Source code for mtpy.modeling.modem.phase_tensor_maps

#!/usr/bin/env python
    Create Phase Tensor Map from the ModEM's output Resistivity model
import os
import os.path as op

import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse

import as mtpt
import mtpy.imaging.mtcolors as mtcl
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtplottools
import mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv as ws
import mtpy.utils.exceptions as mtex
from mtpy.utils.calculator import nearest_index
from mtpy.utils.gis_tools import epsg_project
from mtpy.utils import basemap_tools
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Data, Model
import logging, traceback

    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK, pointsToVTK
except ImportError:
    print ('If you want to write a vtk file for 3d viewing, you need to pip install PyEVTK:'

    print ('Note: if you are using Windows you should build evtk first with'
           'either MinGW or cygwin using the command: \n'
           '    python build -compiler=mingw32  or \n'
           '    python build -compiler=cygwin')

# ==============================================================================
# plot phase tensors
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class PlotPTMaps(mtplottools.MTEllipse): """ Plot phase tensor maps including residual pt if response file is input. :Plot only data for one period: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv as ws >>> dfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/WSDataFile.dat" >>> ptm = ws.PlotPTMaps(data_fn=dfn, plot_period_list=[0]) :Plot data and model response: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv as ws >>> dfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/WSDataFile.dat" >>> rfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/Test_resp.00" >>> mfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/Test_model.00" >>> ptm = ws.PlotPTMaps(data_fn=dfn, resp_fn=rfn, model_fn=mfn, >>> ... plot_period_list=[0]) >>> # adjust colorbar >>> ptm.cb_res_pad = 1.25 >>> ptm.redraw_plot() ========================== ================================================ Attributes Description ========================== ================================================ cb_pt_pad percentage from top of axes to place pt color bar. *default* is 1.2 cb_res_pad percentage from bottom of axes to place resistivity color bar. *default* is 0.5 cb_residual_tick_step tick step for residual pt. *default* is 3 cb_tick_step tick step for phase tensor color bar, *default* is 45 data_obj data object (read in from ModEM data file) data_fn full path to data fle dscale scaling parameter depending on map_scale ellipse_cmap color map for pt ellipses. *default* is mt_bl2gr2rd ellipse_colorby [ 'skew' | 'skew_seg' | 'phimin' | 'phimax'| 'phidet' | 'ellipticity' ] parameter to color ellipses by. *default* is 'phimin' ellipse_range (min, max, step) min and max of colormap, need to input step if plotting skew_seg ellipse_size relative size of ellipses in map_scale ew_limits limits of plot in e-w direction in map_scale units. *default* is None, scales to station area fig_aspect aspect of figure. *default* is 1 fig_dpi resolution in dots-per-inch. *default* is 300 fig_list list of matplotlib.figure instances for each figure plotted. fig_size [width, height] in inches of figure window *default* is [6, 6] font_size font size of ticklabels, axes labels are font_size+2. *default* is 7 grid_east relative location of grid nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units grid_north relative location of grid nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units grid_z relative location of grid nodes in z direction in map_scale units model_fn full path to initial file map_scale [ 'km' | 'm' ] distance units of map. *default* is km mesh_east np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north, indexing='ij') mesh_north np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north, indexing='ij') model_fn full path to model file nodes_east relative distance betwen nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units nodes_north relative distance betwen nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units nodes_z relative distance betwen nodes in z direction in map_scale units ns_limits (min, max) limits of plot in n-s direction *default* is None, viewing area is station area pad_east padding from extreme stations in east direction pad_north padding from extreme stations in north direction period_list list of periods from data plot_grid [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot grid lines *default* is 'n' plot_period_list list of period index values to plot *default* is None plot_yn ['y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot on instantiation *default* is 'y' res_cmap colormap for resisitivity values. *default* is 'jet_r' res_limits (min, max) resistivity limits in log scale *default* is (0, 4) res_model np.ndarray(n_north, n_east, n_vertical) of model resistivity values in linear scale residual_cmap color map for pt residuals. *default* is 'mt_wh2or' resp np.ndarray(n_stations, n_periods, 2, 2) impedance tensors for model response resp_fn full path to response file save_path directory to save figures to save_plots [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to save plots to save_path station_east location of stations in east direction in map_scale units station_fn full path to station locations file station_names station names station_north location of station in north direction in map_scale units subplot_bottom distance between axes and bottom of figure window subplot_left distance between axes and left of figure window subplot_right distance between axes and right of figure window subplot_top distance between axes and top of figure window title titiel of plot *default* is depth of slice xminorticks location of xminorticks yminorticks location of yminorticks ========================== ================================================ """ def __init__(self, data_fn=None, resp_fn=None, model_fn=None, **kwargs): # MTEllipse.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(PlotPTMaps, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.model_fn = model_fn self.data_fn = data_fn self.resp_fn = resp_fn self.save_path = kwargs.pop('save_path', None) if self.model_fn is not None and self.save_path is None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) elif self.model_fn is not None and self.save_path is None: self.save_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) if self.save_path is not None: if not os.path.exists(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.save_plots = kwargs.pop('save_plots', 'y') self.plot_period_list = kwargs.pop('plot_period_list', None) self.period_dict = None self.d_index = kwargs.pop('d_index',None) self.map_scale = kwargs.pop('map_scale', 'km') # make map scale if self.map_scale == 'km': self.dscale = 1000. elif self.map_scale == 'm': self.dscale = 1. self.ew_limits = kwargs.pop('ew_limits', None) self.ns_limits = kwargs.pop('ns_limits', None) self.pad_east = kwargs.pop('pad_east', 2000) self.pad_north = kwargs.pop('pad_north', 2000) self.plot_grid = kwargs.pop('plot_grid', 'n') self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 300) self.fig_aspect = kwargs.pop('fig_aspect', 1) self.title = kwargs.pop('title', 'on') self.fig_list = [] self.xminorticks = kwargs.pop('xminorticks', 1000) self.yminorticks = kwargs.pop('yminorticks', 1000) self.residual_cmap = kwargs.pop('residual_cmap', 'mt_wh2or') self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 7) self.cb_pt_pad = kwargs.pop('cb_pt_pad', 1.2) self.cb_res_pad = kwargs.pop('cb_res_pad', .5) self.res_limits = kwargs.pop('res_limits', (0, 4)) self.res_cmap = kwargs.pop('res_cmap', 'jet_r') # --> set the ellipse properties ------------------- self._ellipse_dict = kwargs.pop('ellipse_dict', {'size': 2, 'ellipse_range':[0,0], 'ellipse_colorby':'phimin', 'ellipse_cmap':'mt_bl2gr2rd', 'normalise':False}) self._read_ellipse_dict(self._ellipse_dict) self.ellipse_size = kwargs.pop( 'ellipse_size', self._ellipse_dict['size']) self.normalise_ellipses = kwargs.pop('normalise_ellipses',False) self.cb_tick_step = kwargs.pop('cb_tick_step', None) # update default colorbar tick step based on ellipse_range if self.cb_tick_step is None: self.cb_tick_step = int((self.ellipse_range[1] - self.ellipse_range[0])/2.) self.cb_residual_tick_step = kwargs.pop('cb_residual_tick_step', 3) self.subplot_right = .99 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .92 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.subplot_hspace = .2 self.subplot_wspace = .05 self.data_obj = None self.resp_obj = None self.model_obj = None self.period_list = None self.pt_data_arr = None self.pt_resp_arr = None self.pt_resid_arr = None self.residual_pt_type= kwargs.pop('residual_pt_type','heise') # FZ: do not call plot in the constructor! it's not pythonic self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'n') if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot() else: self._read_files() def _read_files(self): """ get information from files """ # --> read in data file self.data_obj = Data() self.data_obj.read_data_file(self.data_fn) # --> read response file if self.resp_fn is not None: self.resp_obj = Data() self.resp_obj.read_data_file(self.resp_fn) # --> read mode file if self.model_fn is not None: self.model_obj = Model() self.model_obj.read_model_file(self.model_fn) self._get_plot_period_list() self._get_pt() def _get_plot_period_list(self): """ get periods to plot from input or data file """ # --> get period list to plot if self.plot_period_list is None: self.plot_period_list = self.data_obj.period_list else: if isinstance(self.plot_period_list, list): # check if entries are index values or actual periods if isinstance(self.plot_period_list[0], int): self.plot_period_list = [self.period_list[ii] for ii in self.plot_period_list] else: pass elif isinstance(self.plot_period_list, int): self.plot_period_list = self.period_list[self.plot_period_list] elif isinstance(self.plot_period_list, float): self.plot_period_list = [self.plot_period_list] self.period_dict = dict([(key, value) for value, key in enumerate(self.data_obj.period_list)]) def _get_pt(self): """ put pt parameters into something useful for plotting """ ns = len(list(self.data_obj.mt_dict.keys())) nf = len(self.data_obj.period_list) data_pt_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns), dtype=[('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('lat', np.float), ('station', 'S10')]) if self.resp_fn is not None: model_pt_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns), dtype=[('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('lat', np.float), ('station', 'S10')]) res_pt_arr = np.zeros((nf, ns), dtype=[('phimin', np.float), ('phimax', np.float), ('skew', np.float), ('azimuth', np.float), ('east', np.float), ('north', np.float), ('lon', np.float), ('lat', np.float), ('geometric_mean', np.float), ('station', 'S10')]) for ii, key in enumerate(self.data_obj.mt_dict.keys()): east = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].grid_east / self.dscale north = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].grid_north / self.dscale lon = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].lon lat = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].lat dpt = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].pt data_pt_arr[:, ii]['east'] = east data_pt_arr[:, ii]['north'] = north data_pt_arr[:, ii]['lon'] = lon data_pt_arr[:, ii]['lat'] = lat data_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimin'] = dpt.phimin data_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimax'] = dpt.phimax data_pt_arr[:, ii]['azimuth'] = dpt.azimuth data_pt_arr[:, ii]['skew'] = dpt.beta data_pt_arr[:, ii]['station'] = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].station if self.resp_fn is not None: mpt = self.resp_obj.mt_dict[key].pt try: rpt = mtpt.ResidualPhaseTensor(pt_object1=dpt, pt_object2=mpt, residualtype=self.residual_pt_type) rpt = rpt.residual_pt res_pt_arr[:, ii]['east'] = east res_pt_arr[:, ii]['north'] = north res_pt_arr[:, ii]['lon'] = lon res_pt_arr[:, ii]['lat'] = lat res_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimin'] = rpt.phimin res_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimax'] = rpt.phimax res_pt_arr[:, ii]['azimuth'] = rpt.azimuth res_pt_arr[:, ii]['skew'] = rpt.beta res_pt_arr[:, ii]['station'] = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].station res_pt_arr[:, ii]['geometric_mean'] = np.sqrt(np.abs(rpt.phimin) * np.abs(rpt.phimax)) except mtex.MTpyError_PT: print(key,, model_pt_arr[:, ii]['east'] = east model_pt_arr[:, ii]['north'] = north model_pt_arr[:, ii]['lon'] = lon model_pt_arr[:, ii]['lat'] = lat model_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimin'] = mpt.phimin model_pt_arr[:, ii]['phimax'] = mpt.phimax model_pt_arr[:, ii]['azimuth'] = mpt.azimuth model_pt_arr[:, ii]['skew'] = mpt.beta model_pt_arr[ :, ii]['station'] = self.data_obj.mt_dict[key].station # make these attributes self.pt_data_arr = data_pt_arr if self.resp_fn is not None: self.pt_resp_arr = model_pt_arr self.pt_resid_arr = res_pt_arr
[docs] def plot_on_axes(self, ax, m, periodIdx, ptarray='data', ellipse_size_factor=10000, cvals=None, map_scale='m', centre_shift=[0, 0], plot_tipper='n', tipper_size_factor=1e5, **kwargs): ''' Plots phase tensors for a given period index. :param ax: plot axis :param m: basemap instance :param periodIdx: period index :param ptarray: name of data-array to access for retrieving attributes; can be either 'data', 'resp' or 'resid' :param ellipse_size_factor: factor to control ellipse size :param cvals: list of colour values for colouring each ellipse; must be of the same length as the number of tuples for each period :param map_scale: map length scale :param kwargs: list of relevant matplotlib arguments (e.g. zorder, alpha, etc.) :param plot_tipper: string ('n', 'yr', 'yi', or 'yri') to plot no tipper, real only, imaginary only, or both :param tipper_size_factor: scaling factor for tipper vectors ''' assert (periodIdx >= 0 and periodIdx < len(self.data_obj.period_list)), \ 'Error: Index for plot-period out of bounds.' k = periodIdx pt_array = getattr(self, 'pt_' + ptarray + '_arr') for i in range(len(pt_array[k])): lon = pt_array[k]['lon'][i] lat = pt_array[k]['lat'][i] if self.normalise_ellipses: phimax = pt_array[k]['phimax'][i] / pt_array[k]['phimax'][i] phimin = pt_array[k]['phimin'][i] / pt_array[k]['phimax'][i] else: phimax = pt_array[k]['phimax'][i] / pt_array[k]['phimax'].max() phimin = pt_array[k]['phimin'][i] / pt_array[k]['phimax'].max() az = pt_array[k]['azimuth'][i] if ptarray == 'resid': phimin = np.abs(phimin) nskew = pt_array[k]['skew'][i] # print az if (phimax > 0 and phimin > 0): c = None if (cvals is not None): c = cvals[i] if (c is not None): kwargs['facecolor'] = c if m is None: x = pt_array[k]['east'][i] y = pt_array[k]['north'][i] if map_scale == 'km': x /= 1e3 y /= 1e3 else: x, y = m(lon, lat) # matplotlib angles are defined as degrees anticlockwise from positive x direction. # therefore we need to adjust az accordingly e = Ellipse([x, y], phimax * ellipse_size_factor, phimin * ellipse_size_factor, 90. - az, **kwargs) ax.add_artist(e) # end if # end for if 'y' in plot_tipper: # if neither r or i provided, assume that we want to plot both if plot_tipper == 'y': plot_tipper = 'yri' self._plot_induction_vectors(ax, m, periodIdx, ptarray=ptarray, size_factor=tipper_size_factor, map_scale=map_scale, centre_shift=centre_shift, plot_tipper=plot_tipper, **kwargs)
# end func
[docs] def plot(self, period = None, periodIdx = 0, save2file=None, **kwargs): """ Plot phase tensor maps for data and or response, each figure is of a different period. If response is input a third column is added which is the residual phase tensor showing where the model is not fitting the data well. The data is plotted in km. Args: period: the period index to plot, default=0 Returns: """ print(("The input parameter period is", period)) # --> read in data first if self.data_obj is None: self._read_files() # set plot properties plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top font_dict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} # make a grid of subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, wspace=self.subplot_wspace) # set some parameters for the colorbar ckmin = float(self.ellipse_range[0]) ckmax = float(self.ellipse_range[1]) try: ckstep = float(self.ellipse_range[2]) except IndexError: if self.ellipse_cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': raise ValueError('Need to input range as (min, max, step)') else: ckstep = 3 bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) # set plot limits to be the station area if self.ew_limits is None: east_min = self.data_obj.data_array['rel_east'].min() - \ self.pad_east east_max = self.data_obj.data_array['rel_east'].max() + \ self.pad_east self.ew_limits = (east_min / self.dscale, east_max / self.dscale) if self.ns_limits is None: north_min = self.data_obj.data_array['rel_north'].min() - \ self.pad_north north_max = self.data_obj.data_array['rel_north'].max() + \ self.pad_north self.ns_limits = (north_min / self.dscale, north_max / self.dscale) # -------------plot phase tensors------------------------------------ if period > len(self.plot_period_list) - 1: print(( "Error: the period exceeds the max value:", len( self.plot_period_list) - 1)) # FZ: changed below to plot a given period index # for ff, per in enumerate(self.plot_period_list): # first, reset fig list self.fig_list = [] for ff, per in enumerate(self.plot_period_list[period:period + 1]): data_ii = self.period_dict[per] print('Plotting Period: {0:.5g}'.format(per)) fig = plt.figure('{0:.5g}'.format(per), figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) fig.clf() if self.resp_fn is not None: axd = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], aspect='equal') axm = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], aspect='equal') axr = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], aspect='equal') ax_list = [axd, axm, axr] else: axd = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :], aspect='equal') ax_list = [axd] # plot model below the phase tensors if self.model_fn is not None: gridzcentre = np.mean( [self.model_obj.grid_z[1:], self.model_obj.grid_z[:-1]], axis=0) if self.d_index is not None: approx_depth, d_index = ws.estimate_skin_depth(self.model_obj.res_model.copy(), gridzcentre / self.dscale, per, dscale=self.dscale) else: d_index = self.d_index approx_depth = self.model_obj.grid_z[d_index] # need to add an extra row and column to east and north to make sure # all is plotted see pcolor for details. plot_east = np.append(self.model_obj.grid_east, self.model_obj.grid_east[-1] * 1.25) / \ self.dscale plot_north = np.append(self.model_obj.grid_north, self.model_obj.grid_north[-1] * 1.25) / \ self.dscale # make a mesh grid for plotting # the 'ij' makes sure the resulting grid is in east, north try: self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north = np.meshgrid(plot_east, plot_north, indexing='ij') except TypeError: self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north = [arr.T for arr in np.meshgrid(plot_east, plot_north)] for ax in ax_list: plot_res = np.log10( self.model_obj.res_model[ :, :, d_index].T) ax.pcolormesh(self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north, plot_res, cmap=self.res_cmap, vmin=self.res_limits[0], vmax=self.res_limits[1]) # --> plot data phase tensors print(kwargs) for pt in self.pt_data_arr[data_ii]: eheight = pt['phimin'] / \ self.pt_data_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ewidth = pt['phimax'] / \ self.pt_data_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ellipse = Ellipse((pt['east'], pt['north']), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=90 - pt['azimuth'], **kwargs) # get ellipse color if self.ellipse_cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipse.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(pt[self.ellipse_colorby], self.ellipse_colorby, self.ellipse_cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipse.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(pt[self.ellipse_colorby], self.ellipse_colorby, self.ellipse_cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) axd.add_artist(ellipse) # -----------plot response phase tensors--------------- if self.resp_fn is not None: rcmin = np.floor(self.pt_resid_arr['geometric_mean'].min()) rcmax = np.floor(self.pt_resid_arr['geometric_mean'].max()) for mpt, rpt in zip(self.pt_resp_arr[data_ii], self.pt_resid_arr[data_ii]): eheight = mpt['phimin'] / \ self.pt_resp_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ewidth = mpt['phimax'] / \ self.pt_resp_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ellipsem = Ellipse((mpt['east'], mpt['north']), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=90 - mpt['azimuth'], **kwargs) # get ellipse color if self.ellipse_cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipsem.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(mpt[self.ellipse_colorby], self.ellipse_colorby, self.ellipse_cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipsem.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(mpt[self.ellipse_colorby], self.ellipse_colorby, self.ellipse_cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) axm.add_artist(ellipsem) # -----------plot residual phase tensors--------------- eheight = rpt['phimin'] / \ self.pt_resid_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ewidth = rpt['phimax'] / \ self.pt_resid_arr[data_ii]['phimax'].max() * \ self.ellipse_size ellipser = Ellipse((rpt['east'], rpt['north']), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=rpt['azimuth'], **kwargs) # get ellipse color rpt_color = np.sqrt(abs(rpt['phimin'] * rpt['phimax'])) if self.ellipse_cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipser.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(rpt_color, 'geometric_mean', self.residual_cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipser.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(rpt_color, 'geometric_mean', self.residual_cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) axr.add_artist(ellipser) # --> set axes properties # data axd.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) axd.set_ylim(self.ns_limits) axd.set_xlabel('Easting ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=font_dict) axd.set_ylabel('Northing ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=font_dict) # make a colorbar for phase tensors # bb = axd.axes.get_position().bounds bb = axd.get_position().bounds y1 = .25 * (2 + (self.ns_limits[1] - self.ns_limits[0]) / (self.ew_limits[1] - self.ew_limits[0])) cb_location = (3.35 * bb[2] / 5 + bb[0], y1 * self.cb_pt_pad, .295 * bb[2], .02) cbaxd = fig.add_axes(cb_location) if self.ellipse_cmap in list(mtcl.cmapdict.keys()): ecmap = mtcl.cmapdict[self.ellipse_cmap] else: ecmap = self.ellipse_cmap cbd = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbaxd, cmap=ecmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation='horizontal')'top'), 1.75) cbd.set_label(mtplottools.ckdict[self.ellipse_colorby]) cbd.set_ticks(np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + self.cb_tick_step, self.cb_tick_step)) axd.text(self.ew_limits[0] * .95, self.ns_limits[1] * .95, 'Data', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}) # Model and residual if self.resp_fn is not None: for aa, ax in enumerate([axm, axr]): ax.set_xlim(self.ew_limits) ax.set_ylim(self.ns_limits) ax.set_xlabel('Easting ({0})'.format(self.map_scale), fontdict=font_dict) plt.setp(ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) # make a colorbar ontop of axis bb = ax.axes.get_position().bounds y1 = .25 * (2 + (self.ns_limits[1] - self.ns_limits[0]) / (self.ew_limits[1] - self.ew_limits[0])) cb_location = (3.35 * bb[2] / 5 + bb[0], y1 * self.cb_pt_pad, .295 * bb[2], .02) cbax = fig.add_axes(cb_location) if aa == 0: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbax, cmap=mtcl.cmapdict[ self.ellipse_cmap], norm=Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation='horizontal')'top'), 1.75) cb.set_label(mtplottools.ckdict[self.ellipse_colorby]) cb.set_ticks(np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + self.cb_tick_step, self.cb_tick_step)) ax.text(self.ew_limits[0] * .95, self.ns_limits[1] * .95, 'Model', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}) else: cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbax, cmap=mtcl.cmapdict[ self.residual_cmap], norm=Normalize(vmin=rcmin, vmax=rcmax), orientation='horizontal')'top'), 1.75) cb.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\Phi_{min} \Phi_{max}}$") cb_ticks = [rcmin, (rcmax - rcmin) / 2, rcmax] cb.set_ticks(cb_ticks) ax.text(self.ew_limits[0] * .95, self.ns_limits[1] * .95, 'Residual', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'}, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 1}) if self.model_fn is not None: for ax in ax_list: ax.tick_params(direction='out') bb = ax.axes.get_position().bounds y1 = .25 * (2 - (self.ns_limits[1] - self.ns_limits[0]) / (self.ew_limits[1] - self.ew_limits[0])) cb_position = (3.0 * bb[2] / 5 + bb[0], y1 * self.cb_res_pad, .35 * bb[2], .02) cbax = fig.add_axes(cb_position) cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbax, cmap=self.res_cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=self.res_limits[0], vmax=self.res_limits[1]), orientation='horizontal')'top'), 1.5) cb.set_label('Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot$m)') cb_ticks = np.arange(np.floor(self.res_limits[0]), np.ceil(self.res_limits[1] + 1), 1) cb.set_ticks(cb_ticks) cb.set_ticklabels([mtplottools.labeldict[ctk] for ctk in cb_ticks]) if save2file is not None: fig.savefig(save2file, dpi=self.fig_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') self.fig_list.append(fig) return fig
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(r"/home/occam2d/Data.dat") >>> p1 = ocd.plotAllResponses() >>> #change line width >>> p1.lw = 2 >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ for fig in self.fig_list: plt.close(fig) self.plot()
def _plot_induction_vectors(self, ax, m, periodIdx, ptarray='data', size_factor=10000, map_scale='m', centre_shift=[0, 0], plot_tipper='yri', **kwargs): if ptarray == 'data': data_array = self.data_obj.data_array elif ptarray == 'resp': data_array = self.resp_obj.data_array rx = data_array['tip'].real[:,periodIdx,0,0] ry = data_array['tip'].real[:,periodIdx,0,1] ix = data_array['tip'].imag[:,periodIdx,0,0] iy = data_array['tip'].imag[:,periodIdx,0,1] lon,lat = self.data_obj.station_locations.lon, x,y = m(lon,lat) kwargs_tip = {'length_includes_head':True, 'head_width':size_factor*0.07, 'head_length': size_factor*0.1} kwargs_tip.update(kwargs) for sidx in range(len(self.data_obj.data_array)): if 'r' in plot_tipper: ax.arrow(x[sidx],y[sidx],size_factor*rx[sidx],size_factor*ry[sidx],color='k',**kwargs_tip) if 'i' in plot_tipper: ax.arrow(x[sidx],y[sidx],size_factor*ix[sidx],size_factor*iy[sidx],color='b',**kwargs_tip) def _get_pt_data_list(self, attribute, xykeys=['east', 'north']): headerlist = ['period', 'station'] + xykeys + \ ['azimuth', 'phimin', 'phimax', 'skew'] data = getattr(self, attribute).T.copy() indices = np.argsort(data['station'][:, 0]) data = data[indices].T dtype = [] for val in headerlist: if val == 'station': dtype.append((val, 'S10')) else: dtype.append((val, np.float)) data_to_write = np.zeros(np.product(data.shape), dtype=dtype) data_to_write['period'] = np.vstack( [self.plot_period_list] * data.shape[1]).T.flatten() for val in headerlist[1:]: if val in ['east', 'north']: data[val] *= self.dscale data_to_write[val] = data[val].flatten() return data_to_write, headerlist
[docs] def get_period_attributes(self, periodIdx, key, ptarray='data'): ''' Returns, for a given period, a list of attribute values for key (e.g. skew, phimax, etc.). :param periodIdx: index of period; print out _plot_period for periods available :param key: attribute key :param ptarray: name of data-array to access for retrieving attributes; can be either 'data', 'resp' or 'resid' :return: numpy array of attribute values ''' # load data if necessary if self.data_obj is None: self._read_files() assert (periodIdx >= 0 and periodIdx < len(self.plot_period_list)), \ 'Error: Index for plot-period out of bounds.' pk = periodIdx try: print("getting", key) if key == 'phimean': vals = np.mean([getattr(self, 'pt_' + ptarray + '_arr')[pk]['phimin'], getattr(self, 'pt_' + ptarray + '_arr')[pk]['phimax']],axis=0) else: vals = getattr(self, 'pt_' + ptarray + '_arr')[pk][key] return vals except: print('Attribute %s not found' % ('pt_' + ptarray + '_arr')) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) exit(-1) return None
# end func def write_pt_data_to_text(self, savepath='.'): if self.pt_data_arr is None: self._read_files() for att in ['pt_data_arr', 'pt_resp_arr', 'pt_resid_arr']: if hasattr(self, att): data_to_write, headerlist = self._get_pt_data_list(att) header = ' '.join(headerlist) filename = op.join(savepath, att[:-4] + '.txt') if att == 'pt_resid_arr': data_to_write['azimuth'] = 90. - data_to_write['azimuth'] np.savetxt(filename, data_to_write, header=header, fmt=['%.4e', '%s', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.3f'])
[docs] def write_pt_data_to_gmt(self, period=None, epsg=None, savepath='.', center_utm=None, colorby='phimin', attribute='data', clim=None): """ write data to plot phase tensor ellipses in gmt. saves a gmt script and text file containing ellipse data provide: period to plot (seconds) epsg for the projection the model was projected to (google "epsg your_projection_name" and you will find it) centre_utm - utm coordinates for centre position of model, if not provided, script will try and extract it from data file colorby - what to colour the ellipses by, 'phimin', 'phimax', or 'skew' attribute - attribute to plot 'data', 'resp', or 'resid' for data, response or residuals """ att = 'pt_{}_arr'.format(attribute) # if centre utm not provided, get station locations from the data # object project = False xykeys = ['lon', 'lat'] if epsg is not None: if center_utm is not None: project = True else: if hasattr(self.data_obj, 'center_position'): if np.all(np.array(self.data_obj.center_position) > 0): project = True center_utm = self.data_obj.project_xy(self.data_obj.center_position[0], self.data_obj.center_position[ 1], epsg_from=4326, epsg_to=epsg) if project: xykeys = ['east', 'north'] # get text data list data, headerlist = self._get_pt_data_list(att, xykeys=xykeys) # extract relevant columns in correct order periodlist = data['period'] columns = xykeys + [colorby, 'azimuth', 'phimax', 'phimin'] gmtdata = np.vstack([data[i] for i in columns]).T # make a filename based on period if period >= 1.: suffix = '%1i' % round(period) else: nzeros = np.abs( fmt = '%0' + str(nzeros + 1) + 'i' suffix = fmt % (period * 10 ** nzeros) filename = 'ellipse_' + attribute + '.' + suffix if period is not None: # extract relevant period unique_periods = np.unique(periodlist) closest_period = unique_periods[np.abs(unique_periods - period) == np.amin(np.abs(unique_periods - period))] # indices to select all occurrances of relevant period (to nearest # 10^-8 s) pind = np.where(np.abs(closest_period - periodlist) < 1e-8)[0] else: # take the first period pind = 0 # select relevant periods periodlist, gmtdata = periodlist[pind], gmtdata[pind] if project: gmtdata[:, 0] += center_utm[0] gmtdata[:, 1] += center_utm[1] # now that x y coordinates are in utm, project to lon/lat self.data_obj.epsg = epsg gmtdata[ :, 0], gmtdata[ :, 1] = self.data_obj.project_xy( gmtdata[ :, 0], gmtdata[ :, 1]) if self.normalise_ellipses: norm = gmtdata[:,4] else: # normalise by maximum value of phimax norm = np.amax(gmtdata[:, 4]) gmtdata[:, 5] /= norm gmtdata[:, 4] /= norm if attribute != 'resid': gmtdata[:, 3] = 90. - gmtdata[:, 3] # write to text file in correct format fmt = ['%+11.6f', '%+10.6f'] + ['%+9.4f'] * 2 + ['%8.4f'] * 2 np.savetxt(op.join(savepath, filename), gmtdata, fmt) # write gmt script xmin, xmax = gmtdata[:, 0].min(), gmtdata[:, 0].max() ymin, ymax = gmtdata[:, 1].min(), gmtdata[:, 1].max() pad = min(ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin) / 10. tr = -int(np.log10(20. * (xmax - xmin))) tickspacing = int(np.round(20. * (xmax - xmin), tr)) scalebarlat = int(round(ymax + ymin) / 2.) if clim is None: cr = int(np.ceil(-np.log10(np.amax(gmtdata[:, 2])))) clim = np.round([gmtdata[:, 2].min(), gmtdata[ :, 2].max()], cr).astype(int) gmtlines = [line + '\n' for line in ['w={}'.format(xmin - pad), 'e={}'.format(xmax + pad), 's={}'.format(ymin - pad), 'n={}'.format(ymax + pad), r"wesn=$w/$s/$e/$n'r'", '', '# define output file and remove it if it exists', 'PS={}.ps'.format( filename.replace('.', '')), 'rm $PS', '', '# set gmt parameters', 'gmtset FORMAT_GEO_MAP ddd:mm:ss', 'gmtset FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 9p,Helvetica,black', 'gmtset MAP_FRAME_TYPE fancy', '', '# make colour palette', 'makecpt -Cpolar -T{}/{} -Z > {}.cpt'.format( clim[0], clim[1], colorby), '', '# draw coastline', 'pscoast -R$wesn -JM18c -W0.5p -Ba1f1/a1f1WSen -Gwhite -Slightgrey -Lfx14c/1c/{}/{}+u -Df -P -K >> $PS'.format( scalebarlat, tickspacing), '', '# draw ellipses', 'psxy {} -R -J -P -Se -C{}.cpt -W0.01p -O >> $PS'.format(filename, colorby), '', '# save to png', 'ps2raster -Tg -A -E400 $PS']] with open(op.join(savepath, 'gmtscript_{}.gmt'.format(attribute)), 'wb') as scriptfile: scriptfile.writelines(gmtlines)
[docs] def save_all_figures(self, save_path=None, fig_dpi=None, file_format='pdf', orientation='landscape', close_fig='y'): """ save_figure will save all figures in fig_list to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_path** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PhaseTensor.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # to save plot as jpg >>> import mtpy.modeling.occam2d as occam2d >>> dfn = r"/home/occam2d/Inv1/data.dat" >>> ocd = occam2d.Occam2DData(dfn) >>> ps1 = ocd.plotPseudoSection() >>> ps1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi is None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_path) == False: try: os.mkdir(save_path) except: raise IOError('Need to input a correct directory path') for fig in self.fig_list: per = fig.canvas.get_window_title() save_fn = os.path.join(save_path, 'PT_DepthSlice_{0}s.{1}'.format( per, file_format)) fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_fig == 'y': plt.close(fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)