Source code for mtpy.modeling.modem.station


# Generate files for ModEM

# revised by JP 2017
# revised by AK 2017 to bring across functionality from ak branch

import numpy as np
from mtpy.core import mt as mt
from mtpy.utils import gis_tools as gis_tools
# in module imports
from .exception import ModEMError

__all__ = ['Stations']

[docs]class Stations(object): """ station locations class ..note:: If the survey steps across multiple UTM zones, then a distance will be added to the stations to place them in the correct location. This distance is _utm_grid_size_north and _utm_grid_size_east. You should these parameters to place the locations in the proper spot as grid distances and overlaps change over the globe. **This is not implemented yet** """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.dtype = [('station', '|S10'), ('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('elev', np.float), ('rel_east', np.float), ('rel_north', np.float), ('rel_elev', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('zone', 'S4')] self.station_locations = np.zeros(0, dtype=self.dtype) self.model_epsg = None self.model_utm_zone = None self.rotation_angle = 0 for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) ## --> define properties that can only be returned and not set @property def lat(self): return self.station_locations['lat'] @property def lon(self): return self.station_locations['lon'] @property def east(self): return self.station_locations['east'] @property def north(self): return self.station_locations['north'] @property def elev(self): return self.station_locations['elev'] @property def rel_east(self): return self.station_locations['rel_east'] @property def rel_north(self): return self.station_locations['rel_north'] @property def rel_elev(self): return self.station_locations['rel_elev'] @property def utm_zone(self): return self.station_locations['zone'] @property def station(self): return self.station_locations['station'] def _get_mt_objs_from_list(self, input_list): """ get mt_objects from a list of files or mt_objects """ if type(input_list) not in [list, np.ndarray]: raise ValueError('Input list needs to be type list, not {0}'.format(type(input_list))) if type(input_list[0]) is mt.MT: return input_list if type(input_list[0]) is str: if input_list[0].endswith('.edi'): return [mt.MT(fn) for fn in input_list] else: raise ModEMError('file {0} not supported yet'.format(input_list[0][-4:]))
[docs] def get_station_locations(self, input_list): """ get station locations from a list of edi files Arguments ------------- **input_list** : list list of edi file names, or mt_objects Returns ------------ * fills station_locations array """ # print input_list mt_obj_list = self._get_mt_objs_from_list(input_list) # if station locations are not input read from the edi files if mt_obj_list is None: raise AttributeError('mt_obj_list is None, need to input a list of ' 'mt objects to read in.') n_stations = len(mt_obj_list) if n_stations == 0: raise ModEMError('No .edi files in edi_list, please check ' 'file locations.') # make a structured array to put station location information into self.station_locations = np.zeros(n_stations, dtype=self.dtype) # get station locations in meters for ii, mt_obj in enumerate(mt_obj_list): self.station_locations[ii]['lat'] = self.station_locations[ii]['lon'] = mt_obj.lon self.station_locations[ii]['station'] = mt_obj.station self.station_locations[ii]['elev'] = mt_obj.elev if (self.model_epsg is not None) or (self.model_utm_zone is not None): east, north, utm_zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(, mt_obj.lon, utm_zone=self.model_utm_zone, epsg=self.model_epsg) self.station_locations[ii]['east'] = east self.station_locations[ii]['north'] = north self.station_locations[ii]['zone'] = utm_zone else: self.station_locations[ii]['east'] = mt_obj.east self.station_locations[ii]['north'] = mt_obj.north self.station_locations[ii]['zone'] = mt_obj.utm_zone # get relative station locations self.calculate_rel_locations()
[docs] def calculate_rel_locations(self, shift_east=0, shift_north=0): """ put station in a coordinate system relative to (shift_east, shift_north) (+) shift right or up (-) shift left or down """ # # #remove the average distance to get coordinates in a relative space # self.station_locations['rel_east'] = self.east-self.east.mean() # self.station_locations['rel_north'] = self.north-self.north.mean() # # #translate the stations so they are relative to 0,0 # east_center = (self.rel_east.max()-np.abs(self.rel_east.min()))/2. # north_center = (self.rel_north.max()-np.abs(self.rel_north.min()))/2. # # # #remove the average distance to get coordinates in a relative space # self.station_locations['rel_east'] -= east_center+shift_east # self.station_locations['rel_north'] -= north_center+shift_north # translate the stations so they are relative to 0,0 east_center = (self.east.max() + self.east.min()) / 2. north_center = (self.north.max() + self.north.min()) / 2. self.station_locations['rel_east'] = self.east - east_center self.station_locations['rel_north'] = self.north - north_center # BM: Before topograhy is applied to the model, the station # elevation isn't relative to anything (according to # Data.project_stations_on_topography, station elevation is # relevant to topography). So rel_elev and elev are the same. # Once topography has been applied, rel_elev can be calcuated # by calling Data.project_stations_on_topography. self.station_locations['rel_elev'] = self.elev
# make center point a get method, can't set it. @property def center_point(self): """ calculate the center point from the given station locations Returns ------------- **center_location** : np.ndarray structured array of length 1 dtype includes (east, north, zone, lat, lon) """ dtype = [('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('elev', np.float), ('zone', 'S4')] center_location = np.recarray(1, dtype=dtype) # AK - using the mean here but in get_relative_locations used (max + min)/2, why??? # center_point = np.array([self.east.mean(), self.north.mean()]) # # #translate the stations so they are relative to 0,0 # east_center = (self.rel_east.max()-np.abs(self.rel_east.min()))/2 # north_center = (self.rel_north.max()-np.abs(self.rel_north.min()))/2 # # center_point[0] -= east_center # center_point[1] -= north_center # # # calculate center point in lat, lon, easting, northing # center_location['east'] = center_point[0] # center_location['north'] = center_point[1] center_point = np.array([self.east.max() + self.east.min(), self.north.max() + self.north.min()]) / 2. center_location['east'] = center_point[0] center_location['north'] = center_point[1] center_location['zone'] = self.utm_zone[0] center_ll = gis_tools.project_point_utm2ll(float(center_point[0]), float(center_point[1]), self.utm_zone[0], epsg=self.model_epsg) center_location['lat'] = center_ll[0] center_location['lon'] = center_ll[1] # BM: Because we are now writing center_point.elev to ModEm # data file, we need to provide it. # The center point elevation is the highest point of the # model. Before topography is applied, this is the highest # station. After it's applied, it's the highest point # point of the surface model (this will be set by calling # Data.project_stations_on_topography). center_location['elev'] = self.elev.max() return center_location
[docs] def rotate_stations(self, rotation_angle): """ Rotate stations assuming N is 0 Arguments ------------- **rotation_angle** : float angle in degrees assuming N is 0 Returns ------------- * refils rel_east and rel_north in station_locations. Does this because you will still need the original locations for plotting later. """ cos_ang = np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) sin_ang = np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) rot_matrix = np.array([[cos_ang, sin_ang], [-sin_ang, cos_ang]]) coords = np.array([self.station_locations['rel_east'], self.station_locations['rel_north']]) # rotate the relative station locations new_coords = np.array(, coords)) self.station_locations['rel_east'] = new_coords[0, :] self.station_locations['rel_north'] = new_coords[1, :] print('Rotated stations by {0:.1f} deg clockwise from N'.format( rotation_angle))
[docs] def check_utm_crossing(self): """ If the stations cross utm zones, then estimate distance by computing distance on a sphere. """ # # latMid = (Lat1+Lat2 )/2.0; // or just use Lat1 for slightly less accurate estimate # # # m_per_deg_lat = 111132.954 - 559.822 * cos( 2.0 * latMid ) + 1.175 * cos( 4.0 * latMid); # m_per_deg_lon = (3.14159265359/180 ) * 6367449 * cos ( latMid ); # # deltaLat = fabs(Lat1 - Lat2); # deltaLon = fabs(Lon1 - Lon2); # # dist_m = sqrt ( pow( deltaLat * m_per_deg_lat,2) + pow( deltaLon * m_per_deg_lon , 2) ); # pass