Source code for mtpy.imaging.penetration_depth3d

    Given a set of EDI files plot the Penetration Depth vs the station_location.
    Note that the values of periods within10% tolerance (ptol=0.1) are considered as equal.
    Setting a smaller value for ptol(=0.05) may result less MT sites data included.

    python mtpy/imaging/ /path2/edi_files_dir/  period_index

Date:   2017-01-23

import glob
import os
import sys

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import as mt
from mtpy.imaging.penetration import get_index, load_edi_files, Depth3D
from mtpy.utils.mtpy_decorator import deprecated
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog
import logging

# mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
# mpl.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'

# mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 10]

# get a logger object for this module, using the utility class MtPyLog to
# config the logger
_logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(__name__)

# logger =
# MtPyLog(path2configfile='logging.yml').get_mtpy_logger(__name__) #
# specific

# This is the major function to be maintained!!!
# use the Zcompotent=[det, zxy, zyx]
[docs]def plot_latlon_depth_profile(edi_dir, period, zcomponent='det', showfig=True, savefig=True, savepath = None, fig_dpi=400, fontsize=14, file_format='png',ptol=0.1, **kwargs): """ MT penetration depth profile in lat-lon coordinates with pixelsize = 0.002 :param savefig: :param showfig: :param edi_dir: :param period: :param zcomponent: :return: """ # edi_dir = "/Softlab/Githubz/mtpy2/tests/data/edifiles/" # edi_dir="E:/Githubz/mtpy2/tests/data/edifiles/" # edi_dir=r"E:\Githubz\mtpy2\examples\data/edi2" # 1 get a list of edi files, which are suppose to be in a profile. # edifiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(edi_dir, '*.edi')) # logger.debug("edi files: %s", edifiles) edis = load_edi_files(edi_dir) image = Depth3D(edis=edis, period=period, rho=zcomponent, ptol=ptol) if isinstance(period, int): # period is considered as an index image.plot(period_by_index=True, fontsize=fontsize, **kwargs) elif isinstance(period, float): # period is considered as the actual value of period in second image.plot(fontsize=fontsize, **kwargs) else: raise Exception("Wrong type of the parameter period, %s" % period) if showfig is True: if savefig: if savepath is None: savepath = 'C:/tmp' savefn = 'P3Depth_Period%s.%s' % (image.get_period_fmt(),file_format) path2savefile = os.path.join(savepath, savefn) image.export_image(path2savefile, dpi=fig_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # may want to remove the following 2 lines # plt.clf() # plt.close() return
[docs]@deprecated("this function is redundant as as the inverted version of color maps") def reverse_colourmap(cmap, name='my_cmap_r'): """ In: cmap, name Out: my_cmap_r Explanation: """ reverse = [] k = [] for key in cmap._segmentdata: k.append(key) channel = cmap._segmentdata[key] data = [] for t in channel: data.append((1 - t[0], t[2], t[1])) reverse.append(sorted(data)) linear_l = dict(list(zip(k, reverse))) my_cmap_r = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, linear_l) return my_cmap_r
[docs]@deprecated("please use get_index() in mtpy.imaging.penetration instead") def get_index2(lat, lon, ref_lat, ref_lon, pixelsize): """ Mapping of lat lon to a grid :param lat: :param lon: :param ref_lon: :param ref_lat: :param pixelsize: :return: """ index_x = (lon - ref_lon) / pixelsize index_y = (lat - ref_lat) / pixelsize return int(index_x), int(index_y)
[docs]def plot_bar3d_depth(edifiles, per_index, whichrho='det'): """ plot 3D bar of penetration depths For a given freq/period index of a set of edifiles/dir, the station,periods, pendepth,(lat, lon) are extracted the geo-bounding box calculated, and the mapping from stations to grids is constructed and plotted. :param whichrho: z component either 'det', 'zxy' or 'zyx' :param edifiles: an edi_dir or list of edi_files :param per_index: period index number 0,1,2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(edifiles): edi_dir = edifiles # "E:/Githubz/mtpy2/tests/data/edifiles/" edifiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(edi_dir, '*.edi')) _logger.debug(edifiles) else: # Assume edifiles is [a list of files] pass scale_param = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * 4 * np.pi * 10 ** (-7))) _logger.debug("The scaling parameter=%.6f" % scale_param) # per_index=0,1,2,.... periods = [] pen_depth = [] stations = [] latlons = [] for afile in edifiles: mt_obj = mt.MT(afile) latlons.append((, mt_obj.lon)) # the attribute Z zeta = mt_obj.Z if per_index >= len(zeta.freq): raise Exception( "Error: input period index must be less than the number of freqs in zeta.freq=%s", len( zeta.freq)) per = 1.0 / zeta.freq[per_index] periods.append(per) if whichrho == 'det': # the 2X2 complex Z-matrix's determinant abs value # determinant value at the given period index det2 = np.abs(zeta.det[per_index]) penetration_depth = -scale_param * np.sqrt(0.2 * per * det2 * per) elif whichrho == 'zxy': penetration_depth = - scale_param * \ np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[per_index, 0, 1] * per) elif whichrho == 'zyx': penetration_depth = - scale_param * \ np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[per_index, 1, 0] * per) pen_depth.append(penetration_depth) stations.append(mt_obj.station) # return (stations, periods, pen_depth, latlons) lats = [tup[0] for tup in latlons] lons = [tup[1] for tup in latlons] minlat = min(lats) maxlat = max(lats) minlon = min(lons) maxlon = max(lons) pixelsize = 0.002 # degree 0.001 = 100meters shift = 3 ref_lat = minlat - shift * pixelsize ref_lon = minlon - shift * pixelsize xgrids = maxlon - minlon ygrids = maxlat - minlat # nx = xgrids / pixelsize # ny = ygrids / pixelsize # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xpos = [] # a seq (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ypos = [] # a seq [2,3,4,5,1,6,2,1,7,2] dz = [] for iter, pair in enumerate(latlons): xpos.append( get_index( pair[0], pair[1], ref_lat, ref_lon, pixelsize)[0]) ypos.append( get_index( pair[0], pair[1], ref_lat, ref_lon, pixelsize)[1]) dz.append(np.abs(pen_depth[iter])) # dz.append(-np.abs(pen_depth[iter])) num_elements = len(xpos) zpos = np.zeros(num_elements) # zpos = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] dx = np.ones(num_elements) dy = np.ones(num_elements) # dz = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] # print(xpos) # print(ypos) # print(zpos) # # print(dx) # print(dy) # print(dz) ax1.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='r') # ax1 plt.title( 'Penetration Depth (Meter) Across Stations for period= %6.3f Seconds' % periods[0], fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Longitude(deg-grid)', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Latitude(deg-grid)', fontsize=16) # plt.zlabel('Penetration Depth (m)') # bar_width = 0.4 # plt.xticks(index + bar_width / 2, stations, rotation='horizontal', fontsize=16) # plt.legend() # # # plt.tight_layout() # plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() #
# ======================
[docs]def get_penetration_depths_from_edi_file(edifile, rholist=['det']): """Compute the penetration depths of an edi file :param edifile: input edifile :param rholist: flag the method to compute penetration depth: det zxy zyx :return: a tuple:(station_lat, statoin_lon, periods_list, pendepth_list) """ _logger.debug("processing the edi file %s", edifile) mt_obj = mt.MT(edifile) zeta = mt_obj.Z # the attribute Z represent the impedance tensor 2X2 matrix freqs = zeta.freq # frequencies scale_param = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * 4 * np.pi * 10 ** (-7))) _logger.debug("the scale parameter should be 355.88127 =?= %s", scale_param) # The periods array periods = 1.0 / freqs if 'zxy' in rholist: # One of the 4-components: XY penetration_depth = scale_param * \ np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[:, 0, 1] * periods) if 'zyx' in rholist: penetration_depth = scale_param * \ np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[:, 1, 0] * periods) if 'det' in rholist: # determinant is |Zeta|**2 det2 = np.abs(zeta.det[0]) penetration_depth = scale_param * \ np.sqrt(0.2 * periods * det2 * periods) latlong_d = (, mt_obj.lon, periods, penetration_depth) return latlong_d
[docs]def create_penetration_depth_csv(edi_dir, outputcsv, zcomponent='det'): """ Loop over all edi files, and create a csv file with the columns: Header Lat, Lon, per0, per1,per2,..... TODO: calculate pen-depth for each period, and write into a file for each period, even if non-equal freq cross edi files. Moved this function into edi_collection.create_penetration_depth_csv() lat, lon, pendepth0, pendepth1, ... :param edi_dir: path_to_edifiles_dir :param zcomponent: det | zxy | zyx :param outputcsv: path2output.csv file :return: """ import csv if not os.path.isdir(edi_dir): _logger.error("input edi directory not exists", edi_dir) raise Exception("MTPy Exception: EDI Dir not exist") edi_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(edi_dir, "*.edi")) _logger.debug(edi_files) # the first period list as a reference for checking other stations period periods_list0 = None latlon_dep = [] # CSV to be returned for afile in edi_files: # for efile in edi_files[:2]: _logger.debug("processing %s", afile) lat, lon, periods, depths = get_penetration_depths_from_edi_file(afile) if periods_list0 is None: periods_list0 = periods # initial value assignment #depth_string = ','.join(['%.2f' % num for num in depths]) #latlon_dep.append((lat, lon, depth_string)) latlon_dep.append(["Lat","Lon"] + list(periods)) #The first line header latlon_dep.append([lat, lon] + list(depths)) # same length and same values. elif len(periods) == len(periods_list0) and (periods == periods_list0).all(): # depth_string = ','.join(['%.2f' % num for num in depths]) # latlon_dep.append((lat, lon, depth_string)) latlon_dep.append([lat, lon] + list(depths)) else: _logger.error( "MT Periods Not Equal !! %s %s VS %s %s", len(periods), periods, len(periods_list0), periods_list0) # raise Exception ("MTPy Exception: Periods Not Equal") # pass this edi, let's continue # logger.debug(latlon_dep) if outputcsv is None: _logger.error("Output CSV file must be provided", outputcsv)"Saving to csv file: %s", outputcsv) with open(outputcsv, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(latlon_dep) return latlon_dep
[docs]def create_shapefile(edi_dir, outputfile=None, zcomponent='det'): """ create a shapefile for station, penetration_depths :param edi_dir: :param outputfile: :param zcomponent: :return: """ # TODO: return outputfile
def plot_many_periods(edidir, n_periods=5): from mtpy.core.edi_collection import EdiCollection edilist = glob.glob(os.path.join(edidir, '*.edi')) ediset = EdiCollection(edilist) for period_sec in ediset.all_unique_periods[:n_periods]: try: # This will enable the loop continue even though for some freq, # cannot interpolate due to not enough data points plot_latlon_depth_profile(edidir, period_sec, zcomponent='det', showfig=False) except Exception as exwhy: print(str(exwhy)) # ============================================================================================= # Usage examples for small, med, large images # python mtpy/imaging/ tests/data/edifiles/ 2.857s # python mtpy/imaging/ /e/Datasets/MT_Datasets/3D_MT_data_edited_fromDuanJM/ 0.58s # python mtpy/imaging/ /e/Datasets/MT_Datasets/GA_UA_edited_10s-10000s 16s [10s, 40s 341s] # OR period index integer # python mtpy/imaging/ /e/Datasets/MT_Datasets/3D_MT_data_edited_fromDuanJM/ 30 # python mtpy/imaging/ examples/data/edi_files/ # python mtpy/imaging/ examples/data/edi_files_2/ (non equal frequencies) # ============================================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(("Usage: python %s edi_dir period_sec " % sys.argv[0])) print("usage example: python mtpy/imaging/ examples/data/edi_files/ 10") print("usage example: python mtpy/imaging/ examples/data/edi_files/ 2.857s") sys.exit(1) elif len(sys.argv) == 2: edi_dir= sys.argv[1] bname =os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(edi_dir)) print ("dir base name", bname) create_penetration_depth_csv(edi_dir, "/tmp/%s_MT_pen_depths.csv"%bname) # plot pendepth over multiple periods # plot_many_periods( edi_dir ) elif len(sys.argv) > 2 and os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]): edi_dir = sys.argv[1] per = sys.argv[2] print(("The input parameter for period was ", per)) if per.endswith('s'): # try float case try: period_sec = float(per[:-1]) print((" Using period value (second)", period_sec)) plot_latlon_depth_profile( edi_dir, period_sec, zcomponent='det') except Exception as ex: print(ex) else: try: period_index = int(per) print((" Using period index", period_index)) plot_latlon_depth_profile( edi_dir, period_index, zcomponent='det') sys.exit(0) # done except Exception as why: raise Exception( "Unable to plot the integer period index, because: %s" % why) # plot_gridded_profile(edi_dir, period_index, zcomponent='det') # 2D image # plot_latlon_depth_profile(edi_dir, period_index,zcomponent='det') # plot_bar3d_depth(edi_dir, period_index) else: print("Please provide an edi directory and period_index_OR_value")