Source code for mtpy.core.edi_collection

To compute and encapsulate the properties of a set of EDI files


CreateDate: 2017-04-20

import csv
import glob
import os
import sys

from logging import INFO

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point  # , Polygon, LineString, LinearRing

import as mt
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtplottools
from mtpy.utils.decorator import deprecated
from mtpy.utils.matplotlib_utils import gen_hist_bins
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog
import as MTpt

[docs]def is_num_in_seq(anum, aseq, atol=0.0001): """ check if anum is in a sequence by a small tolerance :param anum: a number to be checked :param aseq: a sequence or a list of values :param atol: absolute tolerance :return: True | False """ # print(np.isclose(anum, aseq, atol=atol)) # return np.isclose(anum, aseq, atol=atol).any() for an_number in aseq: if abs(anum - an_number) < atol: return True else: pass return False
[docs]class EdiCollection(object): """ A super class to encapsulate the properties pertinent to a set of EDI files :param edilist: a list of edifiles with full path, for read-only :param outdir: computed result to be stored in outdir :param ptol: period tolerance considered as equal, default 0.05 means 5 percent The ptol parameter controls what freqs/periods are grouped together: 10 percent may result more double counting of freq/period data than 5 pct. (eg: MT_Datasets/WPJ_EDI) """ def __init__(self, edilist=None, mt_objs=None, outdir=None, ptol=0.05): """ constructor """ #self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) # will be EdiCollection self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(__name__) # __name__ will be OR __main__ self._logger.setLevel(INFO) if edilist is not None: self.edifiles = edilist"number of edi files in this collection: %s", len(self.edifiles)) elif mt_objs is not None: self.edifiles = [mt_obj.fn for mt_obj in mt_objs] assert len(self.edifiles) > 0 self.num_of_edifiles = len(self.edifiles) # number of stations print("number of stations/edifiles = %s" % self.num_of_edifiles) self.ptol = ptol if edilist is not None: # if edilist is provided, always create MT objects from the list self._logger.debug("constructing MT objects from edi files") self.mt_obj_list = [mt.MT(edi) for edi in self.edifiles] elif mt_objs is not None: # use the supplied mt_objs self.mt_obj_list = list(mt_objs) else: self._logger.error("None Edi file set") # get all frequencies from all edi files self.all_frequencies = None self.mt_periods = None self.all_unique_periods = self._get_all_periods() self.geopdf = self.create_mt_station_gdf() self.bound_box_dict = self.get_bounding_box() # in orginal projection # ensure that outdir is created if not exists. if outdir is None: #raise Exception("Error: OutputDir is not specified!!!") pass elif not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) self.outdir = outdir return def _get_all_periods(self): """ from the list of edi files get a list of all unique periods from the frequencies. """ if self.all_frequencies is not None: # already initialized return # get all frequencies from all edi files all_freqs = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: all_freqs.extend(list(mt_obj.Z.freq)) self.mt_periods = 1.0 / np.array(all_freqs) # sort all frequencies so that they are in ascending order, # use set to remove repeats and make an array self.all_frequencies = sorted(list(set(all_freqs))) self._logger.debug("Number of MT Frequencies: %s", len(self.all_frequencies)) all_periods = 1.0 / np.array(sorted(self.all_frequencies, reverse=True)) self._logger.debug("Type of all_periods %s", type(all_periods))"Number of MT Periods: %s", len(all_periods)) self._logger.debug("Periods List: %s", str(all_periods)) return sorted(all_periods)
[docs] def get_period_occurance(self,aper): """ For a given aperiod, compute its occurance frequencies among the stations/edi :param aper: a float value of the period :return: """ station_list = [] afreq = 1.0 / aper acount = 0 for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: # if afreq in mt_obj.Z.freq: if is_num_in_seq(afreq, mt_obj.Z.freq): acount = acount + 1 station_list.append(mt_obj.station) # print (station_list) occ_percentage = (100.0*acount)/self.num_of_edifiles return occ_percentage
[docs] def get_periods_by_stats(self, percentage=10.0): """ check the presence of each period in all edi files, keep a list of periods which are at least percentage present :return: a list of periods which are present in at least percentage edi files """ adict = {} for aper in self.all_unique_periods: station_list = [] afreq = 1.0 / aper acount = 0 for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: # if afreq in mt_obj.Z.freq: if is_num_in_seq(afreq, mt_obj.Z.freq): acount = acount + 1 station_list.append(mt_obj.station) if (100.0 * acount) / self.num_of_edifiles >= percentage: adict.update({aper: acount}) # print (aper, acount) else:"Period=%s is excluded. it is from stations: %s ", aper, station_list) mydict_ordered = sorted( list(adict.items()), key=lambda value: value[1], reverse=True) # for apair in mydict_ordered: # print (apair) selected_periods = [pc[0] for pc in mydict_ordered] print("Selected periods %s out of the total %s:" % (len(selected_periods), len(self.all_unique_periods))) return selected_periods
[docs] def select_periods(self, show=True, period_list=None, percentage=10.0): """ Use edi_collection to analyse the whole set of EDI files :param show: True or false :param period_list: :param percentage: :return: select_period_list """ uniq_period_list = self.all_unique_periods # filtered list of periods ? print("Unique periods", len(uniq_period_list)) if show: plt.figure() plt.clf() bins = gen_hist_bins(uniq_period_list) plt.hist(self.mt_periods, bins=bins) # plt.hist(self.mt_periods, bins=1000) plt.title("Histogram with uniq_periods bins") plt.xlabel("Periods") plt.ylabel("Occurance in number of MT stations") if period_list: # 1 ASK user to input a Pmin and Pmax # assume uniq_period_list is sorted select_period_list = [] index_start = 0 for period in period_list: for index in range(index_start, len(uniq_period_list)): if (isinstance(period, float) and np.isclose(uniq_period_list[index], period)) or \ (isinstance(period, tuple) and period[0] <= uniq_period_list[index] <= period[1]): select_period_list.append(uniq_period_list[index]) elif (isinstance(period, float) and uniq_period_list[index] > period) or \ (isinstance(period, tuple) and period[1] < uniq_period_list[index]): index_start = index break select_period_list = np.array(select_period_list) else: # 2 percetage stats # select commonly occured frequencies from all stations. # This could miss some slightly varied frequencies in the middle range. select_period_list = np.array(self.get_periods_by_stats(percentage=percentage)) print("Selected periods ", len(select_period_list)) return select_period_list
[docs] def create_mt_station_gdf(self, outshpfile=None): """ create station location geopandas dataframe, and output to shape file :param outshpfile: output file :return: gdf """ mt_stations = [] for mtobj in self.mt_obj_list: mt_stations.append( [mtobj.station, mtobj.lon,, mtobj.elev, mtobj.utm_zone]) pdf = pd.DataFrame(mt_stations, columns=['StationId', 'Lon', 'Lat', 'Elev', 'UtmZone']) # print (pdf.head()) mt_points = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(pdf.Lon, pdf.Lat)] # OR pdf['geometry'] = pdf.apply(lambda z: Point(z.Lon, z.Lat), axis=1) # if you want to df = df.drop(['Lon', 'Lat'], axis=1) # crs0 = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # WGS84 crs0 = {'init': 'epsg:4283'} # GDA94 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pdf, crs=crs0, geometry=mt_points) if outshpfile is not None: gdf.to_file(outshpfile, driver='ESRI Shapefile') return gdf
[docs] def plot_stations(self, savefile=None, showfig=True): """ Visualise the geopandas df of MT stations :param savefile: :param showfig: :return: """ gdf = self.geopdf gdf.plot(figsize=(10, 6), marker='o', color='blue', markersize=5) if savefile is not None: fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(savefile, dpi=300) if showfig is True: return savefile
[docs] def display_on_basemap(self): """ display MT stations which are in stored in geopandas dataframe in a base map. :return: plot object """ world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) self._logger.debug(world.shape) myax = world.plot(alpha=0.5) # myax.set_xlim([149,150]) # myax.set_xlim([110, 155]) # myax.set_ylim([-40, -10]) myax.set_xlim( (self.bound_box_dict['MinLon'], self.bound_box_dict['MaxLon'])) myax.set_ylim( (self.bound_box_dict['MinLat'], self.bound_box_dict['MaxLat'])) myax2 = self.geopdf.plot(ax=myax, figsize=( 10, 6), marker='o', color='blue', markersize=8) return myax2
[docs] def display_on_image(self): """ display/overlay the MT properties on a background geo-referenced map image :return: plot object """ import mtpy.utils.plot_geotiff_imshow as plotegoimg myax = plotegoimg.plot_geotiff( geofile='data/PM_Gravity.tif', show=False) margin = 0.02 # degree myax.set_xlim( (self.bound_box_dict['MinLon'] - margin, self.bound_box_dict['MaxLon'] + margin)) myax.set_ylim( (self.bound_box_dict['MinLat'] - margin, self.bound_box_dict['MaxLat'] + margin)) myax2 = self.geopdf.plot(ax=myax, figsize=( 10, 6), marker='o', color='r', markersize=10) return myax2
[docs] def get_phase_tensor_tippers(self, period, interpolate=True): """ For a given MT period (s) value, compute the phase tensor and tippers etc. :param period: MT_period (s) :param interpolate: Boolean to indicate whether to interpolate on to the given period :return: dictionary pt_dict_list pt_dict keys ['station', 'freq', 'lon', 'lat', 'phi_min', 'phi_max', 'azimuth', 'skew', 'n_skew', 'elliptic', 'tip_mag_re', 'tip_mag_im', 'tip_ang_re', 'tip_ang_im'] """ pt_dict_list = [] plot_per = period #plot_per = self.all_unique_periods[1] # test first print("The plot period is ", plot_per) for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: pt_dict = {} pt = None ti = None if(interpolate == False): p_index = [ff for ff, f2 in enumerate(1.0/mt_obj.Z.freq) if (f2 > plot_per * (1 - self.ptol)) and (f2 < plot_per * (1 + self.ptol))] pt = ti = mt_obj.Tipper else: p_index = [0] newZ, newTipper = mt_obj.interpolate([1./plot_per], bounds_error=False) pt = MTpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=newZ) ti = newTipper # end if if len(p_index) >= 1: p_index = p_index[0] pt_dict['station']=mt_obj.station pt_dict['period'] =plot_per pt_dict['lon'] = mt_obj.lon pt_dict['lat'] = pt_dict['phi_min'] = pt.phimin[p_index] pt_dict['phi_max'] = pt.phimax[p_index] pt_dict['azimuth']= pt.azimuth[p_index] pt_dict['skew'] = pt.beta[p_index] pt_dict['n_skew'] = 2 * pt.beta[p_index] pt_dict['elliptic'] = pt.ellipticity[p_index] pt_dict['tip_mag_re']= ti.mag_real[p_index] pt_dict['tip_mag_im']= ti.mag_imag[p_index] pt_dict['tip_ang_re']= ti.angle_real[p_index] pt_dict['tip_ang_im']= ti.angle_imag[p_index] pt_dict_list.append(pt_dict) else: self._logger.warn(" the period %s is NOT found for this station %s. Skipping!!!" % (plot_per, mt_obj.station)) return pt_dict_list
[docs] def create_phase_tensor_csv(self, dest_dir, period_list=None, interpolate=True, file_name="phase_tensor.csv"): """ create phase tensor ellipse and tipper properties. Implementation based on mtpy.utils.shapefiles_creator.ShapeFilesCreator.create_csv_files :param dest_dir: output directory :param period_list: list of periods; default=None, in which data for all available frequencies are output :param interpolate: Boolean to indicate whether to interpolate data onto given period_list :param file_name: output file name :return: pt_dict """ csvfname = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name) pt_dict = {} csv_header = ['station', 'freq', 'lon', 'lat', 'phi_min', 'phi_max', 'azimuth', 'skew', 'n_skew', 'elliptic', 'tip_mag_re', 'tip_mag_im', 'tip_ang_re', 'tip_ang_im'] freq_list = None if(period_list is None): freq_list = self.all_frequencies else: freq_list = 1./np.array(period_list) # end if with open(csvfname, "wb") as csvf: writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerow(csv_header) for freq in freq_list: ptlist = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: f_index_list = None pt = None ti = None if(interpolate): f_index_list = [0] newZ = None newTipper = None newZ, newTipper = mt_obj.interpolate([freq], bounds_error=False) pt = MTpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=newZ) ti = newTipper else: freq_min = freq * (1 - self.ptol) freq_max = freq * (1 + self.ptol) f_index_list = [ff for ff, f2 in enumerate(mt_obj.Z.freq) if (f2 > freq_min) and (f2 < freq_max)] pt = ti = mt_obj.Tipper #end if if len(f_index_list) > 1: self._logger.warn("more than one freq found %s", f_index_list) if len(f_index_list) >= 1: p_index = f_index_list[0] # geographic coord lat long and elevation # long, lat, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) station, lon, lat = (mt_obj.station, mt_obj.lon, pt_stat = [station, freq, lon, lat, pt.phimin[p_index], pt.phimax[p_index], pt.azimuth[p_index], pt.beta[p_index], 2 * pt.beta[p_index], pt.ellipticity[p_index], # FZ: get ellipticity begin here ti.mag_real[p_index], ti.mag_imag[p_index], ti.angle_real[p_index], ti.angle_imag[p_index]] ptlist.append(pt_stat) else: self._logger.warn("Freq %s NOT found for this station %s", freq, mt_obj.station) csv_freq_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, '{name[0]}_{freq}Hz{name[1]}'.format( freq=str(freq), name=os.path.splitext(file_name))) with open(csv_freq_file, "wb") as freq_csvf: writer_freq = csv.writer(freq_csvf) writer_freq.writerow(csv_header) writer_freq.writerows(ptlist) writer.writerows(ptlist) pt_dict[freq] = ptlist return pt_dict
[docs] @deprecated("This function is more expensive compared with the method create_phase_tensor_csv(self,)") def create_phase_tensor_csv_with_image(self, dest_dir): """ Using PlotPhaseTensorMaps class to generate csv file of phase tensor attributes, etc. Only for comparison. This method is more expensive because it will create plot object first. :return: """ from mtpy.imaging.phase_tensor_maps import PlotPhaseTensorMaps for freq in self.all_frequencies: ptm = PlotPhaseTensorMaps(fn_list=self.edifiles, plot_freq=freq, fig_dpi=80, plot_yn='n') ptm.export_params_to_file(save_path=dest_dir) return
[docs] def create_measurement_csv(self, dest_dir, period_list=None, interpolate=True): """ create csv file from the data of EDI files: IMPEDANCE, APPARENT RESISTIVITIES AND PHASES see also utils/ :param dest_dir: output directory :param period_list: list of periods; default=None, in which data for all available frequencies are output :param interpolate: Boolean to indicate whether to interpolate data onto given period_list :return: csvfname """ if dest_dir is None: dest_dir = self.outdir else:"result will be in the dir %s", dest_dir) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) # summary csv file csv_basename = "edi_measurement" csvfname = os.path.join(dest_dir, "%s.csv" % csv_basename) pt_dict = {} csv_header = [ 'FREQ', 'STATION', 'LAT', 'LON', 'ZXXre', 'ZXXim', 'ZXYre', 'ZXYim', 'ZYXre', 'ZYXim', 'ZYYre', 'ZYYim', 'TXre', 'TXim', 'TYre', 'TYim', 'RHOxx', 'RHOxy', 'RHOyx', 'RHOyy', 'PHSxx', 'PHSxy', 'PHSyx', 'PHSyy' ] freq_list = None if(period_list is None): freq_list = self.all_frequencies else: freq_list = 1./np.array(period_list) # end if with open(csvfname, "wb") as csvf: writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerow(csv_header) for freq in freq_list: mtlist = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: f_index_list = None pt = None ti = None zobj = None if (interpolate): f_index_list = [0] newZ = None newTipper = None newZ, newTipper = mt_obj.interpolate([freq], bounds_error=False) pt = MTpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=newZ) ti = newTipper zobj = newZ else: freq_max = freq * (1 + self.ptol) freq_min = freq * (1 - self.ptol) f_index_list = np.where((mt_obj.Z.freq < freq_max) & (mt_obj.Z.freq > freq_min)) pt = ti = mt_obj.Tipper zobj = mt_obj.Z # end if if len(f_index_list) > 1: self._logger.warn("more than one freq found %s", f_index_list) if len(f_index_list) >= 1: p_index = f_index_list[0] self._logger.debug("The freqs index %s", f_index_list) # geographic coord lat long and elevation # long, lat, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) station, lat, lon = ( mt_obj.station,, mt_obj.lon) resist_phase = mtplottools.ResPhase(z_object=zobj) # resist_phase.compute_res_phase() mt_stat = [freq, station, lat, lon, zobj.z[p_index, 0, 0].real, zobj.z[p_index, 0, 0].imag, zobj.z[p_index, 0, 1].real, zobj.z[p_index, 0, 1].imag, zobj.z[p_index, 1, 0].real, zobj.z[p_index, 1, 0].imag, zobj.z[p_index, 1, 1].real, zobj.z[p_index, 1, 1].imag, ti.tipper[p_index, 0, 0].real, ti.tipper[p_index, 0, 0].imag, ti.tipper[p_index, 0, 1].real, ti.tipper[p_index, 0, 1].imag, resist_phase.resxx[p_index], resist_phase.resxy[p_index], resist_phase.resyx[p_index], resist_phase.resyy[p_index], resist_phase.phasexx[p_index], resist_phase.phasexy[p_index], resist_phase.phaseyx[p_index], resist_phase.phaseyy[p_index] ] mtlist.append(mt_stat) else: self._logger.warn( 'Freq %s NOT found for this station %s', freq, mt_obj.station) with open(csvfname, "ab") as csvf: # summary csv for all freqs writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerows(mtlist) csv_basename2 = "%s_%sHz.csv" % (csv_basename, str(freq)) csvfile2 = os.path.join(dest_dir, csv_basename2) with open(csvfile2, "wb") as csvf: # individual csvfile for each freq writer = csv.writer(csvf) writer.writerow(csv_header) writer.writerows(mtlist) pt_dict[freq] = mtlist return csvfname
[docs] def export_edi_files(self, dest_dir, period_list=None, interpolate=True,period_buffer=None,longitude_format='LON'): """ export edi files. :param dest_dir: output directory :param period_list: list of periods; default=None, in which data for all available frequencies are output :param interpolate: Boolean to indicate whether to interpolate data onto given period_list; otherwise a period_list is obtained from get_periods_by_stats() :param file_name: output file name :param period_buffer: buffer so that interpolation doesn't stretch too far over periods. Provide a float or integer factor, greater than which interpolation will not stretch. e.g. 1.5 means only interpolate to a maximum of 1.5 times each side of each frequency value :return: """ if period_list is None: period_list = np.array(self.get_periods_by_stats()) # end if for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: # interpolate each station onto the period list # check bounds of period list interp_periods = period_list[np.where( (period_list >= 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq.max()) & (period_list <= 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq.min()))] interp_periods = np.sort(interp_periods) # if specified, apply a buffer so that interpolation doesn't # stretch too far over periods if type(period_buffer) in [float, int]: interp_periods_new = [] dperiods = 1. / mt_obj.Z.freq for iperiod in interp_periods: # find nearest data period difference = np.abs(iperiod - dperiods) nearestdperiod = dperiods[difference == np.amin(difference)][0] if max(nearestdperiod / iperiod, iperiod / nearestdperiod) < period_buffer: interp_periods_new.append(iperiod) interp_periods = np.array(interp_periods_new) self._logger.debug("station_name and its original period: %s %s %s", mt_obj.station, len(mt_obj.Z.freq), 1.0 / mt_obj.Z.freq) self._logger.debug("station_name and interpolation period: %s %s %s", mt_obj.station, len(interp_periods), interp_periods) if len(interp_periods) > 0: # not empty interp_z, interp_t = mt_obj.interpolate(1. / interp_periods) if dest_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(dest_dir): mt_obj.write_mt_file( save_dir=dest_dir, fn_basename=mt_obj.station, file_type='edi', new_Z_obj=interp_z, new_Tipper_obj=interp_t, longitude_format=longitude_format) else: pass # end for # end func return
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self, epsgcode=None): """ compute bounding box :return: bounding box in given proj coord system """ if epsgcode is None: new_gdf = self.geopdf else: # reproj new_gdf = self.geopdf.to_crs(epsg=epsgcode) tup = new_gdf.total_bounds bdict = {"MinLon": tup[0], "MinLat": tup[1], "MaxLon": tup[2], "MaxLat": tup[3]} self._logger.debug(bdict) return bdict
[docs] def get_station_utmzones_stats(self): """ A simple method to find what UTM zones these (edi files) MT stations belong to are they in a single UTM zone, which corresponds to a unique EPSG code? or do they belong to multiple UTM zones? :return: a_dict like {UTMZone:Number_of_MT_sites} """ def get_utm_zone(latitude, longitude): zone_num = int(1 + (longitude + 180.0) / 6.0) if latitude >= 0: return "%s%s"%(zone_num,'N') else: return "%s%s"%(zone_num,'S') utm_zones={} for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: utmz = get_utm_zone(, mt_obj.lon) utm_zones[utmz] = utm_zones.get(utmz,0)+1 return utm_zones
[docs] def get_stations_distances_stats(self): """ get the min max statistics of the distances between stations. useful for determining the ellipses tipper sizes etc :return: dict={} """ import math mt_stations = [] for mtobj in self.mt_obj_list: mt_stations.append( (mtobj.station,, mtobj.lon, mtobj.utm_zone) ) pdf = pd.DataFrame(mt_stations, columns=['Station', 'Lat', 'Lon', 'UtmZone']) mt_distances = [] for i in range(len(pdf)): xi=pdf.iloc[i]['Lat'] yi=pdf.iloc[i]['Lon'] for j in range(i+1, len(pdf)): xj = pdf.iloc[j]['Lat'] yj = pdf.iloc[j]['Lon'] dist = math.sqrt((xi-xj)**2 + (yi - yj)**2) mt_distances.append(dist) if(dist <0.004): # 0.004 is about 400 meters"Small distances occurred between stations: %s %s", pdf.iloc[i].Station, pdf.iloc[j].Station) # print (mt_distances) anarray = pd.Series(mt_distances) print(anarray.describe()) q01 = anarray.quantile(q=0.01) q02 = anarray.quantile(q=0.02) q03 = anarray.quantile(q=0.03) q04 = anarray.quantile(q=0.04) q05 = anarray.quantile(q=0.05)"1,2,3,4 5 Percentile distances: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", q01, q02,q03,q04,q05) # anarray.plot() # min_d = anarray.min() # cold be very small due to two close stations, skew the result max_d = anarray.max() self._logger.debug("Minimum = %s", min_d ) self._logger.debug("Maximum = %s", max_d ) return {"MIN_DIST":min_d, "Q1PERCENT":q01, "Q2PERCENT":q02, "Q3PERCENT":q03, "MAX_DIST":max_d}
[docs] def show_obj(self, dest_dir=None): """ test call object's methods and show it's properties :return: """ print(len(self.all_unique_periods), 'unique periods (s)', self.all_unique_periods) print(len(self.all_frequencies), 'unique frequencies (Hz)', self.all_frequencies) myper = obj.get_periods_by_stats(percentage=20) print(myper) print(self.bound_box_dict) print(self.get_bounding_box(epsgcode=28353)) if dest_dir is None: self.plot_stations(savefile= os.path.join(self.outdir,'edi_collection_test.jpg')) else: self.plot_stations(savefile= os.path.join(dest_dir,'edi_collection_test.jpg')) # self.display_on_basemap() # self.display_on_image() # self.display_folium() utmzones=self.get_station_utmzones_stats() number_zones = len(list(utmzones.items()))"This Edi fileset has %s UTM Zone(s): %s ", number_zones, utmzones) return
[docs] def get_min_max_distance(self): """ get the min and max distance between all possible pairs of stations. :return: min_dist, max_dist """ mt_distances = self.get_stations_distances_stats() min_dist = mt_distances.get("MIN_DIST") max_dist = mt_distances.get("MAX_DIST") return min_dist, max_dist
################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # python mtpy/core/ data/edifiles temp # python mtpy/core/ examples/data/edi2/ /e/tmp3/edi2_csv if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("\n USAGE: %s edi_dir out_Dir" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) else: argv1 = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isdir(argv1): edis = glob.glob(argv1 + '/*.edi') assert len(edis) > 0 # must has edi files obj = EdiCollection(edis) elif os.path.isfile(argv1) and argv1.endswith('.edi'): # assume input is a list of EDI files obj = EdiCollection(sys.argv[1:]) else: sys.exit(2) outdir = sys.argv[2] obj.show_obj(dest_dir = outdir) mt_distances = obj.get_stations_distances_stats() min_dist = mt_distances.get("MIN_DIST") max_dist = mt_distances.get("MAX_DIST") print( mt_distances ) # obj.create_phase_tensor_csv(outdir) # # obj.create_measurement_csv(dest_dir= outdir) # obj.create_mt_station_gdf(os.path.join(outdir, 'edi_collection_test.shp'))