Source code for mtpy.analysis.zinvariants

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 08 09:40:42 2013

Interpreted from matlab code written by Stephan Thiel 2005

@author: jpeacock

import numpy as np

[docs]class Zinvariants: """ calculates invariants from Weaver et al. [2000, 2003]. At the moment it does not calculate the error for each invariant, only the strike. Arguments ---------- **z_object** : type mtpy.core.z needs to have attributes: *z --> np.array((nf, 2, 2), dtype='complex') *z_err --> np.array((nf, 2, 2), dtype='real') *freq --> np.array(nf) **z** : complex np.array(nf,2,2) impedance tensor array **z_err** : real np.array(nf,2,2) impedance tensor error array **freq** : np.array(nf) array of freq cooresponding to the impedance tensor elements. Attributes ----------- **inv1** : real off diaganol part normalizing factor **inv2** : imaginary off diaganol normalizing factor **inv3** : real anisotropy factor (range from [0,1]) **inv4** : imaginary anisotropy factor (range from [0,1]) **inv5** : suggests electric field twist **inv6** : suggests in phase small scale distortion **inv7** : suggests 3D structure **strike** : strike angle (deg) assuming positive clockwise 0=N **strike_err** : strike angle error (deg) **q** : dependent variable suggesting dimensionality Further reading ---------------- Weaver, J. T., Agarwal, A. K., Lilley, F. E. M., 2000, Characterization of the magnetotelluric tensor in terms of its invariants, Geophysical Journal International, 141, 321--336. Weaver, J. T., Agarwal, A. K., Lilley, F. E. M., 2003, The relationship between the magnetotelluric tensor invariants and the phase tensor of Caldwell, Bibby and Brown, presented at 3D Electromagnetics III, ASEG, paper 43. Lilley, F. E. M, 1998, Magnetotelluric tensor dcomposition: 1: Theory for a basic procedure, Geophysics, 63, 1885--1897. Lilley, F. E. M, 1998, Magnetotelluric tensor dcomposition: 2: Examples of a basic procedure, Geophysics, 63, 1898--1907. Szarka, L. and Menvielle, M., 1997, Analysis of rotational invariants of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor, Geophysical Journal International, 129, 133--142. """ def __init__(self, z_object=None, z_array=None, z_err_array=None, freq=None, rot_z=0): # --> read in z_object if z_object is not None: if z_object.freq is None: raise AttributeError('z_object needs to have attrtibute' + \ 'freq filled') # --> make the z_object an attribute self.z = z_object.z self.freq = z_object.freq self.z_err = z_object.z_err if freq is not None: self.freq = freq # --> if an array is input read it in and make it a z_object if z_array is not None: self.z = z_array.copy() assert len(freq) == len(self.z), \ 'length of freq is not the same as z' # --> if an array is input read it in and make it a z_object if z_err_array is not None: self.z_err = z_err_array.copy() assert len(freq) == len(self.z), \ 'length of freq is not the same as z' if self.freq is None: raise AttributeError('z_object needs to have attrtibute' + \ 'freq filled') # --> rotate data if desired self.rotate(rot_z) # compute the invariants self.compute_invariants()
[docs] def compute_invariants(self): """ Computes the invariants according to Weaver et al., [2000, 2003] Mostly used to plot Mohr's circles In a 1D case: rho = mu (inv1**2+inv2**2)/w & phi = arctan(inv2/inv1) Sets the invariants as attributes: **inv1** : real off diaganol part normalizing factor **inv2** : imaginary off diaganol normalizing factor **inv3** : real anisotropy factor (range from [0,1]) **inv4** : imaginary anisotropy factor (range from [0,1]) **inv5** : suggests electric field twist **inv6** : suggests in phase small scale distortion **inv7** : suggests 3D structure **strike** : strike angle (deg) assuming positive clockwise 0=N **strike_err** : strike angle error (deg) **q** : dependent variable suggesting dimensionality """ print("computing invariants") # get the length of z to initialize some empty arrays nz = self.z.shape[0] # set some empty arrays to put stuff into self.inv1 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv2 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv3 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv4 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv5 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv6 = np.zeros(nz) self.inv7 = np.zeros(nz) self.q = np.zeros(nz) self.strike = np.zeros(nz) self.strike_err = np.zeros(nz) c_tf = np.all(self.z == 0.0) if c_tf == True: return # loop over each freq for ii in range(nz): # compute the mathematical invariants x1 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].real + self.z[ii, 1, 1].real) # trace x2 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].real + self.z[ii, 1, 0].real) x3 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].real - self.z[ii, 1, 1].real) x4 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].real - self.z[ii, 1, 0].real) # berd e1 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].imag + self.z[ii, 1, 1].imag) # trace e2 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].imag + self.z[ii, 1, 0].imag) e3 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].imag - self.z[ii, 1, 1].imag) e4 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].imag - self.z[ii, 1, 0].imag) # berd ex = x1 * e1 - x2 * e2 - x3 * e3 + x4 * e4 if ex == 0.0: print('Could not compute invariants for {0:5e} Hz'.format( self.freq[ii])) self.inv1[ii] = np.nan self.inv2[ii] = np.nan self.inv3[ii] = np.nan self.inv4[ii] = np.nan self.inv5[ii] = np.nan self.inv6[ii] = np.nan self.inv7[ii] = np.nan self.q[ii] = np.nan self.strike[ii] = np.nan self.strike_err[ii] = np.nan else: d12 = (x1 * e2 - x2 * e1) / ex d34 = (x3 * e4 - x4 * e3) / ex d13 = (x1 * e3 - x3 * e1) / ex d24 = (x2 * e4 - x4 * e2) / ex d41 = (x4 * e1 - x1 * e4) / ex d23 = (x2 * e3 - x3 * e2) / ex inv1 = np.sqrt(x4 ** 2 + x1 ** 2) inv2 = np.sqrt(e4 ** 2 + e1 ** 2) inv3 = np.sqrt(x2 ** 2 + x3 ** 2) / inv1 inv4 = np.sqrt(e2 ** 2 + e3 ** 2) / inv2 s41 = (x4 * e1 + x1 * e4) / ex inv5 = s41 * ex / (inv1 * inv2) inv6 = d41 * ex / (inv1 * inv2) q = np.sqrt((d12 - d34) ** 2 + (d13 + d24) ** 2) inv7 = (d41 - d23) / q # if abs(inv7)>1.0: # print("debug value inv7=", inv7) strikeang = .5 * np.arctan2(d12 - d34, d13 + d24) * (180 / np.pi) strikeangerr = abs(.5 * np.arcsin(inv7)) * (180 / np.pi) self.inv1[ii] = inv1 self.inv2[ii] = inv2 self.inv3[ii] = inv3 self.inv4[ii] = inv4 self.inv5[ii] = inv5 self.inv6[ii] = inv6 self.inv7[ii] = inv7 self.q[ii] = q self.strike[ii] = strikeang self.strike_err[ii] = strikeangerr
[docs] def rotate(self, rot_z): """ Rotates the impedance tensor by the angle rot_z clockwise positive assuming 0 is North """ self.rot_z = rot_z # rotate the data # self._Z.rotate(self.rot_z) # --> update the invariants (though they should be rotationally # invariant except for the strike angle) self.compute_invariants()
[docs] def set_z(self, z_array): """ set the z array. If the shape changes or the freq are changed need to input those as well. """ self.z = z_array # --> update the invariants self.compute_invariants()
[docs] def set_z_err(self, z_err_array): """ set the z_err array. If the shape changes or the freq are changed need to input those as well. """ self.z_err = z_err_array # --> update the invariants self.compute_invariants()
[docs] def set_freq(self, freq): """ set the freq array, needs to be the same length at z """ self.freq = freq
def __str__(self): return "Computes the invariants of the impedance tensor according " + \ "Weaver et al., [2000, 2003]."