Source code for mtpy.imaging.plot_resphase_maps

#!/bin/env python
    Plots resistivity and phase maps for a given frequency
CreationDate:   4/19/18
Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     4/19/18   RH


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os, glob
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import mtpy.utils.gis_tools as gis_tools
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
import mtpy.imaging.mtcolors as mtcl
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtpl
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog
import as MTpt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from matplotlib import ticker
from matplotlib import colors

[docs]class PlotResPhaseMaps(mtpl.PlotSettings): """ Plots apparent resistivity and phase in map view from a list of edi files Arguments: ------------- **fn_list** : list of strings full paths to .edi files to plot **fig_size** : tuple or list (x, y) in inches dimensions of the figure box in inches, this is a default unit of matplotlib. You can use this so make the plot fit the figure box to minimize spaces from the plot axes to the figure box. *default* is [8, 8] **mapscale** : [ 'deg' | 'm' | 'km' ] Scale of the map coordinates. * 'deg' --> degrees in latitude and longitude * 'm' --> meters for easting and northing * 'km' --> kilometers for easting and northing **plot_yn** : [ 'y' | 'n' ] *'y' to plot on creating an instance *'n' to not plot on creating an instance **title** : string figure title **dpi** : int dots per inch of the resolution. *default* is 300 **font_size** : float size of the font that labels the plot, 2 will be added to this number for the axis labels. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialise the object :param kwargs: keyword-value pairs """ super(PlotResPhaseMaps, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__) fn_list = kwargs.pop('fn_list', []) # ----set attributes for the class------------------------- self.mt_list = kwargs.pop('mt_list', mtpl.get_mtlist(fn_list=fn_list)) if(len(fn_list)==0 and (len(self.mt_list)==0)): raise NameError('File and MT object lists are both empty.') # read in map scale self.mapscale = kwargs.pop('mapscale', 'deg') if self.mapscale == 'km': self.dscale = 1000. elif self.mapscale == 'm': self.dscale = 1. # end if self.plot_title = kwargs.pop('plot_title', None) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('fig_dpi', 100) self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [8, 6]) self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 7) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') self.save_fn = kwargs.pop('save_fn', "/c/tmp") # By this stage all keyword arguments meant to be set as class properties will have # been processed. Popping all class properties that still exist in kwargs self.kwargs = kwargs for key in vars(self): self.kwargs.pop(key, None) self.axesList = [] # end func # ----------------------------------------------- # The main plot method for this module # -------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot(self, freq, type, vmin, vmax, extrapolation_buffer_degrees=1, regular_grid_nx=100, regular_grid_ny=100, nn=7, p = 4, show_stations = True, show_station_names = False, save_path = os.getcwd(), file_ext = 'png', cmap='rainbow', show = True): """ :param freq: plot frequency :param type: plot type; can be either 'res' or 'phase' :param vmin: minimum value used in color-mapping :param vmax: maximum value used in color-mapping :param extrapolation_buffer_degrees: extrapolation buffer in degrees :param regular_grid_nx: number of longitudinal grid points to use during interpolation :param regular_grid_ny: number of latitudinal grid points to use during interpolation :param nn: number of nearest neighbours to use in inverse distance weighted interpolation :param p: power parameter in inverse distance weighted interpolation :param save_path: path where plot is saved :param file_ext: file extension :param show: boolean to toggle display of plot :return: fig object """ if(type not in ['res', 'phase']): raise NameError("type must be 'res' or 'phase'") if(not os.path.isdir(save_path)): raise NameError("Invalid save_path") def in_hull(p, hull): """ Test if points in p are within the convex hull """ try: if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay): hull = Delaunay(hull) return hull.find_simplex(p)>=0 except: from scipy.optimize import linprog # Delaunay triangulation will fail if there are collinear points; in those instances # use linear programming (much slower) to define a convex hull. def in_hull_lp(points, x): """ :param points: :param x: :return: """ n_points = len(points) n_dim = len(x) c = np.zeros(n_points) A = np.r_[points.T, np.ones((1, n_points))] b = np.r_[x, np.ones(1)] lp = linprog(c, A_eq=A, b_eq=b) return not lp.success # end func result = [] for cp in p: result.append(in_hull_lp(hull, cp)) # end for return np.array(result) # end try # end func # change vmin, vmax to 2x2 array if not np.iterable(vmin): vmin = np.ones((2,2))*vmin if not np.iterable(vmax): vmax = np.ones((2,2))*vmax # set position properties for the plot plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = .1 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = .98 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = .1 plt.rcParams[''] = .93 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = .55 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = .70 # make figure instance self.fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) # clear the figure if there is already one up plt.clf() # interpolate data res, phase, lat, lon = [], [], [], [] for mt_obj in self.mt_list: z_obj_i, tipper_obj_i = mt_obj.interpolate([freq], bounds_error=False) z_obj_i.compute_resistivity_phase() res.append(z_obj_i.resistivity[0]) phase.append(z_obj_i.phase[0]) lat = np.append(lat, lon = np.append(lon, mt_obj.lon) # end for lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) res = np.array(res) phase = np.array(phase) phase[:,1,0] += 180 elon = np.array(lon) elat = np.array(lat) elon[np.argmin(elon)] -= extrapolation_buffer_degrees elon[np.argmax(elon)] += extrapolation_buffer_degrees elat[np.argmin(elat)] -= extrapolation_buffer_degrees elat[np.argmax(elat)] += extrapolation_buffer_degrees x = np.zeros(lon.shape) y = np.zeros(lon.shape) ex = np.zeros(lon.shape) ey = np.zeros(lon.shape) # plot results insideIndices = [] tree = None triangulation = None foundCoordinates = False plotIdx = 1 for i in range(2): for j in range(2): ax = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, plotIdx) self.axesList.append(ax) nx = regular_grid_nx ny = regular_grid_ny if (not foundCoordinates): # transform coordinates if necessary if (self.mapscale == 'm' or self.mapscale=='km'): zl = [] zle = [] for k in range(len(lon)): east, north, zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(lat[k], lon[k]) x[k] = east / self.dscale y[k] = north / self.dscale zl.append(zone) east, north, zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(elat[k], elon[k]) ex[k] = east / self.dscale ey[k] = north / self.dscale zle.append(zone) # end for if (len(set(zl)) > 1 or len(set(zle)) > 1): print('Warning: multiple UTM zones detected. ' \ 'Using geographical coordinates instead') x = lon y = lat ex = elon ey = elat # end if else: x = lon y = lat ex = elon ey = elat # end if rx = np.linspace(ex.min(), ex.max(), nx) ry = np.linspace(ey.min(), ey.max(), ny) rx, ry = np.meshgrid(rx, ry) rx = rx.flatten() ry = ry.flatten() triangulation = tri.Triangulation(rx, ry) mx = rx[triangulation.triangles].mean(axis=1) my = ry[triangulation.triangles].mean(axis=1) mxmy = np.array([mx, my]).T exey = np.array([ex, ey]).T insideIndices = in_hull(mxmy, exey) insideIndices = np.bool_(insideIndices) triangulation.set_mask(~insideIndices) foundCoordinates = True tree = cKDTree(np.array([x, y]).T) # end if xy = np.array([rx, ry]).T d, l = tree.query(xy, k=nn) img = None vs = res if type == 'res' else phase if (nn == 1): # extract nearest neighbour values img = vs[:, i, j][l] else: vals = vs[:, i, j] img = np.zeros((xy.shape[0])) # field values are directly assigned for coincident locations coincidentValIndices = d[:, 0] == 0 img[coincidentValIndices] = vals[l[coincidentValIndices, 0]] # perform idw interpolation for non-coincident locations idwIndices = d[:, 0] != 0 w = np.zeros(d.shape) w[idwIndices, :] = 1. / np.power(d[idwIndices, :], p) img[idwIndices] = np.sum(w[idwIndices, :] * vals[l[idwIndices, :]], axis=1) / \ np.sum(w[idwIndices, :], axis=1) # end if if(isinstance(cmap, str)): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) # set cmap values for over and under norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin[i,j], vmax=vmax[i,j]) cmap.set_over(cmap(norm(vmax[i,j]))) cmap.set_under(cmap(norm(vmin[i,j]))) if (type == 'res'): # Log-normalized contour plots do not support the 'extend' keyword which # can be used to clip data values above/below the given range to their # corresponding colors. We do the following to get around this issue. cbinfo = ax.tricontourf(triangulation, np.log10(img), mask=insideIndices, levels=np.linspace(np.log10(vmin[i,j]), np.log10(vmax[i,j]), 50), extend='both', cmap=cmap) cb = self.fig.colorbar(cbinfo, ticks=ticker.FixedLocator( np.arange(int(np.round(np.log10(vmin[i,j]))), int(np.round(np.log10(vmax[i,j])))+1))) labels = ['$10^{%d}$'%l for l in np.arange(int(np.round(np.log10(vmin[i,j]))), int(np.round(np.log10(vmax[i,j])))+1)] elif (type == 'phase'): cbinfo = ax.tricontourf(triangulation, img, mask=insideIndices, levels=np.linspace(vmin[i,j], vmax[i,j], 50), norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin[i,j], vmax=vmax[i,j]), extend='both', cmap=cmap) cb = self.fig.colorbar(cbinfo, ticks=np.linspace(vmin[i,j], vmax[i,j], 12)) # end if ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=self.font_size-2) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=self.font_size-2)'both', which='major', labelsize=self.font_size-1)'both', which='minor', labelsize=self.font_size-1) # show stations if (show_stations): ax.scatter(x, y, 2, marker='v', c='k', edgecolor='none') if show_station_names: for isn, mt_obj in enumerate(self.mt_list): plt.text(lon[isn],lat[isn],mt_obj.station,fontsize=self.font_size-2) # Label plots label = '' if(i==0 and j==0): if(type=='res'): label = '$\\rho_{xx} \\mathrm{[\Omega m]}$' else: label = '$\\phi_{xx} \\mathrm{[^\circ]}$' elif(i==0 and j==1): if(type=='res'): label = '$\\rho_{xy}$' else: label = '$\\phi_{xy}$' elif(i==1 and j==0): if(type=='res'): label = '$\\rho_{yx}$' else: label = '$\\phi_{yx}$' elif(i==1 and j==1): if(type=='res'): label = '$\\rho_{yy}$' else: label = '$\\phi_{yy}$' ax.text(0.8, 0.9, label, fontdict={'size': self.font_size + 3}, transform=ax.transAxes) plotIdx += 1 # end for # end for # Plot title suffix = ' %0.2f Hz'%(freq) if (freq>=1) else ' %0.2f s'%(1./freq) if(type=='res'): self.fig.suptitle('Apparent Resistivity Maps for'+suffix, y=0.985) else: self.fig.suptitle('Phase Maps for'+suffix, y=0.985) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.025, 1, 0.975]) if (show): fn = os.path.join(save_path, '%s.%0.2f.%s'%(type, freq, file_ext)) self.fig.savefig(fn, dpi=self.fig_dpi) return self.fig
# end func # end class # ============================================= # Quick test # ============================================= if __name__ == "__main__": imaging = os.path.dirname(__file__) mtpy = os.path.dirname(imaging) base = os.path.dirname(mtpy) examples = os.path.join(base, 'examples') data = os.path.join(examples, 'data') edidir = os.path.join(data, 'edi2') edi_file_list = glob.glob(edidir + '/*.edi') prp = PlotResPhaseMaps(fn_list=edi_file_list, fig_dpi=200, mapscale='m') plot_type = 'res' if(plot_type=='res'): f = prp.plot(0.02, plot_type, 0.005, 1e2, extrapolation_buffer_degrees=0.1, regular_grid_nx=100, regular_grid_ny=100, show=True, save_path='/tmp') else: f = prp.plot(0.02, plot_type, -180, 180, extrapolation_buffer_degrees=0.1, regular_grid_nx=100, regular_grid_ny=100, show=True, save_path='/tmp')