Source code for mtpy.modeling.modem.plot_response


# Generate files for ModEM

# revised by JP 2017
# revised by AK 2017 to bring across functionality from ak branch


import numpy as np
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter,LogFormatterSciNotation
from mtpy.imaging import mtplottools as mtplottools
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Data, Residual
from mtpy.core.z import Z, Tipper
import sys

__all__ = ['PlotResponse']

[docs]class PlotResponse(object): """ plot data and response Plots the real and imaginary impedance and induction vector if present. :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.modem as modem >>> dfn = r"/home/MT/ModEM/Inv1/DataFile.dat" >>> rfn = r"/home/MT/ModEM/Inv1/Test_resp_000.dat" >>> mrp = modem.PlotResponse(data_fn=dfn, resp_fn=rfn) >>> # plot only the TE and TM modes >>> mrp.plot_component = 2 >>> mrp.redraw_plot() ======================== ================================================== Attributes Description ======================== ================================================== color_mode [ 'color' | 'bw' ] color or black and white plots cted color for data Z_XX and Z_XY mode ctem color for model Z_XX and Z_XY mode ctmd color for data Z_YX and Z_YY mode ctmm color for model Z_YX and Z_YY mode data_fn full path to data file data_object WSResponse instance e_capsize cap size of error bars in points (*default* is .5) e_capthick cap thickness of error bars in points (*default* is 1) fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots-per-inch (300) fig_list list of matplotlib.figure instances for plots fig_size size of figure in inches (*default* is [6, 6]) font_size size of font for tick labels, axes labels are font_size+2 (*default* is 7) legend_border_axes_pad padding between legend box and axes legend_border_pad padding between border of legend and symbols legend_handle_text_pad padding between text labels and symbols of legend legend_label_spacing padding between labels legend_loc location of legend legend_marker_scale scale of symbols in legend lw line width data curves (*default* is .5) ms size of markers (*default* is 1.5) lw_r line width response curves (*default* is .5) ms_r size of markers response curves (*default* is 1.5) mted marker for data Z_XX and Z_XY mode mtem marker for model Z_XX and Z_XY mode mtmd marker for data Z_YX and Z_YY mode mtmm marker for model Z_YX and Z_YY mode phase_limits limits of phase plot_component [ 2 | 4 ] 2 for TE and TM or 4 for all components plot_style [ 1 | 2 ] 1 to plot each mode in a seperate subplot and 2 to plot xx, xy and yx, yy in same plots plot_type [ '1' | list of station name ] '1' to plot all stations in data file or input a list of station names to plot if station_fn is input, otherwise input a list of integers associated with the index with in the data file, ie 2 for 2nd station plot_z [ True | False ] *default* is True to plot impedance, False for plotting resistivity and phase plot_yn [ 'n' | 'y' ] to plot on instantiation res_limits limits of resistivity in linear scale resp_fn full path to response file resp_object WSResponse object for resp_fn, or list of WSResponse objects if resp_fn is a list of response files station_fn full path to station file written by WSStation subplot_bottom space between axes and bottom of figure subplot_hspace space between subplots in vertical direction subplot_left space between axes and left of figure subplot_right space between axes and right of figure subplot_top space between axes and top of figure subplot_wspace space between subplots in horizontal direction ======================== ================================================== """ def __init__(self, data_fn=None, resp_fn=None, **kwargs): self.data_fn = data_fn self.resp_fn = resp_fn self.data_object = None self.resp_object = [] self.color_mode = kwargs.pop('color_mode', 'color') = kwargs.pop('ms', 1.5) self.ms_r = kwargs.pop('ms_r', 3) self.lw = kwargs.pop('lw', .5) self.lw_r = kwargs.pop('lw_r', 1.0) = kwargs.pop('ls',':') self.e_capthick = kwargs.pop('e_capthick', .5) self.e_capsize = kwargs.pop('e_capsize', 2) self.plot_style = kwargs.pop('plot_style', 1) if self.plot_style not in [1, 2, 3]: print(("self.plot_style = %s. It MUST be either 1 (default; 4 column figures) or 2 (2 column figures) or 3 (1 column figures)" % str(self.plot_style))) self.plot_style = 1 # color mode if self.color_mode == 'color': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 1)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (1, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', 's') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'o') # color for occam2d model if self.plot_style == 3: # if plot_style is 3, set default color for model response to same as data self.ctem = kwargs.pop('ctem',self.cted) self.ctmm = kwargs.pop('ctmm',self.ctmd) else: self.ctem = kwargs.pop('ctem', (0, .6, .3)) self.ctmm = kwargs.pop('ctmm', (.9, 0, .8)) self.mtem = kwargs.pop('mtem', '+') self.mtmm = kwargs.pop('mtmm', '+') # black and white mode elif self.color_mode == 'bw': # color for data self.cted = kwargs.pop('cted', (0, 0, 0)) self.ctmd = kwargs.pop('ctmd', (0, 0, 0)) self.mted = kwargs.pop('mted', 's') self.mtmd = kwargs.pop('mtmd', 'o') # color for occam2d model self.ctem = kwargs.pop('ctem', (0.6, 0.6, 0.6)) self.ctmm = kwargs.pop('ctmm', (0.6, 0.6, 0.6)) self.mtem = kwargs.pop('mtem', '+') self.mtmm = kwargs.pop('mtmm', 'x') self.phase_limits = kwargs.pop('phase_limits', None) self.res_limits = kwargs.pop('res_limits', None) self.phase_limits_d = kwargs.pop('phase_limits_d', None) self.res_limits_d = kwargs.pop('res_limits_d', None) self.res_limits_od = kwargs.pop('res_limits_od', None) self.tipper_limits = kwargs.pop('tipper_limits', None) self.period_limits = kwargs.pop('period_limits', None) self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.subplot_wspace = kwargs.pop('subplot_wspace', .3) self.subplot_hspace = kwargs.pop('subplot_hspace', .0) self.subplot_right = kwargs.pop('subplot_right', .98) self.subplot_left = kwargs.pop('subplot_left', .08) self.subplot_top = kwargs.pop('subplot_top', .85) self.subplot_bottom = kwargs.pop('subplot_bottom', .1) self.legend_loc = 'upper center' self.legend_pos = (.5, 1.18) self.legend_pos_tipper = (.5, 1.18) self.legend_marker_scale = 1 self.legend_border_axes_pad = .01 self.legend_label_spacing = 0.07 self.legend_handle_text_pad = .2 self.legend_border_pad = .15 self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 6) self.plot_type = kwargs.pop('plot_type', '1') self.plot_component = kwargs.pop('plot_component', 4) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') self.save_plots = kwargs.pop('save_plots', False) self.plot_z = kwargs.pop('plot_z', True) self.ylabel_pad = kwargs.pop('ylabel_pad', 1.25) self.label_axes = kwargs.pop('label_axes',True) self.shift_yx_phase = kwargs.pop('shift_yx_phase',False) self.savepath = kwargs.pop('savepath','.') self.fig_list = [] # if self.plot_yn == 'y': # self.plot() def plot(self): if self.plot_style == 1: # and has tipper data self._plot() if self.plot_style == 2: self._plot_2col() if self.plot_style == 3: self._plot_1col() def _read_files(self): self.data_object = Data() self.data_object.read_data_file(self.data_fn) # read in response files if self.resp_fn is not None: self.resp_object = [] if not isinstance(self.resp_fn, list): resp_obj = Data() resp_obj.read_data_file(self.resp_fn) self.resp_object = [resp_obj] else: for rfile in self.resp_fn: resp_obj = Data() resp_obj.read_data_file(rfile) self.resp_object.append(resp_obj) def _plot(self): """ plot as an internal function of this class """ self._read_files() # get shape of impedance tensors ns = len(list(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys())) # get number of response files nr = len(self.resp_object) if type(self.plot_type) is list: ns = len(self.plot_type) # --> set default font size plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size fontdict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} if self.plot_z: h_ratio = [1, 1, .5] elif not self.plot_z: h_ratio = [1.5, 1, .5] ax_list = [] line_list = [] label_list = [] if self.plot_type != '1': pstation_list = [] if type(self.plot_type) is not list: self.plot_type = [self.plot_type] for ii, station in enumerate(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys()): if type(station) is not int: for pstation in self.plot_type: if station.find(str(pstation)) >= 0: pstation_list.append(station) else: for pstation in self.plot_type: if station == int(pstation): pstation_list.append(ii) else: pstation_list = list(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys()) for jj, station in enumerate(pstation_list): z_obj = self.data_object.mt_dict[station].Z t_obj = self.data_object.mt_dict[station].Tipper period = self.data_object.period_list print('Plotting: {0}'.format(station)) # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color': self.cted, 'marker': self.mted, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} kw_yy = {'color': self.ctmd, 'marker': self.mtmd, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} # convert to apparent resistivity and phase z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() # find locations where points have been masked nzxx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 0])[0] nzxy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 1])[0] nzyx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 0])[0] nzyy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 1])[0] ntx = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 0])[0] nty = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 1])[0] # convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z: scaling = np.zeros_like(z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1. / np.sqrt(z_obj.freq) plot_res = abs(z_obj.z.real * scaling) plot_res_err = abs(z_obj.z_err * scaling) plot_phase = abs(z_obj.z.imag * scaling) plot_phase_err = abs(z_obj.z_err * scaling) h_ratio = [1, 1, .5] elif not self.plot_z: plot_res = z_obj.resistivity plot_res_err = z_obj.resistivity_err plot_phase = z_obj.phase plot_phase_err = z_obj.phase_err h_ratio = [1.5, 1, .5] try: self.res_limits_d = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(min([plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0].min(), plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1].min()])))), 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(max([plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0].max(), plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1].max()]))))) except ValueError: self.res_limits_d = None try: self.res_limits_od = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(min([plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1].min(), plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0].min()])))), 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(max([plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1].max(), plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0].max()]))))) except ValueError: self.res_limits_od = None # make figure fig = plt.figure(station, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() fig.suptitle(str(station), fontdict=fontdict) # set the grid of subplots if np.all(t_obj.tipper == 0.0) == True: self.plot_tipper = False gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=h_ratio[:2]) else: self.plot_tipper = True self.tipper_limits = (np.round(min([t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real.min(), t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real.min(), t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag.min(), t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag.min()]), 1), np.round(max([t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real.max(), t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real.max(), t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag.max(), t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag.max()]), 1)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 4, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=h_ratio) axrxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axrxx) axryx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], sharex=axrxx, sharey=axrxy) axryy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 3], sharex=axrxx, sharey=axrxx) axpxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrxx) axpyx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2], sharex=axrxx) axpyy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 3], sharex=axrxx) if self.plot_tipper == True: axtxr = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=axrxx) axtxi = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=axrxx, sharey=axtxr) axtyr = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 2], sharex=axrxx) axtyi = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 3], sharex=axrxx, sharey=axtyr) self.ax_list = [axrxx, axrxy, axryx, axryy, axpxx, axpxy, axpyx, axpyy, axtxr, axtxi, axtyr, axtyi] else: self.ax_list = [axrxx, axrxy, axryx, axryy, axpxx, axpxy, axpyx, axpyy] # ---------plot the apparent resistivity----------------------------------- # plot each component in its own subplot # plot data response erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_res_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_res_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_res_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_res_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) # plot phase epxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_phase_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) epxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_phase_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) epyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_phase_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) epyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_phase_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) # plot tipper if self.plot_tipper: ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxr, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyr, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) eptx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxi, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) epty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyi, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) print(("self.plot_tipper = {}".format(self.plot_tipper))) # ---------------------------------------------- # get error bar list for editing later if not self.plot_tipper: try: self._err_list = [[erxx[1][0], erxx[1][1], erxx[2][0]], [erxy[1][0], erxy[1][1], erxy[2][0]], [eryx[1][0], eryx[1][1], eryx[2][0]], [eryy[1][0], eryy[1][1], eryy[2][0]]] line_list = [[erxx[0]], [erxy[0]], [eryx[0]], [eryy[0]]] except IndexError: print('Found no Z components for {0}'.format(self.station)) line_list = [[None], [None], [None], [None]] self._err_list = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]] else: try: line_list = [[erxx[0]], [erxy[0]], [eryx[0]], [eryy[0]], [ertx[0]], [erty[0]]] self._err_list = [[erxx[1][0], erxx[1][1], erxx[2][0]], [erxy[1][0], erxy[1][1], erxy[2][0]], [eryx[1][0], eryx[1][1], eryx[2][0]], [eryy[1][0], eryy[1][1], eryy[2][0]], [ertx[1][0], ertx[1][1], ertx[2][0]], [erty[1][0], erty[1][1], erty[2][0]]] except IndexError: print('Found no Z components for {0}'.format(station)) line_list = [[None], [None], [None], [None], [None], [None]] self._err_list = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]] # ------------------------------------------ # make things look nice # set titles of the Z components label_list = [['$Z_{xx}$'], ['$Z_{xy}$'], ['$Z_{yx}$'], ['$Z_{yy}$']] for ax, label in zip(self.ax_list[0:4], label_list): ax.set_title(label[0], fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set legends for tipper components # fake a line l1 = plt.Line2D([0], [0], linewidth=0, color='w', linestyle='None', marker='.') t_label_list = ['Re{$T_x$}', 'Im{$T_x$}', 'Re{$T_y$}', 'Im{$T_y$}'] label_list += [['$T_{x}$'], ['$T_{y}$']] if self.plot_tipper: for ax, label in zip(self.ax_list[-4:], t_label_list): ax.legend([l1], [label], loc='upper left', markerscale=.01, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.01, handletextpad=.05, borderpad=.05, prop={'size': max([self.font_size, 6])}) # set axis properties for aa, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list): ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=self.ylabel_pad) if self.plot_tipper==False: if aa < 4: if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if aa < 8: # ylabels[-1] = '' # ylabels[0] = '' # ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) # plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if aa < 4 and self.plot_z is False: ylabels = ax.get_yticklabels() ylabels[0] = '' ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if aa == 0 or aa == 3: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits_d) elif aa == 1 or aa == 2: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits_od) if aa > 3 and aa < 8 and self.plot_z is False: #ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10.0)) if self.phase_limits_d is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.phase_limits_d) # set axes labels if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 4: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 8: ax.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict=fontdict) if aa > 7: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(.1)) if self.tipper_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) else: pass ax.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # set period limits if self.period_limits is None: self.period_limits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(period[0]))) * 1.01, 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(period[-1]))) * .99) ax.set_xlim(xmin=self.period_limits[0], xmax=self.period_limits[1]) ax.grid(True, alpha=.25) ylabels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() if aa < 8: ylabels[-1] = '' ylabels[0] = '' ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # plot model response if self.resp_object is not None: for resp_obj in self.resp_object: resp_z_obj = resp_obj.mt_dict[station].Z resp_z_err = np.nan_to_num((z_obj.z - resp_z_obj.z) / z_obj.z_err) resp_z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() resp_t_obj = resp_obj.mt_dict[station].Tipper resp_t_err = np.nan_to_num((t_obj.tipper - resp_t_obj.tipper) / t_obj.tipper_err) # convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z == True: scaling = np.zeros_like(resp_z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1. / np.sqrt(resp_z_obj.freq) r_plot_res = abs(resp_z_obj.z.real * scaling) r_plot_phase = abs(resp_z_obj.z.imag * scaling) elif self.plot_z == False: r_plot_res = resp_z_obj.resistivity r_plot_phase = resp_z_obj.phase rms_xx = resp_z_err[:, 0, 0].std() rms_xy = resp_z_err[:, 0, 1].std() rms_yx = resp_z_err[:, 1, 0].std() rms_yy = resp_z_err[:, 1, 1].std() # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color': self.ctem, 'marker': self.mtem, 'ms': self.ms_r, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.lw_r, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} kw_yy = {'color': self.ctmm, 'marker': self.mtmm, 'ms': self.ms_r, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.lw_r, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} # plot data response rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], r_plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], r_plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) # plot phase repxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) repxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) repyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], r_plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) repyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], r_plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) # plot tipper if self.plot_tipper == True: rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxr, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, None, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyr, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real, None, **kw_yy) reptx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxi, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag, None, **kw_xx) repty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyi, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, None, **kw_yy) if self.plot_tipper == False: line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] else: line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] line_list[4] += [rertx[0]] line_list[5] += [rerty[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] label_list[4] += ['$T^m_{x}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(resp_t_err[:, 0, 0].std())] label_list[5] += ['$T^m_{y}$' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(resp_t_err[:, 0, 1].std())] legend_ax_list = self.ax_list[0:4] # if self.plot_tipper == True: # legend_ax_list += [self.ax_list[-4], self.ax_list[-2]] for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): ax.legend(line_list[aa], label_list[aa], loc=self.legend_loc, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, framealpha=1, prop={'size': max([self.font_size, 5])}) if self.save_plots: save_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.data_fn),station+'.png') self.save_figure(save_filename,fig_dpi=self.fig_dpi) def _plot_2col(self): """ Internal method to plot responses in 2 columns of subplots. Show the figure and optionally save to a file named save2file """ self._read_files() # get shape of impedance tensors ns = len(list(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys())) # get number of response files nr = len(self.resp_object) if isinstance(self.plot_type, list): ns = len(self.plot_type) # --> set default font size plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size fontdict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} if self.plot_z == True: h_ratio = [1, 1] elif self.plot_z == False: # h_ratio = [2, 1.5] h_ratio = [2.0, 1.5, 0.75] self.ax_list = [] line_list = [] label_list = [] if self.plot_type != '1': pstation_list = [] if not isinstance(self.plot_type, list): self.plot_type = [self.plot_type] for ii, station in enumerate(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys()): if not isinstance(station, int): for pstation in self.plot_type: if station.find(str(pstation)) >= 0: pstation_list.append(station) else: for pstation in self.plot_type: if station == int(pstation): pstation_list.append(ii) else: pstation_list = list(self.data_object.mt_dict.keys()) for jj, station in enumerate(pstation_list): z_obj = self.data_object.mt_dict[station].Z t_obj = self.data_object.mt_dict[station].Tipper period = self.data_object.period_list # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color': self.cted, 'marker': self.mted, 'ms':, 'ls':, 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} kw_yy = {'color': self.ctmd, 'marker': self.mtmd, 'ms':, 'ls':, 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} # convert to apparent resistivity and phase rp = mtplottools.ResPhase(z_object=z_obj) # find locations where points have been masked nzxx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 0])[0] nzxy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 1])[0] nzyx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 0])[0] nzyy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 1])[0] ntx = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 0])[0] nty = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 1])[0] if self.resp_fn is not None: plotr = True else: plotr = False # make figure fig = plt.figure(station, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) self.fig_list.append(fig) plt.clf() fig.suptitle(str(station), fontdict=fontdict) # set the grid of subplots tipper_zero = (np.round(abs(t_obj.tipper.mean()), 4) == 0.0) if tipper_zero == False: # makes more sense if plot_tipper is True to plot tipper plot_tipper = True else: plot_tipper = False if plot_tipper == True: # gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 6, # wspace=self.subplot_wspace, # left=self.subplot_left, # top=self.subplot_top, # bottom=self.subplot_bottom, # right=self.subplot_right, # hspace=self.subplot_hspace, # height_ratios=h_ratio) if len(h_ratio) < 3 : h_ratio = [2.0, 1.5, 0.75] gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=h_ratio) else: if len(h_ratio) >= 3 : h_ratio = [1,1] gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=h_ratio) # ---------plot the apparent resistivity--------------------------- # plot each component in its own subplot # plot xy and yx together and xx, yy together if self.plot_style == 2: # rp.phasexy[rp.phasexy > 180] -= 360 # rp.phaseyx[rp.phaseyx > 180] -= 360 if self.plot_component == 2: if plot_tipper == False: axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:]) axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:], sharex=axrxy) else: axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:4]) axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:4], sharex=axrxy) axtr = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 4:], sharex=axrxy) axti = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 4:], sharex=axrxy) if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], rp.resxy[nzxy], rp.resxy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], rp.resyx[nzyx], rp.resyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) # plot phase erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], rp.phasexy[nzxy], rp.phasexy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], rp.phaseyx[nzyx], rp.phaseyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxy, 1, 0].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxy, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) # plot phase erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], abs(z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) # plot tipper if plot_tipper == True: ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period, t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period, t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period, t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period, t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) if plot_tipper == False: self.ax_list = [axrxy, axpxy] line_list = [erxy[0], eryx[0]] label_list = ['$Z_{xy}$', '$Z_{yx}$'] else: self.ax_list = [axrxy, axpxy, axtr, axti] line_list = [[erxy[0], eryx[0]], [ertx[0], erty[0]]] label_list = [['$Z_{xy}$', '$Z_{yx}$'], ['$T_{x}$', '$T_{y}$']] elif self.plot_component == 4: if plot_tipper == False: axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:2]) axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:2], sharex=axrxy) axrxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:], sharex=axrxy) axpxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2:], sharex=axrxy) else: # axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:2]) # axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:2], sharex=axrxy) # # # axrxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:4], sharex=axrxy) # axpxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2:4], sharex=axrxy) # # axtr = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 4:], sharex=axrxy) # axti = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 4:], sharex=axrxy) axrxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axpxy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=axrxy) axrxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axrxy) axpxx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrxy) axtr = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=axrxy) axti = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=axrxy) if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], rp.resxx[nzxx], rp.resxx_err[nzxx], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], rp.resxy[nzxy], rp.resxy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], rp.resyx[nzyx], rp.resyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzyy], rp.resyy[nzyy], rp.resyy_err[nzyy], **kw_yy) # plot phase erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], rp.phasexx[nzxx], rp.phasexx_err[nzxx], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], rp.phasexy[nzxy], rp.phasexy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], rp.phaseyx[nzyx], rp.phaseyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzyy], rp.phaseyy[nzyy], rp.phaseyy_err[nzyy], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxx, 0, 0].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxx, 0, 0].real), **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], abs(z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzyy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzyy, 1, 1].real), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzyy, 1, 1].real), **kw_yy) # plot phase erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxx, 0, 0].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxx, 0, 0].real), **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], abs(z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzyy], abs(z_obj.z[ nzyy, 1, 1].imag), abs(z_obj.z_err[ nzyy, 1, 1].real), **kw_yy) # plot tipper if plot_tipper == True: ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) if plot_tipper == False: self.ax_list = [axrxy, axrxx, axpxy, axpxx] line_list = [[erxy[0], eryx[0]], [erxx[0], eryy[0]]] label_list = [['$Z_{xy}$', '$Z_{yx}$'], ['$Z_{xx}$', '$Z_{yy}$']] else: self.ax_list = [axrxy, axrxx, axpxy, axpxx, axtr, axti] line_list = [[erxy[0], eryx[0]], [erxx[0], eryy[0]], [ertx[0], erty[0]]] label_list = [['$Z_{xy}$', '$Z_{yx}$'], ['$Z_{xx}$', '$Z_{yy}$'], ['$T_x$', '$T_y$']] # set axis properties for aa, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list): ax.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # ylabels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() # ylabels[-1] = '' # ylabels[0] = '' # ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) if len(self.ax_list) == 2: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ylim = ax.get_ylim() ylimits = (10 ** np.floor(np.log10(ylim[0])), 10 ** np.ceil(np.log10(ylim[1]))) ax.set_ylim(ylimits) ylabels = [' '] + \ [mtplottools.labeldict[ii] for ii in np.arange(np.log10(ylimits[0]), np.log10(ylimits[1]), 1)] + \ [' '] ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) if aa == 0: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('|Re[Z (mV/km nT)]|', fontdict=fontdict) if self.res_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits) else: ax.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('|Im[Z (mV/km nT)]|', fontdict=fontdict) elif len(self.ax_list) == 4 and plot_tipper == False: if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if aa < 2: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if self.res_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits) else: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 2: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif len(self.ax_list) == 4 and plot_tipper == True: if aa == 0 or aa == 2: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if self.res_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits) elif aa < 4: ax.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if self.tipper_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 1: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif len(self.ax_list) == 6 and plot_tipper == True: if aa < 2: # Changes applied # plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == False: if aa == 0 or aa == 1: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ylim = ax.get_ylim() ylimits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(ylim[0]))), 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(ylim[1])))) ax.set_ylim(ylimits) if self.res_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.res_limits) elif aa < 4: ax.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if self.tipper_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res . ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 2: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) if aa == 0: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(LogFormatterSciNotation()) if aa == 2: # Setting the decimal places ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')) pass if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') # else: # plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) if aa == 4: if plot_tipper: ax.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict=fontdict) # writing x axis ticks and making it visible if ((aa == 4 or aa == 5) and plot_tipper == True) or \ ((aa == 2 or aa == 3) and plot_tipper == False): plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=True) else: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # set period limits if self.period_limits is None: self.period_limits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(period[0]))) * 1.01, 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(period[-1]))) * .99) ax.set_xlim(xmin=self.period_limits[0], xmax=self.period_limits[1]) ax.grid(True, alpha=.25) if plotr == True: for rr in range(nr): if self.color_mode == 'color': cxy = (0, .4 + float(rr) / (3 * nr), 0) cyx = (.7 + float(rr) / (4 * nr), .13, .63 - float(rr) / (4 * nr)) elif self.color_mode == 'bw': cxy = tuple(3 * [1 - .5 / (rr + 1)]) cyx = tuple(3 * [1 - .5 / (rr + 1)]) resp_z_obj = self.resp_object[rr].mt_dict[station].Z resp_z_err = np.nan_to_num( (z_obj.z - resp_z_obj.z) / z_obj.z_err) resp_t_obj = self.resp_object[rr].mt_dict[station].Tipper resp_t_err = np.nan_to_num((t_obj.tipper - resp_t_obj.tipper) / t_obj.tipper_err) rrp = mtplottools.ResPhase(resp_z_obj) rms = resp_z_err.std() rms_xx = resp_z_err[:, 0, 0].std() rms_xy = resp_z_err[:, 0, 1].std() rms_yx = resp_z_err[:, 1, 0].std() rms_yy = resp_z_err[:, 1, 1].std() rms_tx = resp_t_err[:, 0, 0].std() rms_ty = resp_t_err[:, 0, 1].std() # print ' --- response {0} ---'.format(rr) # print ' RMS = {:.2f}'.format(rms) # print ' RMS_xx = {:.2f}'.format(rms_xx) # print ' RMS_xy = {:.2f}'.format(rms_xy) # print ' RMS_yx = {:.2f}'.format(rms_yx) # print ' RMS_yy = {:.2f}'.format(rms_yy) # print ' RMS_Tx = {:.2f}'.format(rms_tx) # print ' RMS_Ty = {:.2f}'.format(rms_ty) # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color': self.ctem,#cxy, 'marker': self.mtem, 'ms':, 'ls':, 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} kw_yy = {'color': self.ctmm,#cyx, 'marker': self.mtmm, 'ms':, 'ls':, 'lw': self.lw, 'e_capsize': self.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.e_capthick} # if self.plot_style == 1: # if self.plot_component == 2: # if self.plot_z == False: # # plot resistivity # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, # period[nzxy], # rrp.resxy[ # nzxy], # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, # period[nzyx], # rrp.resyx[ # nzyx], # **kw_yy) # # plot phase # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, # period[nzxy], # rrp.phasexy[ # nzxy], # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, # period[nzyx], # rrp.phaseyx[ # nzyx], # **kw_yy) # elif self.plot_z == True: # # plot real # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, # period[nzxy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxy, 0, 1].real), # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, # period[nzyx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyx, 1, 0].real), # **kw_yy) # # plot phase # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, # period[nzxy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxy, 0, 1].imag), # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, # period[nzyx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyx, 1, 0].imag), # **kw_yy) # if plot_tipper == True: # rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, # period[ntx], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # ntx, 0, 0].real, # **kw_xx) # rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, # period[nty], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # nty, 0, 1].real, # **kw_yy) # # rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, # period[ntx], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # ntx, 0, 0].imag, # **kw_xx) # rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, # period[nty], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # nty, 0, 1].imag, # **kw_yy) # # if plot_tipper == False: # line_list[0] += [rerxy[0]] # line_list[1] += [reryx[0]] # label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] # label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] # else: # line_list[0] += [rerxy[0]] # line_list[1] += [reryx[0]] # line_list[2] += [rertx[0], rerty[0]] # label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] # label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] # label_list[2] += ['$T^m_{x}$' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_tx), # '$T^m_{y}$' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_ty)] # elif self.plot_component == 4: # if self.plot_z == False: # # plot resistivity # rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, # period[nzxx], # rrp.resxx[ # nzxx], # **kw_xx) # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, # period[nzxy], # rrp.resxy[ # nzxy], # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, # period[nzyx], # rrp.resyx[ # nzyx], # **kw_yy) # reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, # period[nzyy], # rrp.resyy[ # nzyy], # **kw_yy) # # plot phase # rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, # period[nzxx], # rrp.phasexx[ # nzxx], # **kw_xx) # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, # period[nzxy], # rrp.phasexy[ # nzxy], # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, # period[nzyx], # rrp.phaseyx[ # nzyx], # **kw_yy) # reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, # period[nzyy], # rrp.phaseyy[ # nzyy], # **kw_yy) # elif self.plot_z == True: # # plot real # rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, # period[nzxx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxx, 0, 0].real), # **kw_xx) # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, # period[nzxy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxy, 0, 1].real), # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, # period[nzyx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyx, 1, 0].real), # **kw_yy) # reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, # period[nzyy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyy, 1, 1].real), # **kw_yy) # # plot phase # rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, # period[nzxx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxx, 0, 0].imag), # **kw_xx) # rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, # period[nzxy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzxy, 0, 1].imag), # **kw_xx) # reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, # period[nzyx], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyx, 1, 0].imag), # **kw_yy) # reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, # period[nzyy], # abs(resp_z_obj.z[ # nzyy, 1, 1].imag), # **kw_yy) # if plot_tipper == True: # rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxr, # period[ntx], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # ntx, 0, 0].real, # **kw_xx) # rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyr, # period[nty], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # nty, 0, 1].real, # **kw_yy) # # rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxi, # period[ntx], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # ntx, 0, 0].imag, # **kw_xx) # rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyi, # period[nty], # resp_t_obj.tipper[ # nty, 0, 1].imag, # **kw_yy) # # if plot_tipper == False: # line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] # line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] # line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] # line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] # label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] # label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] # label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] # label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] # else: # line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] # line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] # line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] # line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] # line_list[4] += [rertx[0]] # line_list[5] += [rerty[0]] # label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] # label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] # label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] # label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] # label_list[4] += ['$T^m_{x}$' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_tx)] # label_list[5] += ['$T^m_{y}$' + # 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_ty)] if self.plot_style == 2: # rrp.phasexy[rrp.phasexy > 180] -= 360 # rrp.phaseyx[rrp.phaseyx > 180] -= 360 if self.plot_component == 2: if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], rrp.resxy[ nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], rrp.resyx[ nzyx], **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], rrp.phasexy[ nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], rrp.phaseyx[ nzyx], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].imag), **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].imag), **kw_xx) if plot_tipper == True: rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].real, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].real, **kw_yy) rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].imag, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].imag, **kw_yy) if plot_tipper == False: line_list += [rerxy[0], reryx[0]] label_list += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy), '$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] else: line_list[0] += [rerxy[0], reryx[0]] line_list[1] += [rertx[0], rerty[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy), '$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[1] += ['$T^m_{x}$' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_tx), '$T^m_{y}$' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_ty)] elif self.plot_component == 4: if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], rrp.resxx[ nzxx], **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], rrp.resxy[ nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], rrp.resyx[ nzyx], **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzyy], rrp.resyy[ nzyy], **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], rrp.phasexx[ nzxx], **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], rrp.phasexy[ nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], rrp.phaseyx[ nzyx], **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzyy], rrp.phaseyy[ nzyy], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxx, 0, 0].real), **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].real), **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzyx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].real), **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzyy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyy, 1, 1].real), **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxx, 0, 0].imag), **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzxy, 0, 1].imag), **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzyx], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyx, 1, 0].imag), **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzyy], abs(resp_z_obj.z[ nzyy, 1, 1].imag), **kw_yy) if plot_tipper == True: rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].real, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtr, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].real, **kw_yy) rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ ntx, 0, 0].imag, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axti, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[ nty, 0, 1].imag, **kw_yy) if plot_tipper == False: line_list[0] += [rerxy[0], reryx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxx[0], reryy[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy), '$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx), '$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] else: line_list[0] += [rerxy[0], reryx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxx[0], reryy[0]] line_list[2] += [rertx[0], rerty[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy), '$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx), '$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] label_list[2] += ['$T^m_{x}$' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_tx), '$T^m_{y}$' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_ty)] # make legends # if self.plot_style == 1: # legend_ax_list = self.ax_list[0:self.plot_component] # if plot_tipper == True: # if self.plot_component == 2: # legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[4]) # elif self.plot_component == 4: # legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[8]) # legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[10]) # for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): # ax.legend(line_list[aa], # label_list[aa], # loc=self.legend_loc, # bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_pos, # markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, # borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, # labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, # handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, # borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, # prop={'size': max([self.font_size / (nr + 1), 5])}) if self.plot_style == 2: if self.plot_component == 2: legend_ax_list = [self.ax_list[0]] if plot_tipper == True: legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[2]) for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): # work out if tipper or z legend and update position accordingly if aa < 1: legend_pos = self.legend_pos else: legend_pos = self.legend_pos_tipper ax.legend(line_list[aa], label_list[aa], loc=self.legend_loc, bbox_to_anchor=legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, prop={'size': max([self.font_size / (nr + 1), 4])}) else: legend_ax_list = self.ax_list[0:int(self.plot_component / 2)] if plot_tipper == True: if self.plot_component == 2: legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[2]) elif self.plot_component == 4: legend_ax_list.append(self.ax_list[4]) # # add text to distinguish real and imaginary tipper # for aa, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list[4:]): # ax.text(0.5,0.8,['Real','Imaginary'][aa], # ha='center',va='center', # transform=ax.transAxes) for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): if aa < 2: legend_pos = self.legend_pos else: legend_pos = self.legend_pos_tipper ax.legend(line_list[aa], label_list[aa], loc=self.legend_loc, bbox_to_anchor=legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, prop={'size': max([self.font_size / (nr + 1), 4])}) if self.save_plots: save_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.data_fn),station+'.png') self.save_figure(save_filename,fig_dpi=self.fig_dpi) else: pass # --> BE SURE TO SHOW THE PLOT def _get_station_index_list(self): """ get list of station indices to plot """ allstations = self.data_object.station_locations.station allstations_up = [str.upper(val) for val in allstations] if self.plot_type == '1': # plot all stations s_index_list = range(len(allstations)) else: s_index_list = [] for st in self.plot_type: # if integer, assume it is an index if type(st) == int: s_index_list.append(st) # else, search for station name (case-sensitive) elif st in allstations: s_index_list.append(list(allstations).index(st)) # else, search for station name (not case-sensitive) elif str.upper(st) in allstations_up: s_index_list.append(list(allstations_up).index(str.upper(st))) return s_index_list def _plot_1col(self): """ plot data and response in a 1-column plot All elements of the impedance tensor are overlaid, with diagonals semi- transparent (XX has same color as ctem/cted, YY has same color as ctmm/ctmd) """ # read files self._read_files() # get station indices to plot s_index_list = self._get_station_index_list() # collate a list of data objects to plot data_objects = [self.data_object] if type(self.resp_object) in [list,np.ndarray]: data_objects += self.resp_object else: data_objects.append(self.resp_object) # get residual object if data and response are provided if ((self.data_fn is not None) and (self.resp_fn is not None)): rsObj = Residual() rsObj.calculate_residual_from_data(data_fn=self.data_fn, resp_fn=self.resp_fn, save=False) rms = rsObj.rms_array['rms'] else: rms = np.nan # get period limits if self.period_limits is None: self.period_limits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(self.data_object.period_list[0]))) * 1.01, 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(self.data_object.period_list[-1]))) * .99) # initialise color/marker/linestyle/transparency lists for plotting color_z = np.array([[[self.cted,self.cted],[self.ctmd,self.ctmd]], [[self.ctem,self.ctem],[self.ctmm,self.ctmm]]]) markers = np.array([[[self.mted,self.mted],[self.mtmd,self.mtmd]], [[self.mtem,self.mtem],[self.mtmm,self.mtmm]]]) linestyles=['','--'] alpha = 1.-np.eye(2)*0.8 color_tip = np.array([[self.cted,self.ctmd],[self.ctem,self.ctmd]]) #--> set default font size plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size fontdict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} for ii,si in enumerate(s_index_list): fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.fig_size) # make some axes for the plot if self.label_axes: left = 0.25 else: left = 0.15 if self.plot_z: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4,1,height_ratios=[0.85,0.85,0.3,0.3],hspace=0.1,left=left) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4,1,height_ratios=[1,0.7,0.3,0.3],hspace=0.1,left=left) axr = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0],xscale='log',yscale='log',xlim=self.period_limits) axp = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0],xscale='log',sharex=axr) axt = [fig.add_subplot(gs[2,0],xscale='log',sharex=axr), fig.add_subplot(gs[3,0],xscale='log',sharex=axr)] for di in range(len(data_objects)): dObj = data_objects[di] zObj = Z(z_array=dObj.data_array['z'][si], z_err_array=dObj.data_array['z_err'][si], freq=1./dObj.period_list) tObj = Tipper(tipper_array=dObj.data_array['tip'][si], tipper_err_array=dObj.data_array['tip_err'][si], freq=1./dObj.period_list) if self.plot_z: data1 = np.abs(zObj.z.real) data2 = np.abs(zObj.z.imag) data1label = 'Z (real)' data2label = 'Z (imag)' data1err = zObj.z_err data2err = zObj.z_err axp.set_yscale('log') else: data1 = zObj.resistivity data2 = zObj.phase if self.shift_yx_phase: data2[:,1,0] += 180. data1label = 'Resistivity, $\Omega$m' data2label = 'Phase, degree' data1err = zObj.resistivity_err data2err = zObj.phase_err if di >= 1: data1err = np.zeros_like(data1err) data2err = np.zeros_like(data2err) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): kwargs={'color':color_z[di,i,j], 'ls':linestyles[di], 'marker':markers[di,i,j], 'alpha':alpha[i,j]} nonzero = np.nonzero(data1[:,i,j])[0] axr.errorbar(1./zObj.freq[nonzero],data1[nonzero][:,i,j],yerr=data1err[nonzero][:,i,j],label='Res'+'XY'[i]+'XY'[j],**kwargs) axp.errorbar(1./zObj.freq[nonzero],data2[nonzero][:,i,j],yerr=data2err[nonzero][:,i,j],label='Phs'+'XY'[i]+'XY'[j],**kwargs) nonzerot = np.nonzero(tObj.tipper[:,0,i]) tipper_err = tObj.tipper_err[nonzerot][:,0,i] if di >= 1: tipper_err = np.zeros_like(tipper_err) kwargs['alpha'] = 1. kwargs['color'] = color_tip[di,0] axt[i].errorbar(1./tObj.freq[nonzerot],tObj.tipper.real[nonzerot][:,0,i],tipper_err,label='Tip'+'XY'[i]+'R',**kwargs) kwargs['color'] = color_tip[di,1] axt[i].errorbar(1./tObj.freq[nonzerot],tObj.tipper.imag[nonzerot][:,0,i],tipper_err,label='Tip'+'XY'[i]+'I',**kwargs) axt[i].set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) sname = self.data_object.station_locations.station[si] axp.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) axr.set_ylim(self.res_limits) if np.any(np.isfinite(rms)): axr.set_title('%s, RMS=%.1f'%(sname,rms[si]),fontdict=fontdict) axt[1].set_xlabel('Period, s',fontsize=self.font_size) axr.set_xlim(self.period_limits) for ax in [axr,axp,axt[0]]: plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(),visible=False) if self.tipper_limits is not None: yticks = [np.round(self.tipper_limits[0]*0.75,1),0,np.round(self.tipper_limits[1]*0.75,1)] for axti in axt: axti.set_yticks(yticks) if self.label_axes: axr.set_ylabel(data1label,labelpad=0) axp.set_ylabel(data2label,labelpad=0) axt[0].set_ylabel('Tipper, X',labelpad=0) axt[1].set_ylabel('Tipper, Y',labelpad=0) if self.save_plots: self.save_figure(os.path.join(self.savepath,sname+'.png'))
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> #change line width >>> p1.lw = 2 >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ for fig in self.fig_list: plt.close(fig) self.plot()
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_fig='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg """ fig = plt.gcf() if fig_dpi == None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) == False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, '_L2.' + file_format) fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_fig == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)