Source code for mtpy.core.edi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: EDI
   :synopsis: Deal with EDI files.  The Edi class can read and write an .edi
             file, the 'standard format' of magnetotellurics.  Each section
             of the .edi file is given its own class, so the elements of each
             section are attributes for easy access.

.. moduleauthor:: Jared Peacock <>

# ==============================================================================
#  Imports
# ==============================================================================
import os
import datetime
import numpy as np

import mtpy.utils.gis_tools as gis_tools
import mtpy.utils.exceptions as MTex
import mtpy.utils.filehandling as MTfh
import mtpy.core.z as MTz
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog

    import scipy.stats.distributions as ssd

    ssd_test = True
except ImportError:
    print('Need scipy.stats.distributions to compute spectra errors')
    print('Could not find scipy.stats.distributions, check distribution')
    ssd_test = False

tab = ' ' * 4
# ==============================================================================
# EDI Class
# ==============================================================================

tab = ' ' * 4

_logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Edi(object): """ This class is for .edi files, mainly reading and writing. Has been tested on Winglink and Phoenix output .edi's, which are meant to follow the archaic EDI format put forward by SEG. Can read impedance, Tipper and/or spectra data. The Edi class contains a class for each major section of the .edi file. Frequency and components are ordered from highest to lowest frequency. :param edi_fn: full path to .edi file to be read in. *default* is None. If an .edi file is input, it is automatically read in and attributes of Edi are filled :type edi_fn: string ===================== ===================================================== Methods Description ===================== ===================================================== read_edi_file Reads in an edi file and populates the associated classes and attributes. write_edi_file Writes an .edi file following the EDI format given the apporpriate attributes are filled. Writes out in impedance and Tipper format. _read_data Reads in the impedance and Tipper blocks, if the .edi file is in 'spectra' format, read_data converts the data to impedance and Tipper. _read_mt Reads impedance and tipper data from the appropriate blocks of the .edi file. _read_spectra Reads in spectra data and converts it to impedance and Tipper data. ===================== ===================================================== ===================== ========================================== ========== Attributes Description default ===================== ========================================== ========== Data_sect DataSection class, contains basic information on the data collected and in whether the data is in impedance or spectra. Define_measurement DefineMeasurement class, contains information on how the data was collected. edi_fn full path to edi file read in None Header Header class, contains metadata on where, when, and who collected the data Info Information class, contains information on how the data was processed and how the transfer functions where estimated. Tipper mtpy.core.z.Tipper class, contains the tipper data Z mtpy.core.z.Z class, contains the impedance data _block_len number of data in one line. 6 _data_header_str header string for each of the data '>!****{0}****!' section _num_format string format of data. ' 15.6e' _t_labels labels for tipper blocks _z_labels labels for impedance blocks ===================== ========================================== ========== :Change Latitude: :: >>> import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi >>> edi_obj = mtedi.Edi(edi_fn=r"/home/mt/mt01.edi") >>> # change the latitude >>> = 45.7869 >>> new_edi_fn = edi_obj.write_edi_file() """ def __init__(self, edi_fn=None): self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.edi_fn = edi_fn self._edi_lines = None self.Header = Header() self.Info = Information() self.Define_measurement = DefineMeasurement() self.Data_sect = DataSection() self.Z = MTz.Z() self.Tipper = MTz.Tipper() self._z_labels = [['zxxr', 'zxxi', 'zxx.var'], ['zxyr', 'zxyi', 'zxy.var'], ['zyxr', 'zyxi', 'zyx.var'], ['zyyr', 'zyyi', 'zyy.var']] self._t_labels = [['txr.exp', 'txi.exp', 'txvar.exp'], ['tyr.exp', 'tyi.exp', 'tyvar.exp']] self._data_header_str = '>!****{0}****!\n' self._num_format = ' 15.6e' self._block_len = 6 if self.edi_fn is not None: self.read_edi_file()
[docs] def read_edi_file(self, edi_fn=None): """ Read in an edi file and fill attributes of each section's classes. Including: * Header * Info * Define_measurement * Data_sect * Z * Tipper .. note:: Automatically detects if data is in spectra format. All data read in is converted to impedance and Tipper. :param edi_fn: full path to .edi file to be read in *default* is None :type edi_fn: string :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.core.Edi as mtedi >>> edi_obj = mtedi.Edi() >>> edi_obj.read_edi_file(edi_fn=r"/home/mt/mt01.edi") """"Reading the edi file %s", self.edi_fn) if edi_fn is not None: self.edi_fn = edi_fn if self.edi_fn is None: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI("No edi file input, check edi_fn") if self.edi_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.edi_fn) is False: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI( "Could not find {0}, check path".format( self.edi_fn)) with open(self.edi_fn, 'r') as fid: self._edi_lines = _validate_edi_lines(fid.readlines()) self.Header = Header(edi_lines=self._edi_lines) self.Info = Information(edi_lines=self._edi_lines) self.Define_measurement = DefineMeasurement(edi_lines=self._edi_lines) self.Data_sect = DataSection(edi_lines=self._edi_lines) self._read_data() if is None: = self.Define_measurement.reflat 'Got latitude from reflat for {0}'.format( self.Header.dataid)) if self.Header.lon is None: self.Header.lon = self.Define_measurement.reflon 'Got longitude from reflon for {0}'.format( self.Header.dataid)) if self.Header.elev is None: self.Header.elev = self.Define_measurement.refelev 'Got elevation from refelev for {0}'.format( self.Header.dataid)) "Read in edi file for station {0}".format( self.Header.dataid))
def _read_data(self): """ Read either impedance or spectra data depending on what the type is in the data section. """ if self.edi_fn is None: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI('No edi file input, check edi_fn') if os.path.isfile(self.edi_fn) is False: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI('No edi file input, check edi_fn') lines = self._edi_lines[self.Data_sect.line_num:] if self.Data_sect.data_type == 'spectra':'Converting Spectra to Impedance and Tipper')'Check to make sure input channel list is correct if the data looks incorrect') if self.Data_sect.nchan == 5: c_list = ['hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ex', 'ey'] elif self.Data_sect.nchan == 4: c_list = ['hx', 'hy', 'ex', 'ey'] elif self.Data_sect.nchan == 6: c_list = ['hx', 'hy', 'ex', 'ey', 'hxr', 'rhy'] elif self.Data_sect.nchan == 7: c_list = ['hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ex', 'ey', 'hxr', 'rhy'] self._read_spectra(lines, comp_list=c_list) elif self.Data_sect.data_type == 'z': self._read_mt(lines) def _read_mt(self, data_lines): """ Read in impedance and tipper data :param data_lines: list of data lines from the edi file :type data_lines: list """ flip = False data_dict = {} data_find = False for line in data_lines: line = line.strip() if '>' in line and '!' not in line: line_list = line[1:].strip().split() if len(line_list) == 0: continue key = line_list[0].lower() if key[0] == 'z' or key[0] == 't' or key == 'freq': data_find = True data_dict[key] = [] else: data_find = False elif data_find and '>' not in line and '!' not in line: d_lines = line.strip().split() for ii, dd in enumerate(d_lines): # check for empty values and set them to 0, check for any # other characters sometimes there are ****** for a null # component try: d_lines[ii] = float(dd) if d_lines[ii] == 1.0e32: d_lines[ii] = 0.0 except ValueError: d_lines[ii] = 0.0 data_dict[key] += d_lines # fill useful arrays freq_arr = np.array(data_dict['freq'], dtype=np.float) z_arr = np.zeros((freq_arr.size, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex) z_err_arr = np.zeros((freq_arr.size, 2, 2), dtype=np.float) # fill impedance tensor if 'zxxr' in data_dict.keys(): z_arr[:, 0, 0] = np.array(data_dict['zxxr']) + \ np.array(data_dict['zxxi']) * 1j z_err_arr[:, 0, 0] = np.array(data_dict['zxx.var'])**0.5 if 'zxyr' in data_dict.keys(): z_arr[:, 0, 1] = np.array(data_dict['zxyr']) + \ np.array(data_dict['zxyi']) * 1j z_err_arr[:, 0, 1] = np.array(data_dict['zxy.var'])**0.5 if 'zyxr' in data_dict.keys(): z_arr[:, 1, 0] = np.array(data_dict['zyxr']) + \ np.array(data_dict['zyxi']) * 1j z_err_arr[:, 1, 0] = np.array(data_dict['zyx.var'])**0.5 if 'zyyr' in data_dict.keys(): z_arr[:, 1, 1] = np.array(data_dict['zyyr']) + \ np.array(data_dict['zyyi']) * 1j z_err_arr[:, 1, 1] = np.array(data_dict['zyy.var'])**0.5 # check for order of frequency, we want high togit low if freq_arr[0] < freq_arr[1]: 'Ordered arrays to be arranged from high to low frequency') freq_arr = freq_arr[::-1] z_arr = z_arr[::-1] z_err_arr = z_err_arr[::-1] flip = True # set the attributes as private variables to avoid redundant estimation # of res and phase self.Z._freq = freq_arr self.Z._z = z_arr self.Z._z_err = z_err_arr try: self.Z.rotation_angle = np.array(data_dict['zrot']) except KeyError: self.Z.rotation_angle = np.zeros_like(freq_arr) # compute resistivity and phase self.Z.compute_resistivity_phase() # fill tipper data if there it exists tipper_arr = np.zeros((freq_arr.size, 1, 2), dtype=np.complex) tipper_err_arr = np.zeros((freq_arr.size, 1, 2), dtype=np.float) try: self.Tipper.rotation_angle = np.array(data_dict['trot']) except KeyError: try: self.Tipper.rotation_angle = np.array(data_dict['zrot']) except KeyError: self.Tipper.rotation_angle = np.zeros_like(freq_arr) if 'txr.exp' in list(data_dict.keys()): tipper_arr[:, 0, 0] = np.array(data_dict['txr.exp']) + \ np.array(data_dict['txi.exp']) * 1j tipper_arr[:, 0, 1] = np.array(data_dict['tyr.exp']) + \ np.array(data_dict['tyi.exp']) * 1j tipper_err_arr[:, 0, 0] = np.array(data_dict['txvar.exp'])**0.5 tipper_err_arr[:, 0, 1] = np.array(data_dict['tyvar.exp'])**0.5 if flip: tipper_arr = tipper_arr[::-1] tipper_err_arr = tipper_err_arr[::-1] else:'Could not find any Tipper data.') self.Tipper._freq = freq_arr self.Tipper._tipper = tipper_arr self.Tipper._tipper_err = tipper_err_arr self.Tipper.compute_amp_phase() self.Tipper.compute_mag_direction() def _read_spectra(self, data_lines, comp_list=['hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ex', 'ey', 'rhx', 'rhy']): """ Read in spectra data and convert to impedance and Tipper. :param data_lines: list of lines from edi file :type data_lines: list :param comp_list: list of components that correspond to the columns of the spectra data. :type comp_list: list """ data_dict = {} avgt_dict = {} data_find = False for line in data_lines: if line.lower().find('>spectra') == 0 and line.find('!') == -1: line_list = _validate_str_with_equals(line) data_find = True # frequency will be the key try: key = float([ss.split('=')[1] for ss in line_list if ss.lower().find('freq') == 0][0]) data_dict[key] = [] avgt = float([ss.split('=')[1] for ss in line_list if ss.lower().find('avgt') == 0][0]) avgt_dict[key] = avgt except ValueError:'did not find frequency key') elif data_find and line.find('>') == -1 and \ line.find('!') == -1: data_dict[key] += [float(ll) for ll in line.strip().split()] elif line.find('>spectra') == -1: data_find = False # get an object that contains the indices for each component cc = index_locator(comp_list) freq_arr = np.array(sorted(list(data_dict.keys()), reverse=True)) z_arr = np.zeros((len(list(data_dict.keys())), 2, 2), dtype=np.complex) t_arr = np.zeros((len(list(data_dict.keys())), 1, 2), dtype=np.complex) z_err_arr = np.zeros_like(z_arr, dtype=np.float) t_err_arr = np.zeros_like(t_arr, dtype=np.float) for kk, key in enumerate(freq_arr): spectra_arr = np.reshape(np.array(data_dict[key]), (len(comp_list), len(comp_list))) # compute cross powers s_arr = np.zeros_like(spectra_arr, dtype=np.complex) for ii in range(s_arr.shape[0]): for jj in range(ii, s_arr.shape[0]): if ii == jj: s_arr[ii, jj] = (spectra_arr[ii, jj]) else: # minus sign for complex conjugation # original spectra data are of form <A,B*>, but we need # the order <B,A*>... # this is achieved by complex conjugation of the # original entries s_arr[ii, jj] = np.complex(spectra_arr[jj, ii], -spectra_arr[ii, jj]) # keep complex conjugated entries in the lower # triangular matrix: s_arr[jj, ii] = np.complex(spectra_arr[jj, ii], spectra_arr[ii, jj]) # use formulas from Bahr/Simpson to convert the Spectra into Z # the entries of S are sorted like # <X,X*> <X,Y*> <X,Z*> <X,En*> <X,Ee*> <X,Rx*> <X,Ry*> # <Y,Y*> <Y,Z*> <Y,En*> <Y,Ee*> <Y,Rx*> <Y,Ry*> # ..... z_arr[kk, 0, 0] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhy] - \ s_arr[cc.ex, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhx] z_arr[kk, 0, 1] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhx] - \ s_arr[cc.ex, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhy] z_arr[kk, 1, 0] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhy] - \ s_arr[cc.ey, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhx] z_arr[kk, 1, 1] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhx] - \ s_arr[cc.ey, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhy] z_arr[kk] /= (s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhy] - s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhx]) # compute error only if scipy package exists if ssd_test is True: # 68% Quantil of the Fisher distribution: z_det = np.real(s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy] - \ np.abs(s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hy] ** 2)) sigma_quantil = ssd.f.ppf(0.68, 4, avgt_dict[key] - 4) ## 1) Ex a = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy] - \ s_arr[cc.ex, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hx] b = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx] - \ s_arr[cc.ex, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hy] a /= z_det b /= z_det psi_squared = np.real(1. / s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ex].real * (a * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ex] + b * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ex])) epsilon_squared = 1. - psi_squared scaling = sigma_quantil * 4 / (avgt_dict[key] - 4.) * \ epsilon_squared / z_det * s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ex].real z_err_arr[kk, 0, 0] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy].real) z_err_arr[kk, 0, 1] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx].real) # 2) EY a = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy] - \ s_arr[cc.ey, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hx] b = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx] - \ s_arr[cc.ey, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hy] a /= z_det b /= z_det psi_squared = np.real(1. / np.real(s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ey]) * (a * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ey] + b * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ey])) epsilon_squared = 1. - psi_squared scaling = sigma_quantil * 4 / (avgt_dict[key] - 4.) * \ epsilon_squared / z_det * s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ey].real z_err_arr[kk, 1, 0] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy].real) z_err_arr[kk, 1, 1] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx].real) # if HZ information is present: if len(comp_list) > 5: t_arr[kk, 0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.rhx] * \ s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhy] - s_arr[cc.hz, cc.rhy] * \ s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhx] t_arr[kk, 0, 1] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.rhy] * \ s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhx] - s_arr[cc.hz, cc.rhx] * \ s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhy] t_arr[kk] /= (s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhy] - s_arr[cc.hx, cc.rhy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.rhx]) if ssd_test is True: a = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy] - \ s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hx] b = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hy] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx] - \ s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hx] * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hy] a /= z_det b /= z_det psi_squared = np.real(1. / s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hz].real * (a * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hz] + b * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hz])) epsilon_squared = 1. - psi_squared scaling = sigma_quantil * 4 / (avgt_dict[key] - 4.) * \ epsilon_squared / z_det * s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hz].real t_err_arr[kk, 0, 0] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy].real) t_err_arr[kk, 0, 1] = np.sqrt(scaling * s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx].real) # check for nans z_err_arr = np.nan_to_num(z_err_arr) t_err_arr = np.nan_to_num(t_err_arr) z_err_arr[np.where(z_err_arr == 0.0)] = 1.0 t_err_arr[np.where(t_err_arr == 0.0)] = 1.0 # be sure to fill attributes self.Z.freq = freq_arr self.Z.z = z_arr self.Z.z_err = z_err_arr self.Z.rotation_angle = np.zeros_like(freq_arr) self.Z.compute_resistivity_phase() self.Tipper.tipper = t_arr self.Tipper.tipper_err = t_err_arr self.Tipper.freq = freq_arr self.Tipper.rotation_angle = np.zeros_like(freq_arr) self.Tipper.compute_amp_phase() self.Tipper.compute_mag_direction()
[docs] def write_edi_file(self, new_edi_fn=None,longitude_format='LON', latlon_format='dms'): """ Write a new edi file from either an existing .edi file or from data input by the user into the attributes of Edi. :param new_edi_fn: full path to new edi file. *default* is None, which will write to the same file as the input .edi with as: r"/home/mt/mt01_1.edi" :type new_edi_fn: string :param longitude_format: whether to write longitude as LON or LONG. options are 'LON' or 'LONG', default 'LON' :type longitude_format: string :param latlon_format: format of latitude and longitude in output edi, degrees minutes seconds ('dms') or decimal degrees ('dd') :type latlon_format: string :returns: full path to new edi file :rtype: string :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi >>> edi_obj = mtedi.Edi(edi_fn=r"/home/mt/mt01/edi") >>> edi_obj.Header.dataid = 'mt01_rr' >>> n_edi_fn = edi_obj.write_edi_file() """ if new_edi_fn is None: if self.edi_fn is not None: new_edi_fn = self.edi_fn else: new_edi_fn = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '{0}.edi'.format(self.Header.dataid)) new_edi_fn = MTfh.make_unique_filename(new_edi_fn) if self.Header.dataid is None: self.read_edi_file() # write lines header_lines = self.Header.write_header(longitude_format=longitude_format, latlon_format=latlon_format) info_lines = self.Info.write_info() define_lines = self.Define_measurement.write_define_measurement(longitude_format=longitude_format, latlon_format=latlon_format) dsect_lines = self.Data_sect.write_data_sect(over_dict={'nfreq': len(self.Z.freq)}) # write out frequencies freq_lines = [self._data_header_str.format('frequencies'.upper())] freq_lines += self._write_data_block(self.Z.freq, 'freq') # write out rotation angles zrot_lines = [ self._data_header_str.format( 'impedance rotation angles'.upper())] zrot_lines += self._write_data_block(self.Z.rotation_angle, 'zrot') # write out data only impedance and tipper z_data_lines = [self._data_header_str.format('impedances'.upper())] self.Z.z = np.nan_to_num(self.Z.z) self.Z.z_err = np.nan_to_num(self.Z.z_err) self.Tipper.tipper = np.nan_to_num(self.Tipper.tipper) self.Tipper.tipper_err = np.nan_to_num(self.Tipper.tipper_err) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): z_lines_real = self._write_data_block(self.Z.z[:, ii, jj].real, self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][0]) z_lines_imag = self._write_data_block(self.Z.z[:, ii, jj].imag, self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][1]) z_lines_var = self._write_data_block(self.Z.z_err[:, ii, jj]**2., self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][2]) z_data_lines += z_lines_real z_data_lines += z_lines_imag z_data_lines += z_lines_var if self.Tipper.tipper is not None and np.all(self.Tipper.tipper == 0): trot_lines = [''] t_data_lines = [''] else: try: # write out rotation angles trot_lines = [ self._data_header_str.format( 'tipper rotation angles'.upper())] if isinstance(self.Tipper.rotation_angle, float): trot = np.repeat( self.Tipper.rotation_angle, self.Tipper.freq.size) else: trot = self.Tipper.rotation_angle trot_lines += self._write_data_block(np.array(trot), 'trot') # write out tipper lines t_data_lines = [self._data_header_str.format('tipper'.upper())] for jj in range(2): t_lines_real = self._write_data_block(self.Tipper.tipper[:, 0, jj].real, self._t_labels[jj][0]) t_lines_imag = self._write_data_block(self.Tipper.tipper[:, 0, jj].imag, self._t_labels[jj][1]) t_lines_var = self._write_data_block(self.Tipper.tipper_err[:, 0, jj]**2., self._t_labels[jj][2]) t_data_lines += t_lines_real t_data_lines += t_lines_imag t_data_lines += t_lines_var except AttributeError: trot_lines = [''] t_data_lines = [''] edi_lines = header_lines + \ info_lines + \ define_lines + \ dsect_lines + \ freq_lines + \ zrot_lines + \ z_data_lines + \ trot_lines + \ t_data_lines + ['>END'] with open(new_edi_fn, 'w') as fid: fid.write(''.join(edi_lines))'Wrote {0}'.format(new_edi_fn)) return new_edi_fn
def _write_data_block(self, data_comp_arr, data_key): """ Write a data block :param data_comp_arr: array of data components :type data_comp_arr: np.ndarray :param data_key: the component to write out :type data_key: string :returns: list of lines to write to edi file :rtype: list """ if data_key.lower().find('z') >= 0 and \ data_key.lower() not in ['zrot', 'trot']: block_lines = ['>{0} ROT=ZROT // {1:.0f}\n'.format(data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size)] elif data_key.lower().find('t') >= 0 and \ data_key.lower() not in ['zrot', 'trot']: block_lines = ['>{0} ROT=TROT // {1:.0f}\n'.format(data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size)] elif data_key.lower() == 'freq': block_lines = ['>{0} // {1:.0f}\n'.format(data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size)] elif data_key.lower() in ['zrot', 'trot']: block_lines = ['>{0} // {1:.0f}\n'.format(data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size)] else: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI( 'Cannot write block for {0}'.format(data_key)) for d_index, d_comp in enumerate(data_comp_arr, 1): if d_comp == 0.0 and data_key.lower() not in ['zrot', 'trot']: d_comp = float(self.Header.empty) # write the string in the specified format num_str = '{0:{1}}'.format(d_comp, self._num_format) # check to see if a new line is needed if d_index % self._block_len == 0: num_str += '\n' # at the end of the block add a return if d_index == data_comp_arr.size: num_str += '\n' block_lines.append(num_str) return block_lines # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a few important properties # --> Latitude @property def lat(self): """latitude in decimal degrees""" return @lat.setter def lat(self, input_lat): """set latitude and make sure it is converted to a float""" = gis_tools.assert_lat_value(input_lat)'Converted input latitude to decimal degrees: {0: .6f}'.format( # --> Longitude @property def lon(self): """longitude in decimal degrees""" return self.Header.lon @lon.setter def lon(self, input_lon): """set latitude and make sure it is converted to a float""" self.Header.lon = gis_tools.assert_lon_value(input_lon)'Converted input longitude to decimal degrees: {0: .6f}'.format( self.Header.lon)) # --> Elevation @property def elev(self): """Elevation in elevation units""" return self.Header.elev @elev.setter def elev(self, input_elev): """set elevation and make sure it is converted to a float""" self.Header.elev = gis_tools.assert_elevation_value(input_elev) # --> station @property def station(self): """station name""" return self.Header.dataid @station.setter def station(self, new_station): """station name""" if not isinstance(new_station, str): new_station = '{0}'.format(new_station) self.Header.dataid = new_station self.Data_sect.sectid = new_station
# ============================================================================== # Index finder # ============================================================================== class index_locator(object): def __init__(self, component_list): self.ex = None self.ey = None self.hx = None self.hy = None self.hz = None self.rhx = None self.rhy = None self.rhz = None for ii, comp in enumerate(component_list): setattr(self, comp, ii) if self.rhx is None: self.rhx = self.hx if self.rhy is None: self.rhy = self.hy # ============================================================================== # Header object # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # Info object # ==============================================================================
[docs]class Information(object): """ Contain, read, and write info section of .edi file not much to really do here, but just keep it in the same format that it is read in as, except if it is in phoenix format then split the two paragraphs up so they are sequential. """ def __init__(self, edi_fn=None, edi_lines=None): self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.edi_fn = edi_fn self.edi_lines = edi_lines self.info_list = None self.info_dict = {} if self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.read_info()
[docs] def get_info_list(self): """ get a list of lines from the info section """ if self.edi_fn is None and self.edi_lines is None:'no edi file input, check edi_fn attribute') return self.info_list = [] info_find = False phoenix_file = False phoenix_list_02 = [] if self.edi_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.edi_fn) is False: 'Could not find {0}, check path'.format( self.edi_fn)) return with open(self.edi_fn, 'r') as fid: self.edi_lines = _validate_edi_lines(fid.readlines()) for line in self.edi_lines: if '>' in line and 'info' in line.lower(): info_find = True elif '>' in line: # need to check for xml type formating if '<' in line: pass else: if info_find is True: break else: pass elif info_find: if line.lower().find('run information') >= 0: phoenix_file = True if phoenix_file and len(line) > 40: self.info_list.append(line[0:37].strip()) phoenix_list_02.append(line[38:].strip()) else: if len(line.strip()) > 1: self.info_list.append(line.strip()) self.info_list += phoenix_list_02 # validate the information list self.info_list = self._validate_info_list(self.info_list)
[docs] def read_info(self, info_list=None): """ read information section of the .edi file """ if info_list is not None: self.info_list = self._validate_info_list(info_list) elif self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.get_info_list() self.info_dict = {} # make info items attributes of Information for ll in self.info_list: l_list = [None, ''] # need to check if there is an = or : seperator, which ever # comes first is assumed to be the delimiter colon_find = ll.find(':') if colon_find == -1: colon_find = None equals_find = ll.find('=') if equals_find == -1: equals_find = None if colon_find is not None and equals_find is not None: if colon_find < equals_find: l_list = ll.split(':') else: l_list = ll.split('=') elif colon_find is not None: l_list = ll.split(':') elif equals_find is not None: l_list = ll.split('=') else: l_list[0] = ll if l_list[0] is not None: l_key = l_list[0] l_value = l_list[1].strip() self.info_dict[l_key] = l_value.replace('"', '') # setattr(self, l_key, l_value) if self.info_list is None:"Could not read information") return
[docs] def write_info(self, info_list=None): """ write out information """ if info_list is not None: self.info_list = self._validate_info_list(info_list) info_lines = ['>INFO\n'] for line in self.info_list: info_lines.append('{0}{1}\n'.format(tab, line)) return info_lines
def _validate_info_list(self, info_list): """ check to make sure the info list input is valid, really just checking for Phoenix format where they put two columns in the file and remove any blank lines and the >info line """ new_info_list = [] for line in info_list: # get rid of empty lines lt = str(line).strip() if len(lt) > 1: if '>' in line: pass else: new_info_list.append(line.strip()) return new_info_list
# ============================================================================== # Define measurement class # ==============================================================================
[docs]class DefineMeasurement(object): """ DefineMeasurement class holds information about the measurement. This includes how each channel was setup. The main block contains information on the reference location for the station. This is a bit of an archaic part and was meant for a multiple station .edi file. This section is also important if you did any forward modeling with Winglink cause it only gives the station location in this section. The other parts are how each channel was collected. An example define measurement section looks like:: >=DEFINEMEAS MAXCHAN=7 MAXRUN=999 MAXMEAS=9999 UNITS=M REFTYPE=CART REFLAT=-30:12:49.4693 REFLONG=139:47:50.87 REFELEV=0 >HMEAS ID=1001.001 CHTYPE=HX X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 AZM=0.0 >HMEAS ID=1002.001 CHTYPE=HY X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 AZM=90.0 >HMEAS ID=1003.001 CHTYPE=HZ X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 AZM=0.0 >EMEAS ID=1004.001 CHTYPE=EX X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 X2=0.0 Y2=0.0 >EMEAS ID=1005.001 CHTYPE=EY X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 X2=0.0 Y2=0.0 >HMEAS ID=1006.001 CHTYPE=HX X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 AZM=0.0 >HMEAS ID=1007.001 CHTYPE=HY X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0 AZM=90.0 :param edi_fn: full path to .edi file to read in. :type edi_fn: string ================= ==================================== ======== =========== Attributes Description Default In .edi ================= ==================================== ======== =========== edi_fn Full path to edi file read in None no maxchan Maximum number of channels measured None yes maxmeas Maximum number of measurements 9999 yes maxrun Maximum number of measurement runs 999 yes meas_#### HMeasurement or EMEasurment object None yes defining the measurement made [1]_ refelev Reference elevation (m) None yes reflat Reference latitude [2]_ None yes refloc Reference location None yes reflon Reference longituted [2]_ None yes reftype Reference coordinate system 'cart' yes units Units of length m yes _define_meas_keys Keys to include in define_measurment [3]_ no section. ================= ==================================== ======== =========== .. [1] Each channel with have its own define measurement and depending on whether it is an E or H channel the metadata will be different. the #### correspond to the channel number. .. [2] Internally everything is converted to decimal degrees. Output is written as so Winglink can read them in. .. [3] If you want to change what metadata is written into the .edi file change the items in _header_keys. Default attributes are: * maxchan * maxrun * maxmeas * reflat * reflon * refelev * reftype * units """ def __init__(self, edi_fn=None, edi_lines=None): self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.edi_fn = edi_fn self.edi_lines = edi_lines self.measurement_list = None self.maxchan = None self.maxmeas = 7 self.maxrun = 999 self.refelev = None self.reflat = None self.reflon = None self.reftype = 'cartesian' self.units = 'm' self._define_meas_keys = ['maxchan', 'maxrun', 'maxmeas', 'reflat', 'reflon', 'refelev', 'reftype', 'units'] if self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.read_define_measurement()
[docs] def get_measurement_lists(self): """ get measurement list including measurement setup """ if self.edi_fn is None and self.edi_lines is None:'No edi file input, check edi_fn attribute') return self.measurement_list = [] meas_find = False if self.edi_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.edi_fn) is False: 'Could not find {0}, check path'.format( self.edi_fn)) return with open(self.edi_fn, 'r') as fid: self.edi_lines = _validate_edi_lines(fid.readlines()) for line in self.edi_lines: if '>=' in line and 'definemeas' in line.lower(): meas_find = True elif '>=' in line: if meas_find is True: break elif meas_find is True and '>' not in line: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 2: self.measurement_list.append(line.strip()) # look for the >XMEAS parts elif '>' in line and meas_find: if line.find('!') > 0: pass else: line_list = _validate_str_with_equals(line) m_dict = {} for ll in line_list: ll_list = ll.split('=') key = ll_list[0].lower() value = ll_list[1] m_dict[key] = value self.measurement_list.append(m_dict)
[docs] def read_define_measurement(self, measurement_list=None): """ read the define measurment section of the edi file should be a list with lines for: - maxchan - maxmeas - maxrun - refelev - reflat - reflon - reftype - units - dictionaries for >XMEAS with keys: - id - chtype - x - y - axm -acqchn """ if measurement_list is not None: self.measurement_list = measurement_list elif self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.get_measurement_lists() if self.measurement_list is None: 'Nothing to read, check edi_fn or measurement_list attributes') return for line in self.measurement_list: if isinstance(line, str): line_list = line.split('=') key = line_list[0].lower() value = line_list[1].strip() if key in 'reflatitude': key = 'reflat' value = gis_tools.assert_lat_value(value) elif key in 'reflongitude': key = 'reflon' value = gis_tools.assert_lon_value(value) elif key in 'refelevation': key = 'refelev' value = gis_tools.assert_elevation_value(value) elif key in 'maxchannels': key = 'maxchan' try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = 0 elif key in 'maxmeasurements': key = 'maxmeas' try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = 0 elif key in 'maxruns': key = 'maxrun' try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = 0 setattr(self, key, value) elif isinstance(line, dict): key = 'meas_{0}'.format(line['chtype'].lower()) if key[4:].find('h') >= 0: value = HMeasurement(**line) elif key[4:].find('e') >= 0: value = EMeasurement(**line) setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def write_define_measurement(self, measurement_list=None, longitude_format='LON', latlon_format='dd'): """ write the define measurement block as a list of strings """ if measurement_list is not None: self.read_define_measurement(measurement_list=measurement_list) measurement_lines = ['\n>=DEFINEMEAS\n'] for key in self._define_meas_keys: value = getattr(self, key) if key == 'reflat' or key == 'reflon': if latlon_format.upper() == 'DD': value = '%.6f'%value else: value = gis_tools.convert_position_float2str(value) elif key == 'refelev': value = '{0:.3f}'.format( gis_tools.assert_elevation_value(value)) if key.upper() == 'REFLON': if longitude_format == 'LONG': key += 'G' measurement_lines.append('{0}{1}={2}\n'.format(tab, key.upper(), value)) measurement_lines.append('\n') # need to write the >XMEAS type, but sort by channel number m_key_list = [(kk, self.__dict__[kk].id) for kk in list(self.__dict__.keys()) if kk.find('meas_') == 0] if len(m_key_list) == 0:'No XMEAS information.') else: # need to sort the dictionary by chanel id chn_count = 1 for x_key in sorted(m_key_list, key=lambda x: x[1]): x_key = x_key[0] m_obj = getattr(self, x_key) if m_obj.chtype is not None: if m_obj.chtype.lower().find('h') >= 0: head = 'hmeas' elif m_obj.chtype.lower().find('e') >= 0: head = 'emeas' else: head = 'None' else: head = 'None' m_list = ['>{0}'.format(head.upper())] for mkey, mfmt in zip(m_obj._kw_list, m_obj._fmt_list): if mkey == 'acqchan': if getattr(m_obj, mkey) is None or \ getattr(m_obj, mkey) == 'None': setattr(m_obj, mkey, chn_count) chn_count += 1 try: m_list.append( ' {0}={1:{2}}'.format( mkey.upper(), getattr( m_obj, mkey), mfmt)) except ValueError: m_list.append(' {0}={1:{2}}'.format(mkey.upper(), 0.0, mfmt)) m_list.append('\n') measurement_lines.append(''.join(m_list)) return measurement_lines
[docs] def get_measurement_dict(self): """ get a dictionary for the xmeas parts """ meas_dict = {} for key in list(self.__dict__.keys()): if key.find('meas_') == 0: meas_attr = getattr(self, key) meas_key = meas_attr.chtype meas_dict[meas_key] = meas_attr return meas_dict
# ============================================================================== # magnetic measurements # ==============================================================================
[docs]class HMeasurement(object): """ HMeasurement contains metadata for a magnetic field measurement ====================== ==================================================== Attributes Description ====================== ==================================================== id Channel number chtype [ HX | HY | HZ | RHX | RHY ] x x (m) north from reference point (station) y y (m) east from reference point (station) azm angle of sensor relative to north = 0 acqchan name of the channel acquired usually same as chtype ====================== ==================================================== :Fill Metadata: :: >>> import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi >>> h_dict = {'id': '1', 'chtype':'hx', 'x':0, 'y':0, 'azm':0} >>> h_dict['acqchn'] = 'hx' >>> hmeas = mtedi.HMeasurement(**h_dict) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._kw_list = ['id', 'chtype', 'x', 'y', 'azm', 'acqchan'] self._fmt_list = ['<4', '<3', '<4.1f', '<4.1f', '<4.1f', '<4'] for key, fmt in zip(self._kw_list, self._fmt_list): if 'f' in fmt: setattr(self, key, 0.0) else: setattr(self, key, '0.0') for key in list(kwargs.keys()): try: setattr(self, key, float(kwargs[key])) except ValueError: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
# ============================================================================== # electric measurements # ==============================================================================
[docs]class EMeasurement(object): """ EMeasurement contains metadata for an electric field measurement ====================== ==================================================== Attributes Description ====================== ==================================================== id Channel number chtype [ EX | EY ] x x (m) north from reference point (station) of one electrode of the dipole y y (m) east from reference point (station) of one electrode of the dipole x2 x (m) north from reference point (station) of the other electrode of the dipole y2 y (m) north from reference point (station) of the other electrode of the dipole acqchan name of the channel acquired usually same as chtype ====================== ==================================================== :Fill Metadata: :: >>> import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi >>> e_dict = {'id': '1', 'chtype':'ex', 'x':0, 'y':0, 'x2':50, 'y2':50} >>> e_dict['acqchn'] = 'ex' >>> emeas = mtedi.EMeasurement(**e_dict) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self._kw_list = ['id', 'chtype', 'x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2', 'acqchan'] self._fmt_list = ['<4.4g', '<3', '<4.1f', '<4.1f', '<4.1f', '<4.1f', '<4'] for key, fmt in zip(self._kw_list, self._fmt_list): if 'f' in fmt: setattr(self, key, 0.0) else: setattr(self, key, '0.0') for key in list(kwargs.keys()): try: setattr(self, key, float(kwargs[key])) except ValueError: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
# ============================================================================== # data section # ==============================================================================
[docs]class DataSection(object): """ DataSection contains the small metadata block that describes which channel is which. A typical block looks like:: >=MTSECT ex=1004.001 ey=1005.001 hx=1001.001 hy=1002.001 hz=1003.001 nfreq=14 sectid=par28ew nchan=None maxblks=None :param edi_fn: full path to .edi file to read in. :type edi_fn: string ================= ==================================== ======== =========== Attributes Description Default In .edi ================= ==================================== ======== =========== ex ex channel id number None yes ey ey channel id number None yes hx hx channel id number None yes hy hy channel id number None yes hz hz channel id number None yes nfreq number of frequencies None yes sectid section id, should be the same as the station name -> Header.dataid None yes maxblks maximum number of data blocks None yes nchan number of channels None yes _kw_list list of key words to put in metadata [1]_ no ================= ==================================== ======== =========== .. [1] Changes these values to change what is written to edi file """ def __init__(self, edi_fn=None, edi_lines=None): """ writing the EDI files MTSECT :param edi_fn: :param edi_lines: """ self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.edi_fn = edi_fn self.edi_lines = edi_lines self.data_type = 'z' self.line_num = 0 self.data_sect_list = None self.nfreq = None self.sectid = None self.nchan = None self.maxblks = None self.ex = None self.ey = None self.hx = None self.hy = None self.hz = None self._kw_list = ['nfreq', 'sectid', 'nchan', 'maxblks', 'ex', 'ey', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'] if self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.read_data_sect()
[docs] def get_data_sect(self): """ read in the data of the file, will detect if reading spectra or impedance. """ if self.edi_fn is None and self.edi_lines is None: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI('No edi file to read. Check edi_fn') self.data_sect_list = [] data_sect_find = False if self.edi_fn is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.edi_fn) is False: raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI( 'Could not find {0}. Check path'.format( self.edi_fn)) with open(self.edi_fn) as fid: self.edi_lines = _validate_edi_lines(fid.readlines()) for ii, line in enumerate(self.edi_lines): if '>=' in line and 'sect' in line.lower(): data_sect_find = True self.line_num = ii if line.lower().find('spect') > 0: self.data_type = 'spectra' elif line.lower().find('mt') > 0: self.data_type = 'z' elif '>' in line and data_sect_find is True: self.line_num = ii break elif data_sect_find: if len(line.strip()) > 2: self.data_sect_list.append(line.strip())
[docs] def read_data_sect(self, data_sect_list=None): """ read data section """ if data_sect_list is not None: self.data_sect_list = data_sect_list elif self.edi_fn is not None or self.edi_lines is not None: self.get_data_sect() for d_line in self.data_sect_list: d_list = d_line.split('=') if len(d_list) > 1: key = d_list[0].lower() try: value = int(d_list[1].strip()) except ValueError: value = d_list[1].strip().replace('"', '') setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def write_data_sect(self, data_sect_list=None, over_dict=None): """ write a data section """ # FZ: need to modify the nfreq (number of freqs), when re-writing effective EDI files) if over_dict is not None: for akey in list(over_dict.keys()): self.__setattr__(akey, over_dict[akey]) if data_sect_list is not None: self.read_data_sect(data_sect_list) self.data_type = 'z''Writing out data a impedances') data_sect_lines = ['\n>=mtsect\n'.upper()] for key in self._kw_list[0:4]: data_sect_lines.append('{0}{1}={2}\n'.format(tab, key.upper(), getattr(self, key))) # need to sort the list so it is descending order by channel number ch_list = [(key.upper(), getattr(self, key)) for key in self._kw_list[4:]] #ch_list = sorted(ch_list, key=lambda x: x[1]) #FZ: x[1] can be None, not working for Py3 ch_list2 = sorted(ch_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) for ch in ch_list2: data_sect_lines.append('{0}{1}={2}\n'.format(tab, ch[0], ch[1])) data_sect_lines.append('\n') return data_sect_lines
def _validate_str_with_equals(input_string): """ make sure an input string is of the format {0}={1} {2}={3} {4}={5} ... Some software programs put spaces after the equals sign and that's not cool. So we make the string into a readable format :param input_string: input string from an edi file :type input_string: string :returns line_list: list of lines as ['key_00=value_00', 'key_01=value_01'] :rtype line_list: list """ input_string = input_string.strip() # remove the first >XXXXX if '>' in input_string: input_string = input_string[input_string.find(' '):] # check if there is a // at the end of the line if input_string.find('//') > 0: input_string = input_string[0:input_string.find('//')] # split the line by = l_list = input_string.strip().split('=') # split the remaining strings str_list = [] for line in l_list: s_list = line.strip().split() for l_str in s_list: str_list.append(l_str.strip()) # probably not a good return if len(str_list) % 2 != 0: 'The number of entries in {0} is not even'.format(str_list)) return str_list line_list = ['{0}={1}'.format(str_list[ii], str_list[ii + 1]) for ii in range(0, len(str_list), 2)] return line_list def _validate_edi_lines(edi_lines): """ check for carriage returns or hard returns :param edi_lines: list of edi lines :type edi_lines: list :returns: list of edi lines :rtype: list """ if len(edi_lines) == 1: edi_lines = edi_lines[0].replace('\r', '\n').split('\n') if len(edi_lines) > 1: return edi_lines else: raise ValueError('*** EDI format not correct check file ***') else: return edi_lines