Source code for mtpy.imaging.phase_tensor_pseudosection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu May 30 18:10:55 2013

@author: jpeacock-pr

# ==============================================================================

import os

import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import mtpy.imaging.mtcolors as mtcl
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtpl

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[docs]class PlotPhaseTensorPseudoSection(mtpl.PlotSettings): """ PlotPhaseTensorPseudoSection will plot the phase tensor ellipses in a pseudo section format Arguments: ------------ **fn_list** : list of strings full paths to .edi files to plot **z_object** : class mtpy.core.z.Z object of mtpy.core.z. If this is input be sure the attribute z.frequency is filled. *default* is None **mt_object** : class mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot object of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot *default* is None **pt_object** : class phase tensor object of If this is input then the ._mt attribute is set to None cause at the moment cannot tranform the phase tensor to z *default* is None **ellipse_dict** : dictionary dictionary of parameters for the phase tensor ellipses with keys: * 'size' -> size of ellipse in points *default* is 2 * 'colorby' : [ 'phimin' | 'phimax' | 'skew' | 'skew_seg' | 'phidet' | 'ellipticity' ] - 'phimin' -> colors by minimum phase - 'phimax' -> colors by maximum phase - 'skew' -> colors by skew - 'skew_seg' -> colors by skew in discrete segments defined by the range - 'normalized_skew' -> colors by skew see [Booker, 2014] - 'normalized_skew_seg' -> colors by normalized skew in discrete segments defined by the range - 'phidet' -> colors by determinant of the phase tensor - 'ellipticity' -> colors by ellipticity *default* is 'phimin' * 'range' : tuple (min, max, step) Need to input at least the min and max and if using 'skew_seg' to plot discrete values input step as well *default* depends on 'colorby' * 'cmap' : [ 'mt_yl2rd' | 'mt_bl2yl2rd' | 'mt_wh2bl' | 'mt_rd2bl' | 'mt_bl2wh2rd' | 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd' | 'mt_rd2gr2bl' ] - 'mt_yl2rd' -> yellow to red - 'mt_bl2yl2rd' -> blue to yellow to red - 'mt_wh2bl' -> white to blue - 'mt_rd2bl' -> red to blue - 'mt_bl2wh2rd' -> blue to white to red - 'mt_bl2gr2rd' -> blue to green to red - 'mt_rd2gr2bl' -> red to green to blue - 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd' -> discrete blue to white to red **stretch** : float or tuple (xstretch, ystretch) is a factor that scales the distance from one station to the next to make the plot readable. *Default* is 200 **linedir** : [ 'ns' | 'ew' ] predominant direction of profile line * 'ns' -> North-South Line * 'ew' -> East-West line *Default* is 'ns' **station_id** : tuple or list start and stop of station name indicies. ex: for MT01dr station_id=(0,4) will be MT01 **rotz** : float or np.ndarray angle in degrees to rotate the data clockwise positive. Can be an array of angle to individually rotate stations or periods or both. - If rotating each station by a constant angle the array needs to have a shape of (# of stations) - If rotating by period needs to have shape # of periods - If rotating both individually shape=(ns, nf) *Default* is 0 **title** : string figure title **dpi** : int dots per inch of the resolution. *default* is 300 **fignum** : int figure number. *Default* is 1 **plot_tipper** : [ 'yri' | 'yr' | 'yi' | 'n' ] * 'yri' to plot induction both real and imaginary induction arrows * 'yr' to plot just the real induction arrows * 'yi' to plot the imaginary induction arrows * 'n' to not plot them *Default* is 'n' **Note: convention is to point towards a conductor but can be changed in arrow_dict['direction']** **arrow_dict** : dictionary for arrow properties * 'size' : float multiplier to scale the arrow. *default* is 5 * 'head_length' : float length of the arrow head *default* is 1.5 * 'head_width' : float width of the arrow head *default* is 1.5 * 'lw' : float line width of the arrow *default* is .5 * 'color' : tuple (real, imaginary) color of the arrows for real and imaginary * 'threshold': float threshold of which any arrow larger than this number will not be plotted, helps clean up if the data is not good. *default* is 1, note this is before scaling by 'size' * 'direction : [ 0 | 1 ] -0 for arrows to point toward a conductor -1 for arrow to point away from conductor **tscale** : [ 'period' | 'frequency' ] * 'period' -> plot vertical scale in period * 'frequency' -> plot vertical scale in frequency **cb_dict** : dictionary to control the color bar * 'orientation' : [ 'vertical' | 'horizontal' ] orientation of the color bar *default* is vertical * 'position' : tuple (x,y,dx,dy) - x -> lateral position of left hand corner of the color bar in figure between [0,1], 0 is left side - y -> vertical position of the bottom of the color bar in figure between [0,1], 0 is bottom side. - dx -> width of the color bar [0,1] - dy -> height of the color bar [0,1] **font_size** : float size of the font that labels the plot, 2 will be added to this number for the axis labels. **plot_yn** : [ 'y' | 'n' ] * 'y' to plot on creating an instance * 'n' to not plot on creating an instance **xlim** : tuple(xmin, xmax) min and max along the x-axis in relative distance of degrees and multiplied by xstretch **ylim** : tuple(ymin, ymax) min and max period to plot, note that the scaling will be done in the code. So if you want to plot from (.1s, 100s) input ylim=(.1,100) To get a list of .edi files that you want to plot --> :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.imaging.mtplot as mtplot >>> import os >>> edipath = r"/home/EDIfiles" >>> edilist = [os.path.join(edipath,edi) for edi in os.listdir(edipath) >>> ... if edi.find('.edi')>0] * If you want to plot minimum phase colored from blue to red in a range of 20 to 70 degrees you can do it one of two ways--> 1) :Example: :: >>> edict = {'range':(20,70), 'cmap':'mt_bl2gr2rd','colorby':'phimin'} >>> pt1 = mtplot.plot_pt_pseudosection(fn_list=edilist, ellipse_dict=edict) 2) :Example: :: >>> pt1 = mtplot.plot_pt_pseudosection(fn_list=edilist, plot_yn='n') >>> pt1.ellipse_colorby = 'phimin' >>> pt1.ellipse_cmap = 'mt_bl2gr2rd' >>> pt1.ellipse_range = (20,70) >>> pt1.plot() * If you want to add real induction arrows that are scaled by 10 and point away from a conductor --> :Example: :: >>> pt1.plot_tipper = 'yr' >>> pt1.arrow_size = 10 >>> pt1.arrow_direction = -1 >>> pt1.redraw_plot() * If you want to save the plot as a pdf with a generic name --> :Example: :: >>> pt1.save_figure(r"/home/PTFigures", file_format='pdf', dpi=300) File saved to '/home/PTFigures/PTPseudoSection.pdf' Attributes: ------------- -arrow_color_imag color of imaginary induction arrow -arrow_color_real color of real induction arrow -arrow_direction convention of arrows pointing to or away from conductors, see above. -arrow_head_length length of arrow head in relative points -arrow_head_width width of arrow head in relative points -arrow_lw line width of arrows -arrow_size scaling factor to multiple arrows by to be visible -arrow_threshold threshold for plotting arrows, anything above this number will not be plotted. -ax matplotlib.axes instance for the main plot -ax2 matplotlib.axes instance for the color bar -cb matplotlib.colors.ColorBar instance for color bar -cb_orientation color bar orientation ('vertical' | 'horizontal') -cb_position color bar position (x, y, dx, dy) -dpi dots-per-inch resolution -ellipse_cmap ellipse color map, see above for options -ellipse_colorby parameter to color ellipse by -ellipse_range (min, max, step) values to color ellipses -ellipse_size scaling factor to make ellipses visible -fig matplotlib.figure instance for the figure -fignum number of figure being plotted -figsize size of figure in inches -font_size font size of axes tick label, axes labels will be font_size + 2 -linedir prominent direction of profile being plotted -mt_list list of mtplot.MTplot instances containing all the important information for each station -offsetlist array of relative offsets of each station -plot_tipper string to inform program to plot induction arrows -plot_yn plot the pseudo section on instance creation -rot_z rotates the data by this angle assuming North is 0 and angle measures clockwise -station_id index [min, max] to reaad station name -stationlist list of stations plotted -title title of figure -tscale temporal scale of y-axis ('frequency' | 'period') -xlimits limits on x-axis (xmin, xmax) -xstretch scaling factor to stretch x offsets -ylimits limits on y-axis (ymin, ymax) -ystep step to set major ticks on y-axis -ystretch scaling factor to strech axes in y direction Methods: ---------- -plot plots the pseudo section -redraw_plot on call redraws the plot from scratch -save_figure saves figure to a file of given format -update_plot updates the plot while still active -export_pt_params_to_file writes parameters of the phase tensor and tipper to text files. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PlotPhaseTensorPseudoSection, self).__init__() mtpl.PlotSettings.__init__(self) self._rotation_angle = 0 fn_list = kwargs.pop('fn_list', None) z_object_list = kwargs.pop('z_object_list', None) tipper_object_list = kwargs.pop('tipper_object_list', None) mt_object_list = kwargs.pop('mt_object_list', None) res_object_list = kwargs.pop('res_object_list', None) # ----set attributes for the class------------------------- self.mt_list = mtpl.get_mtlist(fn_list=fn_list, res_object_list=res_object_list, z_object_list=z_object_list, tipper_object_list=tipper_object_list, mt_object_list=mt_object_list) # --> set the ellipse properties self._ellipse_dict = kwargs.pop('ellipse_dict', {}) self._read_ellipse_dict(self._ellipse_dict) # --> set colorbar properties # set orientation to horizontal cb_dict = kwargs.pop('cb_dict', {}) try: self.cb_orientation = cb_dict['orientation'] except KeyError: self.cb_orientation = 'vertical' # set the position to middle outside the plot try: self.cb_position = cb_dict['position'] except KeyError: self.cb_position = None # set the stretching in each direction stretch = kwargs.pop('stretch', (200, 25)) if isinstance(stretch, float) or isinstance(stretch, int): self.xstretch = stretch self.ystretch = stretch else: self.xstretch = stretch[0] self.ystretch = stretch[1] # --> set plot properties self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.plot_num = kwargs.pop('plot_num', 1) self.plot_title = kwargs.pop('plot_title', None) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('fig_dpi', 300) self.tscale = kwargs.pop('tscale', 'period') self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [6, 6]) self.linedir = kwargs.pop('linedir', 'ew') self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 7) self.station_id = kwargs.pop('station_id', [0, 4]) self.ystep = kwargs.pop('ystep', 4) self.xstep = kwargs.pop('xstep', 1) self.xlimits = kwargs.pop('xlimits', None) self.ylimits = kwargs.pop('ylimits', None) self.scale_arrow = kwargs.pop('scale_arrow', False) self.scale_arrow_dict = kwargs.pop('scale_arrow_dict', {}) if 'size' not in list(self.scale_arrow_dict.keys()): self.scale_arrow_dict['size'] = 1. if 'text_offset_y' not in list(self.scale_arrow_dict.keys()): self.scale_arrow_dict['text_offset_y'] = 0. self._rot_z = kwargs.pop('rot_z', 0) if isinstance(self._rot_z, float) or isinstance(self._rot_z, int): self._rot_z = np.array([self._rot_z] * len(self.mt_list)) # if the rotation angle is an array for rotation of different # freq than repeat that rotation array to the len(mt_list) elif isinstance(self._rot_z, np.ndarray): if self._rot_z.shape[0] != len(self.mt_list): self._rot_z = np.repeat(self._rot_z, len(self.mt_list)) else: pass # --> set induction arrow properties ------------------------------- self.plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') self._arrow_dict = kwargs.pop('arrow_dict', {}) self._read_arrow_dict(self._arrow_dict) self.subplot_left = .10 self.subplot_right = .90 self.subplot_bottom = .2 self.subplot_top = 0.9 self.subplot_wspace = .05 self.subplot_hspace = .05 for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) #---need to rotate data on setting rotz @property def rotation_angle(self): return self._rotation_angle @rotation_angle.setter def rotation_angle(self, value): """ only a single value is allowed """ for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): # JP: need to set the rotation angle negative for plotting # I think its because the way polar plots work by measuring # counter clockwise mt.rotation_angle = value self._rotation_angle = value
[docs] def plot(self, show=True): """ plots the phase tensor pseudo section. See class doc string for more details. """ plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = self.subplot_left plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = self.subplot_right plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = self.subplot_bottom plt.rcParams[''] = self.subplot_top plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = self.subplot_wspace plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = self.subplot_hspace # create a plot instance self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') # FZ: control tick rotation=30 not that good plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') # create empty lists to put things into self.stationlist = [] self.offsetlist = [] minlist = [] maxlist = [] plot_periodlist = None # set local parameters with shorter names es = self.ellipse_size ck = self.ellipse_colorby cmap = self.ellipse_cmap ckmin = float(self.ellipse_range[0]) ckmax = float(self.ellipse_range[1]) try: ckstep = float(self.ellipse_range[2]) except IndexError: ckstep = 3 nseg = float((ckmax - ckmin) / (2 * ckstep)) if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) # plot phase tensor ellipses for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): self.stationlist.append( mt.station[self.station_id[0]:self.station_id[1]]) # set the an arbitrary origin to compare distance to all other # stations. if ii == 0: east0 = mt.lon north0 = offset = 0.0 else: east = mt.lon north = if self.linedir == 'ew': if east0 < east: offset = np.sqrt((east0 - east) ** 2 + (north0 - north) ** 2) elif east0 > east: offset = -1 * \ np.sqrt((east0 - east) ** 2 + (north0 - north) ** 2) else: offset = 0 elif self.linedir == 'ns': if north0 < north: offset = np.sqrt((east0 - east) ** 2 + (north0 - north) ** 2) elif north0 > north: offset = -1 * \ np.sqrt((east0 - east) ** 2 + (north0 - north) ** 2) else: offset = 0 self.offsetlist.append(offset) # get phase tensor elements and flip so the top is small # periods/high frequency pt = periodlist = mt.period[::-1] phimax = pt.phimax[::-1] phimin = pt.phimin[::-1] azimuth = pt.azimuth[::-1] # if there are induction arrows, flip them as pt if self.plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: tip = mt.Tipper if tip.mag_real is not None: tmr = tip.mag_real[::-1] tmi = tip.mag_imag[::-1] tar = tip.angle_real[::-1] tai = tip.angle_imag[::-1] else: tmr = np.zeros(len(mt.period)) tmi = np.zeros(len(mt.period)) tar = np.zeros(len(mt.period)) tai = np.zeros(len(mt.period)) aheight = self.arrow_head_length awidth = self.arrow_head_width alw = self.arrow_lw # get the properties to color the ellipses by if self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimin': colorarray = pt.phimin[::-1] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimax': colorarray = pt.phimin[::-1] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phidet': colorarray = np.sqrt(abs(pt.det[::-1])) * (180 / np.pi) elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew_seg': colorarray = pt.beta[::-1] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'normalized_skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'normalized_skew_seg': colorarray = 2 * pt.beta[::-1] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'ellipticity': colorarray = pt.ellipticity[::-1] elif self.ellipse_colorby in ['strike', 'azimuth']: colorarray = pt.azimuth[::-1] % 180 else: raise NameError(self.ellipse_colorby + ' is not supported') # get the number of periods n = len(periodlist) if ii == 0: plot_periodlist = periodlist else: if n > len(plot_periodlist): plot_periodlist = periodlist # get min and max of the color array for scaling later minlist.append(min(colorarray)) maxlist.append(max(colorarray)) for jj, ff in enumerate(periodlist): # make sure the ellipses will be visable eheight = phimin[jj] / phimax[jj] * es ewidth = phimax[jj] / phimax[jj] * es # create an ellipse scaled by phimin and phimax and orient # the ellipse so that north is up and east is right # need to add 90 to do so instead of subtracting ellipd = patches.Ellipse((offset * self.xstretch, np.log10(ff) * self.ystretch), width=ewidth, height=eheight, edgecolor='k', lw=0.5, angle=azimuth[jj] + 90) # get ellipse color if cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray[jj], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray[jj], self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) # == =add the ellipse to the plot == ======== # --------- Add induction arrows if desired ------------------- if self.plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: # --> plot real tipper if self.plot_tipper == 'yri' or self.plot_tipper == 'yr': txr = tmr[jj] * np.sin(tar[jj] * np.pi / 180 + np.pi * self.arrow_direction) * \ self.arrow_size tyr = -tmr[jj] * np.cos(tar[jj] * np.pi / 180 + np.pi * self.arrow_direction) * \ self.arrow_size maxlength = np.sqrt((txr / self.arrow_size) ** 2 + (tyr / self.arrow_size) ** 2) if maxlength > self.arrow_threshold: pass elif ((txr > 0) or (tyr>0)): # else: * self.xstretch, np.log10(ff) * self.ystretch, txr, tyr, lw=alw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_real, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_real, length_includes_head=False, head_width=awidth, head_length=aheight) # --> plot imaginary tipper if self.plot_tipper == 'yri' or self.plot_tipper == 'yi': txi = tmi[jj] * np.sin(tai[jj] * np.pi / 180 + np.pi * self.arrow_direction) * \ self.arrow_size tyi = -tmi[jj] * np.cos(tai[jj] * np.pi / 180 + np.pi * self.arrow_direction) * \ self.arrow_size maxlength = np.sqrt((txi / self.arrow_size) ** 2 + (tyi / self.arrow_size) ** 2) if maxlength > self.arrow_threshold: pass # else: elif ((txr > 0) or (tyr>0)): * self.xstretch, np.log10(ff) * self.ystretch, txi, tyi, lw=alw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, length_includes_head=False, head_width=awidth, head_length=aheight) # --> Set plot parameters self._plot_periodlist = plot_periodlist n = len(plot_periodlist) # calculate minimum period and maximum period with a stretch factor # pmin = np.log10(plot_periodlist.min())*self.ystretch # pmax = np.log10(plot_periodlist.max())*self.ystretch pmin = int(np.floor(np.log10(plot_periodlist.min()))) pmax = int(np.ceil(np.log10(plot_periodlist.max()))) # need to sort the offsets and station labels so they plot correctly sdtype = [('offset', np.float), ('station', 'U10')] slist = np.array([(oo, ss) for oo, ss in zip(self.offsetlist, self.stationlist)], dtype=sdtype) offset_sort = np.sort(slist, order='offset') self.offsetlist = offset_sort['offset'] self.stationlist = offset_sort['station'] # if self.offsetlist[0] > 0: # print 'rotating' # print self.stationlist # self.stationlist = self.stationlist[::-1] # set y-ticklabels if self.tscale == 'period': yticklabels = [mtpl.labeldict[ii] for ii in range(pmin, pmax + 1, 1)] # yticklabels = ['{0:>4}'.format('{0: .1e}'.format(plot_period_list[ll])) # for ll in np.arange(0, n, self.ystep)]+\ # ['{0:>4}'.format('{0: .1e}'.format(plot_period_list[-1]))]'Period (s)', fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') elif self.tscale == 'frequency': # yticklabels = ['{0:>4}'.format('{0: .1e}'.format(1./plot_period_list[ll])) # for ll in np.arange(0, n, self.ystep)]+\ # ['{0:>4}'.format('{0: .1e}'.format(1./plot_period_list[-1]))] # yticklabels = [mtpl.labeldict[-ii] for ii in range(pmin, pmax + 1, 1)]'Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') # set x-axis label'Station', fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') # --> set tick locations and labels # set y-axis major ticks #[np.log10(plot_periodlist[ll])*self.ystretch # for ll in np.arange(0, n, self.ystep)]): * self.ystretch, (pmax + 1) * self.ystretch, self.ystretch)) # set y-axis minor ticks #[np.log10(plot_periodlist[ll])*self.ystretch # for ll in np.arange(0, n, 1)],minor=True) # set y-axis tick labels # set x-axis ticks * self.xstretch) # set x-axis tick labels as station names xticklabels = self.stationlist if self.xstep != 1: xticklabels = np.zeros(len(self.stationlist), dtype=self.stationlist.dtype) for xx in range(0, len(self.stationlist), self.xstep): xticklabels[xx] = self.stationlist[xx] # --> set x-limits if self.xlimits is None: * self.xstretch - es * 2, self.offsetlist.max() * self.xstretch + es * 2) else: # --> set y-limits if self.ylimits is None: #*2, pmin-es*2) * self.ystretch, pmin * self.ystretch) else: pmin = np.log10(self.ylimits[0]) * self.ystretch pmax = np.log10(self.ylimits[1]) * self.ystretch + es * 2, pmin - es * 2) #, pmin) # --> set title of the plot if self.plot_title is None: pass else:, fontsize=self.font_size + 2) # make a legend for the induction arrows if self.plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: if self.plot_tipper == 'yri': treal = * .000005, np.arange(10) * .00005, color=self.arrow_color_real) timag = * .000005, np.arange(10) * .00005, color=self.arrow_color_imag)[treal[0], timag[0]], ['Tipper_real', 'Tipper_imag'], loc='lower right', prop={ 'size': self.font_size - 1, 'weight': 'bold'}, ncol=2, markerscale=.5, borderaxespad=.005, borderpad=.25) elif self.plot_tipper == 'yr': treal = * .000005, np.arange(10) * .00005, color=self.arrow_color_real)[treal[0]], ['Tipper_real'], loc='lower right', prop={ 'size': self.font_size - 1, 'weight': 'bold'}, ncol=2, markerscale=.5, borderaxespad=.005, borderpad=.25) elif self.plot_tipper == 'yi': timag = * .000005, np.arange(10) * .00005, color=self.arrow_color_imag)[timag[0]], ['Tipper_imag'], loc='lower right', prop={ 'size': self.font_size - 1, 'weight': 'bold'}, ncol=2, markerscale=.5, borderaxespad=.005, borderpad=.25) # make a scale arrow if self.scale_arrow: print(( np.log10( self.ylimits[1] - self.scale_arrow_dict['text_offset_y'])) * self.ystretch) txrl = self.scale_arrow_dict['size'] * self.xstretch, np.log10(self.ylimits[1]) * self.ystretch, txrl * self.arrow_size, 0., lw=alw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_real, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_real, length_includes_head=False, head_width=awidth, head_length=aheight) * self.xstretch, (np.log10(self.ylimits[ 1] - self.scale_arrow_dict['text_offset_y'])) * self.ystretch, '|T| = %3.1f' % txrl) # put a grid on the plot, which='both', color=(.25, .25, .25)) # print out the min an max of the parameter plotted print('-' * 25) print(ck + ' min = {0:.2f}'.format(min(minlist))) print(ck + ' max = {0:.2f}'.format(max(maxlist))) print('-' * 25) # ==> make a colorbar with appropriate colors if self.cb_position is None: self.ax2, kw = mcb.make_axes(, orientation=self.cb_orientation, shrink=.35) else: self.ax2 = self.fig.add_axes(self.cb_position) if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': # make a color list self.clist = [(cc, cc, 1) for cc in np.arange(0, 1 + 1. / (nseg), 1. / (nseg))] + \ [(1, cc, cc) for cc in np.arange(1, -1. / (nseg), -1. / (nseg))] # make segmented colormap mt_seg_bl2wh2rd = colors.ListedColormap(self.clist) # make bounds so that the middle is white bounds = np.arange(ckmin - ckstep, ckmax + 2 * ckstep, ckstep) # normalize the colors norms = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, mt_seg_bl2wh2rd.N) # make the colorbar self.cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(self.ax2, cmap=mt_seg_bl2wh2rd, norm=norms, orientation=self.cb_orientation, ticks=bounds[1:-1]) else: self.cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(self.ax2, cmap=mtcl.cmapdict[cmap], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation=self.cb_orientation) # label the color bar accordingly self.cb.set_label(mtpl.ckdict[ck], fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) # place the label in the correct location if self.cb_orientation == 'horizontal':'top'), 1.3) elif self.cb_orientation == 'vertical':'right'), .5)'y', direction='in') # --> add reference ellipse ref_ellip = patches.Ellipse((0, .0), width=es, height=es, angle=0) ref_ellip.set_facecolor((0, 0, 0)) ref_ax_loc = list(self.ax2.get_position().bounds) ref_ax_loc[0] *= .95 ref_ax_loc[1] -= .17 ref_ax_loc[2] = .1 ref_ax_loc[3] = .1 self.ref_ax = self.fig.add_axes(ref_ax_loc, aspect='equal') self.ref_ax.add_artist(ref_ellip) self.ref_ax.set_xlim(-es / 2. * 1.05, es / 2. * 1.05) self.ref_ax.set_ylim(-es / 2. * 1.05, es / 2. * 1.05) plt.setp(self.ref_ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.ref_ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.ref_ax.set_title(r'$\Phi$ = 1') # put the grid lines behind # [line.set_zorder(10000) for line in] if show:
[docs] def writeTextFiles(self, save_path=None, ptol=0.10): """ This will write text files for all the phase tensor parameters """ if save_path is None: try: svpath = os.path.dirname(self.mt_list[0].fn) except TypeError: raise IOError('Need to input save_path, could not find a path') else: svpath = save_path # check to see if plot has been run if not run it try: plist = self._plot_periodlist except AttributeError: self.plot() plist = self._plot_periodlist if plist[0] > plist[-1]: plist = plist[::-1] if self.tscale == 'frequency': plist = 1. / plist # match station list with mt list slist = [mt for ss in self.stationlist for mt in self.mt_list if os.path.basename(mt.fn).find(ss) >= 0] ns = len(slist) + 1 nt = len(plist) + 1 # set some empty lists to put things into sklist = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') phiminlist = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') phimaxlist = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') elliplist = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') azimlist = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') tiplistr = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') tiplisti = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') tiplistraz = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') tiplistiaz = np.zeros((nt, ns), dtype='|S8') sklist[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) phiminlist[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) phimaxlist[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) elliplist[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) azimlist[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) tiplistr[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) tiplistraz[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) tiplisti[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) tiplistiaz[0, 0] = '{0:>8} '.format(self.tscale) # get the period as the first column for tt, t1 in enumerate(plist, 1): sklist[tt, 0] = t1 phiminlist[tt, 0] = t1 phimaxlist[tt, 0] = t1 elliplist[tt, 0] = t1 azimlist[tt, 0] = t1 tiplistr[tt, 0] = t1 tiplistraz[tt, 0] = t1 tiplisti[tt, 0] = t1 tiplistiaz[tt, 0] = t1 # fill out the rest of the values for kk, mt in enumerate(slist, 1): pt = mt.get_PhaseTensor() tip = mt.Tipper if self.tscale == 'period': tlist = mt.period elif self.tscale == 'frequency': tlist = mt.frequency try: stationstr = '{0:^8}'.format(mt.station[self.station_id[0]: self.station_id[1]]) except AttributeError: stationstr = '{0:^8}'.format(mt.station) # --> get station name as header in each file sklist[0, kk] = stationstr phiminlist[0, kk] = stationstr phimaxlist[0, kk] = stationstr elliplist[0, kk] = stationstr azimlist[0, kk] = stationstr tiplistr[0, kk] = stationstr tiplistraz[0, kk] = stationstr tiplisti[0, kk] = stationstr tiplistiaz[0, kk] = stationstr # If the all periods match for the station and the plotting period if tlist.all() == plist.all(): if is not None: sklist[1:, kk] = pt.beta[0] phiminlist[1:, kk] = pt.phimin[0] phimaxlist[1:, kk] = pt.phimax[0] elliplist[1:, kk] = pt.ellipticity[0] azimlist[1:, kk] = pt.azimuth[0] if tip.mag_real is not None: tiplistr[1:, kk] = tip.mag_real tiplistraz[1:, kk] = tip.angle_real tiplisti[1:, kk] = tip.mag_imag tiplistiaz[1:, kk] = tip.angle_imag # otherwise search the period list to find a cooresponding period else: for mm, t1 in enumerate(plist): # check to see if the periods match or are at least close in # case there are frequency missing t1_yn = False if t1 == tlist[mm]: t1_yn = True elif tlist[mm] > t1 * (1 - ptol) and tlist[mm] < t1 * (1 + ptol): t1_yn = True if t1_yn == True: # add on the value to the present row if pt.beta[0] is not None: sklist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.beta[0][mm] phiminlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.phimin[0][mm] phimaxlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.phimax[0][mm] elliplist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.ellipticity[0][mm] azimlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.azimuth[0][mm] # add on the value to the present row if tip.mag_real is not None: tiplistr[mm + 1, kk] = tip.mag_real[mm] tiplistraz[mm + 1, kk] = tip.angle_real[mm] tiplisti[mm + 1, kk] = tip.mag_imag[mm] tiplistiaz[mm + 1, kk] = tip.angle_imag[mm] elif t1_yn == False: for ff, t2 in enumerate(tlist): if t2 > t1 * (1 - ptol) and t2 < t1 * (1 + ptol): # add on the value to the present row if pt.beta[0] is not None: sklist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.beta[0][ff] phiminlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.phimin[0][ff] phimaxlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.phimax[0][ff] elliplist[ mm + 1, kk] = pt.ellipticity[0][ff] azimlist[mm + 1, kk] = pt.azimuth[0][ff] # add on the value to the present row if tip.mag_real is not None: tiplistr[mm + 1, kk] = tip.mag_real[ff] tiplistraz[mm + 1, kk] = tip.angle_real[ff] tiplisti[mm + 1, kk] = tip.mag_imag[ff] tiplistiaz[mm + 1, kk] = tip.angle_imag[ff] t1_yn = True break else: t1_yn = False # write the arrays into lines properly formatted t1_kwargs = {'spacing': '{0:^8} ', 'value_format': '{0:.2e}', 'append': False, 'add': False} t2_kwargs = {'spacing': '{0:^8}', 'value_format': '{0: .2f}', 'append': False, 'add': False} # create empty lists to put the concatenated strings into sklines = [] phiminlines = [] phimaxlines = [] elliplines = [] azimlines = [] tprlines = [] tprazlines = [] tpilines = [] tpiazlines = [] # if there are any blank strings set them as 0 sklist[np.where(sklist == '')] = '0.0' phiminlist[np.where(phiminlist == '')] = '0.0' phimaxlist[np.where(phimaxlist == '')] = '0.0' elliplist[np.where(elliplist == '')] = '0.0' azimlist[np.where(azimlist == '')] = '0.0' tiplistr[np.where(tiplistr == '')] = '0.0' tiplistraz[np.where(tiplistraz == '')] = '0.0' tiplisti[np.where(tiplisti == '')] = '0.0' tiplistiaz[np.where(tiplistiaz == '')] = '0.0' for tt in range(nt): if tt == 0: skline = sklist[tt, 0] + ' ' pminline = phiminlist[tt, 0] + ' ' pmaxline = phimaxlist[tt, 0] + ' ' elliline = elliplist[tt, 0] + ' ' azline = azimlist[tt, 0] + ' ' tprline = tiplistr[tt, 0] + ' ' tprazline = tiplistraz[tt, 0] + ' ' tpiline = tiplisti[tt, 0] + ' ' tpiazline = tiplistiaz[tt, 0] + ' ' for ss in range(1, ns): skline += sklist[tt, ss] pminline += phiminlist[tt, ss] pmaxline += phimaxlist[tt, ss] elliline += elliplist[tt, ss] azline += azimlist[tt, ss] tprline += tiplistr[tt, ss] tprazline += tiplistraz[tt, ss] tpiline += tiplisti[tt, ss] tpiazline += tiplistiaz[tt, ss] else: # get period or frequency skline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(sklist[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) pminline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(phiminlist[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) pmaxline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(phimaxlist[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) elliline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(elliplist[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) azline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(azimlist[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) tprline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistr[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) tprazline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistraz[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) tpiline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplisti[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) tpiazline = mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistiaz[tt, 0]), **t1_kwargs) # get parameter values for ss in range(1, ns): skline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(sklist[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) pminline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(phiminlist[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) pmaxline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(phimaxlist[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) elliline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(elliplist[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) azline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(azimlist[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) tprline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistr[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) tprazline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistraz[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) tpiline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplisti[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) tpiazline += mtpl.make_value_str(float(tiplistiaz[tt, ss]), **t2_kwargs) # be sure to end the line after each period sklines.append(skline + '\n') phiminlines.append(pminline + '\n') phimaxlines.append(pmaxline + '\n') elliplines.append(elliline + '\n') azimlines.append(azline + '\n') tprlines.append(tprline + '\n') tprazlines.append(tprazline + '\n') tpilines.append(tpiline + '\n') tpiazlines.append(tpiazline + '\n') # write files skfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.skew'), 'w') skfid.writelines(sklines) skfid.close() phiminfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.phimin'), 'w') phiminfid.writelines(phiminlines) phiminfid.close() phimaxfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.phimax'), 'w') phimaxfid.writelines(phimaxlines) phimaxfid.close() ellipfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.ellipticity'), 'w') ellipfid.writelines(elliplines) ellipfid.close() azfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.azimuth'), 'w') azfid.writelines(azimlines) azfid.close() tprfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.tipper_mag_real'), 'w') tprfid.writelines(tprlines) tprfid.close() tprazfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.tipper_ang_real'), 'w') tprazfid.writelines(tprazlines) tprazfid.close() tpifid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.tipper_mag_imag'), 'w') tpifid.writelines(tpilines) tpifid.close() tpiazfid = file(os.path.join(svpath, 'PseudoSection.tipper_ang_imag'), 'w') tpiazfid.writelines(tpiazlines) tpiazfid.close()
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties :Example: :: >>> # to change the grid lines to be on the major ticks and gray >>>, which='major', color=(.5,.5,.5)) >>> pt1.update_plot() """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. :Example: :: >>> # change ellipse size and color map to be segmented for skew >>> pt1.ellipse_size = 5 >>> pt1.ellipse_colorby = 'beta_seg' >>> pt1.ellipse_cmap = 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd' >>> pt1.ellipse_range = (-9, 9, 3) >>> pt1.redraw_plot() """ self.fig.clf() self.plot()
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return "Plots pseudo section of phase tensor ellipses"
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='png', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_PTPseudoSection.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ pdf | eps | jpg | png | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open :Example: :: >>> # save plot as a jpg >>> pt1.save_plot(r'/home/MT/figures', file_format='jpg') """ if fig_dpi is None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi if os.path.isdir(save_fn) is False: file_format = save_fn[-3:] self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: save_fn = os.path.join(save_fn, '_PTPseudoSection.' + file_format) self.fig.savefig(save_fn, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn print('Saved figure to: ' + self.fig_fn)
[docs] def save_figure2(self, save_fn, file_format='jpg', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_ResPhase.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ jpg | png | pdf | eps | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open """ if fig_dpi is None: fig_dpi=self.fig_dpi # FZ: fixed the following logic if os.path.isdir(save_fn): # FZ: assume save-fn is a directory if not os.path.exists(save_fn): os.mkdir(save_fn) # make a file name fname='PT_Pseudo_Section_DPI%s_%s.%s' % (str(self.fig_dpi), self.ellipse_colorby, file_format) path2savefile=os.path.join(save_fn, fname) self.fig.savefig(path2savefile, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') else: # FZ: assume save-fn is a path2file= "path2/afile.fmt" file_format=save_fn.split('.')[-1] if file_format is None or file_format not in ['png', 'jpg']: print(("Error: output file name is not correctly provided:", save_fn)) raise Exception("output file name is not correctly provided!!!") path2savefile=save_fn self.fig.savefig(path2savefile, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') # plt.clf() # plt.close(self.fig) if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn=path2savefile #logger.debug('Saved figure to: %s', self.fig_fn) print(('Saved figure to: ', self.fig_fn)) return self.fig_fn