Source code for mtpy.utils.mesh_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct 25 09:35:31 2017

@author: Alison Kirkby

functions to assist with mesh generation


import numpy as np
import mtpy.utils.filehandling as mtfh
from mtpy.utils import gis_tools
import scipy.interpolate as spi

[docs]def grid_centre(grid_edges): """ calculate the grid centres from an array that defines grid edges :param grid_edges: array containing grid edges :returns: grid_centre: centre points of grid """ return np.mean([grid_edges[1:], grid_edges[:-1]], axis=0)
[docs]def get_rounding(cell_width): """ Get the rounding number given the cell width. Will be one significant number less than the cell width. This reduces weird looking meshes. :param cell_width: Width of mesh cell :type cell_width: float :return: digit to round to :rtype: int .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from mtpy.utils.mesh_tools import get_rounding >>> get_rounding(9) 0 >>> get_rounding(90) -1 >>> get_rounding(900) -2 >>> get_rounding(9000) -3 """ rounding = int(-1 * np.floor(np.log10(cell_width))) return rounding
[docs]def rotate_mesh(grid_east, grid_north, origin, rotation_angle, return_centre=False): """ rotate a mesh defined by grid_east and grid_north. :param grid_east: 1d array defining the edges of the mesh in the east-west direction :param grid_north: 1d array defining the edges of the mesh in the north-south direction :param origin: real-world position of the (0,0) point in grid_east, grid_north :param rotation_angle: angle in degrees to rotate the grid by :param return_centre: True/False option to return points on centre of grid instead of grid edges :return: grid_east, grid_north - 2d arrays describing the east and north coordinates """ x0, y0 = origin # centre of grid in relative coordinates if return_centre: gce, gcn = [ np.mean([arr[1:], arr[:-1]], axis=0) for arr in [grid_east, grid_north] ] else: gce, gcn = grid_east, grid_north # coordinates (2d array) coords = np.array([arr.flatten() for arr in np.meshgrid(gce, gcn)]) if rotation_angle != 0: # create the rotation matrix cos_ang = np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) sin_ang = np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) rot_matrix = np.array([[cos_ang, sin_ang], [-sin_ang, cos_ang]]) # rotate the relative grid coordinates new_coords = np.array(, coords)) else: new_coords = coords # location of grid centres in real-world coordinates to interpolate elevation onto xg = (new_coords[0] + x0).reshape(len(gcn), len(gce)) yg = (new_coords[1] + y0).reshape(len(gcn), len(gce)) return xg, yg
[docs]def interpolate_elevation_to_grid( grid_east, grid_north, epsg=None, utm_zone=None, surfacefile=None, surface=None, method="linear", fast=True, buffer=1, ): """ # Note: this documentation is outdated and seems to be copied from # model.interpolate_elevation2. It needs to be updated. This # funciton does not update a dictionary but returns an array of # elevation data. project a surface to the model grid and add resulting elevation data to a dictionary called surface_dict. Assumes the surface is in lat/long coordinates (wgs84) The 'fast' method extracts a subset of the elevation data that falls within the mesh-bounds and interpolates them onto mesh nodes. This approach significantly speeds up (~ x5) the interpolation procedure. **returns** nothing returned, but surface data are added to surface_dict under the key given by surfacename. **inputs** choose to provide either surface_file (path to file) or surface (tuple). If both are provided then surface tuple takes priority. surface elevations are positive up, and relative to sea level. surface file format is: ncols 3601 nrows 3601 xllcorner -119.00013888889 (longitude of lower left) yllcorner 36.999861111111 (latitude of lower left) cellsize 0.00027777777777778 NODATA_value -9999 elevation data W --> E N | V S Alternatively, provide a tuple with: (lon,lat,elevation) where elevation is a 2D array (shape (ny,nx)) containing elevation points (order S -> N, W -> E) and lon, lat are either 1D arrays containing list of longitudes and latitudes (in the case of a regular grid) or 2D arrays with same shape as elevation array containing longitude and latitude of each point. other inputs: surfacename = name of surface for putting into dictionary surface_epsg = epsg number of input surface, default is 4326 for lat/lon(wgs84) method = interpolation method. Default is 'nearest', if model grid is dense compared to surface points then choose 'linear' or 'cubic' """ # read the surface data in from ascii if surface not provided if surfacefile: lon, lat, elev = mtfh.read_surface_ascii(surfacefile) elif surface: lon, lat, elev = surface else: raise ValueError("'surfacefile' or 'surface' must be provided") # if lat/lon provided as a 1D list, convert to a 2d grid of points if len(lon.shape) == 1: # BM: There seems to be an issue using dense grids (X and Y # become arrays of (N, N)), and get flattened to 1D array # of N^2 in point projection below. # Interpolation then can't be performed because # there's a dimension mismatch between lon/lat and elev. # This issue doesn't happen when using 'fast' method below, so # when not using fast, get a sparse grid instead. if fast: lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) else: lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, sparse=True) lat = lat.T if len(grid_east.shape) == 1: grid_east, grid_north = np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north) if fast: # buffer = 1 # use a buffer of 1 degree around mesh-bounds mlatmin, mlonmin = gis_tools.project_point_utm2ll( grid_east.min(), grid_north.min(), epsg=epsg, utm_zone=utm_zone ) mlatmax, mlonmax = gis_tools.project_point_utm2ll( grid_east.max(), grid_north.max(), epsg=epsg, utm_zone=utm_zone ) subsetIndices = ( (lon >= mlonmin - buffer) & (lon <= mlonmax + buffer) & (lat >= mlatmin - buffer) & (lat <= mlatmax + buffer) ) lon = lon[subsetIndices] lat = lat[subsetIndices] elev = elev[subsetIndices] # end if projected_points = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm( lat, lon, epsg=epsg, utm_zone=utm_zone ) # elevation in model grid # first, get lat,lon points of surface grid points = np.vstack( [arr.flatten() for arr in [projected_points.easting, projected_points.northing]] ).T # corresponding surface elevation points values = elev.flatten() # xi, the model grid points to interpolate to xi = np.vstack([arr.flatten() for arr in [grid_east, grid_north]]).T # elevation on the centre of the grid nodes elev_mg = spi.griddata(points, values, xi, method=method).reshape(grid_north.shape) return elev_mg
[docs]def get_nearest_index(array, value): """ Return the index of the nearest value to the provided value in an array: inputs: array = array or list of values value = target value """ array = np.array(array) abs_diff = np.abs(array - value) return np.where(abs_diff == np.amin(abs_diff))[0][0]
[docs]def make_log_increasing_array(z1_layer, target_depth, n_layers, increment_factor=0.9): """ create depth array with log increasing cells, down to target depth, inputs are z1_layer thickness, target depth, number of layers (n_layers) """ # make initial guess for maximum cell thickness max_cell_thickness = target_depth # make initial guess for log_z log_z = np.logspace(np.log10(z1_layer), np.log10(max_cell_thickness), num=n_layers) counter = 0 while np.sum(log_z) > target_depth: max_cell_thickness *= increment_factor log_z = np.logspace( np.log10(z1_layer), np.log10(max_cell_thickness), num=n_layers ) counter += 1 if counter > 1e6: break return log_z
[docs]def get_padding_cells(cell_width, max_distance, num_cells, stretch): """ get padding cells, which are exponentially increasing to a given distance. Make sure that each cell is larger than the one previously. Arguments ------------- **cell_width** : float width of grid cell (m) **max_distance** : float maximum distance the grid will extend (m) **num_cells** : int number of padding cells **stretch** : float base geometric factor Returns ---------------- **padding** : np.ndarray array of padding cells for one side """ # compute scaling factor scaling = ((max_distance) / (cell_width * stretch)) ** (1.0 / (num_cells - 1)) # make padding cell padding = np.zeros(num_cells) for ii in range(num_cells): # calculate the cell width for an exponential increase exp_pad = np.round( (cell_width * stretch) * scaling ** ii, get_rounding(cell_width) ) # calculate the cell width for a geometric increase by 1.2 mult_pad = np.round( (cell_width * stretch) * ((1 - stretch ** (ii + 1)) / (1 - stretch)), get_rounding(cell_width), ) # take the maximum width for padding padding[ii] = max([exp_pad, mult_pad]) return padding
[docs]def get_padding_from_stretch(cell_width, pad_stretch, num_cells): """ get padding cells using pad stretch factor """ nodes = np.around( cell_width * (np.ones(num_cells) * pad_stretch) ** np.arange(num_cells), get_rounding(cell_width), ) return np.array([nodes[:i].sum() for i in range(1, len(nodes) + 1)])
[docs]def get_padding_cells2(cell_width, core_max, max_distance, num_cells): """ get padding cells, which are exponentially increasing to a given distance. Make sure that each cell is larger than the one previously. """ # check max distance is large enough to accommodate padding max_distance = max(cell_width * num_cells, max_distance) cells = np.around( np.logspace(np.log10(core_max), np.log10(max_distance), num_cells), get_rounding(cell_width), ) cells -= core_max return cells
[docs]def get_station_buffer(grid_east, grid_north, station_east, station_north, buf=10e3): """ get cells within a specified distance (buf) of the stations returns a 2D boolean (True/False) array """ first = True for xs, ys in np.vstack([station_east, station_north]).T: xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north) station_distance = ((xs - xgrid) ** 2 + (ys - ygrid) ** 2) ** 0.5 if first: where = station_distance < buf first = False else: where = np.any([where, station_distance < buf], axis=0) return where