Source code for mtpy.imaging.penetration_depth1d

    For a given input edi file, plot the Penetration Depth vs all the periods (1/freq).
    Or input a directory of edi multi-files (*.edi), the program will loop to plot
    the penetration depth profile for each edi.

Date:   2017-01-23

import os
import sys

import matplotlib as mpl
from mtpy.utils.mtpylog import MtPyLog
from .penetration import Depth1D

# mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
# mpl.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'

# get a logger object for this module, using the utility class MtPyLog to
# config the logger
_logger = MtPyLog.get_mtpy_logger(__name__)

# logger =
# MtPyLog(path2configfile='logging.yml').get_mtpy_logger(__name__) #
# specific

# def plot_edi_dir(edi_path, rholist=['zxy', 'zyx', 'det']):
#     """ plot edi files from the input directory edi_path
#     """
#     edi_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(edi_path, "*.edi"))
#     logger.debug(edi_files)
#     for efile in edi_files:
#         # for efile in edi_files[:2]:
#         logger.debug("plotting %s", efile)
#         # eo = mtedi.Edi(filename=efile)
#         plot_edi_file(efile, rholist=rholist)
#     return
# def plot_edi_file(edifile, rholist=['zxy', 'zyx', 'det'], savefile=None):
#     """
#     Plot the input edi_file
#     Args:
#         edi_file: path2edifile
#         rholist: a list of the rho to be used.
#         savefile: path2savefig, not save if None
#     Returns:
#     """
#     #'dark_background')
#     #'seaborn-deep')
#     #'classic')
#     plt.grid(True)
#"Plotting the edi file %s", edifile)
#     mt_obj = mt.MT(edifile)
#     zeta = mt_obj.Z     # the attribute Z represent the impedance tensor 2X2 matrix
#     freqs = zeta.freq   # frequencies
#     scale_param = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * 4 * np.pi * 10 ** (-7)))
#     logger.debug("scale parameter= %s", scale_param)
#     # The periods array
#     periods = 1.0 / freqs
#     legendh = []
#     if 'zxy' in rholist:
#         # One of the 4-components: XY
#         penetration_depth = scale_param * \
#             np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[:, 0, 1] * periods)
#         #pen_zxy, = plt.semilogx(periods, -penetration_depth, '-*',label='Zxy')
#         pen_zxy, = plt.semilogx(
#             periods, -penetration_depth, color='#000000', marker='*', label='Zxy')
#         # See
#         #
#         legendh.append(pen_zxy)
#         # plt.title("XY Penetration Depth in Meters")
#         # plt.xlabel("Period (seconds)")
#         # plt.ylabel("Depth Meters")
#     if 'zyx' in rholist:
#         penetration_depth = scale_param * \
#             np.sqrt(zeta.resistivity[:, 1, 0] * periods)
#         pen_zyx, = plt.semilogx(
#             periods, -penetration_depth, color='g', marker='o', label='Zyx')
#         legendh.append(pen_zyx)
#     if 'det' in rholist:
#         # determinant
#         det2 = np.abs(zeta.det[0])
#         det_penetration_depth = scale_param * \
#             np.sqrt(0.2 * periods * det2 * periods)
#         #pen_det, = plt.semilogx(periods, -det_penetration_depth, '-^', label='Determinant')
#         pen_det, = plt.semilogx(
#             periods, -det_penetration_depth, color='b', marker='^', label='Determinant')
#         legendh.append(pen_det)
#     plt.legend(
#         handles=legendh,
#         bbox_to_anchor=(
#             0.1,
#             0.5),
#         loc=3,
#         ncol=1,
#         borderaxespad=0.)
#     plt.title("Penetration Depth for file %s" % edifile)
#     plt.xlabel("Log Period (seconds)", fontsize=16)
#     plt.ylabel("Penetration Depth (meters)", fontsize=16)
#     if savefile is not None:
#         plt.savefig(savefile, dpi=800)
#     return savefile

# updated by Yingzhi
# all ploting function are moved to class Depth1D in penetration

[docs]def plot_edi_dir(edi_path, rholist=['zxy', 'zyx', 'det'],fig_dpi=400,savefile=None): """ plot edi files from the input directory edi_path """ import glob edi_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(edi_path, "*.edi")) _logger.debug(edi_files) for efile in edi_files: # for efile in edi_files[:2]: # logger.debug("plotting %s", efile) # eo = mtedi.Edi(filename=efile) plot_edi_file(efile, rholist=rholist,fig_dpi=fig_dpi,savefile=savefile) return
[docs]def plot_edi_file(edifile, rholist=['zxy', 'zyx', 'det'], savefile=None, fig_dpi=400): """ Plot the input edi_file Args: edi_file: path2edifile rholist: a list of the rho to be used. savefile: path2savefig, not save if None Returns: """ import as mt mt_obj = mt.MT(edifile) image = Depth1D(mt_obj, rholist) image.plot() if savefile: image.export_image(savefile,dpi=fig_dpi)
# End of update ######################################################################## ############################################################################### # plot one-by-one edi files in a given dirpath # How to Run: # export PYTHONPATH=/Softlab/Githubz/mtpy2:$PYTHONPATH # python mtpy/imaging/ data/edi_files/ # python mtpy/imaging/ # tests/data/edifiles/15125A.edi if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(( "\n please provide path to edi files\n USAGE: %s path2edifile" % sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) else: edi_path = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isfile(edi_path): plot_edi_file(edi_path, savefile='C:/temp/pen_depth.jpg') # rholist can be any of ['zxy','zyx','det'], default all of them elif os.path.isdir(edi_path): # choose a suitable function below at run # plot_edi_dir(edi_path ) plot_edi_dir(edi_path, rholist=['det']) else: _logger.error("Usage %s %s", sys.argv[0], "path2edi")