Source code for mtpy.imaging.plot_depth_slice

# ==============================================================================
# plot depth slices
# ==============================================================================

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator

from mtpy.modeling.modem import Data, Model

    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK, pointsToVTK
except ImportError:
    print ('If you want to write a vtk file for 3d viewing,you need to pip install PyEVTK:'

    print ('Note: if you are using Windows you should build evtk first with'
           'either MinGW or cygwin using the command: \n'
           '    python build -compiler=mingw32  or \n'
           '    python build -compiler=cygwin')

[docs]class PlotDepthSlice(object): """ Plots depth slices of resistivity model (file.rho) :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.modeling.ws3dinv as ws >>> mfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/Test_model.00" >>> sfn = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/WSStationLocations.txt" >>> # plot just first layer to check the formatting >>> pds = ws.PlotDepthSlice(model_fn=mfn, station_fn=sfn, >>> ... depth_index=0, save_plots='n') >>> #move color bar up >>> pds.cb_location >>> (0.64500000000000002, 0.14999999999999997, 0.3, 0.025) >>> pds.cb_location = (.645, .175, .3, .025) >>> pds.redraw_plot() >>> #looks good now plot all depth slices and save them to a folder >>> pds.save_path = r"/home/MT/ws3dinv/Inv1/DepthSlices" >>> pds.depth_index = None >>> pds.save_plots = 'y' >>> pds.redraw_plot() ======================= =================================================== Attributes Description ======================= =================================================== cb_location location of color bar (x, y, width, height) *default* is None, automatically locates cb_orientation [ 'vertical' | 'horizontal' ] *default* is horizontal cb_pad padding between axes and colorbar *default* is None cb_shrink percentage to shrink colorbar by *default* is None climits (min, max) of resistivity color on log scale *default* is (0, 4) cmap name of color map *default* is 'jet_r' data_fn full path to data file depth_index integer value of depth slice index, shallowest layer is 0 dscale scaling parameter depending on map_scale ew_limits (min, max) plot limits in e-w direction in map_scale units. *default* is None, sets viewing area to the station area fig_aspect aspect ratio of plot. *default* is 1 fig_dpi resolution of figure in dots-per-inch. *default* is 300 fig_list list of matplotlib.figure instances for each depth slice fig_size [width, height] in inches of figure size *default* is [6, 6] font_size size of ticklabel font in points, labels are font_size+2. *default* is 7 grid_east relative location of grid nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units grid_north relative location of grid nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units grid_z relative location of grid nodes in z direction in map_scale units initial_fn full path to initial file map_scale [ 'km' | 'm' ] distance units of map. *default* is km mesh_east np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north, indexing='ij') mesh_north np.meshgrid(grid_east, grid_north, indexing='ij') model_fn full path to model file nodes_east relative distance betwen nodes in e-w direction in map_scale units nodes_north relative distance betwen nodes in n-s direction in map_scale units nodes_z relative distance betwen nodes in z direction in map_scale units ns_limits (min, max) plot limits in n-s direction in map_scale units. *default* is None, sets viewing area to the station area plot_grid [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot mesh grid lines. *default* is 'n' plot_yn [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to plot on instantiation res_model np.ndarray(n_north, n_east, n_vertical) of model resistivity values in linear scale save_path path to save figures to save_plots [ 'y' | 'n' ] 'y' to save depth slices to save_path station_east location of stations in east direction in map_scale units station_fn full path to station locations file station_names station names station_north location of station in north direction in map_scale units subplot_bottom distance between axes and bottom of figure window subplot_left distance between axes and left of figure window subplot_right distance between axes and right of figure window subplot_top distance between axes and top of figure window title titiel of plot *default* is depth of slice xminorticks location of xminorticks yminorticks location of yminorticks ======================= =================================================== """ def __init__(self, model_fn=None, data_fn=None, **kwargs): self.model_fn = model_fn self.data_fn = data_fn # optional self.save_path = kwargs.pop('save_path', None) if self.save_path is None and self.model_fn is not None: modelfile_path = os.path.dirname(self.model_fn) self.save_path = os.path.join(modelfile_path, 'images_mtpy2') if not os.path.exists(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.save_plots = kwargs.pop('save_plots', 'y') # no need this self.depth_index = kwargs.pop('depth_index', None) self.map_scale = kwargs.pop('map_scale', 'km') # make map scale if self.map_scale == 'km': self.dscale = 1000. elif self.map_scale == 'm': self.dscale = 1. self.ew_limits = kwargs.pop('ew_limits', None) self.ns_limits = kwargs.pop('ns_limits', None) self.plot_grid = kwargs.pop('plot_grid', 'n') self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [5, 5]) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', 200) self.fig_aspect = kwargs.pop('fig_aspect', 1) self.title = kwargs.pop('title', 'on') self.fig_list = [] self.xminorticks = kwargs.pop('xminorticks', 10000) self.yminorticks = kwargs.pop('yminorticks', 10000) self.climits = kwargs.pop('climits', (0, 4)) self.cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'jet_r') self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 8) self.cb_shrink = kwargs.pop('cb_shrink', .8) self.cb_pad = kwargs.pop('cb_pad', .01) self.cb_orientation = kwargs.pop( 'cb_orientation', 'horizontal') # 'vertical') self.cb_location = kwargs.pop('cb_location', None) self.subplot_right = .99 self.subplot_left = .085 self.subplot_top = .92 self.subplot_bottom = .1 self.res_model = None self.grid_east = None self.grid_north = None self.grid_z = None self.nodes_east = None self.nodes_north = None self.nodes_z = None self.mesh_east = None self.mesh_north = None self.station_east = None self.station_north = None self.station_names = None self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'n') if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot() # read in the model data. self.total_horizontal_slices = self._read_model_data() return def _read_model_data(self): """ read in the files to get appropriate information """ # --> read in model file if self.model_fn is not None and os.path.isfile(self.model_fn): md_model = Model() md_model.read_model_file(self.model_fn) self.res_model = md_model.res_model self.grid_east = md_model.grid_east / self.dscale self.grid_north = md_model.grid_north / self.dscale self.grid_z = md_model.grid_z / self.dscale self.nodes_east = md_model.nodes_east / self.dscale self.nodes_north = md_model.nodes_north / self.dscale self.nodes_z = md_model.nodes_z / self.dscale else: raise Exception('Error with the Model file: %s. Please check.' % (self.model_fn)) # --> Optionally: read in data file to get station locations if self.data_fn is not None and os.path.isfile(self.data_fn): md_data = Data() md_data.read_data_file(self.data_fn) self.station_east = md_data.station_locations[ 'rel_east'] / self.dscale # convert meters self.station_north = md_data.station_locations[ 'rel_north'] / self.dscale self.station_names = md_data.station_locations['station'] else: print(('Problem with the optional Data file: %s. Please check.' % self.data_fn)) total_horizontal_slices = self.grid_z.shape[0] print(("Total Number of H-slices=", total_horizontal_slices)) return total_horizontal_slices
[docs] def plot(self, ind=1): """ plot the depth slice ind-th """ self.depth_index = ind fdict = {'size': self.font_size + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} cblabeldict = {-2: '$10^{-3}$', -1: '$10^{-1}$', 0: '$10^{0}$', 1: '$10^{1}$', 2: '$10^{2}$', 3: '$10^{3}$', 4: '$10^{4}$', 5: '$10^{5}$', 6: '$10^{6}$', 7: '$10^{7}$', 8: '$10^{8}$'} # create an list of depth slices to plot if self.depth_index is None: zrange = list(range(self.grid_z.shape[0])) elif isinstance(self.depth_index, int): zrange = [self.depth_index] elif isinstance(self.depth_index, list) or \ isinstance(self.depth_index, np.ndarray): zrange = self.depth_index print(("The depth index list:", zrange)) # set the limits of the plot if self.ew_limits is None: if self.station_east is not None: xlimits = (np.floor(self.station_east.min()), np.ceil(self.station_east.max())) else: xlimits = (self.grid_east[5], self.grid_east[-6]) else: xlimits = self.ew_limits if self.ns_limits is None: if self.station_north is not None: ylimits = (np.floor(self.station_north.min()), np.ceil(self.station_north.max())) else: ylimits = (self.grid_north[5], self.grid_north[-6]) else: ylimits = self.ns_limits # make a mesh grid of north and east try: self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north = np.meshgrid(self.grid_east, self.grid_north, indexing='ij') except: self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north = [arr.T for arr in np.meshgrid(self.grid_east, self.grid_north)] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size # --> plot each depth ii into individual figure for ii in zrange: depth = '{0:.3f} ({1})'.format(self.grid_z[ii], self.map_scale) fig = plt.figure(depth, figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) plt.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=self.fig_aspect) plot_res = np.log10(self.res_model[:, :, ii].T) mesh_plot = ax1.pcolormesh(self.mesh_east, self.mesh_north, plot_res, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.climits[0], vmax=self.climits[1]) # plot the stations if self.station_east is not None: for ee, nn in zip(self.station_east, self.station_north): ax1.text(ee, nn, '*', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontdict={'size': 5, 'weight': 'bold'}) # set axis properties ax1.set_xlim(xlimits) ax1.set_ylim(ylimits) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( self.xminorticks / self.dscale)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( self.yminorticks / self.dscale)) ax1.set_ylabel('Northing (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) ax1.set_xlabel('Easting (' + self.map_scale + ')', fontdict=fdict) ax1.set_title('Depth = {0}'.format(depth), fontdict=fdict) # plot the grid if desired if self.plot_grid == 'y': east_line_xlist = [] east_line_ylist = [] for xx in self.grid_east: east_line_xlist.extend([xx, xx]) east_line_xlist.append(None) east_line_ylist.extend([self.grid_north.min(), self.grid_north.max()]) east_line_ylist.append(None) ax1.plot(east_line_xlist, east_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') north_line_xlist = [] north_line_ylist = [] for yy in self.grid_north: north_line_xlist.extend([self.grid_east.min(), self.grid_east.max()]) north_line_xlist.append(None) north_line_ylist.extend([yy, yy]) north_line_ylist.append(None) ax1.plot(north_line_xlist, north_line_ylist, lw=.25, color='k') # FZ: fix miss-placed colorbar from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable ax = plt.gca() # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 # inch. divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) mycb = plt.colorbar( mesh_plot, cax=cax, label='Resistivity ($\Omega \cdot$m)', use_gridspec=True ) self.fig_list.append(fig) # Figure Objects print((self.fig_list)) # --> save plots to a common folder if self.save_plots == 'y': out_file_name = "Resistivity_Slice_at_Depth_{}_{:.4f}.png".format( ii, self.grid_z[ii]) path2outfile = os.path.join(self.save_path, out_file_name) fig.savefig( path2outfile, dpi=self.fig_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') else: pass # when runs interactively, plt show a figure plt.close() return
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ redraw plot if parameters were changed use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. """ for fig in self.fig_list: plt.close(fig) self.plot()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return ("Plots depth slices of model from INVERSION")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': """ plot depth slices """ import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(("Usage: %s file.rho depth_index" % sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) depth_ind = -1 if len(sys.argv) >= 2: modrho = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: depth_ind = int(sys.argv[2]) # pltObj= PlotDepthSlice(model_fn=modrho, xminorticks=100000, yminorticks=100000, depth_index=di, save_plots='y') pltObj = PlotDepthSlice(model_fn=modrho, save_plots='y') # , depth_index=1) print (depth_ind) if depth_ind >= 0: pltObj.plot(depth_ind) else: print("loop to plot all slices: ************** ") max_slices = pltObj.total_horizontal_slices - 2 # 10 for index in range(1, max_slices): pltObj.plot(ind=index)