline.lower().find('ohm') > 0: self.units = 'ohm' elif dline.lower().find('mv') > 0: self.units = '[mV/km]/[nT]' elif dline.lower().find('vertical') > 0: read_tipper = True read_impedance = False inv_list.append('Full_Vertical_Components') elif dline.lower().find('impedance') > 0: read_impedance = True read_tipper = False inv_list.append('Full_Impedance') if dline.find('exp') > 0: if read_impedance is True: self.wave_sign_impedance = dline[dline.find('(') + 1] elif read_tipper is True: self.wave_sign_tipper = dline[dline.find('(') + 1] elif len(dline[1:].strip().split()) == 2: if dline.find('.') > 0: value_list = [float(value) for value in dline[1:].strip().split()] self.center_point = np.recarray(1, dtype=[('station', '|S10'), ('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('elev', np.float), ('rel_east', np.float), ('rel_north', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('zone', 'S4')]) = value_list[0] self.center_point.lon = value_list[1] ce, cn, cz = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(, self.center_point.lon, epsg=self.model_epsg, utm_zone=self.model_utm_zone) self.center_point.east = ce self.center_point.north = cn = cz else: pass else: dline_list = dline.strip().split() if len(dline_list) == 11: for ii, d_str in enumerate(dline_list): if ii != 1: try: dline_list[ii] = float(d_str.strip()) except ValueError: pass # be sure the station name is a string else: dline_list[ii] = d_str.strip() period_list.append(dline_list[0]) station_list.append(dline_list[1]) data_list.append(dline_list) # try to find rotation angle h_list = header_list[0].split() for hh, h_str in enumerate(h_list): if h_str.find('_deg') > 0: try: self._rotation_angle = float(h_str[0:h_str.find('_deg')])'Set rotation angle to {0:.1f} '.format( self._rotation_angle) + 'deg clockwise from N') except ValueError: pass # find inversion mode for inv_key in list(self.inv_mode_dict.keys()): inv_mode_list = self.inv_mode_dict[inv_key] if len(inv_mode_list) != inv_list: continue else: tf_arr = np.zeros(len(inv_list), dtype=np.bool) for tf, data_inv in enumerate(inv_list): if data_inv in self.inv_mode_dict[inv_key]: tf_arr[tf] = True if np.alltrue(tf_arr): self.inv_mode = inv_key break self.period_list = np.array(sorted(set(period_list))) station_list = sorted(set(station_list)) # make a period dictionary to with key as period and value as index period_dict = dict([(per, ii) for ii, per in enumerate(self.period_list)]) # --> need to sort the data into a useful fashion such that each station # is an mt object data_dict = {} z_dummy = np.zeros((len(self.period_list), 2, 2), dtype='complex') t_dummy = np.zeros((len(self.period_list), 1, 2), dtype='complex') index_dict = {'zxx': (0, 0), 'zxy': (0, 1), 'zyx': (1, 0), 'zyy': (1, 1), 'tx': (0, 0), 'ty': (0, 1)} # dictionary for true false if station data (lat, lon, elev, etc) # has been filled already so we don't rewrite it each time tf_dict = {} for station in station_list: data_dict[station] = mt.MT() data_dict[station].Z = mtz.Z(z_array=z_dummy.copy(), z_err_array=z_dummy.copy().real, freq=1. / self.period_list) data_dict[station].Tipper = mtz.Tipper(tipper_array=t_dummy.copy(), tipper_err_array=t_dummy.copy().real, freq=1. / self.period_list) # make sure that the station data starts out with false to fill # the data later tf_dict[station] = False # fill in the data for each station for dd in data_list: # get the period index from the data line p_index = period_dict[dd[0]] # get the component index from the data line ii, jj = index_dict[dd[7].lower()] # if the station data has not been filled yet, fill it if not tf_dict[dd[1]]: data_dict[dd[1]].lat = dd[2] data_dict[dd[1]].lon = dd[3] data_dict[dd[1]].grid_north = dd[4] data_dict[dd[1]].grid_east = dd[5] data_dict[dd[1]].grid_elev = dd[6] data_dict[dd[1]].station = dd[1] tf_dict[dd[1]] = True # fill in the impedance tensor with appropriate values if dd[7].find('Z') == 0: z_err = dd[10] if self.wave_sign_impedance == '+': z_value = dd[8] + 1j * dd[9] elif self.wave_sign_impedance == '-': z_value = dd[8] - 1j * dd[9] else: raise DataError("Incorrect wave sign \"{}\" (impedance)".format(self.wave_sign_impedance)) if self.units.lower() == 'ohm': z_value *= 796. z_err *= 796. elif self.units.lower() not in ("[v/m]/[t]", "[mv/km]/[nt]"): raise DataError("Unsupported unit \"{}\"".format(self.units)) data_dict[dd[1]].Z.z[p_index, ii, jj] = z_value data_dict[dd[1]].Z.z_err[p_index, ii, jj] = z_err # fill in tipper with appropriate values elif dd[7].find('T') == 0: if self.wave_sign_tipper == '+': data_dict[dd[1]].Tipper.tipper[p_index, ii, jj] = dd[8] + 1j * dd[9] elif self.wave_sign_tipper == '-': data_dict[dd[1]].Tipper.tipper[p_index, ii, jj] = dd[8] - 1j * dd[9] else: raise DataError("Incorrect wave sign \"{}\" (tipper)".format(self.wave_sign_tipper)) data_dict[dd[1]].Tipper.tipper_err[p_index, ii, jj] = dd[10] # make mt_dict an attribute for easier manipulation later self.mt_dict = data_dict ns = len(list(self.mt_dict.keys())) nf = len(self.period_list) self._set_dtype((nf, 2, 2), (nf, 1, 2)) self.data_array = np.zeros(ns, dtype=self._dtype) # Be sure to caclulate invariants and phase tensor for each station for ii, s_key in enumerate(sorted(self.mt_dict.keys())): mt_obj = self.mt_dict[s_key] # self.mt_dict[s_key].zinv.compute_invariants() self.mt_dict[s_key].pt.set_z_object(mt_obj.Z) self.mt_dict[s_key].Tipper.compute_amp_phase() self.mt_dict[s_key].Tipper.compute_mag_direction() self.data_array[ii]['station'] = mt_obj.station self.data_array[ii]['lat'] = self.data_array[ii]['lon'] = mt_obj.lon east,north,zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(,mt_obj.lon,epsg=self.model_epsg) self.data_array[ii]['east'] = east self.data_array[ii]['north'] = north self.data_array[ii]['elev'] = mt_obj.grid_elev self.data_array[ii]['rel_east'] = mt_obj.grid_east self.data_array[ii]['rel_north'] = mt_obj.grid_north self.data_array[ii]['z'][:] = mt_obj.Z.z self.data_array[ii]['z_err'][:] = mt_obj.Z.z_err self.data_array[ii]['z_inv_err'][:] = mt_obj.Z.z_err self.data_array[ii]['tip'][:] = mt_obj.Tipper.tipper self.data_array[ii]['tip_err'][:] = mt_obj.Tipper.tipper_err self.data_array[ii]['tip_inv_err'][:] = mt_obj.Tipper.tipper_err # option to provide real world coordinates in eastings/northings # (ModEM data file contains real world center in lat/lon but projection # is not provided so utm is assumed, causing errors when points cross # utm zones. And lat/lon cut off to 3 d.p. causing errors in smaller # areas) if center_utm is not None: self.data_array['east'] = self.data_array[ 'rel_east'] + center_utm[0] self.data_array['north'] = self.data_array[ 'rel_north'] + center_utm[1]
[docs] def write_vtk_station_file(self, vtk_save_path=None, vtk_fn_basename='ModEM_stations'): """ write a vtk file for station locations. For now this in relative coordinates. Arguments: ------------- **vtk_save_path** : string directory to save vtk file to. *default* is Model.save_path **vtk_fn_basename** : string filename basename of vtk file *default* is ModEM_stations, evtk will add on the extension .vtu """ if vtk_save_path is None: vtk_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, vtk_fn_basename) else: vtk_fn = os.path.join(vtk_save_path, vtk_fn_basename) pointsToVTK(vtk_fn, self.station_locations.rel_north / 1000., self.station_locations.rel_east / 1000., self.station_locations.elev / 1000., data={'elevation': self.station_locations.elev})'Wrote station file to {0}'.format(vtk_fn))
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """ get important parameters for documentation """ parameter_list = ['error_type_z', 'error_value_z', 'error_type_tipper', 'error_value_tipper', 'wave_sign_impedance', 'wave_sign_tipper', 'rotation_angle', 'save_path'] parameter_dict = {} for parameter in parameter_list: key = 'data.{0}'.format(parameter) parameter_dict[key] = getattr(self, parameter) parameter_dict['data.period_min'] = self.period_list.min() parameter_dict['data.period_max'] = self.period_list.max() parameter_dict['data.period_num'] = self.period_list.size parameter_dict['data.inv_mode'] = self.inv_mode_dict[self.inv_mode] parameter_dict['data.num_stations'] = self.station_locations.station.size parameter_dict['data.center_point_ll'] = ([0], self.center_point.lon[0]) parameter_dict['data.center_point_utm'] = (self.center_point.north[0], self.center_point.east[0],[0]) return parameter_dict
[docs] def center_stations(self, model_fn, data_fn=None): """ Center station locations to the middle of cells, might be useful for topography. Arguments ----------- **data_fn** : string full path to data file **model_fn** : string full path to model file **new_data_fn** : string full path to new data file *default* is None, which save as data_fn_center.dat Returns ----------- **new_data_fn** : string full path to new data file """ if data_fn is not None: self.read_data_file(data_fn) m_obj = Model() m_obj.read_model_file(model_fn) for s_arr in self.station_locations.station_locations: e_index = np.where(m_obj.grid_east >= s_arr['rel_east'])[0][0] - 1 n_index = np.where(m_obj.grid_north >= s_arr['rel_north'])[0][0] - 1 mid_east = m_obj.grid_east[e_index:e_index + 2].mean() mid_north = m_obj.grid_north[n_index:n_index + 2].mean() s_index = np.where(self.data_array['station'] == s_arr['station'])[0][0] self.data_array[s_index]['rel_east'] = mid_east self.data_array[s_index]['rel_north'] = mid_north
[docs] def change_data_elevation(self, model_fn, data_fn=None, res_air=1e12): """ At each station in the data file rewrite the elevation, so the station is on the surface, not floating in air. Arguments: ------------------ *data_fn* : string full path to a ModEM data file *model_fn* : string full path to ModEM model file that has elevation incoorporated. *new_data_fn* : string full path to new data file name. If None, then new file name will add _elev.dat to input filename *res_air* : float resistivity of air. Default is 1E12 Ohm-m Returns: ------------- *new_data_fn* : string full path to new data file. """ if data_fn is not None: self.read_data_file(data_fn) m_obj = Model() m_obj.read_model_file(model_fn) s_locations = self.station_locations.station_locations.copy() # need to subtract one because we are finding the cell next to it for s_arr in s_locations: e_index = np.where(m_obj.grid_east >= s_arr['rel_east'])[0][0] - 1 n_index = np.where(m_obj.grid_north >= s_arr['rel_north'])[0][0] - 1 z_index = np.where(m_obj.res_model[n_index, e_index, :] < res_air * .9)[0][0] s_index = np.where(self.data_array['station'] == s_arr['station'])[0][0] self.data_array[s_index]['elev'] = m_obj.grid_z[z_index]
[docs] def project_stations_on_topography(self, model_object, air_resistivity=1e12): """ This method is used in add_topography(). It will Re-write the data file to change the elevation column. And update covariance mask according topo elevation model. :param model_object: :param air_resistivity: :return: """ # sx = self.station_locations.station_locations['rel_east'] # sy = self.station_locations.station_locations['rel_north'] # find index of each station on grid station_index_x = [] station_index_y = [] for sname in self.station_locations.station_locations['station']: ss = np.where(self.station_locations.station_locations['station'] == sname)[0][0] # relative locations of stations sx, sy = self.station_locations.station_locations['rel_east'][ss], \ self.station_locations.station_locations['rel_north'][ss] # indices of stations on model grid sxi = np.where((sx <= model_object.grid_east[1:]) & ( sx > model_object.grid_east[:-1]))[0][0] syi = np.where((sy <= model_object.grid_north[1:]) & ( sy > model_object.grid_north[:-1]))[0][0] # first, check if there are any air cells if np.any(model_object.res_model[syi, sxi] > 0.95 * air_resistivity): szi = np.amin( np.where((model_object.res_model[syi, sxi] < 0.95 * air_resistivity))[0]) # otherwise place station at the top of the model else: szi = 0 # get relevant grid point elevation topoval = model_object.grid_z[szi] station_index_x.append(sxi) station_index_y.append(syi) # update elevation in station locations and data array, +1 m as # data elevation needs to be below the topography (as advised by Naser) # ====================== ==================================================== # The following line have been commented as # self.db_array and elf.station_locations.station_locations['elev'][ss] # point to same location # ====================== ==================================================== # self.station_locations.station_locations['elev'][ss] = topoval + 0.1 self.data_array['elev'][ss] = topoval + 0.1 # logger.debug("Re-write data file after adding topo") self.write_data_file(fill=False, elevation=True) # (Xi, Yi, Zi) of each station-i may be shifted # debug self.Data.write_data_file(save_path='/e/tmp', fill=False) return station_index_x, station_index_y
# FZ: moved from the ref: AUSLAMP-112
[docs] def compute_phase_tensor(self, datfile, outdir): """ Compute the phase tensors from a ModEM dat file :param datfile: path2/file.dat :return: path2csv created by this method """ # Data file data_file = datfile dest_dir = outdir # Create a new ModEM data instance md = Data() # Read the datafile md.read_data_file(data_fn=data_file) num_sites = md.data_array.shape[0] print ("ModEM data file number of sites:", num_sites) first_site_periods = md.data_array[0][9] # (23L, 2L, 2L) print ("first_site_periods = %s" % str(first_site_periods.shape[0])) period_list = md.period_list freq_list = 1.0 / period_list num_periods = len(period_list) print ("ModEM data file number of periods:", num_periods) csv_basename ="modem_data_to_phase_tensor" csvfname = os.path.join(dest_dir, "%s.csv" % csv_basename) csv_header = [ 'Freq', 'Station', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Phimin', 'Phimax', 'Ellipticity', 'Azimuth'] with open(csvfname, "wb") as csvf: writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerow(csv_header) for period_num in range(num_periods): per= period_list[period_num] freq = freq_list[period_num]"Working on period %s; frequency: %s", per, freq ) csvrows = [] for num_site in range(num_sites): # Obtain the site for this number this_site = md.data_array[num_site] # Station Label is first record in data array for a site site_label = this_site[0] # Latitude is the second record in data array for a site site_lat = this_site[1] # Longitude is the third record in data array for a site site_long = this_site[2] # Actual data is a list of 2x2 matrices (ordered by period), 10th record in data array for a site this_site_data = this_site[9] # Now get the data for this period only, going off the period number we're looping through currently this_period_data = this_site_data[period_num] # Create a Z object based on this 2x2 array of data this_period_data = mtz.Z(z_array=this_period_data, freq=freq_list) # Given the Z object we just created, give us a PhaseTensor object this_phase_tensor = pt.PhaseTensor(z_object=this_period_data) # Get the four parameters we care about this_phimin = this_phase_tensor.phimin[0] this_phimax = this_phase_tensor.phimax[0] this_ellipticity = this_phase_tensor.ellipticity[0] this_azimuth = this_phase_tensor.azimuth[0] # Print out comma delimited version of the parameters: label, lat, long, phimin, phimax, ellipticity, azimuth arow = [freq, site_label, site_lat, site_long, this_phimin, this_phimax, this_ellipticity, this_azimuth] # Done for this site csvrows.append(arow) with open(csvfname, "ab") as csvf: # append to this summary csv file for all freqs writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerows(csvrows) csv_basename2 = "%s_%sHz.csv" % (csv_basename, str(freq)) csvfile2 = os.path.join(dest_dir, csv_basename2) with open(csvfile2, "wb") as csvf: # csvfile for eachindividual freq writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerow(csv_header) writer.writerows(csvrows) # Done with all sites and periods"CSV files created in %s", outdir) return csvfname