Source code for mtpy.imaging.phase_tensor_maps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Plot phase tensor map in Lat-Lon Coordinate System

Revision History:
    Created by @author: jpeacock-pr on Thu May 30 18:20:04 2013

    Modified by 2017-03:

    brenainn.moushall 26-03-2020 15:07:14 AEDT:
        Add plotting of geotiff as basemap background.
import os
import glob

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.colorbar as mcb
import matplotlib.tri as tri

import mtpy.utils.gis_tools as gis_tools
import mtpy.imaging.mtcolors as mtcl
import mtpy.imaging.mtplottools as mtpl
import as MTpt
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog
# from mtpy.utils.plot_geotiff_imshow import plot_geotiff_on_axes

_logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(__name__)

# ==============================================================================

[docs]class PlotPhaseTensorMaps(mtpl.PlotSettings): """ Plots phase tensor ellipses in map view from a list of edi files Arguments: ------------- **fn_list** : list of strings full paths to .edi files to plot **z_object** : class mtpy.core.z.Z object of mtpy.core.z. If this is input be sure the attribute z.freq is filled. *default* is None **mt_object** : class mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot object of mtpy.imaging.mtplot.MTplot *default* is None **pt_object** : class phase tensor object of If this is input then the ._mt attribute is set to None cause at the moment cannot tranform the phase tensor to z *default* is None **plot_freq** : float freq to plot in Hz *default* is 1 **ftol** : float tolerance in freq range to look for in each file. *default* is 0.1 (10 percent). ftol has no effect when interpolate is True **interpolate** : bool flag to indicate whether to interpolate values on to plot_freq. *default* in True **ellipse_dict** : dictionary dictionary of parameters for the phase tensor ellipses with keys: * 'size' -> size of ellipse in points *default* is 2 * 'colorby' : [ 'phimin' | 'phimax' | 'skew' | 'skew_seg' | 'phidet' | 'ellipticity' ] - 'phimin' -> colors by minimum phase - 'phimax' -> colors by maximum phase - 'skew' -> colors by skew - 'skew_seg' -> colors by skew in discrete segments defined by the range - 'normalized_skew' -> colors by skew see [Booker, 2014] - 'normalized_skew_seg' -> colors by normalized skew in discrete segments defined by the range - 'phidet' -> colors by determinant of the phase tensor - 'ellipticity' -> colors by ellipticity *default* is 'phimin' * 'range' : tuple (min, max, step) Need to input at least the min and max and if using 'skew_seg' to plot discrete values input step as well *default* depends on 'colorby' * 'cmap' : [ 'mt_yl2rd' | 'mt_bl2yl2rd' | 'mt_wh2bl' | 'mt_rd2bl' | 'mt_bl2wh2rd' | 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd' | 'mt_rd2gr2bl' ] - 'mt_yl2rd' -> yellow to red - 'mt_bl2yl2rd' -> blue to yellow to red - 'mt_wh2bl' -> white to blue - 'mt_rd2bl' -> red to blue - 'mt_bl2wh2rd' -> blue to white to red - 'mt_bl2gr2rd' -> blue to green to red - 'mt_rd2gr2bl' -> red to green to blue - 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd' -> discrete blue to white to red **cb_dict** : dictionary to control the color bar * 'orientation' : [ 'vertical' | 'horizontal' ] orientation of the color bar *default* is vertical * 'position' : tuple (x,y,dx,dy) - x -> lateral position of left hand corner of the color bar in figure between [0,1], 0 is left side - y -> vertical position of the bottom of the color bar in figure between [0,1], 0 is bottom side. - dx -> width of the color bar [0,1] - dy -> height of the color bar [0,1] **arrow_dict** : dictionary for arrow properties * 'size' : float multiplier to scale the arrow. *default* is 5 * 'head_length' : float length of the arrow head *default* is 1.5 * 'head_width' : float width of the arrow head *default* is 1.5 * 'lw' : float line width of the arrow *default* is .5 * 'color' : tuple (real, imaginary) color of the arrows for real and imaginary * 'threshold': float threshold of which any arrow larger than this number will not be plotted, helps clean up if the data is not good. *default* is 1, note this is before scaling by 'size' * 'direction : [ 0 | 1 ] - 0 for arrows to point toward a conductor - 1 for arrow to point away from conductor **xpad** : float padding in the east-west direction of plot boundaries. Note this is by default set to lat and long units, so if you use easting/northing put it the respective units. *default* is 0.2 **ypad** : float padding in the north-south direction of plot boundaries. Note this is by default set to lat and long units, so if you use easting/northing put it the respective units. *default* is 0.2 **rotz** : float angle in degrees to rotate the data clockwise positive. *Default* is 0 **fig_size** : tuple or list (x, y) in inches dimensions of the figure box in inches, this is a default unit of matplotlib. You can use this so make the plot fit the figure box to minimize spaces from the plot axes to the figure box. *default* is [8, 8] **station_dict** : dictionary * 'id' --> for station id index. Ex: If you want 'S01' from 'S01dr' input as (0,3). * 'pad' --> pad from the center of the ellipse to the station label * 'font_dict'--> dictionary of font properties font dictionary for station name. Keys can be matplotlib.text properties, common ones are: * 'size' -> for font size * 'weight' -> for font weight * 'color' -> for color of font * 'angle' -> for angle of text **tscale** : [ 'period' | 'freq' ] * 'period' -> plot vertical scale in period * 'freq' -> plot vertical scale in freq **mapscale** : [ 'deg' | 'm' | 'km' ] Scale of the map coordinates. * 'deg' --> degrees in latitude and longitude * 'm' --> meters for easting and northing * 'km' --> kilometers for easting and northing **plot_yn** : [ 'y' | 'n' ] *'y' to plot on creating an instance *'n' to not plot on creating an instance **fig_num** : int figure number. *Default* is 1 **title** : string figure title **dpi** : int dots per inch of the resolution. *default* is 300 **plot_tipper** : [ 'yri' | 'yr' | 'yi' | 'n' ] * 'yri' to plot induction both real and imaginary induction arrows * 'yr' to plot just the real induction arrows * 'yi' to plot the imaginary induction arrows * 'n' to not plot them * *Default* is 'n' **Note: convention is to point towards a conductor but can be changed in arrow_dict['direction']** **font_size** : float size of the font that labels the plot, 2 will be added to this number for the axis labels. **station_dict** : dictionary font dictionary for station name. Keys can be matplotlib.text properties, common ones are: * 'size' -> for font size * 'weight' -> for font weight * 'color' -> for color of font **arrow_legend_dict** : dictionary of properties for legend with keys: * 'position' -> placement of arrow legend can be: - 'upper right' - 'lower right' - 'upper left' - 'lower left' * 'xborderpad'-> padding from x axis * 'yborderpad'-> padding from y axis *'fontpad' -> padding between arrow and legend text * 'fontdict' -> dictionary of font properties **reference_point** : tuple (x0,y0) reference point estimate relative distance to. This point will be (0,0) on the map and everything else is referenced to this point :Example: :: >>> #change the axis label and grid color >>>'Latitude (deg)') >>>'major', color=(.5,1,0)) >>> ptmap.update_plot() Attributes: -------------- -arrow_color_imag imaginary induction arrow color -arrow_color_real real induction arrow color -arrow_direction directional convention of arrows -arrow_head_length head length of arrows in relative points -arrow_head_width head width of arrows in relative points -arrow_legend_fontdict font dictionary for arrow legend -arrow_legend_fontpad padding between font of legend and arrow -arrow_legend_position legend position see matplotlib.legend -arrow_legend_xborderpad padding between legend and x axis -arrow_legend_yborderpad padding between legend and y axis -arrow_lw arrow line width -arrow_size scaling factor to make arrows visible -arrow_threshold threshold for plotting arrows anything above this number will not be plotted -ax matplotlib.axes instance for the main plot -ax2 matplotlib.axes instance for the color bar -cb matplotlib.colors.ColorBar instance for color bar -cb_orientation color bar orientation ('vertical' | 'horizontal') -cb_position color bar position (x, y, dx, dy) -dpi dots-per-inch resolution -ellipse_cmap ellipse color map, see above for options -ellipse_colorby parameter to color ellipse by -ellipse_range (min, max, step) values to color ellipses -ellipse_size scaling factor to make ellipses visible -fig matplotlib.figure instance for the figure -fig_num number of figure being plotted -fig_size size of figure in inches -font_size font size of axes tick label, axes labels will be font_size + 2 -ftol tolerance to look for matching freq 10% default -jj index of plot freq -mapscale scale of map -mt_list list of mtplot.MTplot instances containing all the important information for each station -plot_freq freq in Hz to plot -plot_reference_point reference point of map, everything will be measured relative to this point -plot_tipper string to indicate to plot induction arrows -plot_xarr array of x-coordinates for stations -plot_yarr array of y-coordinates for stations -plot_yn plot on instance creation -rot_z rotates the data by this angle assuming North is 0 and angle measures clockwise -tickstrfmt format of tick strings -title title of figure -tscale temporal scale of y-axis ('freq' | 'period') -xpad padding between furthest station in x-direction and the axes edge -ypad padding between furthes station in y-direction and axes edge Methods: ---------- -plot plots the pseudo section -redraw_plot on call redraws the plot from scratch -save_figure saves figure to a file of given format -update_plot updates the plot while still active -export_params_to_file writes parameters of the phase tensor and tipper to text files. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialise the object :param kwargs: keyword-value pairs """ super(PlotPhaseTensorMaps, self).__init__(**kwargs) fn_list = kwargs.pop('fn_list', None) z_object_list = kwargs.pop('z_object_list', None) tipper_object_list = kwargs.pop('tipper_object_list', None) mt_object_list = kwargs.pop('mt_object_list', None) res_object_list = kwargs.pop('res_object_list', None) # ----set attributes for the class------------------------- self.mt_list = mtpl.get_mtlist(fn_list=fn_list, res_object_list=res_object_list, z_object_list=z_object_list, tipper_object_list=tipper_object_list, mt_object_list=mt_object_list) # set the freq to plot self.plot_freq = kwargs.pop('plot_freq', 1.0) self.ftol = kwargs.pop('ftol', 0.1) self.interpolate = kwargs.pop('interpolate', True) # read in map scale self.mapscale = kwargs.pop('mapscale', 'deg') # map background image self.background_image = kwargs.pop('background_image', None) self.bimg_band = kwargs.pop('bimg_band', None) self.bimg_cmap = kwargs.pop('bimg_cmap', 'viridis') # --> set the ellipse properties ------------------- # set default size to 2 if self.mapscale == 'deg': self.ellipse_size = kwargs.pop('ellipse_size', .05) self.arrow_size = kwargs.pop('arrow_size', .05) self.arrow_head_length = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_length', .005) self.arrow_head_width = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_width', .005) self.arrow_lw = kwargs.pop('arrow_lw', .0005) self.xpad = kwargs.pop('xpad', .05) self.ypad = kwargs.pop('xpad', .05) elif self.mapscale == 'm': self.ellipse_size = kwargs.pop('ellipse_size', 500) self.arrow_size = kwargs.pop('arrow_size', 500) self.arrow_head_length = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_length', 50) self.arrow_head_width = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_width', 50) self.arrow_lw = kwargs.pop('arrow_lw', 5) self.xpad = kwargs.pop('xpad', 500) self.ypad = kwargs.pop('xpad', 500) elif self.mapscale == 'km': self.ellipse_size = kwargs.pop('ellipse_size', .5) self.arrow_size = kwargs.pop('arrow_size', .5) self.arrow_head_length = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_length', .05) self.arrow_head_width = kwargs.pop('arrow_head_width', .05) self.arrow_lw = kwargs.pop('arrow_lw', .005) self.xpad = kwargs.pop('xpad', .5) self.ypad = kwargs.pop('xpad', .5) self.minorticks_on = kwargs.pop('minorticks_on', True) # --> set colorbar properties--------------------------------- # set orientation to horizontal cb_dict = kwargs.pop('cb_dict', {}) try: self.cb_orientation = cb_dict['orientation'] except KeyError: self.cb_orientation = 'vertical' # set the position to middle outside the plot try: self.cb_position = cb_dict['position'] except KeyError: self.cb_position = None # --> set plot properties ------------------------------ # set some of the properties as attributes much to Lars' discontent self.fig_num = kwargs.pop('fig_num', 1) self.plot_num = kwargs.pop('plot_num', 1) self.plot_style = kwargs.pop('plot_style', '1') self.plot_title = kwargs.pop('plot_title', None) self.fig_dpi = kwargs.pop('fig_dpi', 300) self.tscale = kwargs.pop('tscale', 'period') self.fig_size = kwargs.pop('fig_size', [8, 8]) self.tickstrfmt = kwargs.pop('tickstrfmt', '%.2f') self.font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', 7) self.ref_ax_loc = kwargs.pop('ref_ax_loc', (.85, .1, .1, .1)) # if rotation angle is an int or float make an array the length of # mt_list for plotting purposes self._rot_z = kwargs.pop('rot_z', 0) if isinstance(self._rot_z, float) or isinstance(self._rot_z, int): self._rot_z = np.array([self._rot_z] * len(self.mt_list)) # if the rotation angle is an array for rotation of different # freq than repeat that rotation array to the len(mt_list) elif isinstance(self._rot_z, np.ndarray): if self._rot_z.shape[0] != len(self.mt_list): self._rot_z = np.repeat(self._rot_z, len(self.mt_list)) else: pass # --> set induction arrow properties ------------------------------- self.plot_tipper = kwargs.pop('plot_tipper', 'n') # --> set arrow legend properties ------------------------------- arrow_legend_dict = kwargs.pop('arrow_legend_dict', {}) self.arrow_legend_position = arrow_legend_dict.pop('position', 'lower right') # set x-border pad self.arrow_legend_xborderpad = arrow_legend_dict.pop('xborderpad', .2) # set y-border pad self.arrow_legend_yborderpad = arrow_legend_dict.pop('yborderpad', .2) # set font pad self.arrow_legend_fontpad = arrow_legend_dict.pop('fontpad', .05) # set font properties self.arrow_legend_fontdict = arrow_legend_dict.pop('fontdict', {'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) # --> set a central reference point self.plot_reference_point = kwargs.pop('reference_point', (0, 0)) # --> set station name properties station_dict = kwargs.pop('station_dict', None) if station_dict is not None: self.station_id = station_dict.pop('id', (0, 2)) # set spacing of station name and ellipse self.station_pad = station_dict.pop('pad', .0005) # set font properties of the station label self.station_font_dict = station_dict.pop('font_dict', {'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) self.plot_yn = kwargs.pop('plot_yn', 'y') self.save_fn = kwargs.pop('save_fn', "/c/tmp") # By this stage all keyword arguments meant to be set as class properties will have # been processed. Popping all class properties that still exist in kwargs self.kwargs = kwargs for key in vars(self): self.kwargs.pop(key, None) # --> plot if desired ------------------------ if self.plot_yn == 'y': self.plot() # self.save_figure(self.save_fn, file_format='png') # ---need to rotate data on setting rotz def _set_rot_z(self, rot_z): """ need to rotate data when setting z """ # if rotation angle is an int or float make an array the length of # mt_list for plotting purposes if isinstance(rot_z, float) or isinstance(rot_z, int): self._rot_z = np.array([rot_z] * len(self.mt_list)) # if the rotation angle is an array for rotation of different # freq than repeat that rotation array to the len(mt_list) elif isinstance(rot_z, np.ndarray): if rot_z.shape[0] != len(self.mt_list): self._rot_z = np.repeat(rot_z, len(self.mt_list)) else: pass for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): mt.rot_z = self._rot_z[ii] def _get_rot_z(self): return self._rot_z rot_z = property(fget=_get_rot_z, fset=_set_rot_z, doc="""rotation angle(s)""") # ----------------------------------------------- # The main plot method for this module # -----------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, save_path=None, show=True, raster_dict={'lons': [], 'lats': [], 'vals': [], 'levels': 50, 'cmap': 'rainbow', 'cbar_title': 'Arbitrary units', 'cbar_position': None}): """ Plots the phase tensor map. :param fig: optional figure object :param save_path: path to folder for saving plots :param show: show plots if True :param raster_dict: Plotting of raster data is currently only supported when mapscale='deg'. This parameter is a dictionary of parameters for plotting raster data, on top of which phase tensor data are plotted. 'lons', 'lats' and 'vals' are one dimensional lists (or numpy arrays) for longitudes, latitudes and corresponding values, respectively. 'levels', 'cmap' and 'cbar_title' are the number of levels to be used in the colormap, the colormap and its title, respectively. """ # set position properties for the plot plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.font_size plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = .1 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = .98 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = .1 plt.rcParams[''] = .93 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = .55 plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = .70 # FZ: tweaks to make plot positioned better # plt.rcParams['font.size']=self.font_size # plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.left']=.1 # plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right']=.90 # plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom']=.2 # plt.rcParams['']=.90 # plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace']=.70 # plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace']=.70 lpfig = None lpax = None lpax2 = None # make figure instance if(fig is None): self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, figsize=self.fig_size, dpi=self.fig_dpi) # self.fig = plt.figure(self.fig_num, dpi=self.fig_dpi) # clear the figure if there is already one up plt.clf() lpfig = self.fig else: lpfig = fig # end if lpax = lpfig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') # plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=3) # control number of ticks in axis (nbins ticks) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') # FZ: control tick rotation=30 not that good # get the reference point refpoint = self.plot_reference_point # plot raster data if provided and if mapscale is 'deg' if(len(raster_dict['lons']) and self.mapscale == 'deg'): lons = np.array(raster_dict['lons']) lats = np.array(raster_dict['lats']) # retain masking if a masked array is passed in if type(raster_dict['vals']) == vals =['vals']) else: vals = np.array(raster_dict['vals']) lons -= refpoint[0] lats -= refpoint[1] levels = raster_dict.pop('levels', 50) cmap = raster_dict.pop('cmap', 'rainbow') cbar_title = raster_dict.pop('cbar_title', 'Arbitrary Units') # if a 2D array provided, can use contourf and no need to triangulate triangulate = True if len(vals.shape) > 1: if (lons.shape == lats.shape == vals.shape): triangulate = False elif ((lons.shape == vals.shape[1]) and (lats.shape == vals.shape[0])): triangulate = False if triangulate: assert len(lons) == len(lats) == len(vals), 'Lons, Lats and Vals must all have the same length' triangulation = tri.Triangulation(lons, lats) cbinfo = lpax.tricontourf(triangulation, vals, levels=np.linspace(vals.min(), vals.max(), levels), cmap=cmap) else: cbinfo = lpax.contourf(lons,lats,vals, levels=np.linspace(vals.min(), vals.max(), levels), cmap=cmap) if raster_dict['cbar_position'] is not None: cbax = self.fig.add_axes(raster_dict['cbar_position']) else: cbax, kw = mcb.make_axes(lpax, orientation=self.cb_orientation, shrink=.35) cbar = lpfig.colorbar(cbinfo, cbax) if(self.cb_orientation == 'horizontal'):'top'), 1.3) else:, fontsize=self.font_size, fontweight='bold')'right'), .5)'y', direction='in') # end if # set some local parameters es = float(self.ellipse_size) cmap = self.ellipse_cmap ckmin = float(self.ellipse_range[0]) ckmax = float(self.ellipse_range[1]) try: ckstep = float(self.ellipse_range[2]) except IndexError: if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': raise ValueError('Need to input range as (min, max, step)') else: ckstep = 3 nseg = float((ckmax - ckmin) / (2 * ckstep)) ck = self.ellipse_colorby # --> set the bounds on the segmented colormap if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) # set tick parameters depending on the mapscale if self.mapscale == 'deg': self.tickstrfmt = '%.2f' elif self.mapscale == 'm' or self.mapscale == 'km': self.tickstrfmt = '%.0f' # make some empty arrays elliplist = [] latlist = np.zeros(len(self.mt_list)) lonlist = np.zeros(len(self.mt_list)) self.plot_xarr = np.zeros(len(self.mt_list)) self.plot_yarr = np.zeros(len(self.mt_list)) for ii, mt in enumerate(self.mt_list): newZ = None newTipper = None fidx = 0 if(self.interpolate): newZ, newTipper = mt.interpolate([self.plot_freq], bounds_error=False) else: fidx = np.argmin(np.fabs(mt.Z.freq - self.plot_freq)) if((not self.interpolate and np.fabs(mt.Z.freq[fidx] - self.plot_freq) < self.ftol) or (self.interpolate)): self.jj = fidx jj = fidx # get phase tensor if(not self.interpolate): pt = else: newZ.compute_resistivity_phase() pt = MTpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=newZ) # if map scale is lat lon set parameters if self.mapscale == 'deg': latlist[ii] = lonlist[ii] = mt.lon plotx = mt.lon - refpoint[0] ploty = - refpoint[1] # if map scale is in meters easting and northing elif self.mapscale == 'm': east, north, zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(, mt.lon) # set the first point read in as a refernce other points if ii == 0: zone1 = zone plotx = east - refpoint[0] ploty = north - refpoint[1] # read in all the other point else: # check to make sure the zone is the same this needs # to be more rigorously done if zone1 != zone: print('Zone change at station ' + mt.station) if zone1[0:2] == zone[0:2]: pass elif int(zone1[0:2]) < int(zone[0:2]): east += 500000 else: east -= -500000 latlist[ii] = north - refpoint[1] lonlist[ii] = east - refpoint[0] plotx = east - refpoint[0] ploty = north - refpoint[1] else: latlist[ii] = north - refpoint[1] lonlist[ii] = east - refpoint[0] plotx = east - refpoint[0] ploty = north - refpoint[1] # if mapscale is in km easting and northing elif self.mapscale == 'km': east, north, zone = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(, mt.lon) if ii == 0: zone1 = zone plotx = (east - refpoint[0]) / 1000. ploty = (north - refpoint[1]) / 1000. else: if zone1 != zone: print('Zone change at station ' + mt.station) if zone1[0:2] == zone[0:2]: pass elif int(zone1[0:2]) < int(zone[0:2]): east += 500000 else: east -= 500000 latlist[ii] = (north - refpoint[1]) / 1000. lonlist[ii] = (east - refpoint[0]) / 1000. plotx = (east - refpoint[0]) / 1000. ploty = (north - refpoint[1]) / 1000. else: latlist[ii] = (north - refpoint[1]) / 1000. lonlist[ii] = (east - refpoint[0]) / 1000. plotx = (east - refpoint[0]) / 1000. ploty = (north - refpoint[1]) / 1000. else: raise NameError('mapscale not recognized') # put the location of each ellipse into an array in x and y self.plot_xarr[ii] = plotx self.plot_yarr[ii] = ploty # --> set local variables phimin = np.nan_to_num(pt.phimin[jj]) phimax = np.nan_to_num(pt.phimax[jj]) eangle = np.nan_to_num(pt.azimuth[jj]) # output to csv file: # print('OUTCSV', mt.station, plotx, ploty, phimin, phimax, eangle) if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': bounds = np.arange(ckmin, ckmax + ckstep, ckstep) nseg = float((ckmax - ckmin) / (2 * ckstep)) # get the properties to color the ellipses by if self.ellipse_colorby == 'phiminang' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimin': colorarray = pt.phimin[jj] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phimax': colorarray = pt.phimax[jj] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'phidet': colorarray = np.sqrt(abs(pt.det[jj])) * (180 / np.pi) elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'skew_seg': colorarray = pt.beta[jj] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'normalized_skew' or \ self.ellipse_colorby == 'normalized_skew_seg': colorarray = 2 * pt.beta[jj] elif self.ellipse_colorby == 'ellipticity': colorarray = pt.ellipticity[jj] else: raise NameError(self.ellipse_colorby + ' is not supported') # --> get ellipse properties # if the ellipse size is not physically correct make it a dot if phimax == 0 or phimax > 100 or phimin == 0 or phimin > 100: eheight = .0000001 * es ewidth = .0000001 * es else: scaling = es / phimax eheight = phimin * scaling ewidth = phimax * scaling # make an ellipse ellipd = patches.Ellipse((plotx, ploty), width=ewidth, height=eheight, angle=90 - eangle, lw=self.lw, **self.kwargs) # get ellipse color if cmap.find('seg') > 0: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray, self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax, bounds=bounds)) else: ellipd.set_facecolor(mtcl.get_plot_color(colorarray, self.ellipse_colorby, cmap, ckmin, ckmax)) # ==> add ellipse to the plot elliplist.append(ellipd) lpax.add_artist(ellipd) # -----------Plot Induction Arrows--------------------------- if self.plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: # get tipper if mt.Tipper.tipper is None: mt.Tipper.tipper = np.zeros((len(mt.period), 1, 2), dtype='complex') # make some local parameters for easier typing ascale = self.arrow_size adir = self.arrow_direction * np.pi # plot real tipper ti = None if(not self.interpolate): ti = mt.Tipper else: ti = newTipper # end if if self.plot_tipper == 'yri' or self.plot_tipper == 'yr': if ti.mag_real[jj] <= self.arrow_threshold: txr = ti.mag_real[jj] * ascale * \ np.sin((ti.angle_real[jj]) * np.pi / 180 + adir) tyr = ti.mag_real[jj] * ascale * \ np.cos((ti.angle_real[jj]) * np.pi / 180 + adir) lpax.arrow(plotx, ploty, txr, tyr, width=self.arrow_lw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_real, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_real, length_includes_head=False, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length) else: pass # plot imaginary tipper if self.plot_tipper == 'yri' or self.plot_tipper == 'yi': if ti.mag_imag[jj] <= self.arrow_threshold: txi = ti.mag_imag[jj] * ascale * \ np.sin((ti.angle_imag[jj]) * np.pi / 180 + adir) tyi = ti.mag_imag[jj] * ascale * \ np.cos((ti.angle_imag[jj]) * np.pi / 180 + adir) lpax.arrow(plotx, ploty, txi, tyi, width=self.arrow_lw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_imag, length_includes_head=False, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length) # ------------Plot station name------------------------------ try: lpax.text(plotx, ploty + self.station_pad, mt.station[self.station_id[0]:self.station_id[1]], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='baseline', fontdict=self.station_font_dict) except AttributeError: pass # ==> print a message if couldn't find the freq else: _logger.warn('Did not find {0:.5g} Hz for station {1}'.format(self.plot_freq, mt.station)) # --> set axes properties depending on map scale------------------------ if self.mapscale == 'deg': lpax.set_xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') lpax.set_ylabel('Latitude', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') elif self.mapscale == 'm': lpax.set_xlabel('Easting (m)', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') lpax.set_ylabel('Northing (m)', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') elif self.mapscale == 'km': lpax.set_xlabel('Easting (km)', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') lpax.set_ylabel('Northing (km)', fontsize=self.font_size, # +2, fontweight='bold') # --> set plot limits # need to exclude zero values from the calculation of min/max!!!! lpax.set_xlim(self.plot_xarr[self.plot_xarr != 0.].min() - self.xpad, self.plot_xarr[self.plot_xarr != 0.].max() + self.xpad) lpax.set_ylim(self.plot_yarr[self.plot_yarr != 0.].min() - self.xpad, self.plot_yarr[self.plot_xarr != 0.].max() + self.xpad) # BM: Now that we have the bounds of the axis, we can plot a # background image on the map. if self.background_image: plot_geotiff_on_axes(self.background_image, lpax, epsg_code=4326, band_number=self.bimg_band, cmap=self.bimg_cmap) # --> set tick label format lpax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(self.tickstrfmt)) lpax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(self.tickstrfmt)) # lpax.set_xticklabels(np.round(self.plot_xarr, decimals=2), # rotation=45) plt.setp(lpax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45) # --> set title in period or freq if self.tscale == 'period': titlefreq = '{0:.5g} (s)'.format(1. / self.plot_freq) else: titlefreq = '{0:.5g} (Hz)'.format(self.plot_freq) if not self.plot_title: lpax.set_title('Phase Tensor Map for ' + titlefreq, fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') else: lpax.set_title(self.plot_title + titlefreq, fontsize=self.font_size + 2, fontweight='bold') # --> plot induction arrow scale bar ----------------------------------- if self.plot_tipper.find('y') == 0: parrx = lpax.get_xlim() parry = lpax.get_ylim() try: axpad = self.arrow_legend_xborderpad except AttributeError: axpad = self.xpad + self.arrow_size try: aypad = self.arrow_legend_yborderpad except AttributeError: aypad = self.ypad try: txtpad = self.arrow_legend_fontpad except AttributeError: txtpad = .25 * es # make arrow legend postion and arrows coordinates if self.arrow_legend_position == 'lower right': pax = parrx[1] - axpad pay = parry[0] + aypad # ptx = self.arrow_size # pty = 0 txa = parrx[1] - axpad + self.arrow_size / 2. # txy = pay+txtpad elif self.arrow_legend_position == 'upper right': pax = parrx[1] - axpad pay = parry[1] - aypad # ptx = self.arrow_size # pty = 0 txa = parrx[1] - axpad + self.arrow_size / 2. # txy = pay+txtpad elif self.arrow_legend_position == 'lower left': pax = parrx[0] + axpad pay = parry[0] + aypad # ptx = self.arrow_size # pty = 0 txa = parrx[0] + axpad + self.arrow_size / 2. # txy = pay+txtpad elif self.arrow_legend_position == 'upper left': pax = parrx[0] + axpad pay = parry[1] - aypad # ptx = self.arrow_size # pty = 0 txa = parrx[0] + axpad + self.arrow_size / 2. # txy = pay+txtpad else: pass # raise NameError('arrowlegend not supported.') # FZ: Sudpip? ptx = self.arrow_size pty = 0 # txy = pay + txtpad lpax.arrow(pax, pay, ptx, pty, width=self.arrow_lw, facecolor=self.arrow_color_real, edgecolor=self.arrow_color_real, length_includes_head=False, head_width=self.arrow_head_width, head_length=self.arrow_head_length) # FZ: what is this '|T|=1'? and the horizontal line? # lpax.text(txa, # txy, # '|T|=1', # horizontalalignment='center', # verticalalignment='baseline', # fontdict={'size':self.font_size,'weight':'bold'}) # END: if self.plot_tipper.find('yes') == 0 --------------------------- # make a grid with color lines lpax.grid(True, alpha=.3, which='both', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) if self.minorticks_on: plt.minorticks_on() # turn on minor ticks automatically # ==> make a colorbar with appropriate colors if self.cb_position is None: lpax2, kw = mcb.make_axes(lpax, orientation=self.cb_orientation, shrink=.35) # FZ: try to fix colorbar h-position # from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable # # # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. # divider = make_axes_locatable( # self.ax2 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) else: lpax2 = lpfig.add_axes(self.cb_position) if cmap == 'mt_seg_bl2wh2rd': # make a color list self.clist = [(cc, cc, 1) for cc in np.arange(0, 1 + 1. / (nseg), 1. / (nseg))] + \ [(1, cc, cc) for cc in np.arange(1, -1. / (nseg), -1. / (nseg))] # make segmented colormap mt_seg_bl2wh2rd = colors.ListedColormap(self.clist) # make bounds so that the middle is white bounds = np.arange(ckmin - ckstep, ckmax + 2 * ckstep, ckstep) # normalize the colors norms = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, mt_seg_bl2wh2rd.N) # make the colorbar self.cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(lpax2, cmap=mt_seg_bl2wh2rd, norm=norms, orientation=self.cb_orientation, ticks=bounds[1:-1]) else: if cmap in list(mtcl.cmapdict.keys()): cmap_input = mtcl.cmapdict[cmap] else: cmap_input = self.cb = mcb.ColorbarBase(lpax2, cmap=cmap_input, # mtcl.cmapdict[cmap], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=ckmin, vmax=ckmax), orientation=self.cb_orientation) # label the color bar accordingly self.cb.set_label(mtpl.ckdict[ck], fontdict={'size': self.font_size, 'weight': 'bold'}) # place the label in the correct location if self.cb_orientation == 'horizontal':'top'), 1.3) elif self.cb_orientation == 'vertical':'right'), .5)'y', direction='in') # --> add reference ellipse: (legend of ellipse size=1) # FZ: remove the following section if no show of Phi show_phi = False # JingMingDuan does not want to show the black circle - it's not useful if show_phi is True: ref_ellip = patches.Ellipse((0, .0), width=es, height=es, angle=0) ref_ellip.set_facecolor((0, 0, 0)) ref_ax_loc = list(lpax2.get_position().bounds) ref_ax_loc[0] *= .95 ref_ax_loc[1] -= .17 ref_ax_loc[2] = .1 ref_ax_loc[3] = .1 self.ref_ax = lpfig.add_axes(ref_ax_loc, aspect='equal') self.ref_ax.add_artist(ref_ellip) self.ref_ax.set_xlim(-es / 2. * 1.05, es / 2. * 1.05) self.ref_ax.set_ylim(-es / 2. * 1.05, es / 2. * 1.05) plt.setp(self.ref_ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.ref_ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), visible=False) self.ref_ax.set_title(r'$\Phi$ = 1') if show: # always show, and adjust the figure before saving it below. The # figure size ratio are all different!! # the figure need to be closed (X) then the following code save it to a # file. if save_path is not None: figfile = self.save_figure(save_path) # , fig_dpi=300) else: figfile = None # self.export_params_to_file('E:/tmp') return figfile
[docs] def save_figure(self, save_fn, file_format='pdf', orientation='portrait', fig_dpi=None, close_plot='y'): """ save_plot will save the figure to save_fn. Arguments: ----------- **save_fn** : string full path to save figure to, can be input as * directory path -> the directory path to save to in which the file will be saved as save_fn/station_name_ResPhase.file_format * full path -> file will be save to the given path. If you use this option then the format will be assumed to be provided by the path **file_format** : [ jpg | png | pdf | eps | svg ] file type of saved figure pdf,svg,eps... **orientation** : [ landscape | portrait ] orientation in which the file will be saved *default* is portrait **fig_dpi** : int The resolution in dots-per-inch the file will be saved. If None then the dpi will be that at which the figure was made. I don't think that it can be larger than dpi of the figure. **close_plot** : [ y | n ] * 'y' will close the plot after saving. * 'n' will leave plot open """ sf = '_{0:.6g}'.format(self.plot_freq) if fig_dpi is None: fig_dpi = self.fig_dpi # FZ: fixed the following logic if os.path.isdir(save_fn): # FZ: assume save-fn is a directory if not os.path.exists(save_fn): os.mkdir(save_fn) # make a file name fname = 'PTmap_DPI%s_%s_%sHz.%s' % ( str(self.fig_dpi), self.ellipse_colorby, sf, file_format) path2savefile = os.path.join(save_fn, fname) # self.fig.savefig(path2savefile, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, # bbox_inches='tight') else: # FZ: assume save-fn is a path2file= "path2/afile.fmt" file_format = save_fn.split('.')[-1] if file_format is None or file_format not in ['png', 'jpg']: _logger.error( "Error: output file name is not correctly provided:", save_fn) raise Exception( "output file name is not correctly provided!!!") path2savefile = save_fn self.fig.savefig(path2savefile, dpi=fig_dpi, format=file_format, orientation=orientation, bbox_inches='tight') # plt.clf() # plt.close(self.fig) if close_plot == 'y': plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) else: pass self.fig_fn = save_fn _logger.debug('Saved figure to: %s', self.fig_fn)
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ update any parameters that where changed using the built-in draw from canvas. Use this if you change an of the .fig or axes properties """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def redraw_plot(self): """ use this function if you updated some attributes and want to re-plot. """ plt.close(self.fig) self.plot()
[docs] def export_params_to_file(self, save_path=None): """ write text files for all the phase tensor parameters. :param save_path: string path to save files into. File naming pattern is like save_path/PhaseTensorTipper_Params_freq.csv/table **Files Content ** *station *lon *lat *phi_min *phi_max *skew *ellipticity *azimuth *tipper_mag_real *tipper_ang_real *tipper_mag_imag *tipper_ang_imag :return: path2savedfile """ # create a save path for files if save_path is None:"No save_path provided. ") return None # try: # svpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.mt_list[0].fn), # 'PTMaps') # except TypeError: # raise IOError('Need to input save_path, could not find path') else: svpath = save_path # if the folder doesn't exist make it if not os.path.exists(svpath): os.mkdir(svpath) # make sure the attributes are there if not get them try: self.plot_xarr except AttributeError: self.plot(show=False) # sort the x and y in ascending order to get placement in the file right xlist = np.sort(abs(self.plot_xarr)) ylist = np.sort(abs(self.plot_yarr)) # get the indicies of where the values should go in map view of the # text file nx = self.plot_xarr.shape[0] xyloc = np.zeros((nx, 2), np.uint) for jj, xx in enumerate(self.plot_xarr): xyloc[jj, 0] = np.where(xlist == abs(xx))[0][0] xyloc[jj, 1] = np.where(ylist == abs(self.plot_yarr[jj]))[0][0] # create arrays that simulate map view in a text file phiminmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) phimaxmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) azimuthmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) ellipmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) betamap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) trmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) trazmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) timap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) tiazmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0])) stationmap = np.zeros((xlist.shape[0], ylist.shape[0]), dtype='|S8') station_location = {} # a dict to store all MT stations (lan lat) # put the information into the zeroed arrays for ii in range(nx): mt1 = self.mt_list[ii] # try to find the freq in the freq list of each file freqfind = [ff for ff, f2 in enumerate(mt1.Z.freq) if self.plot_freq * (1 - self.ftol) < f2 < self.plot_freq * (1 + self.ftol)] try: j2 = freqfind[0] # freq0 = mt1.Z.freq[j2] # should use the closest freq from this list found within the tolerance range pt = tp = mt1.Tipper if pt.phimin[0] is not None: phiminmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = pt.phimin[0][self.jj] phimaxmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = pt.phimax[0][self.jj] azimuthmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = pt.azimuth[0][self.jj] ellipmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = pt.ellipticity[0][self.jj] betamap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = pt.beta[0][self.jj] if tp.mag_real is not None: trmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = tp.mag_real[self.jj] trazmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = tp.angle_real[self.jj] timap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = tp.mag_imag[self.jj] tiazmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = tp.angle_imag[self.jj] try: stationmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = \ mt1.station[self.station_id[0]:self.station_id[1]] except AttributeError: stationmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]] = mt1.station station_location[stationmap[xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1]]] = (mt1.lon,, mt1.freq[j2]) except IndexError: _logger.warn('Did not find {0:.5g} Hz for station {1}'.format(self.plot_freq, mt1.station)) # ----------------------write files------------------------------------- svfn = 'Map_{0:.6g}Hz'.format(self.plot_freq) ptminfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.phimin'), 'w') ptmaxfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.phimax'), 'w') ptazmfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.azimuth'), 'w') ptskwfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.skew'), 'w') ptellfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.ellipticity'), 'w') tprmgfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.tipper_mag_real'), 'w') tprazfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.tipper_ang_real'), 'w') tpimgfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.tipper_mag_imag'), 'w') tpiazfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.tipper_ang_imag'), 'w') statnfid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.station'), 'w') tablefid = open(os.path.join(svpath, svfn + '.table'), 'w') for ly in range(ylist.shape[0]): for lx in range(xlist.shape[0]): # if there is nothing there write some spaces if phiminmap[lx, ly] == 0.0: ptminfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) ptmaxfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) ptazmfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) ptskwfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) ptellfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) tprmgfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) tprazfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) tpimgfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) tpiazfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) statnfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(' ')) else: ptminfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(phiminmap[lx, ly])) ptmaxfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(phimaxmap[lx, ly])) ptazmfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(azimuthmap[lx, ly])) ptskwfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(betamap[lx, ly])) ptellfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(ellipmap[lx, ly])) tprmgfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(trmap[lx, ly])) tprazfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(trazmap[lx, ly])) tpimgfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(timap[lx, ly])) tpiazfid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(tiazmap[lx, ly])) statnfid.write('{0:^8}'.format(stationmap[lx, ly])) # make sure there is an end of line ptminfid.write('\n') ptmaxfid.write('\n') ptazmfid.write('\n') ptskwfid.write('\n') ptellfid.write('\n') tprmgfid.write('\n') tprazfid.write('\n') tpimgfid.write('\n') tpiazfid.write('\n') statnfid.write('\n') # close the files ptminfid.close() ptmaxfid.close() ptazmfid.close() ptskwfid.close() ptellfid.close() tprmgfid.close() tprazfid.close() tpimgfid.close() tpiazfid.close() statnfid.close() # --> write the table file # write header for ss in ['station', 'lon', 'lat', 'phi_min', 'phi_max', 'skew', 'ellipticity', 'azimuth', 'tip_mag_re', 'tip_ang_re', 'tip_mag_im', 'tip_ang_im', 'frequency']: tablefid.write('{0:^12}'.format(ss)) tablefid.write('\n') for ii in range(nx): xx, yy = xyloc[ii, 0], xyloc[ii, 1] if stationmap[xx, yy] is None or len(stationmap[xx, yy]) < 1: pass # station not having the freq else: # only those stations with the given freq # Station tablefid.write('{0:^12}'.format(stationmap[xx, yy])) # lon tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(station_location[stationmap[xx, yy]][0], spacing='{0:^12}')) # lat tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(station_location[stationmap[xx, yy]][1], spacing='{0:^12}')) # phi_min tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(phiminmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # phi_max tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(phimaxmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # beta_skew tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(betamap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # ellip tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(ellipmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # azimuth tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(azimuthmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # tiprmag tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(trmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # tiprang tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(trazmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # tipimag tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(timap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # tipiang tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(tiazmap[xx, yy], spacing='{0:^12}')) # frequency tablefid.write(mtpl.make_value_str(station_location[stationmap[xx, yy]][2], spacing='{0:^12}')) tablefid.write('\n') tablefid.write('\n')'Wrote files to {}'.format(svpath)) return svpath
def __str__(self): """ rewrite the string builtin to give a useful message """ return "Plots phase tensor maps for one freq"
# ==================================================================== # How to test use this module # User modify scripts below to provide three things, 1) edidir the path to an edi folder, 2) plot_freq 3) output_dir # For more advanced commandline script see: examples/cmdline # ======================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": imaging = os.path.dirname(__file__) mtpy = os.path.dirname(imaging) base = os.path.dirname(mtpy) examples = os.path.join(base, 'examples') data = os.path.join(examples, 'data') edidir = os.path.join(data, 'edi_files_2') edi_file_list = glob.glob(edidir + '/*.edi') savedir = '/tmp' plot_freq = 1e-2 ptm_obj = PlotPhaseTensorMaps(fn_list=edi_file_list, plot_freq=plot_freq, ftol=.2, interpolate=True, xpad=0.02, plot_tipper='yr', edgecolor='k', lw=0.1, alpha=1, minorticks_on=False, ellipse_size=.2, ellipse_range=[-10, 10, 2], ellipse_colorby='skew', arrow_size=0.5, ellipse_cmap='mt_seg_bl2wh2rd', plot_yn='n') # generate raster data lons, lats = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(136, 140, 50), np.linspace(-19, -22, 50)) vals = np.exp(-np.sin(np.radians(lons) * 50)**2 - np.cos(np.radians(lats) * 70)**3) # plot with raster data f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ptm_obj.plot(fig=f, show=True, raster_dict={'lons': lons.flatten(), 'lats': lats.flatten(), 'vals': vals.flatten(), 'levels': 50, 'cmap': 'rainbow', 'cbar_title': 'Arbitrary Units'}) ptm_obj.export_params_to_file(save_path=savedir)