Source code for mtpy.modeling.winglink

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Aug 22 15:19:30 2011

deal with output files from winglink.

@author: jp

import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize


[docs]class WLInputError(Exception): pass
[docs]def read_output_file(output_fn): """ Reads in an output file from winglink and returns the data in the form of a dictionary of structured arrays. Arguments: ----------- **output_fn** : string the full path to winglink outputfile Returns: ---------- **wl_data** : dictionary with keys of station names each station contains a structured array with keys * 'station' --> station name * 'period' --> periods to plot * 'te_res' --> TE resistivity in linear scale * 'tm_res' --> TM resistivity in linear scale * 'te_phase' --> TE phase in deg * 'tm_phase' --> TM phase in deg * 're_tip' --> real tipper amplitude. * 'im_tip' --> imaginary tipper amplitude * 'rms' --> RMS for the station * 'index' --> order from left to right of station number .. note:: each data is an np.ndarray(2, num_periods) where the first index is the data and the second index is the model response """ if os.path.isfile(output_fn) is False: raise WLInputError('Cannot find {0}, check path'.format(output_fn)) ofid = open(output_fn, 'r') lines = ofid.readlines() idict = {} stationlst = [] # get title line titleline = lines[1].replace('"', '') titleline = titleline.rstrip().split(',') title = titleline[1].split(':')[1] profile = titleline[0].split(':')[1] inversiontype = lines[2].rstrip() dkeys = ['obs_tm_res', 'obs_tm_phase', 'mod_tm_res', 'mod_tm_phase', 'obs_te_res', 'obs_te_phase', 'mod_te_res', 'mod_te_phase', 'obs_re_tip', 'obs_im_tip', 'mod_re_tip', 'mod_im_tip', 'period'] index = 0 for line in lines[3:]: # get the beginning of the station block if line.find('Data for station') == 0: station = line.rstrip().split(':')[1][1:] idict[station] = {} stationlst.append(station) print('Reading in station: ', station) idict[station]['index'] = index index += 1 for key in dkeys: idict[station][key] = [] # get rms elif line.find('RMS') == 0: idict[station]['rms'] = float(line.strip().split(' = ')[1]) # skip the divding line elif line.find('==') == 0: pass # get the data else: linelst = line.split() if len(linelst) == len(dkeys): for kk, key in enumerate(dkeys): try: if key.find('phase') >= 0: idict[station][key].append(-1 * float(linelst[kk])) else: idict[station][key].append(float(linelst[kk])) except ValueError: idict[station][key].append(0) else: pass # get data into a more useful format that takes into account any masking of # data points. data = {} for st in list(idict.keys()): data[st] = {} data[st]['station'] = st data[st]['index'] = int(idict[st]['index']) data[st]['period'] = np.array(idict[st]['period']) data[st]['te_res'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_te_res']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_te_res'])]) data[st]['tm_res'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_tm_res']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_tm_res'])]) data[st]['te_phase'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_te_phase']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_te_phase'])]) data[st]['tm_phase'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_tm_phase']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_tm_phase'])]) data[st]['re_tip'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_re_tip']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_re_tip'])]) data[st]['im_tip'] = np.array([np.array(idict[st]['obs_im_tip']), np.array(idict[st]['mod_im_tip'])]) data[st]['rms'] = float(idict[st]['rms']) return data
[docs]def read_model_file(model_fn): """ readModelFile reads in the XYZ txt file output by Winglink. Inputs: modelfile = fullpath and filename to modelfile profiledirection = 'ew' for east-west predominantly, 'ns' for predominantly north-south. This gives column to fix """ mfid = open(model_fn, 'r') lines = mfid.readlines() nlines = len(lines) X = np.zeros(nlines) Y = np.zeros(nlines) Z = np.zeros(nlines) rho = np.zeros(nlines) # file starts from the bottom of the model grid in X Y Z Rho coordinates for ii, line in enumerate(lines): linestr = line.split() X[ii] = float(linestr[0]) Y[ii] = float(linestr[1]) Z[ii] = float(linestr[2]) rho[ii] = float(linestr[3]) X = X[np.nonzero(X)] Y = Y[np.nonzero[Y]] Z = Z[np.nonzero[Z]] rho = rho[np.nonzero[rho]] return X, Y, Z, rho
#============================================================================== # plot the MT and model responses #==============================================================================
[docs]class PlotResponse(): """ Helper class to deal with plotting the MT response and occam2d model. Arguments: ------------- **data_fn** : string full path to data file **resp_fn** : string or list full path(s) to response file(s) ==================== ====================================================== Attributes/key words description ==================== ====================================================== ax_list list of matplotlib.axes instances for use with OccamPointPicker color_mode [ 'color' | 'bw' ] plot figures in color or black and white ('bw') cted color of Data TE marker and line ctem color of Model TE marker and line ctewl color of Winglink Model TE marker and line ctmd color of Data TM marker and line ctmm color of Model TM marker and line ctmwl color of Winglink Model TM marker and line e_capsize size of error bar caps in points e_capthick line thickness of error bar caps in points err_list list of line properties of error bars for use with OccamPointPicker fig_dpi figure resolution in dots-per-inch fig_list list of dictionaries with key words station --> station name fig --> matplotlib.figure instance axrte --> matplotlib.axes instance for TE app.res axrtm --> matplotlib.axes instance for TM app.res axpte --> matplotlib.axes instance for TE phase axptm --> matplotlib.axes instance for TM phase fig_num starting number of figure fig_size size of figure in inches (width, height) font_size size of axes ticklabel font in points line_list list of matplotlib.Line instances for use with OccamPointPicker lw line width of lines in points ms marker size in points mted marker for Data TE mode mtem marker for Model TE mode mtewl marker for Winglink Model TE mtmd marker for Data TM mode mtmm marker for Model TM mode mtmwl marker for Winglink TM mode period np.ndarray of periods to plot phase_limits limits on phase plots in degrees (min, max) plot_model_error [ 'y' | 'n' ] *default* is 'y' to plot model errors plot_num [ 1 | 2 ] 1 to plot both modes in a single plot 2 to plot modes in separate plots (default) plot_tipper [ 'y' | 'n' ] plot tipper data if desired plot_type [ '1' | station_list] '1' --> to plot all stations in different figures station_list --> to plot a few stations, give names of stations ex. ['mt01', 'mt07'] plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n'] 'y' --> to plot on instantiation 'n' --> to not plot on instantiation res_limits limits on resistivity plot in log scale (min, max) rp_list list of dictionaries from read2Ddata station_list station_list list of stations in rp_list subplot_bottom subplot spacing from bottom (relative coordinates) subplot_hspace vertical spacing between subplots subplot_left subplot spacing from left subplot_right subplot spacing from right subplot_top subplot spacing from top subplot_wspace horizontal spacing between subplots wl_fn Winglink file name (full path) ==================== ====================================================== =================== ======================================================= Methods Description =================== ======================================================= plot plots the apparent resistiviy and phase of data and model if given. called on instantiation if plot_yn is 'y'. redraw_plot call redraw_plot to redraw the figures, if one of the attributes has been changed save_figures save all the matplotlib.figure instances in fig_list =================== ======================================================= :Example: :: >>> data_fn = r"/home/occam/line1/inv1/OccamDataFile.dat" >>> resp_list = [r"/home/occam/line1/inv1/test_{0:02}".format(ii) for ii in range(2, 8, 2)] >>> pr_obj = occam2d.PlotResponse(data_fn, resp_list, plot_tipper='y') """ def __init__(self, wl_data_fn=None, resp_fn=None, **kwargs): self.wl_data_fn = wl_data_fn self.color_mode = kwargs.pop('color_mode', 'color') = kwargs.pop('ms', 1.5) self.lw = kwargs.pop('lw', .5) self.ax_list = [] self.line_list = [] self.err_list = [] # color mode if self.color_mode == 'color': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 1)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (1, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', 's') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'o') # color for Winglink model self.ctewl = kwargs.pop('ctewl', (0, .6, .8)) self.ctmwl = kwargs.pop('ctmwl', (.8, .7, 0)) self.mtewl = kwargs.pop('mtewl', 'x') self.mtmwl = kwargs.pop('mtmwl', 'x') # color of tipper self.ctipr = kwargs.pop('ctipr', self.cted) self.ctipi = kwargs.pop('ctipi', self.ctmd) # black and white mode elif self.color_mode == 'bw': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 0)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (0, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', '*') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'v') # color for Winglink model self.ctewl = kwargs.pop('ctewl', (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) self.ctmwl = kwargs.pop('ctmwl', (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) self.mtewl = kwargs.pop('mtewl', '|') self.mtmwl = kwargs.pop('mtmwl', '_') self.ctipr = kwargs.pop('ctipr', self.cted) self.ctipi = kwargs.pop('ctipi', self.ctmd) self.phase_limits = kwargs.pop('phase_limits', (-5, 95)) self.res_limits = kwargs.pop('res_limits', None) self.tip_limits = kwargs.pop('tip_limits', (-.5, .5)) self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.subplot_wspace = .1 self.subplot_hspace = .15 self.subplot_right = .98 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .93 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) self.plot_type = kwargs.pop('plot_type', '1') self.plot_num = kwargs.pop('plot_num', 2) self.plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') if self.plot_num == 1: self.ylabel_coord = kwargs.pop('ylabel_coords', (-.055, .5)) elif self.plot_num == 2: self.ylabel_coord = kwargs.pop('ylabel_coords', (-.12, .5)) self.fig_list = [] if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot()
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot the data and model response, if given, in individual plots. """ wl_data = read_output_file(self.wl_data_fn) # create station list self.station_list = list(wl_data.keys()) #---------------plot each respones in a different figure--------------- if self.plot_type == '1': pstation_list = list(range(len(self.station_list))) else: if type(self.plot_type) is not list: self.plot_type = [self.plot_type] pstation_list = [] for ii, station in enumerate(self.station_list): for pstation in self.plot_type: if station.find(pstation) >= 0: pstation_list.append(ii) # set the grid of subplots if self.plot_tipper == 'y': gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=[2, 1.5, 1]) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=[2, 1.5]) #--> set default font size plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size # loop over each station to plot for ii, jj in enumerate(pstation_list): fig = plt.figure(self.station_list[jj], self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() #--> set subplot instances #---plot both TE and TM in same subplot--- if self.plot_num == 1: axrte = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]) axrtm = axrte axpte = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :], sharex=axrte) axptm = axpte if self.plot_tipper == 'y': axtipre = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :], sharex=axrte) axtipim = axtipre #---plot TE and TM in separate subplots--- elif self.plot_num == 2: axrte = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axrtm = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) axpte = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=axrte) axptm = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrtm) if self.plot_tipper == 'y': axtipre = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=axrte) axtipim = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=axrtm) # plot the data, it should be the same for all response files # empty lists for legend marker and label rlistte = [] llistte = [] rlisttm = [] llisttm = [] #--------------add in winglink responses------------------------ wlrms = wl_data[self.station_list[jj]]['rms'] wl_dict = wl_data[self.station_list[jj]] zrxy = np.nonzero(wl_dict['te_res'][0] != 0)[0] zryx = np.nonzero(wl_dict['tm_res'][0] != 0)[0] #--> plot data if len(zrxy) > 0: r1 = axrte.loglog(wl_dict['period'][zrxy], wl_dict['te_res'][0, zrxy], ls='-.', marker=self.mted,, color=self.cted, mfc=self.cted, mec=self.cted, lw=self.lw) axpte.semilogx(wl_dict['period'][zrxy], wl_dict['te_phase'][0, zrxy], ls='-.', marker=self.mted,, color=self.cted, mfc=self.cted, mec=self.cted, lw=self.lw) rlistte.append(r1[0]) llistte.append('$Obs_{TE}$ ') if len(zryx) > 0: r2 = axrtm.loglog(wl_dict['period'][zryx], wl_dict['tm_res'][0, zryx], ls='-.', marker=self.mtmd,, color=self.ctmd, mfc=self.ctmd, lw=self.lw) # plot winglink phase axptm.semilogx(wl_dict['period'][zryx], wl_dict['tm_phase'][0, zryx], ls='-.', marker=self.mtmwl,, color=self.ctmd, mfc=self.ctmd, lw=self.lw) rlisttm.append(r2[0]) llisttm.append('$Obs_{TM}$ ') if self.plot_tipper == 'y': t_list = [] t_label = [] txy = np.nonzero(wl_dict['re_tip'][0])[0] tyx = np.nonzero(wl_dict['im_tip'][0])[0] #--> real tipper data if len(txy) > 0: per_list_p = [] tpr_list_p = [] per_list_n = [] tpr_list_n = [] for per, tpr in zip(wl_dict['period'][txy], wl_dict['re_tip'][0, txy]): if tpr >= 0: per_list_p.append(per) tpr_list_p.append(tpr) else: per_list_n.append(per) tpr_list_n.append(tpr) if len(per_list_p) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipre.stem(per_list_p, tpr_list_p, markerfmt='^', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.cted) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.cted) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.cted) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) t_list.append(m_line) t_label.append('Real') if len(per_list_n) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipre.stem(per_list_n, tpr_list_n, markerfmt='v', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.cted) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.cted) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.cted) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) if len(t_list) == 0: t_list.append(m_line) t_label.append('Real') else: pass if len(tyx) > 0: per_list_p = [] tpi_list_p = [] per_list_n = [] tpi_list_n = [] for per, tpi in zip(wl_dict['period'][tyx], wl_dict['im_tip'][0, tyx]): if tpi >= 0: per_list_p.append(per) tpi_list_p.append(tpi) else: per_list_n.append(per) tpi_list_n.append(tpi) if len(per_list_p) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipim.stem(per_list_p, tpi_list_p, markerfmt='^', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctmd) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctmd) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctmd) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) t_list.append(m_line) t_label.append('Imag') if len(per_list_n) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipim.stem(per_list_n, tpi_list_n, markerfmt='v', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctmd) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctmd) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctmd) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) if len(t_list) <= 1: t_list.append(m_line) t_label.append('Imag') #--> plot model response if len(zrxy) > 0: r5 = axrte.loglog(wl_dict['period'][zrxy], wl_dict['te_res'][1, zrxy], ls='-.', marker=self.mtewl,, color=self.ctewl, mfc=self.ctewl, lw=self.lw) axpte.semilogx(wl_dict['period'][zrxy], wl_dict['te_phase'][1, zrxy], ls='-.', marker=self.mtewl,, color=self.ctewl, mfc=self.ctewl, lw=self.lw) rlistte.append(r5[0]) llistte.append('$Mod_{TE}$ ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(wlrms)) if len(zryx) > 0: r6 = axrtm.loglog(wl_dict['period'][zryx], wl_dict['tm_res'][1, zryx], ls='-.', marker=self.mtmwl,, color=self.ctmwl, mfc=self.ctmwl, lw=self.lw) # plot winglink phase axptm.semilogx(wl_dict['period'][zryx], wl_dict['tm_phase'][1, zryx], ls='-.', marker=self.mtmwl,, color=self.ctmwl, mfc=self.ctmwl, lw=self.lw) rlisttm.append(r6[0]) llisttm.append('$Mod_{TM}$ ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(wlrms)) if self.plot_tipper == 'y': txy = np.nonzero(wl_dict['re_tip'][0])[0] tyx = np.nonzero(wl_dict['im_tip'][0])[0] #--> real tipper data if len(txy) > 0: per_list_p = [] tpr_list_p = [] per_list_n = [] tpr_list_n = [] for per, tpr in zip(wl_dict['period'][txy], wl_dict['re_tip'][1, txy]): if tpr >= 0: per_list_p.append(per) tpr_list_p.append(tpr) else: per_list_n.append(per) tpr_list_n.append(tpr) if len(per_list_p) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipre.stem(per_list_p, tpr_list_p, markerfmt='^', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctewl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctewl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctewl) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) if len(per_list_n) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipre.stem(per_list_n, tpr_list_n, markerfmt='v', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctewl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctewl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctewl) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) else: pass if len(tyx) > 0: per_list_p = [] tpi_list_p = [] per_list_n = [] tpi_list_n = [] for per, tpi in zip(wl_dict['period'][tyx], wl_dict['im_tip'][1, tyx]): if tpi >= 0: per_list_p.append(per) tpi_list_p.append(tpi) else: per_list_n.append(per) tpi_list_n.append(tpi) if len(per_list_p) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipim.stem(per_list_p, tpi_list_p, markerfmt='^', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) if len(per_list_n) > 0: m_line, s_line, b_line = axtipim.stem(per_list_n, tpi_list_n, markerfmt='v', basefmt='k') plt.setp(m_line, 'markerfacecolor', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markeredgecolor', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(m_line, 'markersize', plt.setp(s_line, 'linewidth', self.lw) plt.setp(s_line, 'color', self.ctmwl) plt.setp(b_line, 'linewidth', .01) else: pass else: if self.plot_num == 1: axrte.set_title(self.station_list[jj], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) elif self.plot_num == 2: fig.suptitle(self.station_list[jj], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set the axis properties ax_list = [axrte, axrtm] for aa, axr in enumerate(ax_list): # set both axes to logarithmic scale axr.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') try: axr.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') except ValueError: pass # put on a grid axr.grid(True, alpha=.3, which='both', lw=.5 * self.lw) axr.yaxis.set_label_coords(self.ylabel_coord[0], self.ylabel_coord[1]) # set resistivity limits if desired if self.res_limits != None: axr.set_ylim(10**self.res_limits[0], 10**self.res_limits[1]) # set the tick labels to invisible plt.setp(axr.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) if aa == 0: axr.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\Omega \cdot m$)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set legend based on the plot type if self.plot_num == 1: if aa == 0: axr.legend(rlistte + rlisttm, llistte + llisttm, loc=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.08, handletextpad=.15, borderpad=.05, prop={'size': self.font_size + 1}) elif self.plot_num == 2: if aa == 0: axr.legend(rlistte, llistte, loc=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.08, handletextpad=.15, borderpad=.05, prop={'size': self.font_size + 1}) if aa == 1: axr.legend(rlisttm, llisttm, loc=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.08, handletextpad=.15, borderpad=.05, prop={'size': self.font_size + 1}) # set Properties for the phase axes for aa, axp in enumerate([axpte, axptm]): # set the x-axis to log scale axp.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # set the phase limits axp.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) # put a grid on the subplot axp.grid(True, alpha=.3, which='both', lw=.5 * self.lw) # set the tick locations axp.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) axp.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(2)) # set the x axis label if self.plot_tipper == 'y': plt.setp(axp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: axp.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # put the y label on the far left plot axp.yaxis.set_label_coords(self.ylabel_coord[0], self.ylabel_coord[1]) if aa == 0: axp.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set axes properties of tipper axis if self.plot_tipper == 'y': for aa, axt in enumerate([axtipre, axtipim]): axt.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # set tipper limits axt.set_ylim(self.tip_limits) # put a grid on the subplot axt.grid(True, alpha=.3, which='both', lw=.5 * self.lw) # set the tick locations axt.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(.2)) axt.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(.1)) # set the x axis label axt.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) axt.set_xlim(10**np.floor(np.log10(wl_dict['period'].min())), 10**np.ceil(np.log10(wl_dict['period'].max()))) # put the y label on the far left plot axt.yaxis.set_label_coords(self.ylabel_coord[0], self.ylabel_coord[1]) if aa == 0: axt.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) if self.plot_num == 2: axt.text(axt.get_xlim()[0] * 1.25, self.tip_limits[1] * .9, 'Real', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}) else: axt.legend(t_list, t_label, loc=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.08, handletextpad=.15, borderpad=.05, prop={'size': self.font_size + 1}) if aa == 1: if self.plot_num == 2: axt.text(axt.get_xlim()[0] * 1.25, self.tip_limits[1] * .9, 'Imag', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}) # make sure the axis and figure are accessible to the user self.fig_list.append({'station': self.station_list[jj], 'fig': fig, 'axrte': axrte, 'axrtm': axrtm, 'axpte': axpte, 'axptm': axptm}) # set the plot to be full screen well at least try
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plot2DResponses() >>> #change color of te markers to a gray-blue >>> p1.cted = (.5, .5, .7) >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close('all') self.plot()
[docs] def save_figures(self, save_path, fig_fmt='pdf', fig_dpi=None, close_fig='y'): """ save all the figure that are in self.fig_list :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plot2DResponses() >>> p1.save_figures(r"/home/occam2d/Figures", fig_fmt='jpg') """ if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) for fdict in self.fig_list: svfn = '{0}_resp.{1}'.format(fdict['station'], fig_fmt) fdict['fig'].savefig(os.path.join(save_path, svfn), dpi=self.fig_dpi) if close_fig == 'y': plt.close(fdict['fig']) print("saved figure to {0}".format(os.path.join(save_path, svfn)))
#============================================================================== # plot pseudo section of data and model response #==============================================================================
[docs]class PlotPseudoSection(object): """ plot a pseudo section of the data and response if given Arguments: ------------- **wl_data_fn** : string full path to winglink output data file. ==================== ====================================================== key words description ==================== ====================================================== axmpte matplotlib.axes instance for TE model phase axmptm matplotlib.axes instance for TM model phase axmrte matplotlib.axes instance for TE model app. res axmrtm matplotlib.axes instance for TM model app. res axpte matplotlib.axes instance for TE data phase axptm matplotlib.axes instance for TM data phase axrte matplotlib.axes instance for TE data app. res. axrtm matplotlib.axes instance for TM data app. res. cb_pad padding between colorbar and axes cb_shrink percentage to shrink the colorbar to fig matplotlib.figure instance fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots per inch fig_num number of figure instance fig_size size of figure in inches (width, height) font_size size of font in points label_list list to label plots ml factor to label stations if 2 every other station is labeled on the x-axis period np.array of periods to plot phase_cmap color map name of phase phase_limits_te limits for te phase in degrees (min, max) phase_limits_tm limits for tm phase in degrees (min, max) plot_resp [ 'y' | 'n' ] to plot response plot_tipper [ 'y' | 'n' ] to plot tipper plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot on instantiation res_cmap color map name for resistivity res_limits_te limits for te resistivity in log scale (min, max) res_limits_tm limits for tm resistivity in log scale (min, max) rp_list list of dictionaries as made from read2Dresp station_id index to get station name (min, max) station_list station list got from rp_list subplot_bottom subplot spacing from bottom (relative coordinates) subplot_hspace vertical spacing between subplots subplot_left subplot spacing from left subplot_right subplot spacing from right subplot_top subplot spacing from top subplot_wspace horizontal spacing between subplots ==================== ====================================================== =================== ======================================================= Methods Description =================== ======================================================= plot plots a pseudo-section of apparent resistiviy and phase of data and model if given. called on instantiation if plot_yn is 'y'. redraw_plot call redraw_plot to redraw the figures, if one of the attributes has been changed save_figure saves the matplotlib.figure instance to desired location and format =================== ======================================================= :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.winglink as winglink >>> d_fn = r"/home/winglink/Line1/Inv1/DataRW.txt" >>> ps_plot = winglink.PlotPseudoSection(d_fn) """ def __init__(self, wl_data_fn=None, **kwargs): self.wl_data_fn = wl_data_fn self.plot_resp = kwargs.pop('plot_resp', 'y') self.label_list = [r'$\rho_{TE-Data}$', r'$\rho_{TE-Model}$', r'$\rho_{TM-Data}$', r'$\rho_{TM-Model}$', '$\phi_{TE-Data}$', '$\phi_{TE-Model}$', '$\phi_{TM-Data}$', '$\phi_{TM-Model}$', '$\Re e\{T_{Data}\}$', '$\Re e\{T_{Model}\}$', '$\Im m\{T_{Data}\}$', '$\Im m\{T_{Model}\}$'] self.phase_limits_te = kwargs.pop('phase_limits_te', (-5, 95)) self.phase_limits_tm = kwargs.pop('phase_limits_tm', (-5, 95)) self.res_limits_te = kwargs.pop('res_limits_te', (0, 3)) self.res_limits_tm = kwargs.pop('res_limits_tm', (0, 3)) self.tip_limits_re = kwargs.pop('tip_limits_re', (-1, 1)) self.tip_limits_im = kwargs.pop('tip_limits_im', (-1, 1)) self.phase_cmap = kwargs.pop('phase_cmap', 'jet') self.res_cmap = kwargs.pop('res_cmap', 'jet_r') self.tip_cmap = kwargs.pop('res_cmap', 'Spectral_r') = kwargs.pop('ml', 2) self.station_id = kwargs.pop('station_id', [0, 4]) self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.subplot_wspace = .025 self.subplot_hspace = .0 self.subplot_right = .95 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .97 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) self.plot_type = kwargs.pop('plot_type', '1') self.plot_num = kwargs.pop('plot_num', 2) self.plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') self.cb_shrink = .7 self.cb_pad = .015 self.axrte = None self.axrtm = None self.axpte = None self.axptm = None self.axmrte = None self.axmrtm = None self.axmpte = None self.axmptm = None self.axtpr = None self.axtpi = None self.axmtpr = None self.axmtpi = None self.te_res_arr = None self.tm_res_arr = None self.te_phase_arr = None self.tm_phase_arr = None self.tip_real_arr = None self.tip_imag_arr = None self.fig = None if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot()
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot pseudo section of data and response if given """ if self.plot_resp == 'y': nr = 2 else: nr = 1 wl_data = read_output_file(self.wl_data_fn) stations = list(wl_data.keys()) #--> need to sort the stations to be in order slst = np.array([(ss, wl_data[ss]['index']) for ss in stations], dtype=[('station', '|S20'), ('index',]) slst.sort(order='index') stations = slst['station'] ns = len(list(wl_data.keys())) #--> get periods in decreasing order for easier plotting periods = [] for ss in stations: periods.extend(list(wl_data[ss]['period'])) periods = np.array(sorted(set(periods), reverse=True)) # need to make a dictionary of where periods go cause they are not all # the same from winglink p_dict = dict([(per, index) for index, per in enumerate(periods)]) nf = periods.shape[0] # set limits of y-axis in plot ylimits = (periods.max(), periods.min()) # make a grid for pcolormesh so you can have a log scale # get things into arrays for plotting te_res_arr = np.ones((nf, ns, nr)) tm_res_arr = np.ones((nf, ns, nr)) te_phase_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns, nr)) tm_phase_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns, nr)) tip_real_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns, nr)) tip_imag_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns, nr)) for ss in stations: d_dict = wl_data[ss] ii = d_dict['index'] for jj, per in enumerate(d_dict['period']): p_index = p_dict[per] te_res_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['te_res'][0, jj] tm_res_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['tm_res'][0, jj] te_phase_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['te_phase'][0, jj] tm_phase_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['tm_phase'][0, jj] tip_real_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['re_tip'][0, jj] tip_imag_arr[p_index, ii, 0] = d_dict['im_tip'][0, jj] # read in response data if self.plot_resp == 'y': te_res_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['te_res'][1, jj] tm_res_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['tm_res'][1, jj] te_phase_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['te_phase'][1, jj] tm_phase_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['tm_phase'][1, jj] tip_real_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['re_tip'][1, jj] tip_imag_arr[p_index, ii, 1] = d_dict['im_tip'][1, jj] # need to make any zeros 1 for taking log10 te_res_arr[np.where(te_res_arr == 0)] = 1.0 tm_res_arr[np.where(tm_res_arr == 0)] = 1.0 self.te_res_arr = te_res_arr self.tm_res_arr = tm_res_arr self.te_phase_arr = te_phase_arr self.tm_phase_arr = tm_phase_arr self.tip_real_arr = tip_real_arr self.tip_imag_arr = tip_imag_arr # need to extend the last grid cell because meshgrid expects n+1 cells offset_list = np.arange(ns + 1) # make a meshgrid for plotting # flip frequency so bottom corner is long period dgrid, fgrid = np.meshgrid(offset_list, periods) # make list for station labels sindex_1 = self.station_id[0] sindex_2 = self.station_id[1] slabel = [stations[ss][sindex_1:sindex_2] for ss in range(0, ns,] xloc = offset_list[0] + abs(offset_list[0] - offset_list[1]) / 5 yloc = 1.10 * periods[-2] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left log_labels_te = ['10$^{0}$'.format('{' + str(nn) + '}') for nn in np.arange(int(self.res_limits_te[0]), int(self.res_limits_te[1]) + 1)] log_labels_tm = ['10$^{0}$'.format('{' + str(nn) + '}') for nn in np.arange(int(self.res_limits_tm[0]), int(self.res_limits_tm[1]) + 1)] self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() if self.plot_resp == 'y': if self.plot_tipper == 'y': gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, left=self.subplot_left, right=self.subplot_right, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) gs4 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 2, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=0, subplot_spec=gs1[2]) else: gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, left=self.subplot_left, right=self.subplot_right, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) gs2 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 2, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=0, subplot_spec=gs1[0]) gs3 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 2, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=0, subplot_spec=gs1[1]) # plot TE resistivity data self.axrte = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs2[0, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axrte) self.axrte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(te_res_arr[:, :, 0]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1]) # plot TE resistivity model self.axmrte = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs2[0, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmrte) self.axmrte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(te_res_arr[:, :, 1]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1]) # plot TM resistivity data self.axrtm = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs3[0, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axrtm) self.axrtm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(tm_res_arr[:, :, 0]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1]) # plot TM resistivity model self.axmrtm = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs3[0, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmrtm) self.axmrtm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(tm_res_arr[:, :, 1]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1]) # plot TE phase data self.axpte = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs2[1, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axpte) self.axpte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, te_phase_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1]) # plot TE phase model self.axmpte = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs2[1, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmpte) self.axmpte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, te_phase_arr[:, :, 1], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1]) # plot TM phase data self.axptm = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs3[1, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axptm) self.axptm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tm_phase_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1]) # plot TM phase model self.axmptm = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs3[1, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmptm) self.axmptm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tm_phase_arr[:, :, 1], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1]) ax_list = [self.axrte, self.axmrte, self.axrtm, self.axmrtm, self.axpte, self.axmpte, self.axptm, self.axmptm] if self.plot_tipper == 'y': # plot real tipper data self.axtpr = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs4[0, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axtpr) self.axtpr.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_real_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) # plot real tipper model self.axmtpr = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs4[0, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmtpr) self.axmtpr.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_real_arr[:, :, 1], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) # plot imag tipper data self.axtpi = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs4[1, 0]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axtpi) self.axtpi.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_imag_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) # plot imag tipper model self.axmtpi = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs4[1, 1]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axmtpi) self.axmtpi.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_imag_arr[:, :, 1], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) ax_list.append(self.axtpr) ax_list.append(self.axmtpr) ax_list.append(self.axtpi) ax_list.append(self.axmtpi) # make everthing look tidy for xx, ax in enumerate(ax_list): ax.semilogy() ax.set_ylim(ylimits) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list[np.arange(0, ns,]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list, minor=True) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(slabel) ax.set_xlim(offset_list.min(), offset_list.max()) if np.remainder(xx, 2.0) == 1: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cbx = mcb.make_axes(ax, shrink=self.cb_shrink, pad=self.cb_pad) if xx == 2 or xx == 6 or xx == 8 or xx == 10: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) if xx < 4: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) if xx == 1: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1])) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(int(self.res_limits_te[0]), int(self.res_limits_te[1]) + 1)) cb.set_ticklabels(log_labels_te) if xx == 3: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('App. Res. ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) cb.set_label('Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(int(self.res_limits_tm[0]), int(self.res_limits_tm[1]) + 1)) cb.set_ticklabels(log_labels_tm) else: # color bar TE phase if xx == 5: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1])) # color bar TM phase if xx == 7: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('Phase (deg)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # color bar tipper Imag if xx == 9: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1])) cb.set_label('Re{T}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) if xx == 11: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_im[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_im[1])) cb.set_label('Im{T}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) ax.text(xloc, yloc, self.label_list[xx], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}, bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') if xx == 0 or xx == 4: ax.set_ylabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) if xx > 3: ax.set_xlabel('Station', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) else: if self.plot_tipper == 'y': gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, left=self.subplot_left, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) else: gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, left=self.subplot_left, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) # plot TE resistivity data self.axrte = self.fig.add_subplot(gs1[0, 0]) self.axrte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(te_res_arr[:, :, 0]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1]) # plot TM resistivity data self.axrtm = self.fig.add_subplot(gs1[0, 1]) self.axrtm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.log10(tm_res_arr[:, :, 0]), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1]) # plot TE phase data self.axpte = self.fig.add_subplot(gs1[1, 0]) self.axpte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, te_phase_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1]) # plot TM phase data self.axptm = self.fig.add_subplot(gs1[1, 1]) self.axptm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tm_phase_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1]) ax_list = [self.axrte, self.axrtm, self.axpte, self.axptm] if self.plot_tipper == 'y': # plot real tipper data self.axtpr = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs1[0, 2]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axtpr) self.axtpr.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_real_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) # plot real tipper data self.axtpi = plt.Subplot(self.fig, gs1[1, 2]) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axtpi) self.axtpi.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, tip_imag_arr[:, :, 0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) ax_list.append(self.axtpr) ax_list.append(self.axtpi) # make everything look tidy for xx, ax in enumerate(ax_list): ax.semilogy() ax.set_ylim(ylimits) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list[np.arange(0, ns,]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list, minor=True) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(slabel) ax.grid(True, alpha=.25) ax.set_xlim(offset_list.min(), offset_list.max()) cbx = mcb.make_axes(ax, shrink=self.cb_shrink, pad=self.cb_pad) if xx == 0: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1])) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(self.res_limits_te[0], self.res_limits_te[1] + 1)) cb.set_ticklabels(log_labels_te) elif xx == 1: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('App. Res. ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(self.res_limits_tm[0], self.res_limits_tm[1] + 1)) cb.set_ticklabels(log_labels_tm) elif xx == 2: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1])) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(self.phase_limits_te[0], self.phase_limits_te[1] + 1, 15)) elif xx == 3: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('Phase (deg)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(self.phase_limits_te[0], self.phase_limits_te[1] + 1, 15)) # real tipper elif xx == 4: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1])) cb.set_label('Re{T}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # imag tipper elif xx == 5: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_im[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_im[1])) cb.set_label('Im{T}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) ax.text(xloc, yloc, self.label_list[2 * xx], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}, bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') if xx == 0 or xx == 2: ax.set_ylabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) if xx > 1: ax.set_xlabel('Station', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'})
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # plot tipper and change station id >>> import mtpy.modeling.winglink as winglink >>> ps_plot = winglink.PlotPseudosection(wl_fn) >>> ps_plot.plot_tipper = 'y' >>> ps_plot.station_id = [2, 5] >>> #label only every 3rd station >>> = 3 >>> ps_plot.redraw_plot() """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> ps_plot.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi == None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) == False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, 'WLPseudoSection.' + file_format) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to only be on the major ticks >>> [ax.grid(True, which='major') for ax in [ps_plot.axrte]] >>> ps_plot.update_plot() """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return ("Plots a pseudo section of TE and TM modes for data and " "response if given.")
#============================================================================== # plot misfits as a pseudo-section #==============================================================================
[docs]class PlotMisfitPseudoSection(object): """ plot a pseudo section misfit of the data and response if given .. note:: the output file from winglink does not contain errors, so to get a normalized error, you need to input the error for each component as a percent for resistivity and a value for phase and tipper. If you used the data errors, unfortunately, you have to input those as arrays. Arguments: ------------- **wl_data_fn** : string full path to output data file from winglink ==================== ================================================== key words description ==================== ================================================== axmpte matplotlib.axes instance for TE model phase axmptm matplotlib.axes instance for TM model phase axmrte matplotlib.axes instance for TE model app. res axmrtm matplotlib.axes instance for TM model app. res axpte matplotlib.axes instance for TE data phase axptm matplotlib.axes instance for TM data phase axrte matplotlib.axes instance for TE data app. res. axrtm matplotlib.axes instance for TM data app. res. cb_pad padding between colorbar and axes cb_shrink percentage to shrink the colorbar to fig matplotlib.figure instance fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots per inch fig_num number of figure instance fig_size size of figure in inches (width, height) font_size size of font in points label_list list to label plots ml factor to label stations if 2 every other station is labeled on the x-axis period np.array of periods to plot phase_cmap color map name of phase phase_limits_te limits for te phase in degrees (min, max) phase_limits_tm limits for tm phase in degrees (min, max) plot_resp [ 'y' | 'n' ] to plot response plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot on instantiation res_cmap color map name for resistivity res_limits_te limits for te resistivity in log scale (min, max) res_limits_tm limits for tm resistivity in log scale (min, max) rp_list list of dictionaries as made from read2Dresp station_id index to get station name (min, max) station_list station list got from rp_list subplot_bottom subplot spacing from bottom (relative coordinates) subplot_hspace vertical spacing between subplots subplot_left subplot spacing from left subplot_right subplot spacing from right subplot_top subplot spacing from top subplot_wspace horizontal spacing between subplots ==================== ================================================== =================== ======================================================= Methods Description =================== ======================================================= plot plots a pseudo-section of apparent resistiviy and phase of data and model if given. called on instantiation if plot_yn is 'y'. redraw_plot call redraw_plot to redraw the figures, if one of the attributes has been changed save_figure saves the matplotlib.figure instance to desired location and format =================== ======================================================= :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData() >>> rfile = r"/home/Occam2D/Line1/Inv1/Test_15.resp" >>> ocd.data_fn = r"/home/Occam2D/Line1/Inv1/DataRW.dat" >>> ps1 = ocd.plot2PseudoSection(resp_fn=rfile) """ def __init__(self, data_fn, resp_fn, **kwargs): self.data_fn = data_fn self.resp_fn = resp_fn self.label_list = [r'$\rho_{TE}$', r'$\rho_{TM}$', '$\phi_{TE}$', '$\phi_{TM}$', '$\Re e\{T\}$', '$\Im m\{T\}$'] self.phase_limits_te = kwargs.pop('phase_limits_te', (-10, 10)) self.phase_limits_tm = kwargs.pop('phase_limits_tm', (-10, 10)) self.res_limits_te = kwargs.pop('res_limits_te', (-2, 2)) self.res_limits_tm = kwargs.pop('res_limits_tm', (-2, 2)) self.tip_limits_re = kwargs.pop('tip_limits_re', (-.2, .2)) self.tip_limits_im = kwargs.pop('tip_limits_im', (-.2, .2)) self.phase_cmap = kwargs.pop('phase_cmap', 'BrBG') self.res_cmap = kwargs.pop('res_cmap', 'BrBG_r') self.tip_cmap = kwargs.pop('tip_cmap', 'PuOr') self.plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') = kwargs.pop('ml', 2) self.station_id = kwargs.pop('station_id', [0, 4]) self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.subplot_wspace = .0025 self.subplot_hspace = .0 self.subplot_right = .95 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .97 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') self.cb_shrink = .7 self.cb_pad = .015 self.axrte = None self.axrtm = None self.axpte = None self.axptm = None self.axtpr = None self.axtpi = None self.misfit_te_res = None self.misfit_te_phase = None self.misfit_tm_res = None self.misfit_tm_phase = None self.misfit_tip_real = None self.misfit_tip_imag = None self.fig = None self._data_obj = None if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot()
[docs] def get_misfit(self): """ compute misfit of MT response found from the model and the data. Need to normalize correctly """ data_obj = Data() data_obj.read_data_file(self.data_fn) self._data_obj = data_obj resp_obj = Response() resp_obj.read_response_file(self.resp_fn) n_stations = len(data_obj.station_list) n_periods = len(data_obj.freq) self.misfit_te_res = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) self.misfit_te_phase = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) self.misfit_tm_res = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) self.misfit_tm_phase = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) self.misfit_tip_real = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) self.misfit_tip_imag = np.zeros((n_periods, n_stations)) for rr, r_dict in zip(list(range(n_stations)), resp_obj.resp): self.misfit_te_res[:, rr] = r_dict['te_res'][1] self.misfit_tm_res[:, rr] = r_dict['tm_res'][1] self.misfit_te_phase[:, rr] = r_dict['te_phase'][1] self.misfit_tm_phase[:, rr] = r_dict['tm_phase'][1] self.misfit_tip_real[:, rr] = r_dict['re_tip'][1] self.misfit_tip_imag[:, rr] = r_dict['im_tip'][1] self.misfit_te_res = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_te_res) self.misfit_te_phase = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_te_phase) self.misfit_tm_res = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_tm_res) self.misfit_tm_phase = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_tm_phase) self.misfit_tip_real = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_tip_real) self.misfit_tip_imag = np.nan_to_num(self.misfit_tip_imag)
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot pseudo section of data and response if given """ self.get_misfit() ylimits = (self._data_obj.period.max(), self._data_obj.period.min()) offset_list = np.append(self._data_obj.station_locations, self._data_obj.station_locations[-1] * 1.15) # make a meshgrid for plotting # flip frequency so bottom corner is long period dgrid, fgrid = np.meshgrid(offset_list, self._data_obj.period[::-1]) # make list for station labels ns = len(self._data_obj.station_list) sindex_1 = self.station_id[0] sindex_2 = self.station_id[1] slabel = [self._data_obj.station_list[ss][sindex_1:sindex_2] for ss in range(0, ns,] xloc = offset_list[0] + abs(offset_list[0] - offset_list[1]) / 5 yloc = 1.10 * self._data_obj.period[1] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = self.subplot_hspace plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = self.subplot_wspace self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() if self.plot_tipper != 'y': self.axrte = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.axrtm = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2, sharex=self.axrte) self.axpte = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3, sharex=self.axrte) self.axptm = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=self.axrte) else: self.axrte = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) self.axrtm = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2, sharex=self.axrte) self.axpte = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4, sharex=self.axrte) self.axptm = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5, sharex=self.axrte) self.axtpr = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3, sharex=self.axrte) self.axtpi = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 6, sharex=self.axrte) #--> TE Resistivity self.axrte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_te_res), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1]) #--> TM Resistivity self.axrtm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_tm_res), cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1]) #--> TE Phase self.axpte.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_te_phase), cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1]) #--> TM Phase self.axptm.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_tm_phase), cmap=self.phase_cmap, vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1]) ax_list = [self.axrte, self.axrtm, self.axpte, self.axptm] if self.plot_tipper == 'y': self.axtpr.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_tip_real), cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1]) self.axtpi.pcolormesh(dgrid, fgrid, np.flipud(self.misfit_tip_imag), cmap=self.tip_cmap, vmin=self.tip_limits_im[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_im[1]) ax_list.append(self.axtpr) ax_list.append(self.axtpi) # make everthing look tidy for xx, ax in enumerate(ax_list): ax.semilogy() ax.set_ylim(ylimits) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list[np.arange(0, ns,]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(offset_list, minor=True) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(slabel) ax.set_xlim(offset_list.min(), offset_list.max()) cbx = mcb.make_axes(ax, shrink=self.cb_shrink, pad=self.cb_pad) # te res if xx == 0: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_te[0], vmax=self.res_limits_te[1])) # tm res elif xx == 1: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.res_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('Log$_{10}$ App. Res. ($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # te phase elif xx == 2: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_te[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_te[1])) # tm phase elif xx == 3: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.phase_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.phase_limits_tm[0], vmax=self.phase_limits_tm[1])) cb.set_label('Phase (deg)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # real tipper elif xx == 4: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_re[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_re[1])) cb.set_label('Re{Tip}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # imag tipper elif xx == 5: plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbx[0], cmap=self.tip_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.tip_limits_im[0], vmax=self.tip_limits_im[1])) cb.set_label('Im{Tip}', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'}) # make label for plot ax.text(xloc, yloc, self.label_list[xx], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2}, bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') if xx == 0 or xx == 2: ax.set_ylabel('Period (s)', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) if xx > 1: ax.set_xlabel('Station', fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'})
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> #change color of te markers to a gray-blue >>> p1.res_cmap = 'seismic_r' >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> ps1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi == None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) == False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, 'OccamMisfitPseudoSection.' + file_format) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to only be on the major ticks >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> [ax.grid(True, which='major') for ax in [ps1.axrte,ps1.axtep]] >>> ps1.update_plot() """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return ("Plots a pseudo section of TE and TM modes for data and " "response if given.")