Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

Phase Tensor

Following Caldwell et al, 2004

Residual Phase Tensor following Heise et al., [2008]

@UofA, 2013

Revised by Peacock, 2016


import copy

import numpy as np

import mtpy.core.edi as MTedi
import mtpy.utils.calculator as MTcc
import mtpy.utils.exceptions as MTex

[docs]class PhaseTensor(object): """ PhaseTensor class - generates a Phase Tensor (PT) object. Methods include reading and writing from and to edi-objects, rotations combinations of Z instances, as well as calculation of invariants, inverse, amplitude/phase,... PT is a complex array of the form (n_freq, 2, 2), with indices in the following order: PTxx: (0,0) - PTxy: (0,1) - PTyx: (1,0) - PTyy: (1,1) All internal methods are based on (Caldwell et al.,2004) and (Bibby et al.,2005), in which they use the canonical cartesian 2D reference (x1, x2). However, all components, coordinates, and angles for in- and outputs are given in the geographical reference frame: x-axis = North ; y-axis = East (; z-axis = Down) Therefore, all results from using those methods are consistent (angles are referenced from North rather than x1). ====================== ==================================================== Attributes Description ====================== ==================================================== freq array of frequencies associated with elements of impedance tensor. pt phase tensor array pt_err phase tensor error z impedance tensor z_err impedance error rotation_angle rotation angle in degrees ====================== ==================================================== """ def __init__(self, pt_array=None, pt_err_array=None, z_array=None, z_err_array=None, z_object=None, freq=None, pt_rot=0.0): self._pt = pt_array self._pt_err = pt_err_array self._z = z_array self._z_err = z_err_array self._freq = freq self.rotation_angle = pt_rot # if a z object is input be sure to set the z and z_err so that the # pt will be calculated # print type(z_object)==type(MTz.Z()),isinstance(z_object, MTz.Z) # if isinstance(z_object, MTz.Z): if z_object is not None: try: self.set_z_object(z_object) except: print('\tWarning - could not digest provided Z-Object') elif z_array is not None: try: self._set_z(z_array) except: self._z = None self._z_err = None print('Can not calculate pt from z==None') if z_err_array is not None: try: self._set_z_err(z_err_array) if z_array.shape != z_err_array.shape: self._set_z_err(None) except: pass if self._freq is None: print('Should input a freq array to know which index of the' + \ ' PT array corresponds to which freq.') # ========================================================================== # define get/set functions and properties # ========================================================================== # ---phase tensor array---------------------------------------- def _set_pt(self, pt_array): """ Set the attribute 'pt'. Input: Phase-Tensor array Test for shape, but no test for consistency! """ self._pt = pt_array # check for dimensions if pt_array is not None: # --> large array if not len(pt_array.shape) in [2, 3]: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt array!' + \ ' Invalid dimensions') # --> single matrix if not pt_array.shape[-2:] == (2, 2): raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt array!' + \ ' Invalid dimensions') # --> make sure values are floats try: if not pt_array.dtype in ['float']: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt array!' + \ 'Invalid dimensions') except: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt array!' + \ 'Invalid data type (float expected)') if len(pt_array.shape) == 3: self._pt = pt_array else: self._pt = np.zeros((1, pt_array.shape[0], pt_array.shape[1])) self._pt[0] = pt_array # testing existing atributes for consistent shapes: try: if np.shape( != np.shape(self.pt_err): raise MTex.MTpyError_inputarguments('pt and pt_err are not'+\ ' the same shape') except: print('Shape of new PT array and existing pt_error do not match'+\ '- setting pt_error to "None"') self._pt_err = None try: if len( != len(self.freq): raise MTex.MTpyError_inputarguments('pt and freq are' + \ 'not the same shape') except: print('Shape of new PT array and existing "freq" do not' + \ 'match - setting freq to "None"') self._freq = None try: if len( != len(self.rotation_angle): raise MTex.MTpyError_inputarguments('pt and rotation angles' + \ 'are not the same shape') except: print('Shape of new PT array and existing "Rotation_angle" do ' + \ 'not match - setting rotation_angle to "None"') self.rotation_angle = None else: pass def _get_pt(self): return self._pt pt = property(_get_pt, _set_pt, doc="Phase tensor array") # ---phase tensor Error----------------------------------------------------- def _set_pt_err(self, pt_err_array): """ Set the attribute 'pt_err'. Input: Phase-Tensor-error array Test for shape, but no test for consistency! """ self._pt_err = pt_err_array # check dimensions if pt_err_array is not None: if not len(pt_err_array.shape) in [2, 3]: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt_err array! '+\ 'Invalid dimensions') if not pt_err_array.shape[-2:] == (2, 2): raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt_err array! '+\ 'Invalid dimensions') try: if not pt_err_array.dtype in ['float']: raise 'ERROR - I cannot set new pt_err array! ' except: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt_err array! '+\ 'Invalid data type (float expected)') if is not None: if != pt_err_array.shape: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - I cannot set new pt_err '+\ 'array! Invalid dimensions') if len(pt_err_array.shape) == 3: self.pt_err = pt_err_array else: self.pt_err = np.zeros((1,[0],[1])) self.pt_err[0] = pt_err_array else: pass def _get_pt_err(self): return self._pt_err pt_err = property(_get_pt_err, _set_pt_err, doc='Phase tensor error array, must be same shape as pt') # ---freq------------------------------------------------------------ def _set_freq(self, lo_freq): """ Set array of freq. Input: list/array of freq (iterable) No test for consistency! """ if (self._pt is not None): if lo_freq is not None: if (len(lo_freq) is not len(self._pt)): print('length of freq list not correct' + \ '(%i instead of %i)' % (len(lo_freq), len(self._pt))) return try: self._freq = np.array(lo_freq) except: self._freq = None def _get_freq(self): return self._freq freq = property(_get_freq, _set_freq, doc="freq array") # ---z_object---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_z_object(self, z_object): """ Read in Z object and convert information into PhaseTensor object attributes. """ self._z = z_object.z self._z_err = z_object.z_err self._freq = z_object.freq self._pt = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) self._pt_err = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) if self._z_err is not None: for idx_f in range(len(self._z)): try: self._pt[idx_f], self._pt_err[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f], self._z_err[idx_f]) except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g} Hz'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) # --> if there is not error to the impedance tensor else: for idx_f in range(len(self._z)): try: self._pt[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f])[0] except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g}'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) self.rotation_angle = z_object.rotation_angle
# def _get_z_object(self): # z_object = MTz.Z(z_array=self._z, z_err_array=self._z_err) # z_object.freq = self._freq # z_object.rotation_angle = self.rotation_angle # return z_object # _z_object = property(_get_z_object, _set_z_object, # doc="class mtpy.core.z.Z") # ---z array--------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_z(self, z_array): """ Set Z array as PhaseTensor object attribute. """ self._z = z_array self._pt = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) self._pt_err = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) if self._z_err is not None and self._z is not None: for idx_f in range(len(self._z)): try: self._pt[idx_f], self._pt_err[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f], self._z_err[idx_f]) except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g} Hz'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) # --> if there is not error to the impedance tensor elif self._z is not None: for idx_f in range(len(self._z)): try: self._pt[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f])[0] except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g}'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) # def _get_z(self): # return self._z # z = property(_get_z, _set_z, # doc="impedance tensor numpy.array((nf, 2, 2))") # ---Z Error array--------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_z_err(self, z_err_array): """ Set Z-error array as PhaseTensor object attribute. """ self._z_err = z_err_array if self._z.shape != self._z_err.shape: print('z and z_err are not the not the same shape, setting ' + \ 'z_err to None') self._pt = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) self._pt_err = np.zeros_like(self._z, dtype=float) if self._z_err is not None: for idx_f in range(len(self._z)): try:[idx_f], self.pt_err[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f], self._z_err[idx_f]) except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g} Hz'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) # --> if there is not error to the impedance tensor else: for idx_f in range(len(self.z)): try: self._pt[idx_f] = z2pt(self._z[idx_f])[0] except MTex.MTpyError_PT: try: print('Singular Matrix at {0:.5g}'.format( self._freq[idx_f])) except AttributeError: print('Computed singular matrix') print(' --> pt[{0}]=np.zeros((2,2))'.format(idx_f)) # def _get_z_err(self): # return self._z_err # z_err = property(_get_z_err, _set_z_err, # doc="impedance tensor numpy.array((nf, 2, 2))") # ========================================================================== # define get methods for read only properties #========================================================================== #---invariants------------------------------------------------------------- @property def invariants(self): """ Return a dictionary of PT-invariants. Contains: trace, skew, det, phimax, phimin, beta """ if is None: return None inv_dict = {} inv_dict['trace'] = self.trace[0] inv_dict['skew'] = self.skew[0] inv_dict['det'] = self.det[0] inv_dict['phimax'] = self.phimax[0] inv_dict['phimin'] = self.phimin[0] inv_dict['beta'] = self.beta[0] return inv_dict #---trace------------------------------------------------------------- @property def trace(self): """ Return the trace of PT (incl. uncertainties). Output: - Trace(PT) - Numpy array - Error of Trace(PT) - Numpy array """ if is None: return None return np.array([np.trace(i) for i in]) @property def trace_err(self): tr_err = None if self.pt_err is not None: tr_err = np.zeros_like(self.trace) tr_err[:] = self.pt_err[:,0,0] + self.pt_err[:,1,1] return tr_err #---alpha------------------------------------------------------------- @property def alpha(self): """ Return the principal axis angle (strike) of PT in degrees (incl. uncertainties). Output: - Alpha - Numpy array - Error of Alpha - Numpy array """ if is None: return None return np.degrees(0.5 * np.arctan2([:,0,1] +[:,1,0],[:,0,0] -[:,1,1])) @property def alpha_err(self): alpha_err = None if self.pt_err is not None: alphaerr = np.zeros_like(self.alpha) y =[:,0,1] +[:,1,0] yerr = np.sqrt( self.pt_err[:,0,1]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,0]**2 ) x =[:,0,0] -[:,1,1] xerr = np.sqrt( self.pt_err[:,0,0]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,1]**2 ) alphaerr[:] = 0.5 / (x ** 2 + y ** 2) * np.sqrt(y ** 2 * xerr ** 2 + \ x ** 2 * yerr ** 2) return alpha_err #---beta------------------------------------------------------------- @property def beta(self): """ Return the 3D-dimensionality angle Beta of PT in degrees (incl. uncertainties). Output: - Beta - Numpy array - Error of Beta - Numpy array """ if is None: return None return np.degrees(0.5 * np.arctan2([:,0,1] -[:,1,0],[:,0,0] +[:,1,1])) @property def beta_err(self): betaerr = None if self.pt_err is not None: beta_err = np.zeros_like(self.beta) y =[:, 0, 1] -[:, 1, 0] yerr = np.sqrt(self.pt_err[:, 0, 1] ** 2 + self.pt_err[:, 1, 0] ** 2) x =[:, 0, 0] +[:, 1, 1] xerr = np.sqrt(self.pt_err[:, 0, 0] ** 2 + self.pt_err[:, 1, 1] ** 2) beta_err[:] = 0.5 / ( x**2 + y**2) * np.sqrt( y**2 * xerr**2 +\ x**2 * yerr**2 ) return betaerr #---skew------------------------------------------------------------- @property def skew(self): """ Return the skew of PT (incl. uncertainties). Output: - Skew(PT) - Numpy array - Error of Skew(PT) - Numpy array """ if is None: return None return np.array([i[0,1] - i[1,0] for i in]) @property def skew_err(self): skew_err = None if self.pt_err is not None: skew_err = np.zeros_like(self.skew) skew_err[:] = self.pt_err[:,0,1] + self.pt_err[:,1,0] return skew_err #---azimuth (strike angle)------------------------------------------------- @property def azimuth(self): """ Returns the azimuth angle related to geoelectric strike in degrees including uncertainties Returns: -------- **azimuth(pt)** : numpy.array(nf) azimuth angles in degrees assuming North is 0 and angle is positive clockwise **azimuth_err** : numpy.array(nf) azimuth angle errors in degrees """ if is None: return None return self.alpha - self.beta @property def azimuth_err(self): if self.pt_err is not None: az_err = np.sqrt(self.alpha+self.beta) else: az_err = None return az_err #---ellipticity---------------------------------------------------- @property def ellipticity(self): """ Returns the ellipticity of the phase tensor, related to dimesionality Returns: -------- **ellipticity** : np.array(nf) ellipticity values **ellipticity_err** : np.array(nf) ellipticity errors """ if is None: return None result = None with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): result = (self.phimax-self.phimin)/(self.phimax+self.phimin) return result @property def ellipticity_err(self): if self.pt_err is not None: ellip_err = self.ellipticity * np.sqrt(self.phimax_err+self.phimin_err)*\ np.sqrt((1/(self.phimax-self.phimin))**2+\ (1/(self.phimax+self.phimin))**2) else: ellip_err = None return ellip_err #---det------------------------------------------------------------- @property def det(self): """ Return the determinant of PT (incl. uncertainties). Output: - Det(PT) - Numpy array - Error of Det(PT) - Numpy array """ if is None: return None return np.array([np.linalg.det(pt_arr) for pt_arr in]) @property def det_err(self): det_phi_err = None if self.pt_err is not None: det_phi_err = np.zeros_like(self.det) det_phi_err[:] = np.abs([:,1,1] * self.pt_err[:,0,0]) +\ np.abs([:,0,0] * self.pt_err[:,1,1]) +\ np.abs([:,0,1] * self.pt_err[:,1,0]) +\ np.abs([:,1,0] * self.pt_err[:,0,1]) return det_phi_err #---principle component 1---------------------------------------------- def _pi1(self): """ Return Pi1 (incl. uncertainties). Pi1 is calculated according to Bibby et al. 2005: Pi1 = 0.5 * sqrt(PT[0,0]-PT[1,1])**2 + (PT[0,1]+PT[1,0])**2) Output: - Phi_min - Numpy array - Error of Phi_min - Numpy array """ # after bibby et al. 2005 pi1 = 0.5 * np.sqrt(([:, 0, 0] -[:, 1, 1]) ** 2 + \ ([:, 0, 1] +[:, 1, 0]) ** 2) pi1err = None if self.pt_err is not None: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): pi1err = 1./ pi1 * np.sqrt(([:,0,0] -[:,1,1])**2*\ (self.pt_err[:,0,0]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,1]**2)+\ ([:,0,1] +[:,1,0])**2 *\ (self.pt_err[:,0,1]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,0]**2)) return pi1, pi1err # ---principle component 2---------------------------------------------- def _pi2(self): """ Return Pi1 (incl. uncertainties). Pi1 is calculated according to Bibby et al. 2005: Pi1 = 0.5 * sqrt(PT[0,0]+PT[1,1])**2 + (PT[0,1]-PT[1,0])**2) Output: - Phi_min - Numpy array - Error of Phi_min - Numpy array """ # after bibby et al. 2005 pi2 = 0.5 * np.sqrt(([:, 0, 0] +[:, 1, 1]) ** 2 + \ ([:, 0, 1] -[:, 1, 0]) ** 2) pi2err = None if self.pt_err is not None: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): pi2err = 1./ pi2 * np.sqrt( ([:,0,0] +[:,1,1] )**2*\ (self.pt_err[:,0,0]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,1]**2) +\ ([:,0,1] -[:,1,0])**2*\ (self.pt_err[:,0,1]**2 + self.pt_err[:,1,0]**2)) return pi2, pi2err #---phimin---------------------------------------------- @property def phimin(self): """ Return the angle Phi_min of PT (incl. uncertainties). Phi_min is calculated according to Bibby et al. 2005: Phi_min = Pi2 - Pi1 Output: - Phi_min - Numpy array - Error of Phi_min - Numpy array """ if is None: return None # return self._pi2()[0] - self._pi1()[0] return np.degrees(np.arctan(self._pi2()[0] - self._pi1()[0])) @property def phimin_err(self): phiminerr = None if self.pt_err is not None: phiminerr = np.sqrt(self._pi2()[1]**2+self._pi1()[1]**2) return np.degrees(np.arctan(phiminerr)) else: return None #---phimax---------------------------------------------- @property def phimax(self): """ Return the angle Phi_max of PT (incl. uncertainties). Phi_max is calculated according to Bibby et al. 2005: Phi_max = Pi2 + Pi1 Output: - Phi_max - Numpy array - Error of Phi_max - Numpy array """ if is None: return None # return self._pi2()[0] + self._pi1()[0] return np.degrees(np.arctan(self._pi2()[0] + self._pi1()[0])) @property def phimax_err(self): phimaxerr = None if self.pt_err is not None: phimaxerr = np.sqrt(self._pi2()[1]**2+self._pi1()[1]**2) return np.degrees(np.arctan(phimaxerr)) else: return None
[docs] def rotate(self, alpha): """ Rotate PT array. Change the rotation angles attribute respectively. Rotation angle must be given in degrees. All angles are referenced to geographic North, positive in clockwise direction. (Mathematically negative!) In non-rotated state, X refs to North and Y to East direction. """ if self._pt is None : print('pt-array is "None" - I cannot rotate that') return if np.iterable(self.rotation_angle) == 0: self.rotation_angle = np.array([self.rotation_angle for ii in]) # check for iterable list/set of angles - if so, it must have length 1 # or same as len(pt): if np.iterable(alpha) == 0: try: degreeangle = float(alpha % 360) except: print('"Angle" must be a valid number (in degrees)') return # make an n long list of identical angles lo_angles = [degreeangle for i in] else: if len(alpha) == 1: try: degreeangle = float(alpha % 360) except: print('"Angle" must be a valid number (in degrees)') return # make an n long list of identical angles lo_angles = [degreeangle for i in] else: try: lo_angles = [float(i % 360) for i in alpha] except: print('"Angles" must be valid numbers (in degrees)') return self.rotation_angle = list((np.array(lo_angles) + \ np.array(self.rotation_angle)) % 360) if len(lo_angles) != len(self._pt): print('Wrong number Number of "angles" - need %i ' % (len(self._pt))) self.rotation_angle = 0. return pt_rot = copy.copy(self._pt) pt_err_rot = copy.copy(self._pt_err) for idx_freq in range(len(self._pt)): angle = lo_angles[idx_freq] if np.isnan(angle): angle = 0. if self.pt_err is not None: pt_rot[idx_freq], pt_err_rot[idx_freq] = MTcc.rotatematrix_incl_errors([idx_freq,:,:], angle, self.pt_err[idx_freq,:,:]) else: pt_rot[idx_freq], pt_err_rot = MTcc.rotatematrix_incl_errors([idx_freq,:,:], angle) # --> set the rotated tensors as the current attributes self._pt = pt_rot self._pt_err = pt_err_rot
# ---only 1d---------------------------------------------- def _get_only1d(self): """ Return PT in 1D form. If PT is not 1D per se, the diagonal elements are set to zero, the off-diagonal elements keep their signs, but their absolute is set to the mean of the original PT off-diagonal absolutes. """ if self._pt is None: return None pt1d = copy.copy(self._pt) for i in range(len(pt1d)): pt1d[i, 0, 1] = 0 pt1d[i, 1, 0] = 0 mean1d = 0.5 * (pt1d[i, 0, 0] + pt1d[i, 1, 1]) pt1d[i, 0, 0] = mean1d pt1d[i, 1, 1] = mean1d return pt1d only1d = property(_get_only1d, doc="") # ---only 2d---------------------------------------------- def _get_only2d(self): """ Return PT in 2D form. If PT is not 2D per se, the diagonal elements are set to zero. """ if self._pt is None: return None pt2d = copy.copy(self._pt) for i in range(len(pt2d)): pt2d[i,0,1] = 0 pt2d[i,1,0] = 0 pt2d[i,0,0] = self.phimax[i] pt2d[i,1,1] = self.phimin[i] return pt2d only2d = property(_get_only2d, doc="")
[docs]class ResidualPhaseTensor(): """ PhaseTensor class - generates a Phase Tensor (PT) object DeltaPhi DeltaPhi = 1 - Phi1^-1*Phi2 """ def __init__(self, pt_object1=None, pt_object2=None, residualtype='heise'): """ Initialise an instance of the ResidualPhaseTensor class. Optional input: pt_object1 : instance of the PhaseTensor class pt_object2 : instance of the PhaseTensor class Initialise the attributes with None """ self.residual_pt = None self.rpt = None self.rpt_err = None self._pt1 = None self._pt2 = None self._pt1err = None self._pt2err = None self.freq = None self.residualtype = residualtype if pt_object1 is not None or pt_object2 is not None: if not ((isinstance(pt_object1, PhaseTensor) and\ isinstance(pt_object2, PhaseTensor))): print(type(pt_object1), type(pt_object2)) raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - arguments must be instances ' 'of the PhaseTensor class') self.compute_residual_pt(pt_object1, pt_object2)
[docs] def compute_residual_pt(self, pt_o1, pt_o2): """ Read in two instance of the MTpy PhaseTensor class. Update attributes: rpt, rpt_err, _pt1, _pt2, _pt1err, _pt2err """ if not ((isinstance(pt_o1, PhaseTensor)) and \ (isinstance(pt_o2, PhaseTensor))): raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - both arguments must be instances' 'of the PhaseTensor class') pt1 = pt2 = self.freq = pt_o1.freq # --> compute residual phase tensor if pt1 is not None and pt2 is not None: if pt1.dtype not in [float, int]: raise ValueError if pt2.dtype not in [float, int]: raise ValueError if not pt1.shape == pt2.shape: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('PT arrays not the same shape') if (not len(pt1.shape) in [2, 3]): raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('PT array is not a valid shape') if self.residualtype == 'heise': if len(pt1.shape) == 3: self.rpt = np.zeros_like(pt1) for idx in range(len(pt1)): try: # self.rpt[idx] = np.eye(2) -[idx]).I, # np.matrix(pt2[idx])) self.rpt[idx] = np.eye(2) - 0.5*([idx]).I,np.matrix(pt2[idx]))+\[idx]),np.matrix(pt1[idx]).I)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: #print 'Singular matrix at index {0}, frequency {1:.5g}'.format(idx, self.freq[idx]) #print 'Setting residual PT to zeros. ' self.rpt[idx] = np.zeros((2, 2)) self._pt1 = pt1 self._pt2 = pt2 else: self.rpt = np.zeros((1,2,2)) try: # self.rpt[0] = np.eye(2), # np.matrix(pt2)) self.rpt[idx] = np.eye(2) - 0.5*([idx]).I,np.matrix(pt1[idx]))+\[idx]),np.matrix(pt2[idx]).I)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: #print 'Singular matrix at frequency {0:.5g}'.format(self.freq) #print 'Setting residual PT to zeros. ' pass self._pt1 = np.zeros((1,2,2)) self._pt1[0] = pt1 self._pt2 = np.zeros((1,2,2)) self._pt2[0] = pt2 elif self.residualtype == 'booker': self.rpt = pt1 - pt2 else: print ('Could not determine ResPT - both PhaseTensor objects must' 'contain PT arrays of the same shape') #--> compute residual error pt1err = pt_o1.pt_err pt2err = pt_o2.pt_err if pt1err is not None and pt2err is not None: self.rpt_err = np.zeros(self.rpt.shape) try: if (pt1err.dtype not in [float,int]) or \ (pt2err.dtype not in [float,int]): raise MTex.MTpyError_value if not pt1err.shape == pt2err.shape: raise MTex.MTpyError_value if (not len(pt1err.shape) in [2,3] ): raise MTex.MTpyError_value if self.rpt_err is not None: if self.rpt_err.shape != pt1err.shape: raise MTex.MTpyError_value if self.residualtype == 'heise': if len(pt1err.shape) == 3: self.rpt_err = np.zeros((len(pt1),2,2)) for idx in range(len(pt1err)): matrix1 = pt1[idx] matrix1err = pt1err[idx] try: matrix2, matrix2err = MTcc.invertmatrix_incl_errors( pt2[idx], inmatrix_err = pt2err[idx]) summand1,err1 = MTcc.multiplymatrices_incl_errors( matrix2, matrix1, inmatrix1_err = matrix2err, inmatrix2_err = matrix1err) summand2,err2 = MTcc.multiplymatrices_incl_errors( matrix1, matrix2, inmatrix1_err = matrix1err, inmatrix2_err = matrix2err) self.rpt_err[idx] = np.sqrt(0.25*err1**2 +0.25*err2**2) except MTex.MTpyError_inputarguments: self.rpt_err[idx] = 1e10 self._pt_err1 = pt1err self._pt_err2 = pt2err else: self.rpt_err = np.zeros((1, 2, 2)) try: self.rpt_err[0] = np.eye(2) - 0.5 * np.array( np.matrix(pt2).I, np.matrix(pt1) ) + np.matrix(pt1), np.matrix(pt2).I)) matrix1 = pt1 matrix1err = pt1err matrix2, matrix2err = MTcc.invertmatrix_incl_errors( pt2, inmatrix_err = pt2err) summand1,err1 = MTcc.multiplymatrices_incl_errors( matrix2, matrix1, inmatrix1_err = matrix2err, inmatrix2_err = matrix1err) summand2,err2 = MTcc.multiplymatrices_incl_errors( matrix1, matrix2, inmatrix1_err = matrix1err, inmatrix2_err = matrix2err) self.rpt_err = np.sqrt(0.25*err1**2 +0.25*err2**2) except MTex.MTpyError_inputarguments: self.rpt_err[idx] = 1e10 self._pt1err = np.zeros((1,2,2)) self._pt1err[0] = pt1err self._pt2err = np.zeros((1, 2, 2)) self._pt2err[0] = pt2err elif self.residualtype == 'booker': self.rpt_err = pt1err + pt2err except MTex.MTpyError_value: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - both PhaseTensor objects must' 'contain PT-error arrays of the same shape') else: print ('Could not determine Residual PT uncertainties - both' ' PhaseTensor objects must contain PT-error arrays of the' 'same shape') #--> make a pt object that is the residual phase tensor self.residual_pt = PhaseTensor(pt_array=self.rpt, pt_err_array=self.rpt_err, freq=self.freq)
[docs] def read_pts(self, pt1, pt2, pt1err=None, pt2err=None): """ Read two PT arrays and calculate the ResPT array (incl. uncertainties). Input: - 2x PT array Optional: - 2x pt_error array """ try: if pt1.shape != pt2.shape: raise except: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('ERROR - could not build ResPT array from given PT arrays - check shapes! ') # TODO - check arrays here: pt_o1 = PhaseTensor(pt_array = pt1, pt_err_array = pt1err) pt_o2 = PhaseTensor(pt_array = pt2, pt_err_array = pt2err) self.compute_residual_pt(pt_o1, pt_o2)
[docs] def set_rpt(self, rpt_array): """ Set the attribute 'rpt' (ResidualPhaseTensor array). Input: ResPT array Test for shape, but no test for consistency! """ if (self.rpt is not None) and (self.rpt.shape != rpt_array.shape): print('Error - shape of "ResPT" array does not match shape of existing rpt array: %s ; %s' % ( str(rpt_array.shape), str(self.rpt.shape))) return self.rpt = rpt_array #--> make a pt object that is the residual phase tensor self.residual_pt = PhaseTensor(pt_array=self.rpt, pt_err_array=self.rpt_err, freq=self.freq)
[docs] def set_rpt_err(self, rpt_err_array): """ Set the attribute 'rpt_err' (ResidualPhaseTensor-error array). Input: ResPT-error array Test for shape, but no test for consistency! """ if (self.rpt_err is not None) and (self.rpt_err.shape != rpt_err_array.shape): print('Error - shape of "ResPT-error" array does not match shape of existing rpt_err array: %s ; %s'%(str(rpt_err_array.shape),str(self.rpt_err.shape))) return self.rpt_err = rpt_err_array #--> make a pt object that is the residual phase tensor self.residual_pt = PhaseTensor(pt_array=self.rpt, pt_err_array=self.rpt_err, freq=self.freq)
# =======================================================================
[docs]def z2pt(z_array, z_err_array=None): """ Calculate Phase Tensor from Z array (incl. uncertainties) Input: - Z : 2x2 complex valued Numpy array Optional: - Z-error : 2x2 real valued Numpy array Return: - PT : 2x2 real valued Numpy array - PT-error : 2x2 real valued Numpy array """ if z_array is not None: try: if not len(z_array.shape) in [2, 3]: raise if not z_array.shape[-2:] == (2, 2): raise if not z_array.dtype in ['complex', 'float']: raise except: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('Error - incorrect z array: %s;%s instead of (N,2,2);complex' % ( str(z_array.shape), str(z_array.dtype))) if z_err_array is not None: try: if not len(z_err_array.shape) in [2, 3]: raise if not z_err_array.shape[-2:] == (2, 2): raise if not z_err_array.dtype in ['float']: raise except: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('Error - incorrect z-err-array: %s;%s instead of (N,2,2);real' % ( str(z_err_array.shape), str(z_err_array.dtype))) if not z_array.shape == z_err_array.shape: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT('Error - z-array and z-err-array have different shape: %s;%s' % ( str(z_array.shape), str(z_err_array.shape))) # for a single matrix as input: if len(z_array.shape) == 2: pt_array = np.zeros((2, 2)) realz = np.real(z_array) imagz = np.imag(z_array) detreal = np.linalg.det(realz) if detreal == 0: if np.linalg.norm(realz) == 0 and np.linalg.norm(imagz) == 0: pt_err_array = np.zeros_like(pt_array) if z_err_array is None: pt_err_array = None return pt_array, pt_err_array else: raise MTex.MTpyError_PT( 'Error - z-array contains a singular matrix, thus it cannot be converted into a PT!') pt_array[0, 0] = realz[1, 1] * imagz[0, 0] - realz[0, 1] * imagz[1, 0] pt_array[0, 1] = realz[1, 1] * imagz[0, 1] - realz[0, 1] * imagz[1, 1] pt_array[1, 0] = realz[0, 0] * imagz[1, 0] - realz[1, 0] * imagz[0, 0] pt_array[1, 1] = realz[0, 0] * imagz[1, 1] - realz[1, 0] * imagz[0, 1] pt_array /= detreal if z_err_array is None: return pt_array, None pt_err_array = np.zeros_like(pt_array) #Z entries are independent -> use Gaussian error propagation (squared sums/2-norm) pt_err_array[0,0] = 1/np.abs(detreal) * np.sqrt(np.sum([np.abs(-pt_array[0,0] * realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs( pt_array[0,0] * realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0])**2, np.abs(((imagz[0,0] * realz[1,0] - realz[0,0] * imagz[1,0]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[0,0] ) * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs(((imagz[1,0] * realz[0,0] - realz[1,0] * imagz[1,1]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[0,1] ) * z_err_array[1,1])**2, np.abs(realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs(realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0])**2 ])) pt_err_array[0,1] = 1/np.abs(detreal) * np.sqrt( np.sum([np.abs( -pt_array[0,1] * realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs( pt_array[0,1] * realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[0,1] * realz[1,0] - realz[0,0] * imagz[1,1]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[1,1] ) * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[1,1] * realz[0,0] - realz[0,1] * imagz[1,0]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[0,1] ) * z_err_array[1,1])**2, np.abs( realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,1])**2 ])) pt_err_array[1,0] = 1/np.abs(detreal) * np.sqrt( np.sum([np.abs( pt_array[1,0] * realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( -pt_array[1,0] * realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[0,0] * realz[1,1] - realz[0,1] * imagz[1,1]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[1,0] ) * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[1,0] * realz[0,1] - realz[1,1] * imagz[0,0]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[0,0] ) * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs( realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,0])**2 ])) pt_err_array[1,1] = 1/np.abs(detreal) * np.sqrt( np.sum([np.abs( pt_array[1,1] * realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( -pt_array[1,1] * realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[0,1] * realz[1,1] - realz[0,1] * imagz[1,1]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[1,0] ) * z_err_array[0,0])**2, np.abs( ( (imagz[1,1] * realz[0,1] - realz[1,1] * imagz[0,1]) / np.abs(detreal) * realz[0,0] ) * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( - realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1])**2, np.abs( realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1])**2 ])) return pt_array, pt_err_array # else: pt_array = np.zeros((z_array.shape[0], 2, 2)) for idx_f in range(len(z_array)): realz = np.real(z_array[idx_f]) imagz = np.imag(z_array[idx_f]) detreal = np.linalg.det(realz) if detreal == 0: raise MTex.MTpyError_Z('Warning - z-array no. {0} contains a singular matrix,' \ ' thus it cannot be converted into a PT!'.format(idx_f)) pt_array[idx_f, 0, 0] = realz[1, 1] * imagz[0, 0] - realz[0, 1] * imagz[1, 0] pt_array[idx_f, 0, 1] = realz[1, 1] * imagz[0, 1] - realz[0, 1] * imagz[1, 1] pt_array[idx_f, 1, 0] = realz[0, 0] * imagz[1, 0] - realz[1, 0] * imagz[0, 0] pt_array[idx_f, 1, 1] = realz[0, 0] * imagz[1, 1] - realz[1, 0] * imagz[0, 1] pt_array /= detreal if z_err_array is None: return pt_array, pt_err_array pt_err_array = np.zeros_like(pt_array) pt_err_array[idx_f,0,0] = 1/detreal * (np.abs( -pt_array[idx_f,0,0] * realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0]) + \ np.abs( pt_array[idx_f,0,0] * realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0]) + \ np.abs( (imagz[0,0] - pt_array[idx_f,0,0] * realz[0,0] ) * z_err_array[1,1]) +\ np.abs( (-imagz[1,0]+ pt_array[idx_f,0,0] * realz[1,0] ) * z_err_array[0,1]) + \ np.abs( realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0]) + np.abs( realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0]) ) pt_err_array[idx_f,0,1] = 1/detreal * (np.abs( -pt_array[idx_f,0,1] * realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,0]) + \ np.abs( pt_array[idx_f,0,1] * realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,0]) + \ np.abs( (imagz[0,1] - pt_array[idx_f,0,1] * realz[0,0] ) * z_err_array[1,1]) +\ np.abs( (-imagz[1,1]+ pt_array[idx_f,0,1] * realz[1,0] ) * z_err_array[0,1]) + \ np.abs( realz[1,1] * z_err_array[0,1]) + np.abs( realz[0,1] * z_err_array[1,1]) ) pt_err_array[idx_f,1,0] = 1/detreal * (np.abs( (imagz[1,0] - pt_array[idx_f,1,0] * realz[1,1] ) * z_err_array[0,0]) +\ np.abs( pt_array[idx_f,1,0] * realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1]) + \ np.abs( (-imagz[0,0] + pt_array[idx_f,1,0] * realz[0,1] ) * z_err_array[1,0]) + \ np.abs( -pt_array[idx_f,1,0] * realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1]) + \ np.abs( realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,0]) + np.abs( -realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,0]) ) pt_err_array[idx_f,1,1] = 1/detreal * (np.abs( (imagz[1,1] - pt_array[idx_f,1,1] * realz[1,1] ) * z_err_array[0,0]) +\ np.abs( pt_array[idx_f,1,1] * realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1]) + \ np.abs( (-imagz[0,1] + pt_array[idx_f,1,1] * realz[0,1] ) * z_err_array[1,0]) + \ np.abs( -pt_array[idx_f,1,1] * realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1]) + \ np.abs( realz[0,0] * z_err_array[1,1]) + np.abs( -realz[1,0] * z_err_array[0,1]) ) return pt_array, pt_err_array
[docs]def z_object2pt(z_object): """ Calculate Phase Tensor from Z object (incl. uncertainties) Input: - Z-object : instance of the MTpy Z class Return: - PT object """ # - PT : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array # - PT-error : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array # """ try: p = PhaseTensor(z_object=z_object) except: raise MTex.MTpyError_Z('Input argument is not a valid instance of the Z class') # pt_array = # pterr_array = p.pterr # return pt_array, pterr_array return p
def _edi_object2pt(edi_object): """ Calculate Phase Tensor from Edi object (incl. uncertainties) Input: - Edi-object : instance of the MTpy Edi class Return: - PT : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array - PT-error : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array """ if not isinstance(edi_object, MTedi.Edi): raise MTex.MTpyError_EDI('Input argument is not an instance of the Edi class') p = PhaseTensor(edi_object=edi_object) pt_array = pterr_array = p.pterr return pt_array, pterr_array
[docs]def edi_file2pt(filename): """ Calculate Phase Tensor from Edi-file (incl. uncertainties) Input: - Edi-file : full path to the Edi-file Return: - PT object """ # Return: # - PT : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array # - PT-error : nx2x2 real valued Numpy array # """ e = MTedi.Edi() e.readfile(filename) p = PhaseTensor(z_object=e.Z) # pt_array = # pterr_array = p.pterr # return pt_array, pterr_array return p