Source code for mtpy.imaging.plotnresponses

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
plots multiple MT responses simultaneously

Created on Thu May 30 17:02:39 2013
@author: jpeacock-pr

YG: the code there is massey, todo may need to rewrite it sometime


# ============================================================================

import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator

import mtpy.imaging.mtcolors as mtcl
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtpl
from import PhaseTensor
from mtpy.analysis.zinvariants import Zinvariants

# reload(mtpl)

# ============================================================================
from import MT

[docs]class PlotMultipleResponses(mtpl.PlotSettings): """ plots multiple MT responses simultaneously either in single plots or in one plot of sub-figures or in a single plot with subfigures for each component. expecting only one type of input --> can be: **fn_list** : list of filenames to plot **z_object_list** : list of mtpy.core.z.Z objects **res_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.ResPhase objects **tipper_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.Tipper objects **mt_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot objects Arguments: ---------- **fn_list** : list of filenames to plot ie. [fn_1, fn_2, ...], *default* is None **z_object_list** : list of mtpy.core.z.Z objects *default* is None **res_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.ResPhase objects *default* is None **tipper_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.Tipper objects *default* is None **mt_object_list** : list of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot objects *default* is None **fig_num** : int figure number *default* is 1 **fig_size** : [width, height] of figure size in inches **rot_z** : float or np.ndarray rotation angle of impedance tensor (deg or radians), *Note* : rotaion is clockwise positive *default* is 0 Can input so each station is rotated at a constant angle or each period is rotated differently, or both. **plot_num** : [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] * 1 for just Ex/By and Ey/Bx *default* * 2 for all 4 components * 3 for off diagonal plus the determinant **plot_style** : [ '1' | 'all' | 'compare' ] determines the plotting style: * '1' for plotting each station in a different figure. *default* * 'all' for plotting each station in a subplot all in the same figure * 'compare' for comparing the responses all in one plot. Here the responses are colored from dark to light. This plot can get messy if too many stations are plotted. **plot_title** : string title of plot *default* is station name **plot_tipper** : [ 'yri' | 'yr' | 'yi' | 'n' ] Plots the tipper in a bottom pannel * 'yri' --> plots the real and imaginar parts * 'yr' --> plots just the real part * 'yi' --> plots just the imaginary part **Note:** the convention is to point towards a conductor. Can change this by setting the parameter arrow_direction = 1. **plot_strike** : [ 'y' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 'n' ] Plots the strike angle from different parameters: * 'y' --> plots strike angle determined from the invariants of Weaver et al. [2000] and the phase tensor of Caldwell et al. [2004], if Tipper is plotted the strike of the tipper is also plotted. * 1 --> plots strike angle determined from the invariants of Weaver et al. [2000] * 2 --> plots strike angle determined from the phase tensor of Caldwell et al. [2004] * 3 --> plots strike angle determined from the tipper * 'n' --> doesn't plot the strike, *default* **plot_skew** : [ 'y' | 'n' ] string for plotting skew angle. This is plotted in the same plot as strike angle at the moment. * 'y' for plotting the skew * 'n' for not plotting skew *default* **fig_dpi** : int dots-per-inch resolution, *default* is 300 :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtplot >>> import os >>> edipath = r"/home/Edifiles" >>> edilist = [os.path.join(edipath,edi) >>> ... for edi in os.listdir(edipath) >>> ... if edi.find('.edi')>0] >>> plot each station in a subplot all in one figure with tipper >>> rp1 = mtplot.PlotMultipleResPhase(fn_list=edilist, plotnum=1, >>> ... plot_tipper='yr', >>> ... plot_style='all') Attributes: ----------- -mt_list list of mtplot.MTplot objects made from inputs -fignum figure number for plotting -fig_size figure size in inches [width, height] -plotnum plot type, see arguments for details -title title of the plot, *default* is station name -dpi Dots-per-inch resolution of plot, *default* is 300 -rotz Rotate impedance tensor by this angle (deg) assuming that North is 0 and angle is positive clockwise -plot_tipper string to tell the program to plot tipper arrows or not, see accepted values above in arguments -plot_strike string or integer telling the program to plot the strike angle, see values above in arguments -plot_skew string to tell the program to plot skew angle. The skew is plotted in the same subplot as the strike angle at the moment -period period array cooresponding to the impedance tensor -font_size size of font for the axis ticklabels, note that the axis labels will be font_size+2 -axr matplotlib.axes object for the xy,yx resistivity plot. -axp matplotlib.axes object for the xy,yx phase plot -axt matplotlib.axes object for the tipper plot -ax2r matplotlib.axes object for the xx,yy resistivity plot -ax2p matplotlib.axes object for the xx,yy phase plot -axs matplotlib.axes object for the strike plot -axs2 matplotlib.axes object for the skew plot .. **Note:** that from these axes object you have control of the plot. You can do this by changing any parameter in the axes object and then calling update_plot() -erxyr class matplotlib.container.ErrorbarContainer for xy apparent resistivity. -erxyp class matplotlib.container.ErrorbarContainer for xy. -eryxr class matplotlib.container.ErrorbarContainer for yx apparent resistivity. -eryxp class matplotlib.container.ErrorbarContainer for yx phase. .. **Note:** that from these line objects you can manipulate the error bar properties and then call update_plot() -xy_ls line style for xy and xx components, *default* is None -yx_ls line style for yx and yy components, *default* is None -det_ls line style for determinant, *default* is None -xy_marker marker for xy and xx, *default* is squares -yx_marker marker for yx and yy, *default* is circles -det_marker marker for determinant, *default* is diamonds -xy_color marker color for xy and xx, *default* is blue -yx_color marker color for yx and yy, *default* is red -det_color marker color for determinant, *default* is green -xy_mfc marker face color for xy and xx, *default* is None -yx_mfc marker face color for yx and yy, *default* is None -det_mfc marker face color for determinant, *default* is None -skew_marker marker for skew angle, *default* is 'd' -skew_color color for skew angle, *default* is 'orange' -strike_inv_marker marker for strike angle determined by invariants *default* is '^' -strike_inv_color color for strike angle determined by invaraiants *default* is (.2, .2, .7) -strike_pt_marker marker for strike angle determined by pt, *default* is'v' -strike_pt_color color for strike angle determined by pt *default* is (.7, .2, .2) -strike_tip_marker marker for strike angle determined by tipper *default* is '>' -strike_tip_color color for strike angle determined by tipper *default* is (.2, .7, .2) -marker_size size of marker in relative dimenstions, *default* is 2 -marker_lw line width of marker, *default* is 100./dpi .. *For more on line and marker styles see matplotlib.lines.Line2D* -arrow_lw line width of the arrow, *default* is 0.75 -arrow_head_width head width of the arrow, *default* is 0 for no arrow head. Haven't found a good way to scale the arrow heads in a log scale. -arrow_head_height head width of the arrow, *default* is 0 for no arrow head. Haven't found a good way to scale the arrow heads in a log scale. -arrow_color_real color of the real arrows, *default* is black -arrow_color_imag color of the imaginary arrows, *default* is blue -arrow_direction 0 for pointing towards a conductor and -1 for pointing away from a conductor. -xlimits limits on the x-limits (period), *default* is None which will estimate the min and max from the data, setting the min as the floor(min(period)) and the max as ceil(max(period)). Input in linear scale if you want to change the period limits, ie. (.1,1000) -res_limits limits on the resistivity, *default* is None, which will estimate the min and max from the data, rounding to the lowest and highest increments to the power of 10 Input in linear scale if you want to change them, ie. (1,10000). Note this only sets the xy and yx components, not the xx and yy. -phase_limits limits on the phase, *default* is (0,90) but will adapt to the data if there is phase above 90 or below 0. Input in degrees. Note this only changes the xy and yx components. -tipper_limits limits of the y-axis, *default* is (-1,1) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize parameters """ super(PlotMultipleResponses, self).__init__() fn_list = kwargs.pop('fn_list', None) z_object_list = kwargs.pop('z_object_list', None) tipper_object_list = kwargs.pop('tipper_object_list', None) mt_object_list = kwargs.pop('mt_object_list', None) # --> get the inputs into a list of mt objects self.mt_list = mtpl.get_mtlist(fn_list=fn_list, z_object_list=z_object_list, tipper_object_list=tipper_object_list, mt_object_list=mt_object_list) self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', self.fig_num) # set some of the properties as attributes much to Lars' discontent self.plot_num = kwargs.pop('plot_num', 1) self.plot_style = kwargs.pop('plot_style', '1') self.plot_title = kwargs.pop('plot_title', None) # if rotation angle is an int or float make an array the length of # mt_list for plotting purposes self._rot_z = kwargs.pop('rot_z', 0) if isinstance(self._rot_z, float) or isinstance(self._rot_z, int): self._rot_z = np.array([self._rot_z] * len(self.mt_list)) # if the rotation angle is an array for rotation of different # freq than repeat that rotation array to the len(mt_list) elif isinstance(self._rot_z, np.ndarray): if self._rot_z.shape[0] != len(self.mt_list): self._rot_z = np.repeat(self._rot_z, len(self.mt_list)) else: pass self._set_rot_z(self._rot_z) # set plot limits self.xlimits = kwargs.pop('xlimits', None) self.res_limits = kwargs.pop('res_limits', None) self.phase_limits = kwargs.pop('phase_limits', None) self.tipper_limits = kwargs.pop('tipper_limits', None) self.strike_limits = kwargs.pop('strike_limits', None) self.skew_limits = kwargs.pop('skew_limits', (-9, 9)) self.pt_limits = kwargs.pop('pt_limits', None) # set font parameters self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 7) # set plot tipper or not self._plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') # plot strike angle or not self._plot_strike = kwargs.pop('plot_strike', 'n') # plot skew angle self._plot_skew = kwargs.pop('plot_skew', 'n') # plot phase tensor ellipses self._plot_pt = kwargs.pop('plot_pt', 'n') # order of plots self.plot_order = kwargs.pop('plot_order', ['tip', 'pt', 'strike', 'skew']) self.plot_dict = dict([(kk, vv) for kk, vv in zip(['tip', 'pt', 'strike', 'skew'], [self._plot_tipper, self._plot_pt, self._plot_strike, self._plot_skew])]) # set arrow properties self.arrow_head_length = 0.03 self.arrow_head_width = 0.03 self.arrow_lw = .5 # ellipse_properties self.ellipse_size = 0.25 self.ellipse_spacing = kwargs.pop('ellipse_spacing', 1) if self.ellipse_size == 2 and self.ellipse_spacing == 1: self.ellipse_size = 0.25 # --> set text box parameters self.text_location = kwargs.pop('text_location', None) self.text_xpad = kwargs.pop('text_xpad', 1.35) self.text_ypad = kwargs.pop('text_ypad', .75) self.text_size = kwargs.pop('text_size', 7) self.text_weight = kwargs.pop('text_weight', 'bold') self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') # plot on initializing if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot() # ---rotate data on setting rot_z def _set_rot_z(self, rot_z): """ need to rotate data when setting z """ # if rotation angle is an int or float make an array the length of # mt_list for plotting purposes if isinstance(rot_z, float) or isinstance(rot_z, int): self._rot_z += np.array([rot_z] * len(self.mt_list)) # if the rotation angle is an array for rotation of different # freq than repeat that rotation array to the len(mt_list) elif isinstance(rot_z, np.ndarray): if rot_z.shape[0] != len(self.mt_list): self._rot_z += np.repeat(rot_z, len(self.mt_list)) else: pass for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): mt.rot_z = self._rot_z[ii] def _get_rot_z(self): return self._rot_z rot_z = property(fget=_get_rot_z, fset=_set_rot_z, doc="""rotation angle(s)""") # --> on setting plot_ make sure to update the order and list def _set_plot_tipper(self, plot_tipper): """ If plotting tipper make arrow attributes """ self._plot_tipper = plot_tipper self.plot_dict['tip'] = self._plot_tipper def _get_plot_tipper(self): return self._plot_tipper plot_tipper = property(fget=_get_plot_tipper, fset=_set_plot_tipper, doc="""string to plot tipper""") def _set_plot_pt(self, plot_pt): """ If plotting tipper make arrow attributes """ self._plot_pt = plot_pt self.plot_dict['pt'] = self._plot_pt def _get_plot_pt(self): return self._plot_pt plot_pt = property(fget=_get_plot_pt, fset=_set_plot_pt, doc="""string to plot phase tensor ellipses""") def _set_plot_strike(self, plot_strike): """ change plot_dict when changing plot_strike """ self._plot_strike = plot_strike self.plot_dict['strike'] = self._plot_strike def _get_plot_strike(self): return self._plot_strike plot_strike = property(fget=_get_plot_strike, fset=_set_plot_strike, doc="""string to plot strike""") def _set_plot_skew(self, plot_skew): """ change plot_dict when changing plot_strike """ self._plot_skew = plot_skew self.plot_dict['skew'] = self._plot_skew def _get_plot_skew(self): return self._plot_skew plot_skew = property(fget=_get_plot_skew, fset=_set_plot_skew, doc="""string to plot skew""") # ---plot the resistivity and phase
[docs] def plot(self, show=True): """ plot the apparent resistivity and phase """ # create a dictionary for the number of subplots needed pdict = {'res': 0, 'phase': 1} # start the index at 2 because resistivity and phase is permanent # for now index = 2 for key in self.plot_order: if self.plot_dict[key].find('y') == 0: pdict[key] = index index += 1 # get number of rows needed nrows = index # set height ratios of the subplots hr = [2, 1.5] + [1] * (len(list(pdict.keys())) - 2) # if self.plot_style == '1': # self.plotlist = [] # # #--> plot from edi's if given, don't need to rotate because # # data has already been rotated by the funcion _set_rot_z ## if self.fig_size is None: ## self.fig_size = [6, 6] # for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list, 1): # p1 = plotresponse(mt_object=mt, # fig_num=ii, # fig_size=self.fig_size, # plot_num=self.plot_num, # fig_dpi=self.fig_dpi, # plot_yn='n', # plot_tipper=self._plot_tipper, # plot_strike=self._plot_strike, # plot_skew=self._plot_skew, # plot_pt=self._plot_pt) # # #make sure all the properties are set to match the users # #line style between points # p1.xy_ls = self.xy_ls # p1.yx_ls = self.yx_ls # p1.det_ls = self.det_ls # # #outline color # p1.xy_color = self.xy_color # p1.yx_color = self.yx_color # p1.det_color = self.det_color # # #face color # p1.xy_mfc = self.xy_mfc # p1.yx_mfc = self.yx_mfc # p1.det_mfc = self.det_mfc # # #maker # p1.xy_marker = self.xy_marker # p1.yx_marker = self.yx_marker # p1.det_marker = self.det_marker # # #size # p1.marker_size = 2 # # #set plot limits # p1.xlimits = self.xlimits # p1.res_limits = self.res_limits # p1.phase_limits = self.phase_limits # # #set font parameters # p1.font_size = self.font_size # # #set arrow properties # p1.arrow_lw = self.arrow_lw # p1.arrow_head_width = self.arrow_head_width # p1.arrow_head_length = self.arrow_head_length # p1.arrow_color_real = self.arrow_color_real # p1.arrow_color_imag = self.arrow_color_imag # p1.arrow_direction = self.arrow_direction # p1.tipper_limits = self.tipper_limits # # #skew properties # p1.skew_color = self.skew_color # p1.skew_marker = self.skew_marker # # #strike properties # p1.strike_inv_marker = self.strike_inv_marker # p1.strike_inv_color = self.strike_inv_color # # p1.strike_pt_marker = self.strike_pt_marker # p1.strike_pt_color = self.strike_pt_color # # p1.strike_tip_marker = self.strike_tip_marker # p1.strike_tip_color = self.strike_tip_color # # #--> plot the apparent resistivity and phase # self.plotlist.append(p1) # # p1.plot() # # -----Plot All in one figure with each plot as a subfigure------------ if self.plot_style == 'all': stlist = [] stlabel = [] st_maxlist = [] st_minlist = [] ns = len(self.mt_list) # set some parameters of the figure and subplot spacing plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size if self.plot_skew == 'y': plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = .94 else: plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = .98 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = .1 plt.rcParams[''] = .93 # set the font properties for the axis labels fontdict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} # set figure size according to what the plot will be. if self.fig_size is None: if self.plot_num == 1 or self.plot_num == 3: self.fig_size = [ns * 4, 6] elif self.plot_num == 2: self.fig_size = [ns * 8, 6] # make a figure instance self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) # make subplots as columns for all stations that need to be plotted gs0 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, ns) # space out the subplots gs0.update(hspace=.025, wspace=.025, left=.085) labelcoords = (-0.145, 0.5) axr = None axt = None axpt = None axst = None axsk = None for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): # type: int, MT # get the reistivity and phase object rp = mt.Z # set x-axis limits from short period to long period if self.xlimits is None: self.xlimits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(mt.period[0]))), 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10((mt.period[-1]))))) # if self.phase_limits is None: # pass if self.res_limits is None: self.res_limits = (10 ** (np.floor( np.log10(min([mt.Z.res_xy.min(), mt.Z.res_yx.min()])))), 10 ** (np.ceil( np.log10(max([mt.Z.res_xy.max(), mt.Z.res_yx.max()]))))) # create a grid to place the figures into, set to have 2 rows # and 2 columns to put any of the 4 components. Make the phase # plot slightly shorter than the apparent resistivity plot and # have the two close to eachother vertically. gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, 2, subplot_spec=gs0[ii], height_ratios=hr, hspace=0.05, wspace=.0125) # --> create the axes instances for xy, yx if self.plot_num == 1 or self.plot_num == 3: # apparent resistivity axis axr = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :], sharex=axr) # phase axis that shares period axis with resistivity axp = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :], sharex=axr)# --> make figure for xy,yx components # space out the subplots # gs.update(hspace=.05, wspace=.02, left=.1) # --> make figure for all 4 components elif self.plot_num == 2: # --> create the axes instances # apparent resistivity axis axr = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], sharex=axr) # phase axis that shares period axis with resistivity axp = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=axr) # space out the subplots # gs.update(hspace=.05, wspace=.02, left=.07) # place y coordinate labels in the same location axr.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) axp.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) # --> plot tipper try: axt = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['tip'], :], sharey=axt) axt.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot phase tensors try: # can't share axis because not on the same scale axpt = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['pt'], :], aspect='equal', sharey=axpt) axpt.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot strike try: axst = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['strike'], :], sharex=axr, sharey=axst) axst.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot skew try: axsk = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['skew'], :], sharex=axr, sharey=axsk) axsk.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # ---------plot the apparent resistivity---------------------- # --> plot as error bars and just as points xy-blue, yx-red # res_xy ebxyr = axr.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_xy, marker=self.xy_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.xy_mfc, mec=self.xy_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_xy, ecolor=self.xy_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # res_yx ebyxr = axr.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_yx, marker=self.yx_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.yx_mfc, mec=self.yx_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_yx, ecolor=self.yx_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # --> set axes properties plt.setp(axr.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) axr.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') axr.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') axr.set_xlim(self.x_limits) axr.set_ylim(self.res_limits) axr.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if ii == 0: axr.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) axr.legend((ebxyr[0], ebyxr[0]), ('$Z_{xy}$', '$Z_{yx}$'), loc=3, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.02) else: plt.setp(axr.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # -----Plot the phase---------------------------------------- # phase_xy ebxyp = axp.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_xy, marker=self.xy_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.xy_mfc, mec=self.xy_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_xy, ecolor=self.xy_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_yx: ebyxp = axp.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_yx + 180, marker=self.yx_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.yx_mfc, mec=self.yx_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_yx, ecolor=self.yx_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # check the phase to see if any point are outside of [0:90] if self.phase_limits is None: pymin = min(0, min([min(rp.phase_xy), min(rp.phase_yx)])) pymax = max(89.9, max([max(rp.phase_xy), max(rp.phase_yx)])) self.phase_limits = (pymin, pymax) # self.phase_limits = (pymin, pymax) # else: # self.phase_limits = (min(self.phase_limits[0], pymin), # max(self.phase_limits[1], pymax)) # if self.phase_limits is None: # if min(rp.phasexy) < 0 or min(rp.phase_yx) < 0: # pymin = min([min(rp.phase_xy), # min(rp.phase_yx)]) # if pymin > 0: # pymin = 0 # else: # pymin = 0 # # if max(rp.phasexy) > 90 or max(rp.phase_yx) > 90: # pymax = min([max(rp.phase_xy), # YG: should use max instead ?? # max(rp.phase_yx)]) # if pymax < 91: # pymax = 89.9 # YG: why?? # else: # pymax = 89.9 # # self.phase_limits = (pymin, pymax) # --> set axes properties if ii == 0: axp.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict) else: plt.setp(axp.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_tipper == 'n' and self.plot_skew == 'n' and \ self.plot_strike == 'n': axp.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict) axp.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') if self.phase_limits is None: self.phase_limits = (-179.9,179.9) axp.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) axp.set_xlim(self.x_limits) axp.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(15)) axp.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) axp.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) tklabels = [mtpl.labeldict[tt] for tt in np.arange(np.log10(self.xlimits[0]), np.log10(self.xlimits[1]) + 1)] tklabels[0] = '' tklabels[-1] = '' axp.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) if len(list(pdict.keys())) > 2: plt.setp(axp.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axp.xaxis.get_label(), visible=False) # -----plot tipper-------------------------------------------- if self._plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: plt.setp(axp.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) tp = mt.Tipper txr = tp.mag_real * np.sin(tp.angle_real * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) tyr = tp.mag_real * np.cos(tp.angle_real * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) txi = tp.mag_imag * np.sin(tp.angle_imag * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) tyi = tp.mag_imag * np.cos(tp.angle_imag * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) nt = len(txr) tiplist = [] tiplabel = [] for aa in range(nt): xlenr = txr[aa] * mt.period[aa] xleni = txi[aa] * mt.period[aa] # --> plot real arrows if self._plot_tipper.find('r') > 0: axt.arrow(np.log10(mt.period[aa]), 0, xlenr, tyr[aa], lw=self.arrow_lw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_real, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_real, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length, length_includes_head=False) if aa == 0: line1 = axt.plot(0, 0, self.arrow_color_real) tiplist.append(line1[0]) tiplabel.append('real') # --> plot imaginary arrows if self.plot_tipper.find('i') > 0: axt.arrow(np.log10(mt.period[aa]), 0, xleni, tyi[aa], facecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, lw=self.arrow_lw, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length, length_includes_head=False) if aa == 0: line2 = axt.plot(0, 0, self.arrow_color_imag) tiplist.append(line2[0]) tiplabel.append('imag') # make a line at 0 for reference axt.plot(mt.period, [0] * nt, 'k', lw=.5) if ii == 0: axt.legend(tiplist, tiplabel, loc='upper left', markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.1, prop={'size': self.font_size}) axt.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict=fontdict) else: plt.setp(axt.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # set axis properties axt.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(.2)) axt.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(.1)) axt.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) axt.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') if self.tipper_limits is None: tmax = max([tyr.max(), tyi.max()]) if tmax > 1: tmax = .899 tmin = min([tyr.min(), tyi.min()]) if tmin < -1: tmin = -.899 self.tipper_limits = (tmin - .1, tmax + .1) axt.set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) axt.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) tklabels = [] xticks = [] for tk in axt.get_xticks(): try: tklabels.append(mtpl.labeldict[tk]) xticks.append(tk) except KeyError: pass axt.set_xticks(xticks) axt.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) if pdict['tip'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(axt.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # need to reset the xlimits caouse they get reset when calling # set_ticks for some reason axt.set_xlim(np.log10(self.xlimits[0]), np.log10(self.xlimits[1])) # ------plot strike angles---------------------------------------------- if self._plot_strike.find('y') == 0: if self._plot_strike.find('i') > 0: # strike from invariants zinv = Zinvariants(mt.Z) s1 = zinv.strike # fold angles so go from -90 to 90 s1[np.where(s1 > 90)] -= -180 s1[np.where(s1 < -90)] += 180 # plot strike with error bars ps1 = axst.errorbar(mt.period, s1, marker=self.strike_inv_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.strike_inv_color, mec=self.strike_inv_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=zinv.strike_err, ecolor=self.strike_inv_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps1[0]) stlabel.append('Z_inv') st_maxlist.append(s1.max()) st_minlist.append(s1.min()) if self._plot_strike.find('p') > 0: # strike from phase tensor pt = # type: PhaseTensor s2, s2_err = pt.azimuth, pt.azimuth_err # fold angles to go from -90 to 90 s2[np.where(s2 > 90)] -= 180 s2[np.where(s2 < -90)] += 180 # plot strike with error bars ps2 = axst.errorbar(mt.period, s2, marker=self.strike_pt_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.strike_pt_color, mec=self.strike_pt_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=s2_err, ecolor=self.strike_pt_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps2[0]) stlabel.append('PT') st_maxlist.append(s2.max()) st_minlist.append(s2.min()) if self._plot_strike.find('t') > 0: # strike from tipper tp = mt.Tipper s3 = tp.angle_real + 90 # fold to go from -90 to 90 s3[np.where(s3 > 90)] -= 180 s3[np.where(s3 < -90)] += 180 # plot strike with error bars ps3 = axst.errorbar(mt.period, s3, marker=self.strike_tip_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.strike_tip_color, mec=self.strike_tip_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=np.zeros_like(s3), ecolor=self.strike_tip_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps3[0]) stlabel.append('Tip') st_maxlist.append(s3.max()) st_minlist.append(s3.min()) # --> set axes properties if self.strike_limits is None: stmin = min(st_minlist) if stmin - 3 < -90: stmin -= 3 else: stmin = -89.99 stmax = max(st_maxlist) if stmin + 3 < 90: stmin += 3 else: stmin = 89.99 self.strike_limits = (-max([abs(stmin), abs(stmax)]), max([abs(stmin), abs(stmax)])) axst.plot(axr.get_xlim(), [0, 0], color='k', lw=.5) if ii == 0: axst.set_ylabel('Strike', fontdict=fontdict) else: plt.setp(axst.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axst.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) axst.set_ylim(self.strike_limits) axst.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(30)) axst.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) axst.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') axst.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if ii == 0: try: axst.legend(stlist, stlabel, loc=3, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.02, prop={'size': self.font_size - 1}) except: pass # set th xaxis tick labels to invisible if pdict['strike'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(axst.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) # ------plot skew angle--------------------------------------------- if self._plot_skew == 'y': # strike from phase tensor pt = sk, sk_err = pt.beta, pt.beta_err ps4 = axsk.errorbar(mt.period, sk, marker=self.skew_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.skew_color, mec=self.skew_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=sk_err, ecolor=self.skew_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps4[0]) stlabel.append('Skew') if self.skew_limits is None: self.skew_limits = (-9, 9) axsk.set_ylim(self.skew_limits) axsk.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(3)) axsk.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) if ii ==0: axsk.set_ylabel('Skew', fontdict) else: plt.setp(axsk.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axsk.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict) axsk.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') # set th xaxis tick labels to invisible if pdict['skew'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(axsk.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) # ----plot phase tensor ellipse--------------------------------------- if self._plot_pt == 'y': # get phase tensor instance pt = cmap = self.ellipse_cmap ckmin = self.ellipse_range[0] ckmax = self.ellipse_range[1] try: ckstep = float(self.ellipse_range[2]) except IndexError: ckstep = 3 if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) nseg = float((ckmax - ckmin) / (2 * ckstep)) # get the properties to color the ellipses by if self.ellipse_colorby == 'phiminang' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimin': colorarray = pt.phimin elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phidet': colorarray = np.sqrt(abs(pt.det)) * (180 / np.pi) elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew_seg': colorarray = pt.beta elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'ellipticity': colorarray = pt.ellipticity else: raise NameError(self.ellipse_colorby + ' is not supported') # -------------plot ellipses----------------------------------- for kk, ff in enumerate(mt.period): # make sure the ellipses will be visable eheight = pt.phimin[kk] / pt.phimax[kk] * \ self.ellipse_size ewidth = pt.phimax[kk] / pt.phimax[kk] * \ self.ellipse_size # create an ellipse scaled by phimin and phimax and # oriented along the azimuth which is calculated as # clockwise but needs to be plotted counter-clockwise # hence the negative sign. ellipd = patches.Ellipse((np.log10(ff) * \ self.ellipse_spacing, 0), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=90 - pt.azimuth[kk]) axpt.add_patch(ellipd) # get ellipse color if cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color( colorarray[kk], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color( colorarray[kk], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) # ----set axes properties----------------------------------------------- # --> set tick labels and limits axpt.set_xlim(np.floor(np.log10(self.xlimits[0])), np.ceil(np.log10(self.xlimits[1]))) tklabels = [] xticks = [] for tk in axpt.get_xticks(): try: tklabels.append(mtpl.labeldict[tk]) xticks.append(tk) except KeyError: pass axpt.set_xticks(xticks) axpt.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) axpt.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) axpt.set_ylim(ymin=-1.5 * self.ellipse_size, ymax=1.5 * self.ellipse_size) axpt.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='major', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) plt.setp(axpt.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if pdict['pt'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(axpt.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # add colorbar for PT only for first plot if ii == 0: axpos = axpt.get_position() cb_position = (axpos.bounds[0] - .0575, axpos.bounds[1] + .02, .01, axpos.bounds[3] * .75) cbax = self.fig.add_axes(cb_position) if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': # make a color list clist = [(cc, cc, 1) for cc in np.arange(0, 1 + 1. / (nseg), 1. / (nseg))] + \ [(1, cc, cc) for cc in np.arange(1, -1. / (nseg), -1. / (nseg))] # make segmented colormap mt_seg_bl2wh2rd = colors.ListedColormap(clist) # make bounds so that the middle is white bounds = np.arange(ckmin - ckstep, ckmax + 2 * ckstep, ckstep) # normalize the colors norms = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, mt_seg_bl2wh2rd.N) # make the colorbar cbpt = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbax, cmap=mt_seg_bl2wh2rd, norm=norms, orientation='vertical', ticks=bounds[1:-1]) else: cbpt = mcb.ColorbarBase(cbax, cmap=mtcl.cmapdict[cmap], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation='vertical') cbpt.set_ticks([ckmin, (ckmax - ckmin) / 2, ckmax]) cbpt.set_ticklabels(['{0:.0f}'.format(ckmin), '{0:.0f}'.format((ckmax - ckmin) / 2), '{0:.0f}'.format(ckmax)])'left'), .5)'y', direction='in') cbpt.set_label(mtpl.ckdict[self.ellipse_colorby], fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) # == == Plot the Z_xx, Z_yy components if desired == if self.plot_num == 2: # ---------plot the apparent resistivity---------------- axr2 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axr, sharey=axr) axr2.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.1, 0.5) # res_xx ebxxr = axr2.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_xx, marker=self.xy_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.xy_mfc, mec=self.xy_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_xx, ecolor=self.xy_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # res_yy ebyyr = axr2.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_yy, marker=self.yx_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.yx_mfc, mec=self.yx_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_yy, ecolor=self.yx_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # --> set axes properties plt.setp(axr2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axr2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axr2.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') axr2.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') axr2.set_xlim(self.x_limits) axr2.set_ylim(self.res_limits) axr2.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if ii == 0: axr2.legend((ebxxr[0], ebyyr[0]), ('$Z_{xx}$', '$Z_{yy}$'), loc=3, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.02) # -----Plot the phase----------------------------------- axp2 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axr, sharey=axp) axp2.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.1, 0.5) # phase_xx ebxxp = axp2.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_xx, marker=self.xy_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.xy_mfc, mec=self.xy_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_xx, ecolor=self.xy_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_yy ebyyp = axp2.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_yy, marker=self.yx_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.yx_mfc, mec=self.yx_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_yy, ecolor=self.yx_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # --> set axes properties plt.setp(axp2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axp2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axp2.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict) axp2.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') if self.phase_limits is None: self.phase_limits=(-179.9,179.9) axp2.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) axp2.set_xlim(self.x_limits) axp2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(30)) axp2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) # axp2.set_xticklabels(tklabels, # fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) axp2.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if len(list(pdict.keys())) > 2: plt.setp(axp2.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axp2.xaxis.get_label(), visible=False) # == =Plot the Determinant if desired == == == == if self.plot_num == 3: # res_det ebdetr = axr.errorbar(mt.period, rp.res_det, marker=self.det_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.det_mfc, mec=self.det_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.det_ls, yerr=rp.res_det_err, ecolor=self.det_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_det ebdetp = axp.errorbar(mt.period, rp.phase_det, marker=self.det_marker, ms=self.marker_size, mfc=self.det_mfc, mec=self.det_color, mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.det_ls, yerr=rp.phase_det_err, ecolor=self.det_color, capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # --> set axes properties plt.setp(axr.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if ii == 0: axr.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) else: plt.setp(axr.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axr.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') axr.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') axr.set_ylim(self.res_limits) axr.set_xlim(self.xlimits) axr.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # --> set axes properties axp.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict) if ii == 0: axp.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict) else: plt.setp(axp.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axp.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') axp.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) axp.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(15)) axp.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) tklabels = [mtpl.labeldict[tt] for tt in np.arange(np.log10(self.xlimits[0]), np.log10(self.xlimits[1]) + 1)] tklabels[0] = '' tklabels[-1] = '' axp.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) axp.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # make title and show axr.set_title(mt.station, fontsize=self.font_size, fontweight='bold') if show: # ===Plot all responses into one plot to compare changes == if self.plot_style == 'compare': ns = len(self.mt_list) # make color lists for the plots going light to dark cxy = [(0, 0 + float(cc) / ns, 1 - float(cc) / ns) for cc in range(ns)] cyx = [(1, float(cc) / ns, 0) for cc in range(ns)] cdet = [(0, 1 - float(cc) / ns, 0) for cc in range(ns)] ctipr = [(.75 * cc / ns, .75 * cc / ns, .75 * cc / ns) for cc in range(ns)] ctipi = [(float(cc) / ns, 1 - float(cc) / ns, .25) for cc in range(ns)] cst = [(.5 * cc / ns, 0, .5 * cc / ns) for cc in range(ns)] # make marker lists for the different components mxy = ['s', 'D', 'x', '+', '*', '1', '3', '4'] * 5 myx = ['o', 'h', '8', 'p', 'H', 7, 4, 6] * 5 legendlistxy = [] legendlistyx = [] stationlist = [] tiplist = [] stlist = [] sklist = [] # set some parameters of the figure and subplot spacing plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = .1 plt.rcParams[''] = .97 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = .08 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = .98 # set the font properties for the axis labels fontdict = {'size': self.font_size + 1, 'weight': 'bold'} # set figure size according to what the plot will be. if self.fig_size is None: if self.plot_num == 1 or self.plot_num == 3: self.fig_size = [8, 6] pass elif self.plot_num == 2: self.fig_size = [8, 6] nrows += 1 # make a figure instance self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) # make a grid as usual, but put xy and yx in different plots # otherwise the plot is too busy to see what's going on. hr = [2, 1.5] + [1] * (nrows - 2) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows, 2, height_ratios=hr, hspace=.05) # --> make figure for xy,yx components if self.plot_num == 1 or self.plot_num == 3: # set label coordinates labelcoords = (-0.125, 0.5) # space out the subplots gs.update(hspace=.05, wspace=.02, left=.1) # --> make figure for all 4 components elif self.plot_num == 2: # set label coordinates labelcoords = (-0.125, 0.5) # space out the subplots gs.update(hspace=.05, wspace=.02, left=.07) for key in pdict: if key != 'res' and key != 'phase': pdict[key] += 1 # --> create the axes instances # apparent resistivity axis self.axrxy = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) self.axryx = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=self.axrxy, sharey=self.axrxy) # phase axis that shares period axis with resistivity self.axpxy = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=self.axrxy) self.axpyx = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=self.axrxy, sharey=self.axpxy) # place y coordinate labels in the same location # self.axrxy.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) # self.axpxy.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0], labelcoords[1]) # --> plot tipper try: self.axt = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['tip'], :]) # self.axt.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0] * .5, # labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot phase tensors try: # can't share axis because not on the same scale self.axpt = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['pt'], :], aspect='equal') # self.axpt.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0] * .5, # labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot strike try: self.axst = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['strike'], :], sharex=self.axrxy) # self.axst.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0] * .5, # labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass # --> plot skew try: self.axsk = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[pdict['skew'], :], sharex=self.axrxy) # self.axsk.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelcoords[0] * .5, # labelcoords[1]) except KeyError: pass for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): # get the reistivity and phase object # set x-axis limits from short period to long period if self.xlimits is None: self.xlimits = (10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(mt.period.min()))), 10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(mt.period.max())))) else: self.xlimits = (10 ** min([np.floor(np.log10(self.xlimits[0])), np.floor(np.log10(mt.period.min()))]), 10 ** max([np.ceil(np.log10(self.xlimits[1])), np.ceil(np.log10(mt.period.max()))])) if self.phase_limits is None: self.phase_limits = (0, 89.9) stationlist.append(mt.station) # == == == == =Plot Z_xy and Z_yx == # if self.plot_num == 1 or self.plot_num == 2: # ---------plot the apparent resistivity-------------------- # --> plot as error bars and just as points xy-blue, yx-red # res_xy ebxyr = self.axrxy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_xy, color=cxy[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_xy, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # res_yx ebyxr = self.axryx.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_yx, color=cyx[ii], marker=myx[ii % len(myx)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cyx[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_yx, ecolor=cyx[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # -----Plot the phase--------------------------------------- # phase_xy self.axpxy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_xy, color=cxy[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_xy, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_yx: Note add 180 to place it in same quadrant as # phase_xy self.axpyx.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_yx + 180, color=cyx[ii], marker=myx[ii % len(myx)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cyx[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_yx, ecolor=cyx[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) legendlistxy.append(ebxyr) legendlistyx.append(ebyxr) # ==== Plot the Z_xx, Z_yy components if desired == if self.plot_num == 2: # ---------plot the apparent resistivity---------------- self.axr2xx = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=self.axrxy) self.axr2xx.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.095, 0.5) self.axr2yy = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=self.axrxy) # res_xx ebxxr = self.axr2xx.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_xx, color=cxy[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_xx, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # res_yy ebyyr = self.axr2yy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_yy, color=cyx[ii], marker=myx[ii % len(myx)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cyx[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_err_yy, ecolor=cyx[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # -----Plot the phase----------------------------------- self.axp2xx = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=self.axrxy) self.axp2xx.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.095, 0.5) self.axp2yy = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=self.axrxy) # phase_xx ebxxp = self.axp2xx.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_xx, color=cxy[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.xy_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_xx, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_yy ebyyp = self.axp2yy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_yy, color=cyx[ii], marker=myx[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cyx[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.yx_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_err_yy, ecolor=cyx[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # ===Plot the Determinant if desired == if self.plot_num == 3: # res_det ebdetr = self.axrxy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.res_det, color=cxy[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cdet[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.det_ls, yerr=mt.Z.res_det_err, ecolor=cdet[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # phase_det ebdetp = self.axpxy.errorbar(mt.period, mt.Z.phase_det, color=cyx[ii], marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc='None', mec=cdet[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls=self.det_ls, yerr=mt.Z.phase_det_err, ecolor=cdet[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) legendlistxy.append(ebdetr) # -----plot tipper---------------------------------------------- if self._plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: txr = mt.Tipper.mag_real * np.sin(mt.Tipper.angle_real * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) tyr = mt.Tipper.mag_real * np.cos(mt.Tipper.angle_real * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) txi = mt.Tipper.mag_imag * np.sin(mt.Tipper.angle_imag * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) tyi = mt.Tipper.mag_imag * np.cos(mt.Tipper.angle_imag * np.pi / 180 + \ np.pi * self.arrow_direction) nt = len(txr) for aa in range(nt): xlenr = txr[aa] * np.log10(mt.period[aa]) xleni = txi[aa] * np.log10(mt.period[aa]) if self.tipper_limits is None: tmax = max([tyr.max(), tyi.max()]) tmin = min([tyr.min(), tyi.min()]) if np.isnan(tmax): tmax = 1.0 if np.isnan(tmin): tmin = -1.0 tmin = max([-1, tmin]) tmax = min([1, tmax]) self.tipper_limits = (tmin - .1, tmax + .1) else: tmax = max([tyr.max(), tyi.max(), self.tipper_limits[1] - .1]) + .1 tmin = min([tyr.min(), tyi.min(), self.tipper_limits[0] + .1]) - .1 if np.isnan(tmax): tmax = 1.0 if np.isnan(tmin): tmin = -1.0 tmin = max([-1, tmin]) tmax = min([1, tmax]) self.tipper_limits = (tmin, tmax) # --> plot real arrows if self._plot_tipper.find('r') > 0: self.axt.arrow(np.log10(mt.period[aa]), 0, xlenr, tyr[aa], lw=self.arrow_lw, facecolor=ctipr[ii], edgecolor=ctipr[ii], head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length, length_includes_head=False) # --> plot imaginary arrows if self._plot_tipper.find('i') > 0: self.axt.arrow(np.log10(mt.period[aa]), 0, xleni, tyi[aa], lw=self.arrow_lw, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length, length_includes_head=False) lt = self.axt.plot(0, 0, lw=1, color=ctipr[ii]) tiplist.append(lt[0]) # ------plot strike angles---------------------------------------------- if self._plot_strike.find('y') == 0: # if self._plot_strike.find('i') > 0: # #strike from invariants # zinv = mt.Z.invariants # s1 = zinv.strike # # #fold angles so go from -90 to 90 # s1[np.where(s1>90)] -= -180 # s1[np.where(s1<-90)] += 180 # # #plot strike with error bars # ps1 = self.axst.errorbar(mt.period, # s1, # marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], # ms=self.marker_size, # mfc=cst[ii], # mec=cst[ii], # mew=self.marker_lw, # ls='none', # yerr=zinv.strike_err, # ecolor=cst[ii], # capsize=self.marker_size, # elinewidth=self.marker_lw) # # stlist.append(ps1[0]) if self._plot_strike.find('p') > 0: # strike from phase tensor s2 = s2_err = # fold angles to go from -90 to 90 s2[np.where(s2 > 90)] -= 180 s2[np.where(s2 < -90)] += 180 # plot strike with error bars ps2 = self.axst.errorbar(mt.period, s2, marker=myx[ii % len(myx)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc=cxy[ii], mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=s2_err, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps2[0]) if self._plot_strike.find('t') > 0: # strike from tipper s3 = mt.Tipper.angle_real + 90 # fold to go from -90 to 90 s3[np.where(s3 > 90)] -= 180 s3[np.where(s3 < -90)] += 180 # plot strike with error bars ps3 = self.axst.errorbar(mt.period, s3, marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc=ctipr[ii], mec=ctipr[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=np.zeros_like(s3), ecolor=ctipr[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps3[0]) # ------plot skew angle--------------------------------------------- if self._plot_skew == 'y': # strike from phase tensor sk = sk_err = ps4 = self.axsk.errorbar(mt.period, sk, marker=mxy[ii % len(mxy)], ms=self.marker_size, mfc=cxy[ii], mec=cxy[ii], mew=self.marker_lw, ls='none', yerr=sk_err, ecolor=cxy[ii], capsize=self.marker_size, elinewidth=self.marker_lw) stlist.append(ps4[0]) # ----plot phase tensor ellipse--------------------------------------- if self._plot_pt == 'y': # get phase tensor instance pt = cmap = self.ellipse_cmap ckmin = self.ellipse_range[0] ckmax = self.ellipse_range[1] try: ckstep = float(self.ellipse_range[2]) except IndexError: ckstep = 3 if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) nseg = float((ckmax - ckmin) / (2 * ckstep)) # get the properties to color the ellipses by if self.ellipse_colorby == 'phiminang' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimin': colorarray = elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phidet': colorarray = np.sqrt(abs( * (180 / np.pi) elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew_seg': colorarray = elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'ellipticity': colorarray = else: raise NameError(self.ellipse_colorby + ' is not supported') # -------------plot ellipses----------------------------------- for kk, ff in enumerate(mt.period): # make sure the ellipses will be visable eheight =[kk] /[kk] * \ self.ellipse_size ewidth =[kk] /[kk] * \ self.ellipse_size # create an ellipse scaled by phimin and phimax and oriented # along the azimuth which is calculated as clockwise but needs # to be plotted counter-clockwise hence the negative sign. ellipd = patches.Ellipse((np.log10(ff) * self.ellipse_spacing, ii * self.ellipse_size * 1.5), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=90 - pt.azimuth[kk]) self.axpt.add_patch(ellipd) # get ellipse color if cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray[kk], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray[kk], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) ellipd.set_edgecolor(cxy[ii]) # -------set axis properties--------------------------------------- self.axrxy.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axrxy.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axrxy.set_ylim(self.res_limits) self.axrxy.set_xlim(self.x_limits) self.axrxy.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # make a text label in upper left hand corner # label the plot with a text box if self.text_location is None: txloc = self.xlimits[0] * self.text_xpad tyloc = self.axrxy.get_ylim()[1] * self.text_ypad else: txloc = self.text_location[0] tyloc = self.text_location[1] self.text = self.axrxy.text(txloc, tyloc, '$Z_{xy}$', fontdict={'size': self.text_size, 'weight': self.text_weight}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1}) plt.setp(self.axrxy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self.axrxy.set_ylabel('App. Resistivity($\Omega \cdot$m)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axryx.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axryx.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axryx.set_ylim(self.res_limits) self.axryx.set_xlim(self.x_limits) self.axryx.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) self.text = self.axryx.text(txloc, tyloc, '$Z_{yx}$', fontdict={'size': self.text_size, 'weight': self.text_weight}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1}) plt.setp(self.axryx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.axryx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # check the phase to see if any point are outside of [0:90] if self.phase_limits is None: self.phase_limits = (0, 89.99) # --> set axes properties self.axpxy.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axpxy.set_ylabel('Phase(deg)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axpxy.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axpxy.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) self.axpxy.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(15)) self.axpxy.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) self.axpxy.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if len(list(pdict.keys())) > 2: plt.setp(self.axpxy.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpxy.set_xlabel('') self.axpyx.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axpyx.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axpyx.set_ylim(self.phase_limits) self.axpyx.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(15)) self.axpyx.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) self.axpyx.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) plt.setp(self.axpyx.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) if len(list(pdict.keys())) > 2: plt.setp(self.axpyx.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpyx.set_xlabel('') # make legend if self.plot_num == 1: self.axrxy.legend(legendlistxy, stationlist, loc=3, ncol=2, markerscale=.75, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.25) self.axryx.legend(legendlistyx, stationlist, loc=3, ncol=2, markerscale=.75, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.25) elif self.plot_num == 3: llist = [ll[0] for ll in legendlistxy] slist = [ss + '_det' for ss in stationlist] self.axrxy.legend(llist, slist, loc=3, markerscale=.75, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.25) self.axryx.legend(llist, slist, loc=3, markerscale=.75, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.25) if self.plot_num == 2: # --> set axes properties for resxx self.axrxy.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axrxy.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axrxy.set_xlim(self.x_limits) self.axrxy.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) plt.setp(self.axrxy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # --> set axes properties for resyy self.axryx.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') self.axryx.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axryx.set_xlim(self.x_limits) self.axryx.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) plt.setp(self.axryx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # --> set axes properties Phasexx self.axpxy.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict) self.axpxy.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axpxy.set_ylim(ymin=-179.9, ymax=179.9) self.axpxy.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(30)) self.axpxy.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) self.axpxy.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # --> set axes properties Phaseyy self.axpyx.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict) self.axpyx.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axpyx.set_ylim(ymin=-179.9, ymax=179.9) self.axpyx.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(30)) self.axpyx.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) self.axpyx.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) if len(list(pdict.keys())) > 3: plt.setp(self.axpxy.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpxy.set_xlabel('') plt.setp(self.axpyx.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpyx.set_xlabel('') if self._plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: self.axt.plot(self.axt.get_xlim(), [0, 0], color='k', lw=.5) # --> set axis properties Tipper if self.plot_num == 2: plt.setp(self.axpxy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpxy.set_xlabel('') plt.setp(self.axpyx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpyx.set_xlabel('') self.axt.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(.2)) self.axt.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(.1)) self.axt.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axt.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict=fontdict) self.axt.set_xlim(np.log10(self.xlimits[0]), np.log10(self.xlimits[1])) tklabels = [] xticks = [] for tk in self.axt.get_xticks(): try: tklabels.append(mtpl.labeldict[tk]) xticks.append(tk) except KeyError: pass self.axt.set_xticks(xticks) self.axt.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) self.axt.set_ylim(self.tipper_limits) self.axt.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) self.axt.legend(tiplist, stationlist, loc=3, ncol=2, markerscale=1, borderaxespad=.01, labelspacing=.07, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.02) # need to reset the xlimits caouse they get reset when calling # set_ticks for some reason self.axt.set_xlim(np.log10(self.xlimits[0]), np.log10(self.xlimits[1])) if pdict['tip'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(self.axt.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axt.set_xlabel(' ') # --> set axes properties for strike and skew if self._plot_strike[0] == 'y': if self.strike_limits is None: self.strike_limits = (-89.99, 89.99) self.axst.plot(self.axrxy.get_xlim(), [0, 0], color='k', lw=.5) self.axst.set_ylabel('Strike(deg)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axst.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axst.set_ylim(self.strike_limits) self.axst.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(30)) self.axst.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) self.axst.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axst.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # self.axst.legend(stlist, # stationlist, # loc=3, # ncol=2, # markerscale=1, # borderaxespad=.01, # labelspacing=.07, # handletextpad=.2, # borderpad=.02) if pdict['strike'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(self.axst.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axst.set_xlabel(' ') # --> set axes properties for skew if self._plot_skew == 'y': self.axsk.set_ylim(self.skew_limits) self.axsk.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(3)) self.axsk.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) self.axsk.set_ylabel('Skew(deg)', fontdict) self.axsk.set_xlabel('Period(s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axsk.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') self.axsk.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) # self.axsk.legend(sklist, # stationlist, # loc=4, # ncol=2, # markerscale=1, # borderaxespad=.01, # labelspacing=.07, # handletextpad=.2, # borderpad=.02) if pdict['skew'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(self.axsk.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axsk.set_xlabel(' ') # ----set axes properties for pt----------------------------------- if self._plot_pt == 'y': self.axpt.set_xlim(np.floor(np.log10(self.xlimits[0])) * \ self.ellipse_spacing, np.ceil(np.log10(self.xlimits[1])) * \ self.ellipse_spacing) tklabels = [] xticks = [] for tk in self.axpt.get_xticks(): try: tklabels.append(mtpl.labeldict[tk / self.ellipse_spacing]) xticks.append(tk) except KeyError: pass self.axpt.set_xticks(xticks) self.axpt.set_xticklabels(tklabels, fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) self.axpt.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) self.axpt.set_ylim(ymin=-1.5 * self.ellipse_size, ymax=1.5 * self.ellipse_size * (ii + 1)) self.axpt.grid(True, alpha=.25, which='major', color=(.25, .25, .25), lw=.25) plt.setp(self.axpt.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if pdict['pt'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(self.axpt.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # add colorbar for PT axpos = self.axpt.get_position() cb_position = (axpos.bounds[0] - .0575, axpos.bounds[1] + .02, .01, axpos.bounds[3] * .75) self.cbax = self.fig.add_axes(cb_position) if self.ellipse_cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': # make a color list clist = [(cc, cc, 1) for cc in np.arange(0, 1 + 1. / (nseg), 1. / (nseg))] + \ [(1, cc, cc) for cc in np.arange(1, -1. / (nseg), -1. / (nseg))] # make segmented colormap mt_seg_bl2wh2rd = colors.ListedColormap(clist) # make bounds so that the middle is white bounds = np.arange(ckmin - ckstep, ckmax + 2 * ckstep, ckstep) # normalize the colors norms = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, mt_seg_bl2wh2rd.N) # make the colorbar self.cbpt = mcb.ColorbarBase(self.cbax, cmap=mt_seg_bl2wh2rd, norm=norms, orientation='vertical', ticks=bounds[1:-1]) else: self.cbpt = mcb.ColorbarBase(self.cbax, cmap=mtcl.cmapdict[cmap], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation='vertical') self.cbpt.set_ticks([ckmin, (ckmax - ckmin) / 2, ckmax]) self.cbpt.set_ticklabels(['{0:.0f}'.format(ckmin), '{0:.0f}'.format((ckmax - ckmin) / 2), '{0:.0f}'.format(ckmax)])'left'), .5)'y', direction='in') self.cbpt.set_label(mtpl.ckdict[self.ellipse_colorby], fontdict={'size': self.font_size}) if pdict['pt'] != nrows - 1: plt.setp(self.axpt.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.axpt.set_xlabel(' ') if show:
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to only be on the major ticks >>> import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtplot >>> p1 = mtplot.PlotResPhase(r'/home/MT/mt01.edi') >>> [ax.grid(True, which='major') for ax in [p1.axr,p1.axp]] >>> p1.update_plot() """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change the color and marker of the xy components >>> import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtplot >>> p1 = mtplot.PlotResPhase(r'/home/MT/mt01.edi') >>> p1.xy_color = (.5,.5,.9) >>> p1.xy_marker = '*' >>> p1.redraw_plot() """ plt.close('all') self.plot()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return "Plots resistivity and phase for the different modes of the MT \n" + \ "response for multiple sites. At the moment it supports the \n" + \ "input of an .edi file. Other formats that will be supported\n" + \ "are the impedance tensor and errors with an array of periods\n" + \ "and .j format.\n"