Source code for mtpy.utils.shapefiles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create shape files for phase tensor ellipses.

Created on Sun Apr 13 12:32:16 2014

@author: jrpeacock
import mtpy.modeling.modem
from mtpy.utils.gis_tools import project_point_ll2utm, get_utm_zone

    from osgeo import ogr, gdal, osr
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Did not find GDAL, be sure it is installed correctly and '
          'all the paths are correct')
import numpy as np
import os
import as mt
import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem
import as mtpt
import click


[docs]class PTShapeFile(object): """ write shape file for GIS plotting programs ======================== ================================================== key words/attributes Description ======================== ================================================== edi_list list of edi files, full paths ellipse_size size of normalized ellipse in map scale *default* is .01 mt_obj_list list of mt.MT objects *default* is None, filled if edi_list is given plot_period list or value of period to convert to shape file *default* is None, which will write a file for every period in the edi files ptol tolerance to look for given periods *default* is .05 pt_dict dictionary with keys of plot_period. Each dictionary key is a structured array containing the important information for the phase tensor. projection projection of coordinates see EPSG for all options *default* is WSG84 in lat and lon save_path path to save files to *default* is current working directory. ======================== ================================================== ======================== ================================================== Methods Description ======================== ================================================== _get_plot_period get a list of all frequencies possible from input files _get_pt_array get phase tensors from input files and put the information into a structured array write_shape_files write shape files based on attributes of class ======================== ================================================== * This will project the data into UTM WSG84 :Example: :: >>> edipath = r"/home/edi_files_rotated_to_geographic_north" >>> edilist = [os.path.join(edipath, edi) \ for edi in os.listdir(edipath)\ if edi.find('.edi')>0] >>> pts = PTShapeFile(edilist, save_path=r"/home/gis") >>> pts.write_shape_files() * To project into another datum, set the projection attribute :Example: :: >>> pts = PTShapeFile(edilist, save_path=r"/home/gis") >>> pts.projection = 'NAD27' >>> pts.write_shape_files() """ def __init__(self, edi_list=None, proj='WGS84', esize=0.03, **kwargs): self.edi_list = edi_list self.projection = proj #self.projection = None # UTM zone 50 {'init': u'epsg:32750'} UTM zone 51 32751 # WGS84: 'epsg:4326' GDA94: EPSG:4283 See​ # # self.utm_cs = None self.plot_period = None self.save_path = None # os.getcwd() # self.ellipse_size = 500.0 # maximum ellipse major axis size in # metres self.ellipse_size = esize # 0.002 # maximum ellipse major axis size in metres #self._theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 180.) self._theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 30.) # FZ: adjusted number of points in array self.ptol = .05 # period value tolerance to be considered as equal self.mt_obj_list = None self.pt_dict = None if self.edi_list is not None: self.mt_obj_list = [mt.MT(edi) for edi in self.edi_list] # else: # raise Exception("EDI files List is None") for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) if self.mt_obj_list is not None: self._get_plot_period() self._get_pt_array() print((self.plot_period)) self._proj_dict = {'WGS84': 4326, 'NAD27': 4267, 'GDA94': 4283} self._rotation_angle = 0.0 def _set_rotation_angle(self, rotation_angle): """ rotate all mt_objs to rotation angle """ self._rotation_angle = float(rotation_angle) for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: mt_obj.rotation_angle = float(self._rotation_angle) def _get_rotation_angle(self): return self._rotation_angle rotation_angle = property(_get_rotation_angle, _set_rotation_angle, doc="rotation angle of Z and Tipper") def _get_plot_period(self): """ from the list of edi's get a frequency list from all possible frequencies. """ if self.plot_period is None: # get all frequencies from all edi files all_freqs = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: all_freqs.extend(list(mt_obj.Z.freq)) # sort all frequencies so that they are in descending order, # use set to remove repeats and make an array self.plot_period = 1. / np.array(sorted(list(set(all_freqs)), reverse=True)) else: if isinstance(self.plot_period, list): pass if isinstance(self.plot_period, int) or isinstance( self.plot_period, float): self.plot_period = [self.plot_period] def _get_pt_array(self, periods=None): """ get the phase tensor information into a form that is more structured to manipulate easier later. make a dictionary with keys being the plot period values and each key has a structured array that contains all the important information collected from each station. Note: this only supports 2 coordinate system 1) lat-long; 2) UTM-WGS84 default :param periods: a list of the periods as a subset of the all periods. :return: """ utm_cs_list=[] # used to detect multi-UTM zones self.pt_dict = {} if self.plot_period is None: self._get_plot_period() if periods is None: periods=self.plot_period for plot_per in periods: self.pt_dict[plot_per] = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: p_index = [ff for ff, f2 in enumerate(1. / mt_obj.Z.freq) if (f2 > plot_per * (1 - self.ptol)) and (f2 < plot_per * (1 + self.ptol))] if len(p_index) >= 1: p_index = p_index[0] if self.projection is None: # geographic-coord lat lon east, north, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) self.utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() # Set geographic coordinate system to handle lat/lon # self.utm_cs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(self.projection) self.utm_cs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # create the spatial reference, WGS84=4326 # GDA94 = EPSG:4283 See elif self.projection == 'WGS84': # UTM zones coordinate system edi_proj = 'WGS84' east, north, _ = project_point_ll2utm(, mt_obj.lon, edi_proj) zone_number, is_northern, _ = get_utm_zone(, mt_obj.lon) self.utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() self.utm_cs.SetUTM(zone_number, is_northern) utm_cs_list.append(self.utm_cs.GetAttrValue('projcs')) else: raise Exception( "%s is NOT supported" % self.projection) pt_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north,[p_index],[p_index],[p_index],[p_index], 2 *[p_index],[p_index]) # FZ: get ellipticity begin here self.pt_dict[plot_per].append(pt_tuple) else: print(("The period %s is NOT found for this station %s" %(plot_per, mt_obj.station))) self.pt_dict[plot_per] = np.array(self.pt_dict[plot_per], dtype=[('station', '|S15'), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('n_skew', np.float), ('ellipticity', np.float)]) unique_utm_cs = sorted(list(set(utm_cs_list))) if len(unique_utm_cs) >1: print(("Warning: Multi-UTM-Zones found in the EDI files", unique_utm_cs))
[docs] def write_shape_files(self, periods=None): """ write shape file from given attributes #create-a-new-shapefile-and-add-data """ # Why call again: # self._get_pt_array() # already called in __init__? if periods is None: periods = self.plot_period #for plot_per in self.plot_period: for plot_per in periods: # shape file path shape_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'PT_{0:.5g}s_{1}.shp'.format(plot_per, self.projection)) # remove the shape file if it already exists, has trouble over # writing if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: os.remove(shape_fn) # need to tell ogr which driver to use driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: driver.DeleteDataSource(shape_fn) # create shape file data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shape_fn) # ##if you read from a raster get the georeference point otherwise create one # spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference() # #this puts it in the wsg84 reference frame. # spatial_ref.ImportFromEPSG(self._proj_dict[self.projection]) # create a layer to put the ellipses onto layer = data_source.CreateLayer('PT', self.utm_cs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # make field names field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("Name", ogr.OFTString) layer.CreateField(field_name) field_phimin = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_min', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimin) field_phimax = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_max', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimax) field_skew = ogr.FieldDefn('skew', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_skew) field_normalized_skew = ogr.FieldDefn('n_skew', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_normalized_skew) # FZ added azimuth field_azimuth = ogr.FieldDefn('azimuth', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_azimuth) field_ellipticity = ogr.FieldDefn('ellipt', ogr.OFTReal) # FZ: note osgeo gdal does not like name 'ellipticity' layer.CreateField(field_ellipticity) poly_list = [] # print("period=", plot_per) # print(self.pt_dict.keys()) # (self.pt_dict[plot_per])['phimax'].size) phi_max_val = self.pt_dict[plot_per]['phimax'].max() for isite, pt_array in enumerate(self.pt_dict[plot_per]): # need to make an ellipse first using the parametric # equation azimuth = -np.deg2rad(pt_array['azimuth']) width = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimax'] / phi_max_val) height = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimin'] / phi_max_val) x0 = pt_array['east'] y0 = pt_array['north'] # apply formula to generate ellipses x = x0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) - \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) y = y0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) + \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) # 1) make a geometry shape of the ellipse ellipse = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii, jj in zip(x, y): ellipse.AddPoint(np.round(ii, 6), np.round(jj, 6)) ellipse.CloseRings() # 2) make a polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ellipse) poly_list.append(poly) # 4) this part is confusing but we need to create a feature that has the # same definition as the layer that we created. # get the layer definition feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature new_feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def) # set the geometry of that feature to be the ellipse new_feature.SetGeometry(poly) # create the feature in the layer. layer.CreateFeature(new_feature) # # 5) create a field to color by val_sta = pt_array['station'] print(" the type of pt_array['station'] = ", type(val_sta)) # decode the string cal_sta (numpy_bytes_ ) back into ASCII new_feature.SetField("Name", pt_array['station'].decode('UTF-8')) new_feature.SetField("phi_min", pt_array['phimin']) new_feature.SetField("phi_max", pt_array['phimax']) new_feature.SetField("skew", pt_array['skew']) new_feature.SetField("n_skew", pt_array['n_skew']) new_feature.SetField( "azimuth", pt_array['azimuth']) # FZ added new_feature.SetField( "ellipt", pt_array['ellipticity']) # FZ added # new_feature.SetField("ellipticity", pt_array['azimuth']) # # FZ added # add the new feature to the layer. layer.SetFeature(new_feature) # apparently need to destroy the feature new_feature.Destroy() # Need to be sure that all the new info is saved to data_source.SyncToDisk() # write a projection file # spatial_ref.MorphToESRI() self.utm_cs.MorphToESRI() prj_file = open('{0}prj'.format(shape_fn[:-3]), 'w') # prj_file.write(spatial_ref.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.write(self.utm_cs.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.close() data_source.Destroy() print('Wrote shape file to {0}'.format(shape_fn))
# ===========================
[docs] def write_data_pt_shape_files_modem(self, modem_data_fn, rotation_angle=0.0): """ write pt files from a modem data file. """ modem_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_obj.read_data_file(modem_data_fn) self.plot_period = modem_obj.period_list.copy() self.mt_obj_list = [modem_obj.mt_dict[key] for key in list(modem_obj.mt_dict.keys())] self._get_pt_array() self._set_rotation_angle(rotation_angle) self.write_shape_files()
[docs] def write_resp_pt_shape_files_modem(self, modem_data_fn, modem_resp_fn, rotation_angle=0.0): """ write pt files from a modem response file where ellipses are normalized by the data file. """ # first get the data and response and place them in array for later use modem_data_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_data_obj.read_data_file(modem_data_fn) self.plot_period = modem_data_obj.period_list.copy() self.mt_obj_list = [modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key] for key in list(modem_data_obj.mt_dict.keys())] self._get_pt_array() self._set_rotation_angle(rotation_angle) modem_resp_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_resp_obj.read_data_file(modem_resp_fn) # rotate model response for r_key in list(modem_resp_obj.mt_dict.keys()): modem_resp_obj.mt_dict[ r_key].rotation_angle = float(rotation_angle) resp_pt_dict = {} for p_index, plot_per in enumerate(self.plot_period): resp_pt_dict[plot_per] = [] for key in list(modem_data_obj.mt_dict.keys()): mt_obj = modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key] if self.projection is None: east, north, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) self.utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() # Set geographic coordinate system to handle lat/lon self.utm_cs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(self.projection) else: self.utm_cs, utm_point = project_point_ll2utm(mt_obj.lon,, self.projection) east, north, elev = utm_point # get pt objects from data and model response try: mpt = modem_resp_obj.mt_dict[key].pt pt_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, mpt.phimin[p_index], mpt.phimax[p_index], mpt.azimuth[p_index], mpt.beta[p_index], 2 * mpt.beta[p_index]) except KeyError: pt_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) resp_pt_dict[plot_per].append(pt_tuple) # now make each period an array for writing to file resp_pt_dict[plot_per] = np.array(resp_pt_dict[plot_per], dtype=[('station', '|S15'), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('n_skew', np.float)]) # write files for plot_per in self.plot_period: # shape file path shape_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'Resp_PT_{0:.5g}s_{1}.shp'.format(plot_per, self.projection)) # remove the shape file if it already exists, has trouble over # writing if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: os.remove(shape_fn) # need to tell ogr which driver to use driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: driver.DeleteDataSource(shape_fn) # create shape file data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shape_fn) # create a layer to put the ellipses onto layer = data_source.CreateLayer('RPT', self.utm_cs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # make field names field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("Name", ogr.OFTString) layer.CreateField(field_name) field_phimin = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_min', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimin) field_phimax = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_max', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimax) field_skew = ogr.FieldDefn('skew', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_skew) field_normalized_skew = ogr.FieldDefn('n_skew', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_normalized_skew) poly_list = [] phimax = self.pt_dict[plot_per]['phimax'].max() for pt_array in resp_pt_dict[plot_per]: # need to make an ellipse first using the parametric equation azimuth = -np.deg2rad(pt_array['azimuth']) width = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimax'] / phimax) height = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimin'] / phimax) x0 = pt_array['east'] y0 = pt_array['north'] x = x0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) - \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) y = y0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) + \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) # 1) make a geometry shape of the ellipse ellipse = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii, jj in zip(x, y): ellipse.AddPoint(np.round(ii, 6), np.round(jj, 6)) ellipse.CloseRings() # 2) make a polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ellipse) poly_list.append(poly) # 4) this part is confusing but we need to create a feature that has the # same definition as the layer that we created. # get the layer definition feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature new_feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def) # set the geometry of that feature to be the ellipse new_feature.SetGeometry(poly) # create the feature in the layer. layer.CreateFeature(new_feature) # # 5) create a field to color by new_feature.SetField("Name", pt_array['station']) new_feature.SetField("phi_min", pt_array['phimin']) new_feature.SetField("phi_max", pt_array['phimax']) new_feature.SetField("skew", pt_array['skew']) new_feature.SetField("n_skew", pt_array['n_skew']) # add the new feature to the layer. layer.SetFeature(new_feature) # apparently need to destroy the feature new_feature.Destroy() # Need to be sure that all the new info is saved to data_source.SyncToDisk() # write a projection file self.utm_cs.MorphToESRI() prj_file = open('{0}prj'.format(shape_fn[:-3]), 'w') prj_file.write(self.utm_cs.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.close() data_source.Destroy() print('Wrote shape file to {0}'.format(shape_fn))
[docs] def write_residual_pt_shape_files_modem(self, modem_data_fn, modem_resp_fn, rotation_angle=0.0, normalize='1'): """ write residual pt shape files from ModEM output normalize [ '1' | 'all' ] * '1' to normalize the ellipse by itself, all ellipses are normalized to phimax, thus one axis is of length 1*ellipse_size * 'all' to normalize each period by the largest phimax """ # first get the data and response and place them in array for later use modem_data_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_data_obj.read_data_file(modem_data_fn) self.plot_period = modem_data_obj.period_list.copy() self.mt_obj_list = [modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key] for key in list(modem_data_obj.mt_dict.keys())] self._get_pt_array() self._set_rotation_angle(rotation_angle) modem_resp_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_resp_obj.read_data_file(modem_resp_fn) # rotate model response for r_key in list(modem_resp_obj.mt_dict.keys()): modem_resp_obj.mt_dict[ r_key].rotation_angle = float(rotation_angle) residual_pt_dict = {} for p_index, plot_per in enumerate(self.plot_period): residual_pt_dict[plot_per] = [] for key in list(modem_data_obj.mt_dict.keys()): mt_obj = modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key] if self.projection is None: east, north, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) self.utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() # Set geographic coordinate system to handle lat/lon self.utm_cs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(self.projection) else: self.utm_cs, utm_point = project_point_ll2utm(mt_obj.lon,, self.projection) east, north, elev = utm_point # get pt objects from data and model response try: dpt = modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key].pt mpt = modem_resp_obj.mt_dict[key].pt except KeyError: print('No information found for {0} in {1}').format(key, modem_resp_fn) continue # calculate the residual pt try: rpt = mtpt.ResidualPhaseTensor(pt_object1=dpt, pt_object2=mpt) rpt = rpt.residual_pt rpt_mean = .25 * np.linalg.norm([p_index], ord='fro') # rpt_mean = .25*np.sqrt(abs([p_index, 0, 0])**2+ # abs([p_index, 0, 1])**2+ # abs([p_index, 1, 0])**2+ # abs([p_index, 1, 1])**2) pt_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, rpt.phimin[p_index], rpt.phimax[p_index], rpt.azimuth[p_index], rpt.beta[p_index], rpt_mean) # np.sqrt(abs(rpt.phimin[0][p_index]* # rpt.phimax[0][p_index]))) residual_pt_dict[plot_per].append(pt_tuple) except mtpt.MTex.MTpyError_PT: print(key,, pt_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) residual_pt_dict[plot_per].append(pt_tuple) # now make each period an array for writing to file residual_pt_dict[plot_per] = np.array(residual_pt_dict[plot_per], dtype=[('station', '|S15'), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('geometric_mean', np.float)]) # return residual_pt_dict # write files for plot_per in self.plot_period: # shape file path shape_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'ResidualPT_{0:.5g}s_{1}.shp'.format(plot_per, self.projection)) # remove the shape file if it already exists, has trouble over # writing if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: os.remove(shape_fn) # need to tell ogr which driver to use driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: driver.DeleteDataSource(shape_fn) # create shape file data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shape_fn) # create a layer to put the ellipses onto layer = data_source.CreateLayer('RPT', self.utm_cs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # make field names field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("Name", ogr.OFTString) layer.CreateField(field_name) field_phimin = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_min', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimin) field_phimax = ogr.FieldDefn('phi_max', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_phimax) field_skew = ogr.FieldDefn('skew', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_skew) field_geometric_mean = ogr.FieldDefn('mean', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_geometric_mean) poly_list = [] phimax = self.pt_dict[plot_per]['phimax'].max() for pt_array in residual_pt_dict[plot_per]: # need to make an ellipse first using the parametric equation azimuth = -np.deg2rad(pt_array['azimuth']) if normalize == '1': width = self.ellipse_size * \ (pt_array['phimax'] / pt_array['phimax']) height = self.ellipse_size * \ (pt_array['phimin'] / pt_array['phimax']) elif normalize == 'all': width = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimax'] / phimax) height = self.ellipse_size * (pt_array['phimin'] / phimax) x0 = pt_array['east'] y0 = pt_array['north'] x = x0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) - \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) y = y0 + height * np.cos(self._theta) * np.sin(azimuth) + \ width * np.sin(self._theta) * np.cos(azimuth) # 1) make a geometry shape of the ellipse ellipse = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii, jj in zip(x, y): ellipse.AddPoint(np.round(ii, 6), np.round(jj, 6)) ellipse.CloseRings() # 2) make a polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ellipse) poly_list.append(poly) # 4) this part is confusing but we need to create a feature that has the # same definition as the layer that we created. # get the layer definition feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature new_feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def) # set the geometry of that feature to be the ellipse new_feature.SetGeometry(poly) # create the feature in the layer. layer.CreateFeature(new_feature) # # 5) create a field to color by new_feature.SetField('Name', pt_array['station']) new_feature.SetField('phi_min', pt_array['phimin']) new_feature.SetField('phi_max', pt_array['phimax']) new_feature.SetField('skew', pt_array['skew']) new_feature.SetField('mean', pt_array['geometric_mean']) # add the new feature to the layer. layer.SetFeature(new_feature) # apparently need to destroy the feature new_feature.Destroy() # Need to be sure that all the new info is saved to data_source.SyncToDisk() # write a projection file self.utm_cs.MorphToESRI() prj_file = open('{0}prj'.format(shape_fn[:-3]), 'w') prj_file.write(self.utm_cs.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.close() data_source.Destroy() print('Wrote shape file to {0}'.format(shape_fn))
# ============================================================================== # Tipper arrows # ==============================================================================
[docs]class TipperShapeFile(object): """ write shape file for GIS plotting programs. currently only writes the real induction vectors. ======================== ================================================== key words/attributes Description ======================== ================================================== arrow_direction [ 1 | -1 ] 1 for Weise convention --> point toward conductors. *default* is 1 (-1 is not supported yet) arrow_head_height height of arrow head in map units *default* is .002 arrow_head_width width of arrow head in map units *default* is .001 arrow_lw width of arrow in map units *default* is .0005 arrow_size size of normalized arrow length in map units *default* is .01 edi_list list of edi files, full paths mt_obj_list list of mt.MT objects *default* is None, filled if edi_list is given plot_period list or value of period to convert to shape file *default* is None, which will write a file for every period in the edi files ptol tolerance to look for given periods *default* is .05 pt_dict dictionary with keys of plot_period. Each dictionary key is a structured array containing the important information for the phase tensor. projection projection of coordinates see EPSG for all options *default* is WSG84 save_path path to save files to *default* is current working directory. ======================== ================================================== ======================== ================================================== Methods Description ======================== ================================================== _get_plot_period get a list of all possible frequencies from data _get_tip_array get Tipper information from data and put into a structured array for easy manipulation write_real_shape_files write real induction arrow shape files write_imag_shape_files write imaginary induction arrow shape files ======================== ================================================== :Example: :: >>> edipath = r"/home/edi_files_rotated_to_geographic_north" >>> edilist = [os.path.join(edipath, edi) \ for edi in os.listdir(edipath)\ if edi.find('.edi')>0] >>> tipshp = TipperShapeFile(edilist, save_path=r"/home/gis") >>> tipshp.arrow_head_height = .005 >>> tipshp.arrow_lw = .0001 >>> tipshp.arrow_size = .05 >>> tipshp.write_shape_files() """ def __init__(self, edi_list=None, **kwargs): self.edi_list = edi_list self.projection = 'WGS84' self.plot_period = None self.save_path = os.getcwd() self.arrow_size = 1000 self.arrow_direction = 1 self.ptol = .05 self.arrow_head_width = 50 self.arrow_head_height = 100 self.arrow_lw = 20 self.utm_cs = None self.mt_obj_list = None self.tip_dict = None if self.edi_list is not None: self.mt_obj_list = [mt.MT(edi) for edi in self.edi_list] for key in list(kwargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) if self.mt_obj_list is not None: self._get_plot_period() self._get_tip_array() self._proj_dict = {'WGS84': 4326, 'NAD27': 4267} self._rotation_angle = 0.0 def _set_rotation_angle(self, rotation_angle): """ rotate all mt_objs to rotation angle """ self._rotation_angle = float(rotation_angle) for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: mt_obj.rotation_angle = float(self._rotation_angle) def _get_rotation_angle(self): return self._rotation_angle rotation_angle = property(_get_rotation_angle, _set_rotation_angle, doc="rotation angle of Z and Tipper") def _get_plot_period(self): """ from the list of edi's get a frequency list to invert for. """ if self.plot_period is None: # get all frequencies from all edi files all_freqs = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: all_freqs.extend(list(mt_obj.Z.freq)) # sort all frequencies so that they are in descending order, # use set to remove repeats and make an array self.plot_period = 1. / np.array(sorted(list(set(all_freqs)), reverse=True)) else: if isinstance(self.plot_period, list): pass if isinstance(self.plot_period, int) or isinstance( self.plot_period, float): self.plot_period = [self.plot_period] def _get_tip_array(self): """ get the phase tensor information into a form that is more structured to manipulate easier later. make a dictionary with keys being the plot period values and each key has a structured array that contains all the important information collected from each station. """ utm_cs_list=[] self.tip_dict = {} for plot_per in self.plot_period: self.tip_dict[plot_per] = [] for mt_obj in self.mt_obj_list: mt_obj.Tipper.compute_mag_direction() try: p_index = [ff for ff, f2 in enumerate(1. / mt_obj.Z.freq) if (f2 > plot_per * (1 - self.ptol)) and (f2 < plot_per * (1 + self.ptol))][0] if self.projection is None: east, north, elev = (mt_obj.lon,, 0) self.utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() # Set geographic coordinate system to handle lat/lon self.utm_cs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(self.projection) else: self.utm_cs, utm_point = project_point_ll2utm(mt_obj.lon,, self.projection) east, north, elev = utm_point utm_cs_list.append(self.utm_cs.GetAttrValue('projcs')) if mt_obj.Tipper.tipper is not None: if mt_obj.Tipper.tipper[p_index].all() != 0.0: tp_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, mt_obj.Tipper.mag_real[p_index], mt_obj.Tipper.mag_imag[p_index], mt_obj.Tipper.angle_real[p_index], mt_obj.Tipper.angle_imag[p_index]) self.tip_dict[plot_per].append(tp_tuple) else: tp_tuple = (mt_obj.station, east, north, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.tip_dict[plot_per].append(tp_tuple) except IndexError: pass self.tip_dict[plot_per] = np.array(self.tip_dict[plot_per], dtype=[('station', '|S15'), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('mag_real', np.float), ('mag_imag', np.float), ('ang_real', np.float), ('ang_imag', np.float)]) unique_utm_cs = sorted(list(set(utm_cs_list))) if len(unique_utm_cs) >1: print(("Warning: Multi-UTM-Zones found in the EDI files", unique_utm_cs))
[docs] def write_real_shape_files(self): """ write shape file from given attributes """ self._get_tip_array() for plot_per in self.plot_period: # shape file path shape_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'Tip_{0:.5g}s_{1}_real.shp'.format(plot_per, self.projection)) # remove the shape file if it already exists, has trouble over # writing if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: os.remove(shape_fn) # need to tell ogr which driver to use driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: driver.DeleteDataSource(shape_fn) # create shape file data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shape_fn) # if you read from a raster get the georeference point otherwise create one # spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference() # this puts it in the wsg84 reference frame. # spatial_ref.ImportFromEPSG(self._proj_dict[self.projection]) # create a layer to put the ellipses onto layer = data_source.CreateLayer('TIPPER', self.utm_cs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # make field names field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("Name", ogr.OFTString) layer.CreateField(field_name) field_mag_real = ogr.FieldDefn('mag_real', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_mag_real) field_ang_real = ogr.FieldDefn('ang_real', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_ang_real) for tp_arr in self.tip_dict[plot_per]: cos_t = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(tp_arr['ang_real'])) sin_t = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(tp_arr['ang_real'])) # calculate the points to make the line txr = 0 tyr = tp_arr['mag_real'] * self.arrow_size # make an arrow by drawing an outline. have the arrow point # north to start and then rotate later with the rotation # matrix to properly orient it. x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = x0 + self.arrow_lw y1 = y0 x2 = x0 + self.arrow_lw y2 = y0 + tyr - self.arrow_head_height x3 = x0 + self.arrow_lw + self.arrow_head_width y3 = y2 x4 = x0 + txr y4 = y0 + tyr x7 = x0 - self.arrow_lw y7 = y0 x6 = x0 - self.arrow_lw y6 = y0 + tyr - self.arrow_head_height x5 = x0 - self.arrow_lw - self.arrow_head_width y5 = y6 x = np.array([x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7]) y = np.array([y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7]) rot_matrix = np.array([[cos_t, -sin_t], [sin_t, cos_t]]) # rotate the arrow to be properly oriented xy = np.array([x, y]) rot_xy =, xy) # shift the arrow to be centered on the station. x = tp_arr['east'] + rot_xy[0] y = tp_arr['north'] + rot_xy[1] # 1) make a geometry shape line arrow = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii, jj in zip(x, y): arrow.AddPoint(np.round(ii, 6), np.round(jj, 6)) arrow.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(arrow) # 4) this part is confusing but we need to create a # feature that has the # same definition as the layer that we created. # get the layer definition feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature new_feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def) # set the geometry of that feature to be the ellipse new_feature.SetGeometry(poly) # create the feature in the layer. layer.CreateFeature(new_feature) # # 5) create a field to color by new_feature.SetField("Name", tp_arr['station']) new_feature.SetField("mag_real", tp_arr['mag_real']) new_feature.SetField("ang_real", tp_arr['ang_real']) # add the new feature to the layer. layer.SetFeature(new_feature) # apparently need to destroy the feature new_feature.Destroy() # Need to be sure that all the new info is saved to data_source.SyncToDisk() # write a projection file # spatial_ref.MorphFromESRI() self.utm_cs.MorphFromESRI() prj_file = open('{0}prj'.format(shape_fn[:-3]), 'w') prj_file.write(self.utm_cs.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.close() data_source.Destroy() print('Wrote shape file to {0}'.format(shape_fn))
[docs] def write_imag_shape_files(self): """ write shape file from given attributes """ self._get_tip_array() for plot_per in self.plot_period: # shape file path shape_fn = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'Tip_{0:.5g}s_{1}_imag.shp'.format(plot_per, self.projection)) # remove the shape file if it already exists, has trouble over # writing if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: os.remove(shape_fn) # need to tell ogr which driver to use driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.isfile(shape_fn) == True: driver.DeleteDataSource(shape_fn) # create shape file data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shape_fn) # if you read from a raster get the georeference point otherwise create one # spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference() # this puts it in the wsg84 reference frame. # spatial_ref.ImportFromEPSG(self._proj_dict[self.projection]) # create a layer to put the ellipses onto layer = data_source.CreateLayer('TIPPER', self.utm_cs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # make field names field_name = ogr.FieldDefn("Name", ogr.OFTString) layer.CreateField(field_name) field_mag_imag = ogr.FieldDefn('mag_imag', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_mag_imag) field_ang_imag = ogr.FieldDefn('ang_imag', ogr.OFTReal) layer.CreateField(field_ang_imag) for tp_arr in self.tip_dict[plot_per]: cos_t = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(tp_arr['ang_imag'])) sin_t = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(tp_arr['ang_imag'])) # calculate the points to make the line txr = 0 tyr = tp_arr['mag_imag'] * self.arrow_size # make an arrow by drawing an outline. have the arrow point # north to start and then rotate later with the rotation # matrix to properly orient it. x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = x0 + self.arrow_lw y1 = y0 x2 = x0 + self.arrow_lw y2 = y0 + tyr - self.arrow_head_height x3 = x0 + self.arrow_lw + self.arrow_head_width y3 = y2 x4 = x0 + txr y4 = y0 + tyr x7 = x0 - self.arrow_lw y7 = y0 x6 = x0 - self.arrow_lw y6 = y0 + tyr - self.arrow_head_height x5 = x0 - self.arrow_lw - self.arrow_head_width y5 = y6 x = np.array([x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7]) y = np.array([y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7]) rot_matrix = np.array([[cos_t, -sin_t], [sin_t, cos_t]]) # rotate the arrow to be properly oriented xy = np.array([x, y]) rot_xy =, xy) # shift the arrow to be centered on the station x = tp_arr['east'] + rot_xy[0] y = tp_arr['north'] + rot_xy[1] # 1) make a geometry shape line arrow = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii, jj in zip(x, y): arrow.AddPoint(np.round(ii, 6), np.round(jj, 6)) arrow.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(arrow) # 4) this part is confusing but we need to create a # feature that has the # same definition as the layer that we created. # get the layer definition feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature new_feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def) # set the geometry of that feature to be the ellipse new_feature.SetGeometry(poly) # create the feature in the layer. layer.CreateFeature(new_feature) # # 5) create a field to color by new_feature.SetField("Name", tp_arr['station']) new_feature.SetField("mag_imag", tp_arr['mag_imag']) new_feature.SetField("ang_imag", tp_arr['ang_imag']) # add the new feature to the layer. layer.SetFeature(new_feature) # apparently need to destroy the feature new_feature.Destroy() # Need to be sure that all the new info is saved to data_source.SyncToDisk() # write a projection file # spatial_ref.MorphFromESRI() self.utm_cs.MorphFromESRI() prj_file = open('{0}prj'.format(shape_fn[:-3]), 'w') prj_file.write(self.utm_cs.ExportToWkt()) prj_file.close() data_source.Destroy() print('Wrote shape file to {0}'.format(shape_fn))
[docs] def write_tip_shape_files_modem(self, modem_data_fn, rotation_angle=0.0): """ write tip files from a modem data file. """ modem_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_obj.read_data_file(modem_data_fn) self.plot_period = modem_obj.period_list.copy() self.mt_obj_list = [modem_obj.mt_dict[key] for key in list(modem_obj.mt_dict.keys())] self._set_rotation_angle(rotation_angle) self.write_imag_shape_files() self.write_real_shape_files()
[docs] def write_tip_shape_files_modem_residual(self, modem_data_fn, modem_resp_fn, rotation_angle): """ write residual tipper files for modem """ modem_data_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_data_obj.read_data_file(modem_data_fn) modem_resp_obj = mtpy.modeling.modem.Data() modem_resp_obj.read_data_file(modem_resp_fn) self.plot_period = modem_data_obj.period_list.copy() mt_keys = sorted(modem_data_obj.mt_dict.keys()) self.mt_obj_list = [modem_data_obj.mt_dict[key] for key in mt_keys] self._set_rotation_angle(rotation_angle) for mt_obj, key in zip(self.mt_obj_list, mt_keys): try: resp_tipper = modem_resp_obj.mt_dict[key].Tipper.tipper mt_obj.Tipper.tipper[:, :, :] -= resp_tipper[:, :, :] except KeyError: continue self.write_imag_shape_files() self.write_real_shape_files()
# ============================================================================== # reproject a layer DOESNT WORK YET # ==============================================================================
[docs]def reproject_layer(in_shape_file, out_shape_file=None, out_proj='WGS84'): """ reproject coordinates into a different coordinate system """ driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # input SpatialReference inSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() inSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(2927) # output SpatialReference outSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() outSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # create the CoordinateTransformation coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef) # get the input layer inDataSet = driver.Open(r'c:\data\spatial\basemap.shp') inLayer = inDataSet.GetLayer() # create the output layer outputShapefile = r'c:\data\spatial\basemap_4326.shp' if os.path.exists(outputShapefile): driver.DeleteDataSource(outputShapefile) outDataSet = driver.CreateDataSource(outputShapefile) outLayer = outDataSet.CreateLayer( "basemap_4326", geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) # add fields inLayerDefn = inLayer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(0, inLayerDefn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = inLayerDefn.GetFieldDefn(i) outLayer.CreateField(fieldDefn) # get the output layer's feature definition outLayerDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # loop through the input features inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: # get the input geometry geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() # reproject the geometry geom.Transform(coordTrans) # create a new feature outFeature = ogr.Feature(outLayerDefn) # set the geometry and attribute outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) for i in range(0, outLayerDefn.GetFieldCount()): outFeature.SetField( outLayerDefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), inFeature.GetField(i)) # add the feature to the shapefile outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) # destroy the features and get the next input feature outFeature.Destroy() inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() # close the shapefiles inDataSet.Destroy() outDataSet.Destroy()
# ============================================================================== # create a raster from an array # ============================================================================== def array2raster(newRasterfn, rasterOrigin, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, array): cols = array.shape[1] rows = array.shape[0] originX = rasterOrigin[0] originY = rasterOrigin[1] driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') outRaster = driver.Create(newRasterfn, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) outRaster.SetGeoTransform( (originX, pixelWidth, 0, originY, 0, pixelHeight)) outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1) outband.WriteArray(array) outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference() outRasterSRS.ImportFromEPSG(4326) outRaster.SetProjection(outRasterSRS.ExportToWkt()) outband.FlushCache() #============================================================================== # test #============================================================================== ##edipath = r"c:\Users\jrpeacock\Documents\Mendenhall\MonoBasin\EDI_Files\GeographicNorth" ##edilst = [os.path.join(edipath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(edipath) ## if edi.find('.edi') > 0] ##edilst.remove(os.path.join(edipath, 'mb035.edi')) ## ##pts = PTShapeFile(edilst, save_path=r"c:\Users\jrpeacock") ##pts.projection = 'NAD27' ##pts.ellipse_size = 1200 ##pts.write_shape_files() # # ##tps = TipperShapeFile(edilst, save_path=r"c:\Users\jrpeacock") ##tps.projection = 'NAD27' ##tps.arrow_lw = 30 ##tps.arrow_head_height = 100 ##tps.arrow_head_width = 70 ##tps.write_real_shape_files() ##tps.write_imag_shape_files() # #mfn = r"c:\Users\jrpeacock\Google Drive\Mono_Basin\Models\Modular_NLCG_110.dat" #sv_path = r"c:\Users\jrpeacock\Google Drive\Mono_Basin\Models\GIS_Tip_Response" ##sv_path = r"c:\Users\jrpeacock\Google Drive\Mono_Basin\Models\GIS_PT_Response" ##pts = PTShapeFile(save_path=sv_path) ##pts.projection = 'NAD27' ##pts.ellipse_size = 1200 ##pts.write_pt_shape_files_modem(mfn) # #tps = TipperShapeFile(save_path=sv_path) #tps.projection = 'NAD27' #tps.arrow_lw = 30 #tps.arrow_head_height = 100 #tps.arrow_head_width = 70 #tps.write_tip_shape_files_modem(mfn)
[docs]def modem_to_shapefiles(mfndat, save_dir): """ create shape file representaiotn for ModEM model :param mfndat: \path2\Modular_NLCG_110.dat :param save_dir: \path2\outshp :return: """ pts = PTShapeFile(save_path=save_dir) pts.projection = None #'WGS84' # ''NAD27' pts.ellipse_size = 0.1 pts.write_data_pt_shape_files_modem(mfndat) # tipper shape run OK, need check results tipshp = TipperShapeFile(save_path=save_dir) tipshp.projection = 'WGS84' #'NAD27' tipshp.arrow_lw = 30 tipshp.arrow_head_height = 100 tipshp.arrow_head_width = 70 tipshp.write_tip_shape_files_modem(mfndat) return
[docs]def create_phase_tensor_shpfiles( edi_dir, save_dir, proj='WGS84', ellipse_size=1000, every_site=1, period_list=None): """ generate shape file for a folder of edi files, and save the shape files a dir. :param edi_dir: :param save_dir: :param proj: defult is WGS84-UTM, with ellipse_size=1000 meters :param ellipse_size: the size of ellipse: 100-5000, try them out to suit your needs :param every_site: by default every MT station will be output, but user can sample down with 2, 3,.. :return: """ edipath = edi_dir edilst = [os.path.join(edipath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(edipath) if edi.find('.edi') > 0] # edilst.remove(os.path.join(edipath, 'mb035.edi')) #subset of the edilst: edilst2 = edilst[::every_site] pts = PTShapeFile(edilst2, save_path=save_dir, proj=proj) pts.ellipse_size = ellipse_size pts.write_shape_files( periods=period_list )
[docs]def create_tipper_shpfiles(edipath, save_dir): """ Create Tipper (induction arrows real and imaginary) shape files :param edipath: :param save_dir: :return: """ edilist = [os.path.join(edipath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(edipath) if edi.find('.edi') > 0] tipshp = TipperShapeFile(edilist, save_path=save_dir) #tipshp.projection = 'NAD27' tipshp.arrow_lw = 30 tipshp.arrow_head_height = 100 tipshp.arrow_head_width = 70 tipshp.write_real_shape_files() tipshp.write_imag_shape_files() return
def create_modem_data_shapefiles(): # modem: provide dat file and save_path below: # mfn = r"E:/Githubz/mtpy/examples/data/ModEM_files/VicSynthetic07/Modular_MPI_NLCG_016.dat" mfn = r"E:\Data\Modeling\Isa\100hs_flat_BB\Isa_run3_NLCG_048.dat" save_path = r"C:/tmp" modem_to_shapefiles(mfn, save_path) # =================================================== # main test # edi files-dir as input # python mtpy/utils/ data/edifiles c:/temp/ # python mtpy/utils/ examples/data/edi_files c:/temp/ # modem dat file as input # python mtpy/utils/ /e/Data/Modeling/Isa/100hs_flat_BB/Isa_run3_NLCG_048.dat c:/temp2/ # python mtpy/utils/ examples/data/ModEM_files/VicSynthetic07/Modular_MPI_NLCG_016.dat c:/temp2/ # ---------------------------------------------------- # example codes of how to use this module if __name__ == "__main__d": import sys if len(sys.argv) < 3: print(( "USAGE: %s input_edifile_dir output_shape_file_dir" % sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) src_file_dir = sys.argv[1] # A modem data file OR edi-folder dest_dir = sys.argv[2] if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) if src_file_dir[-4:].lower() == '.dat': # modem dat file modem_to_shapefiles(src_file_dir, dest_dir) elif os.path.isdir(src_file_dir): # input from edi folder create_phase_tensor_shpfiles( src_file_dir, dest_dir, proj='WGS84', ellipse_size=8000, # UTM and size in meters. 1deg=100KM #proj=None, ellipse_size=0.01, # Lat-Long geographic coord and size in degree every_site=2, #period_list=[ 218.43599825251204, 218.43599825 ] # KeyError 218.43599825 #period_list=[0.0128, 0.016] # must get very accurate periods ) # # create_phase_tensor_shpfiles(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], , # # ellipse_size=3000, every_site=2) # projected into UTM coordinate #create_tipper_shpfiles(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) else: print("Nothing to do !!!") # =================================================== # Command Wrapper for shape files generation # =================================================== @click.command(context_settings=dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])) @click.option('-i','--input',type=str, default='examples/data/edi_files', \ help='input edsi files dir or Modem dat file examples/data/MoDEM_files/Modular_MPI_NLCG_028.dat') @click.option('-o','--output',type=str,default="temp",help='Output directory') def generate_shape_files(input,output): print("=======================================================================") print("Generating Shapes File requires following inputs edsi files directory") print(" or MoDEM input file") print("Default output is in temp directory ") print("=======================================================================") if not os.path.isdir(output): os.mkdir(output) print(("input = {}".format(input))) print(("input = {}".format(input[-4:].lower()))) if input[-4:].lower() == '.dat': modem_to_shapefiles(input, output) elif os.path.isdir(input): create_phase_tensor_shpfiles( input, output, proj='WGS84', ellipse_size=8000, # UTM and size in meters. 1deg=100KM # proj=None, ellipse_size=0.01, # Lat-Long geographic coord and size in degree every_site=2, #period_list=[ 218.43599825251204, 218.43599825 ] # KeyError 218.43599825 #period_list=[0.0128, 0.016] # must get very accurate periods ) else: print ("Nothing to do !") if __name__ == "__main__": generate_shape_files()